Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 445

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446. What is Milio’s dream?

“What is swordsmanship?”

After the sparring was over, Oara asked. It was the front yard of a house that could be called a training ground.

Encred was on one knee, clutching his stomach.

I avoided the vertical sword strike and also avoided the subsequent stab.

It was a sword strike I had seen several times. I was able to avoid it once I activated my evasion instinct.

He dodged the sword strike, but immediately after he swung his sword, Oara dodged into his arms and struck his stomach with her palm.

The impact went through my gut and into my back. I was lucky I didn’t vomit blood or feel sick.

Of course, it was an attack with Will in it, but the movement was simple. It was extremely simple.

“What should I do to overcome my opponent? lets think.”

Encred nodded. After showing her military courtesy, Oara smiled brightly and returned.

Encred chewed over what Oara had said. It didn’t really hit home.

Oh Ara came again the next day.

“Are you sure you didn’t understand what I was saying? “It’s strange, my body would have reacted on its own.”

The brown-haired knight tilted his head and continued as if it didn’t matter.

“Don’t you think you know too much? Every water jug ​​overflows when it’s full, and you can’t drink the water that’s overflowing.”

“Is that a problem?”

“Just swing it as much as you need, at the right time. That’s all. Just keep that in mind.”

There was no realization like a lightning bolt struck my head. However, I understood what Oara said.

‘Is it a problem if you have too much?’

Ohara said something similar again.

“If you only look at the technical part, there are more than enough. Throw away what you need to throw away.”

She was resolute, and Encred pondered. It might be the right advice for him right now.

But why is it that I don’t feel like doing it right away?

I don’t know. It was just a feeling. I didn’t feel like it.

As I looked around and thought about it, I saw Rem carefully sharpening the blade of an axe.


The sound of the whetstone hitting the axe blade rang out clearly. It was a clear sound.

Sweat beaded on Rem’s forehead. He was extremely loyal. It was rare to see Rem working so hard.

Aren’t you putting in a lot more passion and effort than when you’re teasing Ragnar or harassing the soldiers?


The sound I’ve been hearing nonstop for the past few days has been ringing in my ears.


“Can’t you see that I’m busy?”

Rem answered without even looking away. Encred stood in a position to subtly block the sun. A shadow covered Rem’s head.

“Am I greedy?”

Srrrrung, he placed the whetstone against the axe blade and ground it. Rem answered, repeating the action.

“Do you want to say that?”

It was a clear attitude. Also, the tone was as if it was an obvious answer.

To Encred, it sounded like a request to throw away something that didn’t even sound like a question.

Encred also took his seat next to Rem and drew his Aker, Sparkle, and Gladius, and began to clean them with flaxseed oil. The blades gleamed in the sunlight.


Right next to me, Dunbakel was snorting and working on strengthening his muscles.

Ruagarne swung a loop sword on one side and a whip wrapped around her waist.

He said that he was trying to raise his senses because he felt like he had lost his senses.

He said it was to let him experience the fighting style of Prok.

It was an expected story.

I cleaned my sword and checked the number of whistle daggers. Since there were three left, the blades of the daggers were also refined.

He took care of his throwing axe and the frame of his circular shield, checking them one by one to make sure none of them had been damaged by the humid air, and then swung his sword in his spare time.

In the evening, I went out to dispose of the remaining colonies.

The rest were a bunch of ghouls.

It was a spitting ghoul that was hard to find unless you were near the border of the Demon World.

It was natural that he didn’t want to be hit, even though he was spitting out bodily fluids from his mouth, and he shouldn’t have been hit because it was a poison that caused smoke to rise and even corrode metal.

The ghoul was dealt with by Luagarne.

He took a whip and snapped her neck from three steps away.

The Procs were called a fighting race, and Ruagarne proved it.

“Is this the end of the colony?”

Dunbakhel said. She looked like she wanted to go back, but Encred ignored it.

When I came back, I enjoyed the daily life at Thousand Bricks.

In the meantime, Oara went out of the city once and came back with black blood all over her body.

“I came here to take care of the spiderlings that were gathering.”

It looked like a light warm-up.

“It’s thanks to you. You amazing and handsome guy. Since there is nothing to deal with later, preemptive action is possible.”

He is a knight because he can cut down a thousand people by himself. She went out alone as if she were going out to fight, cutting down dozens of monsters.

Next to him were two courtiers.

A big man and a small woman.

“Your face is a little worse than mine, but your skills are the same. “I admit it.”

The man speaks.


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“You can ignore what this kid says.”

The woman also said.

Encred looked at the two.

These two were also quite skilled. The same goes for Oliver, an arm wrestler who was a member of the Knights Templar.

The man standing behind him pretended to know with his eyes.

I thought Encred was a straight and upright person with no pretense.

They were all people who lived without any hesitation.

