Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 45

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45. Experienced in countless battles (1)

“Come at me!”

Platoon leader Venjens shouted and struck down his sword. His mustache was raised to the middle of his sword, level with the ground.

Venjence’s platoon leader’s sword and Mustache’s sword met.


The moment the swords collided, Mustache stepped forward and used his weight to push the opponent away.

Vengeance only concentrated on swinging his sword and then flung back helplessly.

“100 million!”

Because I lost my balance, I was pushed and rolled backwards. Dust rose where he rolled.

Vengeance’s body stopped right next to Encred, with his head between his legs.

Venjence’s platoon leader and Encred’s eyes met.

There was a short silence between the two.

Whirring, a cold wind blew from somewhere.

Venjens’ face turned red.

Encred chose his words carefully and spoke.

“… … “I said I came to save you.”

Venjens’ pupils trembled violently.

“That bastard, why are you so strong?”

Encred let out a hollow laugh.

No, he said he came to save him, but why did he get knocked out in one hit?

Platoon Commander Venjens rolled over once more and took his stance again, holding the sword that had fallen to the floor.

“f*ck you, you bastard.”

He glared at his opponent and shouted.


Benjens’ platoon was made up of half archers.

“Shoot wildly!”

An arrow flew at his command.

“Stop it!”

“Raise your shield!”

Several enemy soldiers following closely behind Mustache jumped out and raised their shields.


The arrow was blocked by the shield.

It was amazing timing.

The mustache that stuck its head out from above the shield glared at Encred with scary eyes.

Then he snatched one of his subordinate’s shields.

Holy crap.

Encred clenched his molars and jumped up. A burning pain came from my legs and back where the Quarrel had been inserted.

There wasn’t even a moment to moan.


Next to me, a leopard showed its fangs.

Meanwhile, the shield with the mustache got closer.

“You crazy bastard!”

Venjens shouted in surprise. Encred endured the pain and pulled out the shortsword from Vengeance’s waist.


In the meantime, the mustache came close to my nose. I didn’t dare to run behind her.


Vengeance struck with his sword, forming a diagonal line with the opponent’s sword. The intention was to stop the charge with force.

He pretended to hit his sword with his mustache, then tilted his wrist and pulled the sword back, sending Vengeance’s sword flying.


Vengeance’s sword split the air. After that, the leopard kicked the ground. His mustache was different from that of an ordinary soldier.

He lowered his shield diagonally, blocking the path of the charging leopard and knocking it out.


The leopard let out a cry and flew to the side. All of these actions occurred within just a few seconds of the rush.

Encred, holding the short sword, increased his concentration. He soon left only the other person and me in his mind.

It is one point of concentration.

Injuries, relief, and emotional changes led to a high level of concentration.

For a moment, I felt like time had stretched out.

Encred’s mustache and bloodshot eyes appeared. At the same time, his opponent’s hand was also visible.

The mustache was held at the end of the grip, just above the pommel. He planned to lengthen the reach and cut it down in one go.

He drew an arc with his sword as it was. From top to bottom.

I don’t even know when I raised the sword, but it comes down. The blade strikes. It was like the blade of a guillotine.

The blade of the mustache seemed to be telling me that now was the time and that I should repeat today.

Encred hated that.

Take a deep breath. There is no time to exhale. There is no more time to whine about being in pain.

What I learned was heavy swordsmanship, but now I can’t get through it with the basics I learned from Ragna.


Of the dozens of sword techniques I have learned, mastered, watched, and imitated, which one can I use now?

Because I have suffered countless times and studied and researched.


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Because I always maintained an attitude of watching and learning.

His body followed its instinct and raised the sword. Short swords are weak to shock. If I blocked it with force, it would break like a sword.

Mustache was confident of victory.

I could take the life of the obnoxious bastard in front of me.

Hung. Teeing, cheeeeeeing. Pop!

In conclusion, the mustache strike was a failure.

All he did was cut Encred’s shoulder.

The cut was deep and blood gushed out, but he did not die. She couldn’t kill.


