Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 444

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445. Arm wrestling, drinking, pride, duty, responsibility, end of Sabbath.

It was arm wrestling.

“Ruben, Ruben!

A man named Reuben lost. His wrist fell back with a thud.

Some of the crowd who had placed bets shouted for Reuben as if spitting blood.

The arm wrestling was going on outside. There were a few tables in front of the bar, and the owner shouted with a red nose.

“James wins!”

Someone shouted. The commotion grew even louder.

“Hey, join me too!”

Oara joined the crowd without hesitation. Encrid stood still and turned her head to look at Aesia.

“That’s just the way he is. Get used to it.”

As she spoke, Acea also headed towards the group.

It wasn’t like he particularly disliked moving together.

Encred also walked towards the bar.

The owner was so drunk that it was hard to tell whether he was selling alcohol or just drinking it, but Oara recognized him.

“That won’t work! It’s a foul. Come!”

A knight is respected by all, but he will not force it on his friends.

Does a knight have any friends?

The bar owner seemed like just that. Oara’s friends, acquaintances, acquaintances.

He spoke with a snort, and Oara protested.


If you just look at her tantrums, she looks like a mercenary who’s been slashing around for a while, but that woman could kill everyone here with a few slashes.

“Oh my, is that okay? “You can’t bet, right?”

said the victorious James. He stroked his red head. It looked like an angry octopus. There was no border between the forehead and the top of the head.

“Hey, can you say that even after looking at this fragile wrist?”

Oara kicked James, who was sitting in front of her, then climbed up on the chair and spoke.

The guy who was hit rolled down the floor, but quickly got up.

“Oh, why are you bitten?”

“It’s annoying!”

The man nodded at the firm answer.

Do you understand?

Encred asked himself and just watched.

The bar, after the prohibition was lifted, gave off a completely different vibe than when I first saw it.

Although it wasn’t a festival, they seemed to be having fun and having fun.

“Oh, tell me, there’s no one who would attack me after seeing this wrist? Really?”

“Yes, none!”

“Oh, you’re a knight. Did you forget?”

The bar owner also intervened. Oara looked away. It was the look in the eyes of a hunter looking for someone to say something he would like.

Among them was a courtesy soldier carrying a drinking glass.

It was the friend who was begging for Crona to be gone. She worked at an inn and it seemed like she came all the way here on business.

“Hey, do you think so too?”

Oara pointed out the soldier and said. The soldier responded by rolling his eyes a few times.

“No. I think we should respect Lord Oara’s wishes.”

He showed a shrewd attitude. On the outside, he was extremely serious and seemed to be pledging loyalty with all his sincerity.

Oh Ara said with a smiling face.

“Bring that kid here and make him sit down.”

Oara lightly jumped in place, floating her body, and then landed on the chair.

At her words, those around her grabbed the polite soldier.

“Hey, why, why are you doing this?”

“Shut up and sit down. “You bastard.”

Oara said with a smile, and soon the soldier sat down across from Oara.

“It’s a bet! If you don’t like it, quit. If you defeat the person I nominated, you will receive three gold coins. Are you saying it would be shameful if I did it myself? So I don’t do it. If the person you nominate wins, you will receive three gold coins. Instead, if I win, you will be in the lead in the next wave.”

“… … yes?”

When dealing with a wave of demons, or the demons coming from the Demon Realm, being told to stand at the front line could be heard as an invitation to die.

Everyone laughed at that.

The soldier regretted not going out with Jack the Knife when he had asked him to do so earlier.

Of course, even if I were offered that offer again, I wouldn’t take it.

He loved a woman who worked a side job in an alley, and he dreamed that he would take her out and marry her.

Why don’t you sell your body?

I know that she only allows herself to be by her side for now.

“Hey, you punk, you die once, not twice? And you want to marry Rowena? You’re having a hard time without Crona?”

Oara said.

“Hey, do it, do it.”

“You bastard, if you’re scared of that, give up Rowena!”

The soldier became enraged at the shouting around him.

“Aren’t you going to shut up?”

He shouted and then asked with a cautious look in his eyes.

“Are you going to nominate someone from the Knights Templar?”


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Oara shook her head.

“Oh, Lord Ara isn’t coming out either?”

The soldier asked again.


Oara’s head moved vertically this time.

The soldier was cautious. No, he pretended to be cautious. Encred knew that the soldier had already made up his mind.

However, I opened my mouth as if I was intimidated or as if I was struggling. He had a personality like that by nature.

Still, it didn’t look bad.

What can I say, he was a really transparent kid. I could clearly see what he was thinking.

Oara crossed her arms and waited with a grin.

