Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 446

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447. Encrid shuddered

“Enki, it’s a wave.”

It was afternoon. The sun had not yet set.

At Asia’s words that sounded like a call, Encrid released the strength in his hand that had been holding the sword.

Ruagarnet was just unfastening the whip around his waist, saying he was informing him of Froc’s fight.

“Let’s go. It won’t be a common sight.”

Luagarne said, wrapping the whip around his waist.

Encred agreed and everyone followed.

“I’m going to see a fucking place. Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck.”

Rem followed along, humming, and Dunbakkel forced his feet away and opened his mouth.

“I have to go. “It’s the devil, my child, Shinnara.”

It was a completely unexciting voice.

As Encred walked toward the northwest of the city, he remembered the semi-knights who once fought on the battlefield of Azpen.

How much my heart raced as the semi-knight ran with his red cape flying.

This time it was a knight.

It was a real fight, not a sparring match.

I would be lying if I said I wasn’t looking forward to it.

It was in front of the west gate that we arrived at. The two large doors were carved entirely out of stone.

I was wondering how they cut it like that.

About thirty soldiers gathered, all holding longbows, and lined up on the wall.

“You’re here? Is this your first time at a castle gate like this?”

Oara greeted Encred. She smiled brightly in front of the closed gate.

“Did you cut it yourself?”

“No, my grandfather.”

It sounded like a meaningful answer. Although you may not be able to hear it right now.

“hey! Rowena’s man, show your mettle!”

This is a shout heard outside the castle gate.

“open it.”

Oara spoke to the four thick-armed soldiers standing in front of the castle gate and tapped Encred on the forearm.

“Just watch from the castle wall today. Look forward to it, one man’s pure love will show you a miracle!”

Oara stopped talking to Encred and shouted towards the open gate.

Encred did as he was told. He placed his feet on the stone steps leading up to the castle walls. It was a staircase leading upwards made of bricks. The railing on the other side of the wall reached chest height.

Encred climbed up, holding on to the railing as a handle. There was no dust on the railing. It was evidence that people came and went every day and swept it by hand.

“Oh, it looks like a public execution.”

Rem followed behind and said, looking like he was looking at something interesting.

“Is that fun?”

Dunbakel rarely showed anything resembling irritation. He acted like he was being beaten by Rem and was limping, but Dunbakel rarely showed such negative emotions.

Encrid knew that the sight in front of him had stung some wounds in Dunvakel, but he passed on it.

I thought it was something I had to figure out on my own.

“It’s fun.”

Rem answered with a giggle.

Dunbakhel remained silent. He just stuck out his lips in a pout.

Luagarne ate the dried bugs without saying anything.

It was nice to see him enjoying the bugs near the magic circle as a delicacy.

It would have been nice to hand the bar owner a few more silver coins.



Ruagarne stretched out her tongue and swallowed the bug in one go.

Even the sight of a long tongue wrapping around an insect and devouring it in one breath felt like a sentimental sight to me.

“Is that tasty?”

“Would you like one?”

When Rem asked, Luagarne opened her palm.

A white worm appeared on the skin covered with mucus. It was a pupa.

Rem didn’t eat.

Encred’s gaze turned to the right along the wall.

Asia also saw the opposite wall rising upward.

Their eyes met. Asia pointed forward with her chin. It seemed as if she was telling them to look around.

Encred took one look at Acea and then turned his gaze away.


It was a sound heard outside the gate. It was someone’s shout.


The soldiers lined up on the left and right also chanted along with the sound.


On the castle wall, a soldier armed with a longbow stamped his feet in time with the chant.

“Fuck, I’ll do it. I’ll do it if I have to!”

Rowena’s man, standing alone, shouted.

The wave hadn’t even started yet, but Encred felt an ominous tingling sensation on his skin.

Beyond the human lands seen from the castle walls was a dark gray forest.


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A place imbued with the energy exuded by demons, so it is a demonic realm.

The area right in front of the castle wall was yellowish, but the color of the ground gradually became darker as it approached the magic zone.

The area in front of the gray tree looked like handmade, dark dirt.

It seemed like it was rotting and had a bad smell. In reality, I felt like I was subtly rotten.

A mound of earth rising like a burial mound seemed to announce the entrance to the forest.

A monster began to crawl out in front of him.


The monster’s howl shook the ground, flowed through the air, and reached the castle walls.

To Encred’s eyes, the sound of the monster’s voice seemed like a spear flying towards him and then being blocked by the castle wall.

As the senses matured, it went beyond feeling the momentum and changed to seeing it with the eyes.

I felt once again that the time I had spent dealing with the driver had not been in vain.

Encred’s eyes saw a group of monsters beyond the gray forest.

Those who come out with both hands on the ground, those with long arms that reach the ground, those with their mouths torn from side to side and drooling, and those with two heads.

Everyone had long fingernails. There were also some with longer toenails than fingernails. The guy walked with his hands on the ground, not his feet. I could only tap my feet when trying to keep my balance.

