Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 447

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448. Lucky Day

“It was a light wave.”

These were the words of Oara, who returned after killing Ghuula.

The cries of a ghoul that seemed to rise from the depths of the earth.

A scale that will make you feel dizzy the moment you see it.

The existence of Ghullah with extendable arms.

A normal person would have panicked, but Encred couldn’t help but acknowledge Oara’s words.

Four squires, two knights and one knight.

This force showed overwhelming combat power.

Encred noticed something else. This is the type of tactic this city has.

‘Use the squire and semi-knight as a wall and the knight intercepts.’

It was a simple but effective tactic that clearly divided the roles of the shield and spear.

All other soldiers will focus on long-distance shooting.

All the soldiers on the walls were carrying longbows, and the bows were of the highest quality, made from ground up horse bones.

It was like a turtle sticking out its head, using the castle wall as its shell.

Instead of taking risks, the turtle shoots arrows.

The rest can be finished when the article is finished.

Didn’t you prove that a little while ago?

Oara killed the Ghoulla with just one stab and returned leisurely.

Not even bathed in black blood, he had to briefly separate the heads of dozens of grilled beasts from their bodies with a few swipe of his sword as he passed through the battlefield and returned.

Of course, reattaching a fallen head was a feat that even a troll could not do, so no ghoul could reattach a head.

“These little bastards, I’m going to kill them all someday. I’m going to clear out the demonic realm and plant orange trees there!”

Oh Ara said with a refreshing smile that raised her cheekbones and revealed her upper teeth.

Being able to say that and smile brightly was also an ability.

‘Isn’t that why Ara is smiling?’

A soldier who survived the monster’s onslaught knelt inside the gate and roared.

“I survived!”

Oh Ara laughed when she saw that. The same goes for four squires and two semi-knights. Everyone lived with smiles.

Encred also laughed.

It was fun and impressive.

“They are interesting people.”

And Luagarne’s honest evaluation.

“Well, it’s nice to see.”

Rem’s sympathy.

“Aren’t you going home?”

Dunbakhel’s evasive instinct.

Even as Encred listened to all that, he did not take his eyes off Oara and the people standing around him.


The red cloak fluttered in the wind.

This is evidence of the Knights Templar.

Oara, the backbone of the knights, felt the gaze and looked at Encred. She spoke as she faced the blowing wind.

“Let’s fight together next time.”

Encred nodded.

* * *

“Hey, I got some bread!”

Oh Ara was still cheerful and lively. She walked through the market, greeted people, and ate brown, slightly burnt bread.

“Is he a funny guy? I don’t know. But one thing is for sure. I can’t tell.”

Asia would come over to play and say things like that.

“Shall we have a round of sparring?”

“If you think of me as the old Asia, it will hurt you a lot.”

Encred reflexively opened his mouth to speak to Rem, but held it back.

“Why? Didn’t you have something to say?”

Asia noticed the expression and asked.


Encred answered and took up his sword. It was a normal duel, a duel to check what he had.

If we made the senses one, wouldn’t other things be possible?

The heart of a beast, the heart of mighty power, the cutting of giants, the breath of a handful.

There was also a mountain of things Rem taught.

Was it Rem’s intention to name the technique, or was it for something else?

‘It’s for teaching.’

I didn’t know that might be the case.

Since I wasn’t confident in my explanation, I started by giving it a name and defining it.

When I look at Rem, I can learn something new. Everything he taught flows naturally from the body. Skills and techniques trained in the realm of instinct burst forth on their own.

Some of Encred’s ideas came naturally, and some didn’t.

Then, all you have to do is start by letting everything come out naturally.

“What do you want to see?”

The western savage, who was suspected of being driven out because he was crazy, continued to sharpen his axe blade. Before he knew it, the whetstone was now on its third change.

‘I just swing my sword.’


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If you need strength, use strength.

If it was a moment that called for boldness, then that was all there was to it.

Encrid spent his time putting together the things that Oara had told him to throw away, one by one.

“You mean to walk your own path. “That’s not bad either.”

Oh Ara did not say that her words were correct.

When ten people gather, each one takes on a different color. When a hundred people gather, it is the same.

Is it any different because he’s a knight?

Ragna is different, and the Mercenary King is different.

So Encred himself will be different.

I didn’t know that I needed time to sort out what I had.

It was dawn. Unexpectedly, Rem came out before Encred.

As I was recalling one thing after another that I had realized through the recovery, Rem said:

“It’s not bad.”

The dawn before daybreak was darker. The surroundings were pitch black.

The air here was still sticky, perhaps because of the magic, but the wind had become noticeably colder than before.

Rem looked at the dark sky, put one hand on her waist, and saw a fading star.