Instead of attacking again, Mustache opened his surprised rabbit eyes.

His eyes were filled with disbelief.

“Where did you learn this!”

Mustache shouted. Encred answered honestly.

“I learned while fighting.”

Mitch Huryer showed countless sword-shedding techniques in front of Encred.

His pouring technique was truly superb.

It popped out unknowingly at a dangerous moment.

The moment Mustache’s sword struck, he caught it with his short sword and threw it aside.

Push in the middle of the blade to receive force, then loosen your grip and let it go.

If the distribution of power or timing had been wrong, this would not have happened. He wouldn’t have ended up with just a cut on his shoulder.

Encred, who answered, was also surprised.

‘This is it.’

I’ve seen and studied it countless times, but this is the first time I’ve actually written about it.

No, the first technique I used was successful without any hard training.

That was truly amazing.

It was also nonsense for Encred, who was horribly untalented.

Encred’s heart raced as he experienced this for the first time. Yu Geom-sik’s technique of shedding his opponent’s sword was a technique that could not be imitated with any amount of training.

“You bastard!”

Vengeance, who was swinging his sword in the air behind Mustache, turned around and rushed forward, shouting.

Mustache turned, struck away Vengeance’s sword, and covered his face with his shield again.


An arrow hit the shield.

One of the skilled archers aimed and shot at him, but he blocked it.

visor! visor!

Mustache exchanged swords with Vengeance a couple more times on the spot.

He glared at Encred with fiery eyes.

Encred was only looking at the shortsword in his hand.

It was already too late to attack and kill him again.

Rather, it seemed like everyone would die if they were stranded here, so Mustache turned around.


he shouted and backed away. He stepped back and finally spoke to En Creed.

“I won’t forget you.”

Encred answered with sincerity.

“You can forget it.”

It was real. Why bother remembering yourself and doing anything?

Benjens’ platoon did not pursue further. Even though he was in the vanguard, he was now far ahead of his allies.

If we go any further here, Vengeance’s platoon could have been annihilated by a counterattack.

“Hey, your shoulder!”

Vengeance glared at the mustache until it retreated, then returned to look at Encred.

Blood was flowing down from his shoulder.

I blocked it and let it flow, but it couldn’t be perfect.

Still, Encred smiled.

‘This is it.’

In my mind, I said the same thing as before when the technique was successful for the first time.

I’m thinking about how I lost my opponent’s sword, but I can’t even remember. My body moved as it pleased.

Joy filled me. Because this was my first time.

“Hey, you crazy idiot, is it time to laugh?”

Vengeance came over and wrapped a cloth around his shoulders.

“No bandages! Fall back immediately. “Go behind the 3rd platoon!”

Venjens pulled his platoon back. It was a battle already won. The company commander told us to pursue the enemy’s rear, but not to go too deep.

I got seriously burned once by a spell, so this part also needed maintenance.

“I lost too much blood.”

Benjens said as he supported me. Encrid opened his mouth, looking at Venjens who held him.

“We should take the leopard too.”

They saved each other’s lives. I can’t just throw it away now.

“You crazy bastard, just worry about yourself.”

Even as he said that, Venjens even took care of the fallen leopard.

As I was wondering where the leopard was injured, I saw blood flowing from the leopard’s teeth.

‘I noticed something wet running down my back.’

Even though his gums were bleeding, he didn’t lose sight of himself. Encred held the leopard in his arms.

It wasn’t heavy. How did a body like this achieve such strength?


The leopard moaned in his arms.

“let’s go!”

Afterwards, Vengeance supported Encred and left the battlefield.

From the middle, Encred was in a half-asleep state. It was because he had lost too much blood.

The Black River Boatman appeared in the air and asked.

“Hey, why are you doing this?”

It appeared empty due to excessive bleeding.

I didn’t have the strength to answer, so I looked at him and he continued talking.

“You just have to start again.”

“It’s repetitive. Countless times, over and over again.”

“Why do you do that?”