It was a ghoul, a monster whose muscle texture was visible between the cracked skin.

It is a man-eating monster that eats humans.

The spitting ghouls in the colony I defeated before were unusual, but there were many more unusual things here.

“The magic mirror evolves the demons.”

Didn’t Luagarne say that?

It was a sight that I understood immediately. There were a lot of numbers there.

The number of people who came out in a short period of time was over fifty.

It seemed as if it was covered with a black curtain, and it was impossible to see what was inside the gray tree.

Ghouls kept coming out of it.

I didn’t say it was a wave for nothing. It looks like a light tide now, but as soon as they start running, it will become a wave.

Of course, it wasn’t just a ghoul.

Of course, even if it is a demon world, there will also be commonly seen ghouls.

But they were colonies. Things that have become colonies within the Demon World.

Those who have gathered to occupy the land, chew on flesh and bones, and drink blood.


When three or four regular soldiers gather together, they form a stable force to kill a ghoul.

Skilled soldiers will be able to withstand even two ghouls.

But what if that ghoul is your opponent?

Assuming that they would fight in a square formation, I figured they would need at least ten soldiers.

And only as an experienced soldier.

‘If you attack clumsily, some of the soldiers will just be torn to pieces and killed.’

One ghoul grabbed a stone on the floor and crushed it.

If you let your guard down, you’ll die. You want me to fight alongside those guys? They weren’t the type of guys a normal soldier would rush into.

It felt like the sun’s light was fading away. In fact, the sunlight did not shine properly near the magic mirror.

It seemed as if Ma Kyung was rejecting the sunlight.

The trees, with their unique gray color, and the soil, with their unique dark brown color, looked like that.

It was time for fear.

It could have been so, seeing hundreds of ghouls crawling out of the demonic landscape.


Their cries were like soot rising from the ground.

It was low and dark and left a trace.

How should man face the fear of running upon the earth?

If it were Encred himself, he would throw down his sword.

“Damn it.”

Rem laughed.

“Why are there public executions?”

Dunbakhel avoided reality.

“This will be your first time seeing the demonic ghouls and your first time seeing them fighting here, so take a close look.”

Ruagarne was constantly trying to tell Encred something.

It seemed like his goal was to teach and teach again until the moment he died.

I thought that if I didn’t do that, even if I taught you one, you wouldn’t be able to properly engrave even one thing.

It was right in front of the castle wall.

There was an answer to the underground cries emanating from the ghoul behind Rowena’s man.


It’s the slogan from earlier.

It was a cry against the soot rising from the ground.


At the shouts that followed the slogans, the troops on the walls stomped their feet and shouted the mindset and beliefs of those dealing with this land, this city, and the devil.

“Let’s die laughing!”

All of these people are the people of Oara, the smiling knight.

So I will die smiling.

“I love you, Rowena!”

The soldier standing at the front who lost the bet shouted. Oana was faithful to her bet. Even though she said it lightly, she kept it faithfully.

A knight is a person who keeps the words he speaks.

That is a pledge.

Will is willpower, and will comes from belief.

A person who did not keep the words he spoke would not be able to properly use his will as a knight.


The cry of the underground ran through the earth.

A group of ghouls armed with soot began to rush in.

Black eyes tore at the light, and greedy tongues searched for red blood and soft flesh.


In Encred’s view, the man of soldier Rowena was of a higher level than the Border Guard.

A soldier who will quickly do his part even if he goes to Martai’s border garrison.

But he is not strong enough to stop the waves of demons alone.

Still, he did not back down.

Encred, standing on the castle wall, could not see the soldier’s face.

“If you come back alive, what’s the big deal? Let’s get married!”

As I listened to the confident shout that was presumed to be Rowena’s, I naturally felt like I knew what kind of expression the man’s face would be.

He will be smiling.

Even if I die, I’ll die with a smile.

“Are you going?”

Encred suddenly placed one hand on the castle wall.

That was what Rem asked after seeing that.


I will do whatever my heart desires. That is how Encrid lived.

Therefore, that soldier will not die today.

Encred gave strength to the hand he placed on the castle wall. It’s high for jumping and it’s quite heavy because there’s a lot to carry, but it shouldn’t be too much of a problem.

“I don’t think there’s any need to come forward.”

Rem continued. He nodded.

Because the one who had been shouting behind Rowena’s man under the wall jumped out first.

It is not a swift movement, but a heavy leaping step.

Thump thump, stomp on the ground and speed up. Soon his body passed the soldier, drew a long line, and arrived in front of the ghoul.

Regardless of the fact that he looked heavy, his steps were faster than those of the ghoul, which was running on all fours using its hands as feet.

It just so happened that Rowena’s man had just faced his first ghoul.

“I love you, Rowena!”

The soldier who had confessed in a manner similar to a sermon until the end stabbed the spear in. He didn’t even have the energy to care about who was coming after him.

I focused on killing the ghouls.

The spear technique that appeared to be that way was quite a fine craftsmanship.

