Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 442

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443. Then shall we go now?

Encred had the experience of encountering a blade coming from outside of his knowledge.

Saxony has done it time and time again.

It was still the same now.

It was beyond my understanding. It was so fast that it seemed like I heard Aura’s words too late.


A single word reached my ears. And before that, the blade cut into my stomach.

A sense of concentration and avoidance was activated.

Encred shifted his center of gravity by applying force to his heels. This is the moment I thought I had avoided it by moving backwards as if pushing the floor with the soles of my feet. I saw Oara’s face.

A faint smile, the corners of her lips going up more than before.


Encred realized that the blade cutting through his stomach was an illusion.

It was like magic performed with will.

No, I have experienced this too.

It was similar to the sword made from the spirit that Sinar had shown.

This time, it was all about momentum and suggestion.

It was at the same time as Oara’s words.

The blade aimed at the knee was thrust vertically from above.

Instead of dodging, Encred swung his sword in a diagonal line.

From below to above, a whip-like sword cut through the spot where Oara had been.

Oara dodged the blade swung by Encred, but did not change the trajectory of the sword in her hand.

It was a vertical stab. I avoided it by just turning my body and leaving my right hand still.


The tip of the knife hit my knee.

There were no injuries. She only left a mark on her collar.

“That’s all for today!”

Oara spoke as if shouting.

“Hoo, hoo.”

Encred let out the breath he had been holding.

Oara said, “Good,” and came closer, putting away her sword. She stared intently at Encred, then smiled and tapped him on the cheek.

“Do you feel like you’ve been fooled by a technique that’s too easy?”

Encred knew that his opponent had only shown two sword strikes.

One is a stabbing that feels like hitting the stomach.

It’s one that was written as a trick.

The two slashed vertically towards the knees.

The game was decided in the second.

Encred felt many things, but he knew what was most important.

‘The experience is different.’

Oara was skilled.

It’s not like he just became a knight; he’s been here for several years. Experience was evident.

“The Age?”

Encred responded with a question-and-answer format, Thousand Bricks. Adaptation was quick.

It was a question mixed with a joke.

At those words, Oara’s eyes hardened with a smile.

“I looked at you because you were handsome. Didn’t you learn that if you ask a lady’s age, she’ll die from a hole in her head?”

Encred was silent, and Oara smiled and passed by.

“Oh, I’m hungry.”

As she walked away, staggering away, Luagarne approached her.

“If you got stabbed in the knee, you would have lost your mobility. You would have lost even if you didn’t go all the way.”


“The two movements are simple, but they contain a simple principle.”

Luagarne spoke and waited for a moment. Encrid thought to himself and came up with an answer.

“If you are faster and stronger than your opponent, you cannot be stopped.”

These people were called knights.

If we think about it further, it could be that he was confident that he could subdue them with just simple movements.

Simplicity, not flashiness, because simplicity does not change the killing power contained in the blade.

Even if you strike gently, the blade will not turn into a ball of cotton. This was something she had already realized herself.

That is, if you can win with efficient swordsmanship, then it would be right to do so.


Ruagarne nodded.

There was no disappointment in losing. But I wasn’t satisfied either.

After washing up and filling his stomach, Encred went to visit the bar owner.

“There are no bugs.”

In the middle of the meal, Luagarne started to complain about the food. It was understandable, since there didn’t seem to be any food that Frock would find comfortable to eat.

Encred nodded to the owner sitting at the bar and he approached him.

The tavern was quiet. It was because of Prohibition.

“Do you know where those guys are, whether they are cult members or pseudo-cult members?”

“Rather than that, go to Lord Oara and ask him to lift the prohibition on alcohol. I’m going to starve to death.”


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Most things in life are solved by contribution, but there are a few things that are not. Of course, Crona came and went.

Even when merchants came and stayed, they were charged krona, and the same was true for alcohol and red light districts.

The bar owner lamented his fate and Encred ordered a special dish.

“Please give me a plate of well-roasted grubs.”

“… … I have to figure out where to get that kind of thing… … myself.”

Less noise.

As the bartender spoke, a pouch opened on the bar table, revealing its entrails. It was silver. The bartender was quick-witted.

“You can give it to me at lunch tomorrow.”

A dozen or so silver coins placed on the bar glittered. The bar owner took the crona and spoke as he knew.

It wasn’t particularly nutritious information.

Asia was also said to be roughly around here, but they said they were wandering around like nomads.

But are you just going around here because you have something to eat? If you think about it, it’s a simple thing.

This may be to gather pseudo-believers. Among them, there are a few deserters and a few people who find it difficult to live in the demonic region.

That’s how I approach those who are weak-hearted and insert my thoughts into that gap.

When things got bigger, all you had to do was run away and live a comfortable life.

Well, it didn’t matter why those kids were here.

The important thing was that they were the ones that had to be dealt with.

I didn’t earn much from wandering around the city all day.