“Today is going to start again anyway, so why not just live roughly?”

“Don’t settle, stop, sharpen yourself and face today again. “When I die, I can start a more perfect day.”

“Oh, is it because of the fear of death? No, if you do it, you get used to it. What if I lose my mind halfway, someone will see, someone will know. “Today is a day just for you.”

Encred didn’t have the energy to open his mouth. Now he couldn’t even walk properly and was being half-dragged.

So he answered in his heart.

Why should you settle?

Even if it repeats itself and you have another chance, why don’t you do your best today?

Then, even if you repeat it countless times, you will still be in the same place.

If you live like that, you will be trapped in today.

Then there is no tomorrow.

If there is no tomorrow, there is no dream. If there is no dream, it has no meaning.

‘I don’t want to stop.’

Even if the steps you take are only half as difficult as others.

I want to move forward. I wanted to live like that.

Even if I couldn’t become a knight, I wanted to struggle to become one.


I didn’t have the strength to walk, so I stretched out, and my foot got caught on a rock.

“Don’t die.”

Venjens muttered right next to my ear. My vision was blurry. I couldn’t see straight ahead.

Suddenly, the boatman on the black river disappeared.

Encred once again felt like he knew what kind of curse this was.

“Do you think you can do better if you start over?”

As I repeated today, these thoughts were bound to come to mind.

But it wasn’t Encred.

I always wanted to walk towards tomorrow.

I instinctively knew that a failed tomorrow was better than a perfect today.

‘It’s over if you settle.’

This is why it is a curse and not a blessing. If you repeat today countless times, you will not be able to face the next day.

At the end of his thoughts, Encred asked himself.

‘So was this the best?’

I do not know. Only God knows what kind of perfect today is.

The ‘today’ sent by Encred was a day that was half lucky.

There was no way that luck would come again today.

In that case, just walk towards tomorrow like you always do.

I felt a warm body temperature in my arms.

When he looked down with blurred eyes, he saw a black leopard looking at him.

I see blue eyes like lakes.

And Encred lost his mind.

I thought I might die.

Then I’ll repeat today again.

I won’t be discouraged if I don’t make it to tomorrow.

Because I will repeat it again, and live in despair again.

Darkness comes and surrounds Encred. He became a wanderer invited to the world of darkness and lost his mind.

* * *

“Did I choose wrong?”

I saw a boatman on the black river.

Encred heard him muttering to himself.

He turned his head.

I could still see my face like a shiny black mirror with nothing in it.

“We’ll see.”

His words brought me to my senses. When I opened my eyes, I saw the ceiling of the barracks.

“Wow, did you survive? “I thought I was really going to lose this time.”

I heard Rem’s voice.

There was no pain anywhere in my shoulders, back, legs, or sides.

My head also felt dizzy.

“The last cut on my shoulder was big. “I don’t know who did it, but I cut him down very well.”

Rem continued talking. Encred, who came back from half-consciousness, blinked a few times.

Then I soon realized I could feel warmth on my side and put my hand down.

I felt a sharp pain around my shoulder.

I felt soft fur in my hand.


The black leopard made a pleasant sound as if the touch was pleasant.

‘You’ve passed today.’

“You might get into the habit of fainting.”

“Who faints because they want to faint? “I’m thirsty.”

“You could have?”

Encred saw Rem sitting with his arms crossed.

And Wangnuni standing behind him.

Wangnuni brought water. After taking a few sips, my throat instantly became moist, like watering dry earth.

“Hey, our squad leader’s name is Jiggi. Look, I’m alive.”

Wangnun said after seeing him drinking water.

“I lost too much blood.”

Saxony spoke indifferently.

In the background, a squad member who is absorbed in religion is praying.

“Lord, I give thanks for hearing my prayer.”

Ragna quietly watched himself and spoke.

“Are you okay?”

“It’s not like you’re going to die.”

Because I lived, it was something I could say.

I was able to say this because I had passed today and faced tomorrow.

Encred smiled plainly and then lay down again.


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