I have no hesitation in sharing my stories, jokes, etc.

‘It would have been fun if Sinar had come with us.’

Don’t you enjoy jokes too?

Acea has been responsible for city security.

Since there were no raiding groups, it was as if there was nothing else to do.

After drinking, Aara didn’t leave the house for two days. The reason was unknown.

Encred also sparred with a few soldiers in the meantime.

It was evening after several days had passed. The time when the sun sets and the sunset reaches the edge of the sky.

If you stand in a dark place, there is a moment when you cannot tell the difference between a dog and a wolf.


The cicadas are crying.

A piece of meat on a skewer was sizzling as it cooked over the bonfire that Dunbakel had lit.

Rem sprinkled salt and spices on it, and Ruagarne chewed on the bugs, puffing out her cheeks in pleasure.

Oara came back then. And they sparred again, and at the end of it she said.

“This is a bit novel.”

“Is that so?”

“Are you stubborn?”

“He has a hard core.”

“You’re stubborn.”

Rem chuckled and joined in.

“You’re good at seeing people.”

“To agree.”

Ruagarne also added a word. Dunvakel also opened his mouth, looked into Encrid’s eyes, and chewed meat instead of speaking.

Rain, rain.

I ate well.

Encred didn’t bother to make an excuse.

I am not stubborn, but I have strong thoughts.

It was something that didn’t need the approval of others.

“I know for sure when I look into your eyes. “I have mania.”

If it weren’t for the driver, Oara casually said something that would have been met with criticism.

Rem was now so excited that she laughed and said, “Hahaha.”

“That’s right.”

What was so exciting was something to ask later.

It wasn’t something the biggest crazy guy in the unit would say.

“I’ve never seen someone like you before. fun.”

Oara received a piece of meat and turned around. She even gave her a thumbs up, saying it was well-baked.

All of this conversation took place after facing Oara’s sword with the sunset behind her.

In other words, the sparring was over. Encred was lying down on the floor.

I don’t think it was bad.

“not bad.”

Ruagarne said. Frock lightly puffed out his cheeks and continued. I thought that the puffy cheeks were an expression of joy.

“To be honest, I was surprised.”

“There is no end to being surprised by something like that. “When I was teaching, I was surprised a dozen times a day.”

Rem, who had been laughing for a while, now spoke in a calm manner. Ruagarne reacted to the ending of the sentence that seemed to have something to say.

“What’s so surprising?”

It was a question filled with pure curiosity.

“Because crazy people only do crazy things.”

Rem answered, looking at the stars in the sky as if he were a wise man. At that moment, he seemed to be a man who had mastered something.

Of course it was just bullshit.

Encred was reluctant to hear Oara tell him to throw it away because it was complicated and messy.

Is it necessary to give up your life, something that has protected you, in order to move forward?

I asked myself and answered myself again.

I don’t want to do that.

So instead of throwing it away, I embraced it.

To be exact, they merged.

I remembered doing it once before, and I had already done it naturally a few times, so it wasn’t difficult.

It started with what I learned from Saxony.

‘Whether it is the sense of avoidance, the sixth sense, or the sense of attack.’

It’s all about the senses. Saxony called it a sensory skill.

Did Saxony share all of this?

No. He was natural. Then why can’t he be like that too?

It’s a change of perspective.

And it came true.

Everyone who saw Encred said he was a worthless talent and there was not even a repeat of today, but he did it. He did it.

Encred was proud of that.

It was a shame that Oara didn’t eat it right away.

“That’s because it hasn’t been polished yet.”

Rem gave advice. This is what he says after eating all the meat and taking out the ax and whetstone.

“Then the ax blade will wear out.”

“Don’t worry. I’m doing it while watching everything. Who do you think is a stupid fool?”

These days, the person Rem harbors the greatest hostility towards is Ragna.

It’s probably because he was teased for being on top of the article.

As if he wasn’t under Encred for no reason, Ragna teased Rem in various ways.

“Savages, that’s not it. That’s not how you eat. If you eat that much, your skills will not improve. “Stick your fork correctly.”

Even at mealtimes, it was like this, so it said it all.

“When attacking, it rages like a storm, and when defending, it stands firm like a rocky mountain.”

After that, Aura gave me a few more teachings. Then one afternoon she asked again.

“You’re going to be a knight?”


Encred answered, his sword hanging down. There was no strength in his left arm. It was because of the attack with will, which Oara called a grab.

If the mercenary king’s bull gave weight to the sword.

Just brushing against Oara’s sword made my arm muscles tingle.

Of course, this quickly returned to its original state after a while.

The Will of Refusal was activated and Oara secretly pushed away the Will that had been placed there.

Oh Ara was a little surprised when she saw that.

You’re doing something strange, aren’t you?

Those were the eyes.

And that’s what I was asking now.