When the sun rose, the stars would disappear.

Of course, the same was true of the two moons that illuminated the night.

“Do you remember Utkiorra?”

Rem asked. Encred lowered the tip of his sword and nodded in response.

“They say that the darkest morning is before dawn.”

“Yeah, but I think that’s something I need to hear too.”

“What does that mean?”

“I have to go west.”

Are you saying you’re going and coming back?

Or are you saying that you are now going to find your own place?

Rem didn’t know either. To be honest, I thought I would have to go there to find out. There wasn’t something big that made me leave my hometown. Of course, there were things like that, but it would be a lie to say that there wasn’t an impulsive part.

If I had to give a reason.

‘It’s not fun there.’

Should I say that I went out to find fun?

But it’s fun to be next to that crazy leader. It was still the same now.

To Rem, this city is like a candle in the wind. It will collapse if the wind blows even a little stronger.

The knight was holding onto that.

Why does the author protect the city so much? I don’t really want to ask the reason here.

Instead, it is. Rem recalled the place where he was born and raised.

There must have been people guarding the things he left behind.

I wanted to go back and ask them.

Although the stray kittens and wild cat kittens provided stimulation, Rem also knew that it was time to look back on what she had left behind.

It was my heart, not my head, that spoke.

“Like that.”

Encred answered calmly. He was not the type of person to hold on to things by force in the first place.

“Damn you, dumb show. I feel it. “Let’s play today.”

Rem held up the sharpened axe blade with a big smile on his face.

Even in the darkness of the morning, the ax blade glowed softly.

“Did you get sicker because you came close to the demon realm? Then you need treatment.”

Encred also answered by raising his sword.

Aker also revealed his body through the darkness of dawn.

Rem was delighted by Encred’s provocation.

“If you take teasing your beak as your standard, the captain would be the best on the continent.”

“Okay, let’s treat it.”

The treatment was similar to the persuasion Encred usually used.

So a light touch will be necessary. If necessary, cutting the patient lightly with a blade and drawing out some blood could be part of the treatment.

Just as you cut open the flesh to remove the pus from a boil, Rem also needs to cut off a bit of his head.

“I was telling you to clean your mouth properly, but I didn’t understand.”

Rem spoke and moved. By the time he uttered the word ‘understand’ he had already moved.

To Encred, the axe appeared to disappear from his sight and then fall directly onto his head.


Of course it was blocked.

It was a normal duel. However, Encrid seemed to have regressed compared to before.

It was a process of mixing and combining what I had without using everything.

Just as baking bread properly requires fermentation, Encred also needed time.

Rem knew it too, but he was furious.

It’s natural for your skills to improve when you feel your life is in danger.

Still, it was really slow.

“It’s so fucking slow.”

Rem complained as before.

Encred spent a few more days with a similar routine, taking turns sparring with Rem, Ruagarne, and Acea.

Milio’s dream still persisted, and he would occasionally visit Encred.

“Don’t give up, soldier. “No matter what others say.”

“… … Does it seem so hopeless?”

Sometimes Milio would react sullenly to my whole-hearted support, but he didn’t know how to give up either.

I often wandered around the city of Oara.

Encred was able to easily match the cavalry of Oara, not just Asia, during that time.

“I don’t do things like sparring.”

The short blonde said my skills weren’t suited for sparring, so the only one left was the big guy.

“This is used for crushing and smashing.”

This is what he says as he pulls out a gray blunt weapon. The handle was similar to that of a great sword, but thicker. It was worth it.

His hands were that big.

His hands seemed to be bigger than Audin’s.

“It seems like everyone here uses two names?”

Encred asked, roughly assessing the distance.

“Well, there are some things the soldiers heard and told to cheer up, but you probably know the basics, right? Will is will. Tinnitus can also be used to embody the imagery necessary to arouse that will.”

“Then what is your nickname?”

“People call me Roman the Crusher.”

Encred thought about his unit members and gave them nicknames.

Auddin praying.

Saxony secretly tingling.

Ragna gets lost.

Rem is fucking crazy.

It was appropriate.

“Okay, let’s do it.”

Encred noticed something very peculiar in Roman’s movements.

All movements were sloppy and clumsy. There were too many gaps.

From the beginning, the battle itself was designed with the armor worn on the body in mind, and it was also specialized for fighting monsters.

However, I felt that it had many shortcomings. It looked like it would spurt out blood if you pricked it deeply.

“I won’t play around and just do it right this once.”

At the end of the duel, Roman smiled, took a few breaths, and then swung his sword downwards.


It’s a disappearing club.

Encred saw Ragnar’s black lightning for a moment, thought of the Mercenary King’s bull, and was reminded of the Azpen Knight stabbing his heart.