“I’ll ask Oliver.”

At those words, several soldiers jeered.

Among the soldiers, Encred saw a man whose forearms were twice as thick as the other soldiers.

He was a short man with a stocky body and a thick chin.

Although he was smaller than Oara, he was the strongest man in Thousand Bricks, Squire Oliver of the Knights.

“Isn’t that okay?”

The soldier asked, observing the situation. It was understandable for him to ask that, since he had chosen to be a squire instead of someone from the Knights Templar.

Oara shook her head.

“Accept the challenge, then who shall I nominate?”

Oh Ara pretended to be worried like a soldier.

Squire Oliver touched the poor soldier’s shoulder. The soldier rose from his seat and Oliver sat down.

It seemed like he was born with strength from a young age.

Oara rested her chin and pretended to be worried, then looked at Oliver and asked.

“Oliver, can you lose?”

“I don’t buy it.”

Oliver answered immediately and Oara nodded as if she had decided.

“I have chosen you as my champion. Come out!”

Her finger pointed next to Acea. So, Encred.

“Is that you?”

Encred, who had been watching, paused for a moment and asked again.

Oh Ara spoke without paying attention to the answer that exquisitely interrupted the flow.

“Then shall we send Acea out? “Can’t you see those fragile wrists?”

It seemed like it was her habit to lift her delicate wrist.

“If you’re scared, you can get out. If you do it wrong, you might get hurt.”

Oliver said. The opponent has a high reputation as a demon slayer. But I will not lose in strength.

Those eyes were full of such thoughts.

Encred looked at him for a moment, then stepped forward.

Oara smiled and stepped aside.

Encred, sitting down, looked at Oliver.

“I don’t think you need to worry, you won’t get hurt. Oh, you, not me, because I’m going to be gentle.”


Oliver’s expression hardened at Encred’s light provocation.

“They said they wouldn’t hurt you.”

Encred spoke again.

“Is that so?”

Oliver’s forehead was bloodshot without a trace of laughter. He was a very thick-veined fellow.

His forearms are also thick.

Encred rolled up his sleeves. I could see the cleavage muscles hidden beneath the thin shirt.

His arms, trained with isolation techniques, were not thin, but they looked thinner than Oliver’s.

But it was a muscle that was compressed, tightened, and of different quality through the technique of isolation and the teachings of Audín.

“Now, walk!”

Oara shouted. It was betting time. The number of onlookers has doubled from before. Everyone gathered around, including those who were training, those who were playing tangja tangja, and those who were just rolling dice on one side.

“But is it right to bet on Sir Oliver?”

“The opponent is a knight. A demon slayer.”

“Don’t you know, Sir Oara said that even he couldn’t beat Sir Oliver in strength!”

“so? Sir Oliver can crush the devil’s hand when it comes to arm wrestling! “Don’t you know Oliver, the giant forearm?”

The winning bet went to Oliver. Encred didn’t care.

Someone set down a beer glass next to the two. The tin cup was filled with golden liquid and bubbles.

Oliver took a gulp, exhaled, and put his elbows on the table.


At first glance, it looked like a stone golem made in human form by some crazy wizard.

Encred also drank from the glass next to him. It was a beer full of bitter but nutty flavor. It was refreshing too.

After drinking his beer, Encred also raised his hand and took Oliver’s hand.

As I saw and felt, it was like the arm of a stone golem. It was hard and heavy to the point of being stupid.

Oliver made eye contact and Encred looked down.

He quietly observed and concentrated on his inner self.

Is it because I don’t have a competitive spirit that I don’t mind losing? Is it because I don’t have a competitive spirit and am easygoing?

It was the opposite.

Encred was a man who would bite and hang on until he won.

In other words, he absolutely hated losing.

Just use all that strength, all that will, to win next time.

So, if I could win right now, I had no intention of losing.

When the surrounding noise subsided, Oara spoke.


Oliver and Encred gave their strength at the same time.


The table screamed but did not fall.

Oliver used what could be called monstrous strength.

Should I really say that?

Starting with the evil power, it was likely to be evaluated as truly crushing the devil’s hand.

However, the person sitting in front of him was a human being who, along with today’s repetition, had learned the art of isolation from a monster even worse than Oliver.

Encrud exploded with his mighty heart and even mobilized Will.

A surge of strength surged through my entire body’s muscles.

I’ve never had this much strength in my life.

‘Strike of a giant.’

I even used the skills I learned while using the sword.

To put it in Rem’s terms, it is the power of a giant’s milk.


A moan escaped Oliver’s lips.


The table trembled. Even though it was made by cutting down a whole solid tree, there were cracks.