Are you going to become a knight?

“I have no doubts about it. You’re good. You’re handsome, and I like your attitude. Then, shall I give you some advice?”

“I will be grateful to hear it.”

He speaks calmly, but his eyes shine. Oh Ara really liked those blue eyes.

Otherwise, there would be no reason to waste time sparring.

Do you like me as a man? I liked his face, but more than that, he was the kind of guy whose actions warmed people’s hearts.

“If you want to become a knight, start by deciding what you will protect.”

As she spoke, Ara turned her back to the sun. Shadows fell over her face. Even so, the smile on her face was still clearly visible.

Is your face beautiful? Are your features distinct? Is your jawline graceful?

If we were to look at just her face, Sinar, who has an extraordinarily beautiful face, would be more outstanding. Esther, who exudes a mysterious atmosphere, would be more outstanding.

In terms of human beauty, the woman of the Marquis de Baisar was also wonderful.

Was his name Keen?

She was probably the kind of woman who would throw a fit of rage if she found out Encred had forgotten her name again.

She was full of life.

In terms of liveliness, Dunbakel was also quite active.

This is different from the musty smell of not washing it.

There was also Teresa, who seemed dependable and stable.

Still, Aura was different from everyone else.

It may have been natural that what she was seeing now was not an attraction to the opposite sex.

“I want to be arrogant, but I’m just here. The things I will protect, this city, and the people who stand behind me. That’s it. “That’s my category.”

A knight establishes his beliefs with his will.

That belief also became the knight’s constraint and pledge.

“As long as I protect it, this city will not fall. “They don’t even allow demonic spirits to approach.”

Smiling Oara.

That was her nickname as a knight.

It was unusual for a tinnitus. Asia told Oara why she had such tinnitus.

He said it was because he was a person who never lost his smile at any moment.

Oara didn’t ask a question, but there was already an answer within Encred.

That’s why I answered.

What are the boundaries that must be kept?

“Everything that is visible and on your mind.”


Oara blinked as the rain began to fall heavily, her back to the sun. Her smile seemed to have faded a little.

Then she smiled again and said:

“You are really crazy.”

“Is that so?”

“You’re so arrogant. But whatever, you do what you want.”

That was already the case.

“The request is complete, so you may return. Encred of the Border Guard.”

“I’m worried about this place right now, so there will be more.”

“I guess I can’t stop that.”

Oh Ara disappeared in a flash.

Encred watched the falling rain cooling the ground, then packed up his equipment and went in.

Rem was still seen sharpening the axe blade.

The next day, a familiar face among the group of soldiers visited Encred.

“This is Milio. “I’m afraid you may have forgotten.”

He was a soldier with a solid look rather than a sharp look. He was the soldier who guided the city after Eisia, and he was the person he wanted to be taught.

“I’ve been busy lately because I didn’t have a password. Please help me out.”

Encred did just that. He beat up Milio.

He came the next day, and the next day.

It rained for two days straight and his face was covered in mud as he rolled around in the mud, but Millio was diligent.

Encrid felt as if the air around him had suddenly become stale.

It was dawn on a day when the rain had stopped.

Milio came early.

“I have work during the day. That’s why I came at this time.”

Milio was not the only person who came to Encred during this time.

There were quite a few other soldiers too. They were all of high standard.

There were things I felt when I saw those things.

‘Is this an excess of troops?’

There were a knight and two semi-knights stationed here, and four squires.

Besides Oliver, there are three more squires.

Even if you exclude my group and Asia, it’s the same.

They were all skilled enough to be close to the rank of knight.

The level of soldiers there was also high. They were soldiers who had become strong through repeated combat and were not inferior to the Border Guard at all.

While the Border Guard’s main focus was fighting Azpen, the only difference here was that their purpose was to block the Demonic Realm; they were battle-hardened soldiers.

However, the numbers are not large.

So, is it common to prevent the invasion of demonic spirits with this number?

No way. Probably not. The existence of the knight would have made that possible.

The quality of the soldiers would have made up for the rest.

So it wasn’t that troops were overly concentrated here, but that this was a dangerous place.

So I didn’t want to leave.

Let me add one thing here: each and every soldier had a purpose in his heart.

Duty, responsibility, mission.

Among them, soldier Millioran was more special.

“What is your goal?”

To Encred’s question, he blushed slightly and scratched his cheek in response.

“I want to take Lord Oara as my wife.”

This kid has really wild dreams.

Listening to him, he was twenty-five this year. I thought he was thirty-five just by looking at his face, but he was still relatively young, and he looked at the knight who was at least ten years older than him.

But Encred cheered because it was a wild dream. He himself was dreaming an absurd dream and moving forward.

There was no law telling Milio not to do that either.

“cheer up.”

“That’s how it is.”

It was two days after Encred had supported Millio’s dream.


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