Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 443

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444. One day of the Sabbath

Ssak, Ssang, Ssang, Ssang!

The battle with the harpy could be expressed in these four letters.

In conclusion, Rem fired nineteen bullets, tearing through two slings.

Caw! Caw!

The harpy’s head exploded and he cried. She cried and they attacked again and cast a spell.

The wind gathered and formed something like a barrier. If you look closely, you can see the space distorting a bit. Even if you couldn’t see it, you could feel it.

So what? What about the barrier?

Boom, boom!

Harpy’s spell could not stop the overwhelming physical force created by the sling. The bullets fired from the sling that whirred and spun pierced through the barrier without a hitch.

Cry! Cry!

At that time, the harpy’s cry could be heard as laughter.

Are you laughing while laughing?

Oh, they wanted to die too, but they were sad because there was no one to kill them.

Yes, here comes a barbarian who will kill you.

He came carrying a bundle of stones, he came.

Encred, who had been humming lyrics that had been passed down from the old days, had no room to step forward.

“There are a lot.”

When I put my hand on the Acher Grip and raised my head, I saw the cackling harpy babies jumping out.

The smell of fluttering wings, fluttering feathers, sour, fishy, ​​and blood entered the tip of my nose.

There were over thirty harpies alone.

‘Maybe fifty?’

As Encrid watched, more harpies jumped out from the stone tower, and there seemed to be more than fifty.

Color! Bang!

Again the bullet tore through the air.

It was a speed that was difficult to follow with the eye.

When a rock pierced the chest of a female harpy with bouncing breasts, black blood poured out like rain in the air.

A harpy with a hole in its chest instead of a breast fell to the ground as a meteor.


There was a noise and a cloud of dust.

Harpy wasn’t the only one being harmed.

Three male harpies with strong pectoral muscles flew down, flapped both wings forward and shot out feathers.

Dozens of sharp, knife-like feathers swarmed the group.

Encrid took out a circular shield about two spans in diameter and read the feather’s trajectory to block it.


The feathers failed to penetrate the oiled shield and became lodged in the outer surface.

It was easy to block.

It wasn’t difficult because I just had to accept what was aimed at my body.

The rest predicted the orbit and avoided it appropriately.

‘Should I have just stabbed you with a knife?’

That didn’t seem like a difficult task. Anyway, since it was blocked, there was nothing to worry about.

Luagarne drew his Loop Sword and blocked the area near his heart with the blade, ignoring the defenses of other parts.

Luagarne wore a breastplate, and the armor covered the heart with three or more layers of thin iron, high-quality horse hide, and enchanted cloth, so that even feathers would bounce off without needing to be blocked by a sword.

However, the Frocks were a race with cardiophobia.

Even with two or three layers of heart block, it was normal to feel anxious and scared.

Luagarne was a rare and disciplined prog who managed to spit out the word heart and still remain sane.

The flying feather hit Ruagarne’s limbs. Two feathers also hit the boat.

Dong, pick.

With a slight noise, the feather slid off Luagarne’s skin without even a scratch.

This was natural, since Frock’s skin was covered with a special mucus that made most blades slippery.

No matter how sharp the tip of the feather was, it wouldn’t have much meaning unless it was an attack that would cut off a limb.

Dunbakel jumped out of Feather’s striking range.

Rem simply dodged by spinning his sling around in place.

The three feather-fluttering harpies seemed to pause for a moment.

It was terrifying. Normally, everyone would be scared and flutter their feathers to block and avoid it, but this must have been the first time I’ve seen him block so calmly.

‘Even I would be a little surprised.’

Encrid understood the Harpy’s feelings.

Did you say that good tactics start with knowing your opponent?

A sea of ​​learning while swimming in the lake of experience.

Know the other person, know yourself.

Know yourself, know yourself.

It was said that this must be done before starting the fight.

I could see the harpy’s thick pectoralis muscle rising and falling.

Oh, what are those? Are they monsters?

It felt like I could hear the monster’s words.

They hesitated for a moment and it was stupid.

They are the ones who came down just enough to flutter their feathers.

So, if you decide to jump, it was a height where the sword could reach.


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Dunbakhel ran. She ran using the wall of the stone tower as her floor. After a few runs, her height became similar to that of the harpies, and Bakel’s curved sword and claws, which raised her body in the air, split the heads and chests of three of her harpies.

Dunbakel, who had been spinning around in the air, returned with a light thud to the ground.

Thud, thud, thud.

Three harpies fell to the floor.

Meanwhile, the bullets fired by Rem continued to tear through the air.

Bam! Bam!

The colony leader was a harpy who shot wind arrows, and Rem fairly pierced the leader’s head with a rock.