Oliver’s arm tilts sideways, just a little bit.


Eventually, the table cracked and the part that was supporting Oliver’s elbows gave way.

Even though parts of the table broke and did not function properly, Oliver tried to hold on.

“Is it a draw?”

One of the soldiers muttered.

Encrid stopped in that state.

Oliver caught his breath. After holding on for a moment, Oliver released his grip.

Encred also relaxed his hands. The soldiers are watching.

“I lost.”

Oliver declared.


One of the soldiers screamed. It was Rowena’s male friend.

Those who lost the bet instead burst into laughter. They cheered.

“Wow, you’re strong.”

“Oppa, do you have good energy at night?”

A few soldiers threw their farm supplies.

“What are you asking for?”

Who else accepts that?

“Soldier, I’ll give you one more chance. “How about trying to win with alcohol?”

Oara extended a helping hand to the frustrated soldier. The poor soldier could not tell whether the hand was that of a devil or an angel.

“Let’s do it.”

The soldier’s will burned and Encred nodded at him.

Since we decided to hang out together once, it wouldn’t be a bad idea to see it through to the end.

A solo song has come out.

Encred drank a drink whose name he did not know.

The soldier’s eyes opened on the fourth drink, and he fell asleep, exclaiming, ‘I love you, Rowena.’

The soldiers who saw that laughed.

Encred chuckled, put down his glass, and said.


He had no intention of losing with alcohol.

“I will do it.”

Oliver came out again. He stretched out after one drink. Although he was strong, his alcohol was weak.

Oara also drank strong liquor, and Acea also drank light fruit wine.

Someone next to me was playing dice, and someone else was making dirty jokes.

Encred, who happened to hear the two women talking, inwardly stuck out his tongue at the deep joke.

Rem also joined in the middle.

“Why is everyone else excited except me?”

He also mingled with the soldiers. Before long, Luagarne and Dunbakel were with him.

The front of the bar became a mess as if some kind of festival had taken place.

“Isn’t it fun?”

Oara asked.

Encred answered half-drunk.

“It’s delicious.”

It’s exactly as I felt.

The sun set and the glow illuminated the city. Soldiers chattered through the sunset.

Some of the soldiers on duty shouted, ‘Why are you so excited today?’

“Unlucky bastards!”

Another soldier saw that and made fun of it.

The commander who commanded a hundred men even lamented and complained in front of Oara.

One of the squad leaders said that he respected Encred, but got into trouble when Oara scolded him, saying, “Then you don’t respect me?”

Among them, there was one who said he fell in love with Asia at first sight, but then burst out laughing.

It was really lovely.

The sunset, the city, the soldiers, everything.

Oara went around drinking and listening to their grievances.

In exchange for the broken table, he went out of the city for a while and came back, cutting down a large tree and bringing it back.

“Bring the plane!”

He carved the table himself with a chisel, but his skill was not all that great.

Then, the small female sergeant I had seen in the log cabin before jumped out and took over the sledgehammer and began carving the table. This one was good at it.

Everyone had a good time and drank well.

“I like this town.”

Oara said drunkenly. Encred, who stayed for a few days, also agreed.

Instead, deserters continue to appear. In this city, only those who truly love it remain.

“The last bastion protecting the Demon Realm, isn’t it cool?”

They had pride.

“If we collapse, everyone living in the village behind will die. Do you know that? If the territory of the Demon Realm expands any further, this entire area will be destroyed.”

They had a sense of duty.

“This is my job, so I do it. “Is there a problem?”

They had a sense of responsibility.

The border area of ​​the Demon Realm was always full of threats, so if you weren’t strong, you couldn’t survive.

It wasn’t just about the body, it also included the mind.

“Wow, that’s good!”

Oara shouted, and Encred also got drunk and clinked his glasses.

The drunken night passed like that.

Encred went back to his quarters to sleep, and Rem joined in and drank heavily.

He was already sleeping.

Ruagarne also received a special meal made from bugs and drank alcohol.

“It was a great taste.”

She was satisfied, and before she knew it, Dunbakhel was curled up in the corner sleeping, wheezing.

Encred also closed his eyes.

The boatman asked in the dream.

“Is it fun?”

It was a question a hundred times more uncomfortable than saying something ominous was coming.

I was about to open my mouth to say something, but my eyes opened.

I was now used to waking up at the same time.

I went out, warmed up, and sweated, and Ruagarne came out after me, and Dunbakeel came out even later.

“Are you not even sleeping?”

And around noon, Oara came again.

The outfit was similar to yesterday, but he was holding a thin and long sword.

“End of Sabbath.”

She said. It was a welcome sound to hear.


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