“You’ll have to go and find it yourself.”

Of all the words I got, this was the most useful. It was from Milio.

He also watched the sparring between Oara and Encred.

“Let me have a round of sparring too.”

He was an enthusiastic friend. Encrid gave him a chance.

A sturdy and heavy hammer was used as a weapon, and although it was suitable for crushing the enemy with one blow, if the opponent dodged or blocked, the next movement was too slow.

“What if I hold it like this and bend it like this?”

“Ah, it hurts.”

Encred taught a few useful foot movements and joint techniques between movements. He had nothing to call Balafic martial arts.

In this way, you would be able to take advantage of the opponent’s caution by taking advantage of the gap created by swinging once.

As time passed, Rem woke up.

Rem said as he opened his eyes in the late afternoon.

“What kind of pseudo-bastards? “It was a day away?”

It was a clue that came unexpectedly. I went to get a whetstone and saw Rem.

“… … “You saw it?”

“What are you doing all this time? I thought you were a group of thieves, but upon hearing about it, I realized you were a bunch of cult members.”

“Do you know where it is?”

“Do I look like that stupid knife-wielding guy? He can’t find his way or know his direction?”

Rem opened his eyes wide and expressed his displeasure. He looked as if he was about to pull out an axe.

Looking at that, Encred wondered if this was something that needed to be put off.

It was something he had to do anyway.

Aren’t you here as reinforcements to catch deserters and deal with the colony?

‘A deserter who became a cult leader.’

Even if he became famous in this area, he would never be at the level of a bishop of a religious sect.

At best, is it a squire-level force?

There was no shortage of elites, even himself, Rem, Dunbakel, and Luagarne.

Although he casts a strange spell, I intuitively don’t feel like it’s a threat.

It would be nothing more than a cumbersome manoeuvre.

This level of power is close to excessive suppression.

Encred now objectively knows my skills.

If it’s dangerous, shouldn’t you just step back for a moment?

There was nothing to protect, but it was a mission that was closer to a surprise attack. As time goes by, they will become difficult to find and will be a pain in the ass.

That’s why that was said.

“Shall we go now?”

It was a question with an already determined answer.

That’s when the sun started to set. There is a saying that the sun is on the side of humans, and the darkness is on the side of monsters.

It was a time that was advantageous for monsters that were bright at night and hated light.

That was the case now. The sun started to set.

Of course, no one here cared about that.

“Only four people are going?”

Dunbakel asked.

“Do you know anyone here?”

Encred asked back. The point was that there was no one to take him. Should we send in soldiers and go?

It was obvious that it wouldn’t help.

They just went out of the city. The soldier guarding the castle gate tilted his head.

“You’re leaving now?”

“Isn’t that possible?”

The opponent was a demon slayer and a hero of the civil war. The soldier shook his head.

The soldier thought Encred and his group were going out for a short walk.

A person named Rem also came back after leaving for a short time yesterday.

So I taught him the vocabulary to use when he came back.

“no. All you have to do is shout ‘The cloak is red, of course’ in front of the castle gate.”

Because no one can be allowed into the castle at night.

It was something I had to tell the worker who came later.

The soldier did so. The next worker nodded, and when the shift was over, he passed the situation on to the person behind him as well.

“A little late?”

“What could be wrong?”

To an ordinary soldier, being a semi-knight was like saying a high level.

They weren’t the type of people who would cause trouble if they encountered a few monsters on the road.

Proc and Suin were also there.

Dawn has broken.

The morning worker saw them coming back with the light of dawn on their backs.

It was Encred’s party.

“Open the door.”

Blood-stained armor was noticeable. Black blood and red blood mixed together.

“Have you met a monster?”

“Something similar.”

Encrid spoke and entered the castle.

* * *

As soon as they left the city gates, Encred thought that all he had to do was find it.

His judgment was that what was difficult to find was easy to deal with.

“What direction?”

“this way.”

Rem led them. The surroundings were dark as the moon was obscured by clouds, but the dim moonlight was enough for those gathered now.

“Would you like to learn how to chase people?”


In response to Rem’s unexpected question, Encred asked back. Asking back did not mean refusal.

Rem figured it would be easy to find the cult here.

There was a reason.

Rem’s eyes turned to Suin. Dunbakel’s eyes glowed golden even in the darkness.

I’ve been thinking about it for a long time, but those eyes were a unique color.

That beastman’s sense of smell was also much better than that of an ordinary beastman. Rem knew that.

As soon as Dunbakel felt Rem’s gaze, he raised his hand to the curve.

“Crazy beast, smell it. “It’s not sparring.”

“Is this the way?”

Encred asked in the middle.

“Why would we take the hard way when the easy way is the only way? We have Su-in, and he has a remarkable sense of smell, except for body odor.”

There was nothing wrong with what was said. Even Dunbakhel responded to those words.

He sniffed to one side and said:

“It smells from over there.”