Lastly, Oara went forward and even killed Ghuula.

The downward strike that Roman showed now was within the realm of a knight.

Encred concentrated and concentrated again to catch the club’s presence.

It was a speed that would be impossible to keep up with unless you had been struck by Ragna’s black lightning countless times.

The gray light faded away and flew towards my shoulder.

Encred’s sword moved.

Boom, tdddddd, etc.!

Even though I fought against it with Acher, supported it with my gladius, and dodged it to the side at the same time, not everything went as planned.

Encred was pushed back, relieving the remaining shock.

“How is it?”

Roman asked. Roman’s complexion was not so good when he asked.

There was a clear sense of unreasonableness.

“What did you do?”

Roman liked the man in front of him more than he thought. It was good that he knew how to fight, but more than that, he was a guy who lived up to the spirit of the Thousand Bricks.

Let’s die smiling.

Even if I die tomorrow, let’s train today.

That kind of spirit.

So that’s why I showed you this too.

“Don’t tell me.”

However, I cannot reveal my secrets in detail.

Encred found Roman’s reaction refreshing.

A person who sees himself as a competitor, not as a person who has been telling him everything until now.

It was understandable that the short blonde didn’t want to fight him.

She has mastered the art of killing, so even if we spar, if we fight ten times, she will lose all ten times.

So it was because I didn’t want to lose.

“Is that so?”

Encred did not regret it. Rather, it was the opposite. A gentle smile appeared on his face.

“You seem a bit perverted.”

Roman left after saying those words.

“That’s right.”

Encred heard Luagarne agree with those words, but it did not even register in his ears.

Clearly, Encred defeated Roman during their duel, showing his basic skills.

It wasn’t overwhelming, and it wasn’t a fight in the realm of do-or-die territory, but if you fought properly, conservatively, you could win eight out of ten times.

But the downward strike that Roman showed at the end was different.

It was similar to that in the article.

How could that be?

It was a problem worth thinking about.

When he opened his eyes the next day, Encred felt unusually light.

Always check and maintain your physical condition, so basically eat well, sleep well, and eat well.

But even so, there were days when things were noticeably better.

Today was like that.

The sun was high, the sticky air had cleared, and it was easier to breathe.

The air near Magyeong was so stuffy that I felt uncomfortable breathing, but today it wasn’t like that at all.

A refreshing wind blew.

It was a day that was neither cold nor hot.

When I came out hungry after washing and training, a baker came up from the other side and handed me some bread.

“This is the best I’ve baked in years.”

It was white bread with warm steam rising from it.

Bread baked in the Western style was yellow on the outside, but white and chewy on the inside.

I cut it in half, put it in my mouth, and chewed it. The savory and salty flavors were in harmony, and the subtle savory taste made me nod my head in agreement.

“It was really well cooked?”

“Didn’t you say it was well cooked?”

The soldier who gave me the bread was one of the soldiers I had become close with recently. He smiled blandly and walked away.

Millio approached me, carrying a spear, a longbow, and a quiver, as if he was on his way to work, and spoke to me.

“It’s a beautiful day. It’s a rare day in the brick city. Let’s go to the west wall. You’ll see a spectacular view.”

“Is that so?”

“You must go.”

Encred took a step forward at the words of Milio as he walked away. Dawn was breaking.

I went to the west wall, placed my hand on the railing that didn’t easily collect dust, and climbed up the stairs.

There are some familiar faces and some unfamiliar faces on the wall. A soldier with a familiar face nods to me and pretends to recognize me.

After nodding roughly, I looked at the sky.

Milio was right.

From the top of the ramparts, the rising sun in the east seemed to push away the ominous darkness created by the magic.

The dawn’s magic created a thick gray fog, and the sunlight broke through it, smashing and crushing it as it went.

It was spectacular.

The waves of sunlight seemed to break the land created by the demonic spirit.

It was a sight that could not be seen every day, but only around this time of year when the weather changed.

It’s a truly spectacular sight.

After appreciating some mysterious changes in nature for a while.

Encred picked up a silver coin on his way back.

The food I ate that day was exceptionally delicious, and the beer was exceptionally refreshing and rich.

Great views, silver coins, and delicious food.

It was fun and all the changes in my mind carried over into the training.

There was a feeling for every swing of the sword, and the sword went as intended.

Today was a very fulfilling, satisfying, and lucky day.

And after the sunset disappeared, Oara came.

“You said that my grandfather built the castle gate, right?”

That’s what it was.

“Let’s talk, it’s a nice day.”

In some ways, these are trivial stories, but in other ways, they are stories that help us get to know each other.

Those were the stories. Encred personally thought it wasn’t a bad time.


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