Of course, this time, rather than hitting in place, he turned the sling with a whooshing sound, turned his body once, and threw out the bullet.

Dynamic movement doubled the speed of the bullet.

That was the end of the Harpy colony. The leader Harpy, whose head had exploded, was unable to use any of his spells properly and lost the one he had placed on his neck.


The remaining group of harpies screamed. Some of them got angry and attacked, while others ran away.

Dunbakel and Ruagarne killed the one who attacked.

“Should we go for the next one now?”

Encred said. It ended with nothing to do, the group didn’t seem particularly tired, and the night was still long.

It was a bright moonlit night with a long way to go before dawn.

“Let’s do that.”

“I’m going to throw the broken sling to the floor,” Rem said.

Finding the black dog colony was easier.

“Even though dogs are demons, they mark their territory.”

I looked for signs of defecation and sniffed around to find it. It wasn’t difficult.

Dunbakel was also an expert at hunting. It was only natural, since he was excellent at sniffing out and chasing things.

Her main occupation while wandering around the continent was as a bounty hunter.

And so we found the second monster colony.

Here, a walking dog suddenly appeared. It was a variant of a hellhound.

Should we really call it the border of the devil?

There were no ordinary monsters around here.

Isn’t there a harpy that writes spells?

Isn’t there a dog that walks on two legs?

Even though this isn’t a large-scale demon den, it was like this.

The Southern Demonic Cultivation would have been even worse.

“The monsters near the Demon World are not common. “It’s that dangerous.”

Luagarne said, looking at the dog’s head that looked like it came out of hell.

She twirled the loop sword in her hand.

The sound of a heavy piece of metal cutting through the wind spread.

Did they say that cavalry cannot be used around here?

It is said that there is no animal that is not afraid near the Demon Realm. As a result, the environment itself is strange.

It was difficult to see animals moving around. Instead, demonic beasts and demons abounded.


The leader of the demons, a two-legged dog, breathed fire and held poison in his fangs, but it was useless.

Encred struck the guy’s head off with two sword strikes.

After cutting off its front paw with the gladius of its left hand, it decapitated it with the Acher of its right hand.

Meanwhile, Rem and the others killed dozens of demon beasts by cutting and beating them.

There were over a hundred demonic beasts, and half of them were killed.

The frightened people scattered in all directions. I couldn’t chase them one by one. There was no need for that.

“If you leave it alone, it will die on its own.”

Ruagarne said and added further explanation.

The monsters around here are so strong that it would be easy to get killed if you wandered around without forming a colony.

It was a place where it would be difficult for even a decent number of demonic beasts to survive.

Her lecture on demonology continued. Encrid listened. It was a story full of interesting elements.

This is the gist.

“Does this mean that monsters near the Demon Realm evolve?”

On the way back, Encred asked the key question, and Luagarne nodded.

After solving the two monster colonies, I returned, rested, and woke up, when Acea came to visit me.

“What are you doing?”

She asked, unable to hide her surprise. What surprises Ace is that she and Sir Oh Ara say she won’t be sparring with him.

Maybe it’s because of the report she received after waking up from a good night’s sleep?

Because he said that when he entered the city, he killed two colonies and a man who had evolved from a deserter to a cult leader.

Those words must have reached her ears by now.

Encrid, who was quick-witted and quick-witted, understood the meaning behind Asia’s words and gave an appropriate answer.

“I went around solving commissions.”

Then he carefully wiped the blade with an oiled cloth, or more precisely, a cloth soaked in high-quality linseed oil.

The food in this city was so-so, but the supplies for weapons were not bad. It was pretty great.

It seemed like only those who were ready to fight and die had gathered here.

Is this correct since the city itself is a barracks?

I didn’t know that might be the case.

Anyway, Asia asked back at Encred’s indifferent words.

“In two days?”

She naturally put her hand on her waist. She felt the grip of the sword. As she put her hand on it, her mind calmed down a little.

I’m not trying to criticize you, but how can you be so good at your job?

Encred was sitting on a stump in front of the given lodging, and Asia was dressed lightly, with only a sword hanging from her waist.

In front of the stump was a thick leather board, and Encred spread out his weapons on it.

They were each being cleaned with oil and maintained.

Weapon maintenance was one of the most important tasks, just as important as training.

“Wouldn’t two days be enough?”

Encred answered.


Acea took a vain breath.

I knew these kids were good at fighting, but this was something else entirely.

Isn’t this the same search ability as a first-class ranger?

Of course, there were some outstanding Ranger-level soldiers within Thousand Brick.

This time, we went out with Jack, the swordsman who deserted.