The group moved and found a group of people. I really saw guys with something that looked like a mobile tent.

“Who are you?”

I just saw a guy picking his nose in front of me.

Instead of answering, Encred used his strength. He stepped forward and raised his sword.

The vertical blade created a red line from the opponent’s chin to his forehead.


A corpse falls forward, blood spraying out.

“Are you crazy kids?”

The spiky blonde guy right next to me spoke in a surprised tone. The guy’s voice trembled.


The blade of the curved sword flew into the guy’s face.

I’m staring at it intently.

“Why? Put up with it?”

Dunbakel asked.


Encred answered, stabbing and cutting as he saw. I left those who ran away.

“The devil’s servant has arrived!”

He saw the cult leader. He looked like a thief who had learned how to rob somewhere. Encred looked at him with his senses.

He wasn’t a wizard.

But he did do something magical.

The one who closed the distance stretched out his hand. An invisible blade flew out of that hand.

Encrid has already suffered similar attacks from Shinar, and from Oara this afternoon.

Just because you can’t see it doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. The energy is still there.

Ting. I pulled out my gladius and twisted it to throw it away, and the leader’s hand twisted as if he was holding a sword of some kind.

It was amazing. It was as if he was holding a transparent sword.

Encred didn’t hesitate and raised his sword and struck the man’s shoulder. It was a careless slash, as if he was splitting firewood.



The leader rolled backwards as his shoulder cracked and blood gushed out. One of his bodies was very quick. Didn’t he still dodge the knife even though it was aimed at his head instead of his shoulder?

“Fuck, please save me. “Please save me.”

It looked completely different from when he shouted that the devil’s minions had arrived.

“They say the socialites are watching out for you?”

“That’s a rumor I started.”

The man said while rolling his eyes, and Rem didn’t know why he was talking to such a bastard, so he threw a throwing ax while Encred said a few words.

Phew! Bam!

The flying axe becomes an ornament on his forehead, and his body lightly floats backwards while he falls.

Encred saw something fall from the guy’s hand.

As I got closer, I saw something softly reflecting the light of the torch.

“It’s not something you can get just because you have dozens of gold coins. Do you know who Carmen is? It is not for nothing that we hear the name of a master craftsman. If one of those knives appears on the black market, fights may break out between people killing each other. In fact, a few years ago, there was an uproar among the Assassins Guild when Kathar, the third work in the Carmen collection, came out.”

Saxon’s words came to mind. As he spoke, he told me what the Carmen Collection was and what the last dagger in it was called.

Invisible Blade.

It was an unexpected gift.

Encred packed his gifts and headed back to the city. On the way, he was attacked by several demons.

There were quite a few packs of wild dogs that seemed to have turned into demons, but I killed them all by cutting them down and stabbing them.

Before we knew it, dawn had broken. It was time to go to the city.

So I went back in, ate, washed, slept a bit, and then headed out toward the castle gate.

“How to find a colony? That’s easier. It’s obvious just by looking at the surrounding terrain.”

On the way out, Rem said. The stifling heat was still there. This area was more humid and warmer than other places.

I have already seen with my own eyes how troublesome it would be if a group of harpies formed a colony.

Encred and the group moved immediately.

As it turned out, I came in during the day, rested, and went out in the evening.

“Are you going out again?”

A soldier who happened to be on duty at the same time experienced something similar to yesterday.

I was grumbling alone because I had to stand up for work twice in a row when Encred and his group showed up.

“Is there a problem?”


Encred and the group went out. Rem had a lot of experience hunting monsters. Dunbakeel was good at smelling things, and Ruagarne was knowledgeable about many things in general.

They were not people who had trained and lived as part of a group.

These were the ones who had more experience rolling around in the wild.

Those people were united, and Dunbakhel’s sense of smell was so sensitive that it bordered on fraud.

With experience added to this, finding the harpy’s nest was no easy task.

“It smells bad.”

“It’s good to hide, and it’s good to live together. Just look at it and it’s right here.”

Dunbakel and Rem spoke in turn. Encred looked at the high cliff.

The terrain of the Demon Realm was all random.

Should we call this a cliff or a natural tower?

Encred had to bend his head to look at the circular rock so that he could barely see the top.

I roughly estimated it with my eyes, and it seemed that even if there were ten Rems, they wouldn’t be able to reach the top. So, it was high.

Above them, a group of harpies could be seen one by one.

They used spells, but they only used minor wind spells.

“I can do it first.”

Rem spoke and pulled out his sling. It would be difficult with a javelin, but here was a savage who could sling rocks more fiercely than a javelin.

Today was brighter than yesterday.

The two moons radiated light alternately. There is a big moon and a small moon.

Under two moons, huh, huh, huh.

I started hearing a cracking sound.

The noise soon became a roar that tore through the air.


Through the moonlight, Rem began to sling.

Soon a third moon rose over Rem’s head. It was a full moon made of slings.


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