Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 440

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441. The Barracks Called a City

After hearing the whole story, Acea momentarily forgot her fatigue and smiled.

I was very annoyed because my supplies were running low.

You could see how bad the situation was just by looking at the driver who went out of his way to bring in a few merchants.

What an inefficient way to do things.

Thousand Brick itself was such a city. It was a place where you couldn’t be arrogant just because you were a quasi-knight.

Asia also needed time to adjust to this place. It was hard to put into words how it felt to see Lord Oara hammer nails into the shortsword.

How can I say this, it felt like watching someone plow a field with a holy sword.

But Lord Aura smiled.

Oh, smile brightly.

Aura of smiles.

Come, smiling sword.

Aura with a sunny smile.

The nicknames given to Knight Oara were all similar.

She laughed heartily.

Acea saw Oara’s smile and immediately wrote a letter asking her to send some craftsmen and flew pigeons to the royal palace.

“You are the best. Handsome. also.”

Asia cleared her mind and gave a thumbs up.

“Is that a compliment?”

“Oh Ara Kyeong-sik praise.”

Acea also seemed to have a lot of jokes. En Creed was the only one besides Jack the swordsman, and he had his own business to deal with.

One of the deserters colluded with a cult and founded a new religion, that is, it became a cult.

Asia added that this has been around for about two years now and that it seems like the cult is involved in something that is now quite large.

“I want to chase after him and kill him right now, but if a wave occurs while Lord Oara is away, it will be over.”

For the same reason, Acea could not leave her seat easily.

It is said that because harpies and monsters frequently attack the city, dizzying levels of attacks will occur as soon as you leave the place.

Encred’s arrival at a time like this was welcome in many ways.

However, Acea did not have high expectations because it was not a simple battle but a fight that required tracking and driving them out.

The leader of that new cult was running away so fast that if he hadn’t been there, I would have clenched my teeth and killed him long ago, even if it meant killing him in the process.

To be honest, if Encred hadn’t come, he would have taken the opportunity to come.

Those who are not even bishops or cult leaders and are just foolish kids who talk about being cult leaders or gods can go by themselves and come back clean.

Encred asked a few more questions.

Things like the location and size of the colony, and the characteristics of the so-called religious group.

Asia answered as best she could.

“Have you seen the village tavern? The owner would know better than I do.”

“You were so angry about Prohibition?”

“He’s a guy known for being a nice person. Go over there, order some food, and try talking to him. Oh, and there’s also something you have to watch out for from those cult guys. I heard there’s a swordsman who uses magic.”

“What magic?”

If you were to cast a spell, you had to be careful.

He could spout fire from his hands, or he could tangle something like a spider web around his body.

Encred was a man who had experienced various things while sparring with Esther.

Although I did not gain any new enlightenment from sparring with the wizard, I at least became familiar with how to deal with the wizard.

That’s why I asked.

“They said there was a hole in my stomach without even touching it.”

Asia said, making a gesture of poking the air with her palm.

He said that some of the soldiers had suffered from this, and added that he would give all of those pseudo-bastards a hole in the thrush if they were caught.

Encred heard everything he had to say, but he wasn’t the type of person to go out and look for them right away.

There are three recently formed colonies.

It wasn’t a border area for no reason. If you don’t use your hands for a while, the crazy monsters gather together, build a nest, and get sick.

“Welcome. To Thousand Bricks, the border of the Demon Realm.”

Asia spoke again, and Encrid nodded calmly.

It wasn’t any different because it was a demon realm. There were a few more demons than other places, but that wasn’t any different because it was a border guard.

Asia was busy, and it seemed like resting was the priority right now. The dark shadows under her eyes might soon give birth to an evil spirit.

As a junior officer, you should be confident in your stamina, but you’ve been very tired lately.

“I stayed up two nights because of those harpy babies.”

If they had attacked all at once, I would have led my troops and fought them, but they came in small groups and watched from afar, provoking the ones that were worth poking and running away if they weren’t.

Even if you were a semi-knight, it was difficult to catch a harpy running away while using a spell.

It’s not like I couldn’t catch it if I set my mind to it, but I was too far away and kept glancing at it.

I don’t know if these bastards come near the watchtower, but they don’t often come near the watchtower or castle walls outside Thousand Brick.

It was only when a group of merchants were brought in that the harpies saw this and attacked with excitement, so Acea belatedly came running to deal with them.

Even Asia thought she was rather lucky.

Because it was a chance to catch and kill a few of these damn bastards.

“Millio. Guide me. To the lodging and restaurant.”

“All right.”

Asia went to rest, leaving the soldier she had seen in front of the castle gate named Millio as her guide.

Encred scanned the city to see if there was any disturbance due to swearing or fighting. It was to find Rem. There was no particular commotion.

It was still just a moderately noisy and moderately smelly city.

Most of those smells were sweat.


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The sour smell from the sweat-soaked clothes met the damp air and created a fantastic harmony.

Here and there, people were commonly seen working out their muscles or swinging weapons.

“One monster’s head.”

“Let’s wake up two!”