But are you better at fighting and chasing than him?

Well, it was good, it was good.

Right now, thanks to what Encred has done, I have some free time.

Isn’t there no longer a need to fight a harpy to protect the city?

The next time another harpy attack, I was planning to jump down from the castle wall and cut down those winged monsters.

If you think about it, it wasn’t impossible.

If you cut one down, you’ll still have the problem of having to climb up the castle wall again.

“You are really good at your job.”

Asia spoke again, and while she was speaking, another guest came in from behind her.

Acea wore a dress with short sleeves, but the straps were fastened and tied properly so that only bare skin was visible, but the new visitor was dressed hotly.

She was wearing a thin shirt that slightly showed her cleavage and short pants that exposed her knees.

It was the knight Oara. She said, running her hands through her brown hair.

“Hey, do you want to go out and play?”

It was an inexplicable question. The question Asia asked allowed us to infer the context.

But it wasn’t Oara’s. Encrid answered as he pleased.

“Is this a duel?”

If it’s a fight, I welcome it. Anytime is good. That kind of will was evident. If there was will, then there was also momentum.

Asia felt her muscles tighten as she watched the man named Encred display his agility.

Also, I couldn’t just ignore this momentum.

I want to have a fight. It was a spirit that made me feel that way.

“not today.”

But Aura firmly refused.

At those words, Encred stared at her.

If not for Dalian, then why did you come here?

“It’s the Sabbath.”

“What is that?”

“If you work hard, take a day off. This is God’s teaching.”

Some gods even said something like that.

Encred also heard something over his shoulder.

Ohara said and showed off her necklace.

Although it was not a sacred object, it had a symbol representing the religious order.

Oara was faithful.

‘Audin would like to see this.’

If it were Audin, he would rather share his religious views than reject others for believing in other gods.

“You said you had a great time getting things done? Then it’s time to play.”

Oara’s brown eyes stared at Encred.

The corners of her eyes curved gently. Asia, who knew roughly what Oara’s personality was like, kept her mouth shut.

With a smile, Ara grabbed the front of her chest with her fingers and shook it a few times. It was a hot day and sweat was running down her face.

It was muggy today too. It was the kind of weather where I wish it would rain instead.

Just because she was a knight didn’t mean she was neither hot nor cold, so she also sweated.

I could see faint sweat running down my neck.

“If we turn a blind eye, many people will be sad.”

Ruagarnet, who was on one side holding dry grass to his nose and completely intoxicated with the smell, said.

“Is that a drug?”

Encred asked with concern, and Luagarne puffed out her cheeks. She was smiling.

“It’s a plant that makes you feel good, but it’s not a drug that humans use. It’s closer to poison to humans.”

I’m not even under the influence of drugs, so why am I talking nonsense?

Oara said while looking at Encrid like that.

“When I rest, I rest, and when I work, I work. That’s my way, Oara. So now is the time for you to have fun.”

It sounded far-fetched, but it wasn’t wrong.

Didn’t Encred realize something before, that rest is also important?

This time, I also learned how to broaden my horizons through Luagarne.

Rest does not necessarily mean resting the body. Mental rest was also important.

“I’ll show you the city, handsome guy. Come with me.”

Oara suggested and Encred began to organize the items one by one on the leather board.



“Clean it up.”

Since there were no seeds, there was no one to assign work to.

Dunbakel never said anything like ‘why me’.

She was quick to do whatever Encred asked her to do.

“Easia, there are no crazy things with wings, and the smell of sulfur is dying.”

Oara also attracted Acia.

Encred got up from his seat.

Rem, who was carefully sharpening an ax blade on one side, looked up.

“Have a nice day. I’m busy.”

Rem said.

He devoted himself to sharpening ax blades with a whetstone. This is something he often sees, but this time he seemed to be working even harder.


Encred nodded and started walking.

“How did you find the location of the colony?”

Oara asked as she stepped on the damp dirt floor.

The short boots with the ankles exposed looked very light.

Encred said while looking at that.

“There is a prisoner who is good at smelling and a unit member who is good at finding people.”

Ohara pursed her lips and let out an exclamation like “Wow,” then listened more intently. She was in a listening posture.

Encred simply selected and explained only the key points.

Is there anything special about capturing the colony leader?

All I did was find and kill.

The three walked quickly and stopped in front of the bar.

It was noisy. Shouts mixed with cheering and swearing were heard along with the noise of chattering.

“I bet you, Reuben!”

“If you lose, you lose! You idiot! no!”

It looked like he was doing something.

“They lifted the prohibition.”

Oara said. The bar was full of people.

Among them, two bald men were holding hands and giving each other strength.

It was arm wrestling.


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