With a thud, the blade of the spear sank into the head of the ghoul that was rising from below.

I stabbed him calmly and properly.

The soldier gave up trying to pull out his spear and grabbed another spear that was stuck in the ground at an angle.

It was only then that the soldier realized that someone had jumped out from behind him.

he shouted.

“A good start!”

Even Encred, who was watching from the castle wall, saw a familiar sight of the person rushing in.

It was Squire Oliver.

“Oliver of the Hexagonal Hammer!”

One of the soldiers lined up on either side shouted.

Oliver had a tinnitus, and he was just now proving the tinnitus that had stuck with him.

Six ghouls rushed in, one was killed by a soldier, and five remained.

Oliver was holding a long stick with a mallet at the end.

The tip of the iron ball was hexagonal.

He slowed down his pace a bit, then kicked the ground again and jumped between the ghouls.

By changing the speed, the ghoul was prevented from reacting.

It was a great tactic. Oliver swung his mace inside.


Along with the sound of exploding firecrackers.

The mace cracked and crushed the ghoul’s head. Black blood and ghoul bone fragments soared into the air.

Oliver wasn’t the only one who went out.

“The bet is over. “Go back.”

Oliver pushed the soldier back.

The number of squires in the Thousand Brick is four.

They were all equally capable of being knights. No, they were worse than knights, so it would be more correct to say that they were all capable fighters.

Starting with Oliver, the other three also moved. The weapons in his hands were similar.

One is a flail with a spiked iron ball, made of chains fastened to a pole.

The other one is a Morning Star without the chains.

The last one was a war hammer with a long handle.

Squire Net created the front line as is. They stepped forward and brandished their weapons.

Bang, crack, thud, crack.

Bones were broken and blood was spurting. In the middle of the battlefield, four squires shouted.

“Let’s die laughing!”

Encred recalled the galloping knights he had seen on the battlefields of Azpen.

Now they were also wearing red cloaks.

It was as skin-tingling as the speed.

I resent Oh Ara’s words telling me to just watch.

Of course, Encrid could have ignored that and left.

But there was no time or opportunity to do so.

“let’s go.”

Oara came first.

The knight moved, taking with him two of his subordinates.

“I’m excited.”

Rem muttered. He must have felt the same way about his hands.

Dunbakel put his protruding snout in and stuck in front of the castle wall.

Two knights moved in. The man wielded a thick, sword-like club.

It was a weapon that could not be called a sword even if it killed someone.

It had a handle and no guard. Instead, it had a long, thick block of iron.

The outside looked round. It looks like he is carrying an iron pole.

He swung it like a wooden sword.

Of course, it wasn’t a wooden sword or anything.


In one blow, three or four ghouls were torn apart and exploded.

The short blonde semi-knight’s fighting style was very different from his own.

She would fling thin daggers or pull out sharp, awl-shaped swords and stab and slash.

The short blonde fight is a quiet fighting style where not even a noise can be heard on the castle walls.

Although the destructive power was different, the killing power was similar.


The ghoul’s cry sounded like a scream.

Green smoke leaked out from the nostrils on the face, and soon black blood flowed out.

It’s just like that.

Even though their heads didn’t explode, they just hit their heads on the floor.


Rem reacted when she saw that. It seemed like he knew something.

And then there was the knight Oara.

Inside the ghoul wave, a ghoul with her breasts hanging out emerged from within.

She was a female ghoul and the leader of this group.

The ghoul reached forward. Its mollusc-like, elongated arm stabbed Oara.

The arm seemed to stretch out, and even though it was seen from the top of the castle wall, the Ghoula’s arm crossed the friendly troops in the blink of an eye.

Since I saw it from afar, I recognized that it was an arm extending, but if that had happened right in front of me, I would have been shocked and had to stop it. It was that fast.

You can tell just by looking at that one. It was a monster that even a semi-knight could defeat on its own.

On the road made by four squires and two knights, by crushing and stabbing hundreds of ghouls.

The moment Ghoula’s arms stretched, Oara’s back appeared in Encred’s field of vision. The knight swung his sword.

It was a sword strike diagonally raised from bottom to top.

It was the kind of stabbing that would have no meaning if done in my place.

However, Oara’s subsequent movements gave meaning to the simple cut.

Oara took her steps in line with the speed at which the sword was raised. Her body moved forward.

The knight’s sword cut Ghuula’s arm diagonally.

But the swordfight wasn’t over yet.

Simple, yet the straightest line.

It is a line connecting dots.

Encred was also good at it, but had never done it like that.

Oara drew a dot where she stood, and then drew another dot on a monster a few dozen steps away, and then drew the same dot.

That was all I could say.

Squeak, squeak.

Oara’s appearance left an afterimage in between.

From the way he first kicked the ground, to the way he cut off Ghoul’s arm in the middle, to the way he finally raised his sword into the sky while splitting it from the chest to the head.


Oh Ara said.

The Ghoulah is dead.

Encred shivered.


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