“Let’s die laughing!”


Slogans were also heard.

Six people were seen training their bodies by lifting logs and such.

Most of them were those who made arrows by servicing long bows.

They also sweated profusely. It was that kind of weather.

Even if you just stand still, thick sweat flows.

The smell of grass was not like rotten meat, but it was full of unpleasantness and stung my nose.

Dunbakel, who had been frowning several times from the beginning because of his sense of smell, eventually covered his nose.

“It smells bad, don’t they wash it?”

“Have you no conscience?”

Encrid scolded Dunbakel for that.

“Why me? I washed it ten days ago.”

Encred decided that if there was a bathtub in the hotel today, he would immerse Dunbakel head first in it.

Ten days ago, I was on my way here.

Dunbakel reached the stream, wet his fingertips with water, and rubbed a few drops on his face.

I said I washed it.

“The bathtub needs to be sturdy.”

Dunbakel, sensing ominousness in Encred’s words, took a step back.

Of course, that doesn’t mean the results will change.

Since Ruagarne was a prog, he was used to the humid air. No, I liked it.

The smell was also bearable. Originally, Frocks tended to grow new ones even if their limbs were amputated, so they were a bit dull in their senses.

I actually welcomed the humid environment.

The Prok tribe had a hobby of occasionally immersing themselves in lake water as a form of relaxation.

They weren’t frogs, but they liked everything frogs like.

Flicking insects with their tongues and washing themselves in mud in the swamps near the water were considered some of their best pastimes.

Sometimes, Luagarne thought back to the things she had received as a favor from the palace.

“I don’t think there’s a bathtub full of mud.”

Naturally, there was nothing like that here.

“Are you talking about mud?”

Milio responded to Luagarne’s words. The soldier with the deep voice still wanted to confront Encred, but for now, he was faithful to the task at hand.

He was a soldier doing his duty.

“There is a swamp if you go around the gray forest beyond the western gate, but you should not go there. There is always a poisonous fog in that swamp.”

I don’t think it’s necessary to say this.

Encred thought about that and looked away.

The sight of the city caught his eye. I saw it before, but it had a unique appearance.

Houses were spread out sparsely, and dirt roads ran through the city, leading to two gates.

Most buildings were made of straight bricks, placed on the ground, and houses were built on top of them.

When I wondered why, it was because the ground was prone to filling up with water when it rained.

It was also seen that drains had been dug here and there to avoid that.

Most of them are drainage ditches dug with the area where water flows down from above in mind.

The most impressive thing among them was the large drainage ditch dug in the center, which was like a small cave without a ceiling.

Wouldn’t this be enough to create a small stream when it rains? Did a giant come and sell it?

“This is the work of Lord Oara.”

Milio said while looking at Encred. He was a sharp-witted soldier in many ways.

Although his speech is rough, it must be said that he has a kind heart.

According to him, the knight had even dug a shovel.

Should I be surprised? I didn’t know, so I ignored it.

In any case, thanks to the drain dug indiscriminately in the center, there didn’t seem to be any houses that could be damaged by flooding if it rained.

Encred observed other things as well.

A general store, a grocery store, a bar, a few empty houses, a blacksmith shop, a shop displaying butchered meats, some shops that don’t seem to be doing any business, a stand-alone building with a half-broken wooden scarecrow between them, a store selling firewood, etc.

“Merchants from outside give you goods in exchange for Krona, but here, most people buy things with contribution points.”

Millio chose the words he needed to say. The way the city worked was unusual.


Dunbakel asked with his nose blocked, a hoarse voice coming out.

Milio looked at her and nodded before continuing to explain.

“Yes, it is a contribution. It accumulates as you defeat monsters and kill monsters. Or, you can do something helpful to the city, such as restoring the gate, or if you want something bigger, you can help Lord Oara when he fights. Didn’t you kill the harpy earlier? “The spell-casting harpy is a unique species, so you won’t have to worry about food or sleeping for ten days.”

I looked at it, thinking it was an unusual method, but among those I could see, there were very few people without weapons.

Everyone carried one bow with them.

They all had a stick design on their shoulders.

“Oh, that doesn’t symbolize each unit, it’s something like a rank. It is roughly based on Naurilia’s soldier grading system. “Once a month, a squire from the Knights Templar gives lessons.”

One stick is low level, two are medium level, and three are high level.

It was the commander who started breaking the pole.

It was similar to the way it was used in the royal palace, but a little different, and it was a good idea to carve a pattern on the shoulder so that it could be recognized at a glance.

‘It would be convenient to apply it to border guards as well.’

Encred looked around the city and felt a sense of unease.

The smell was bad, but it was comfortable.

It feels like coming home.

It’s not my actual hometown, but it has a calming atmosphere.

The unpleasant and unpleasant weather remained the same.

There was still sticky sweat. So much so that I feel like I want to take a shower right now.

It was the kind of weather where you could grab the head of a Dunbakkel who didn’t wash even in this kind of weather and throw him into the bathtub.

Encred saw two soldiers fighting with wooden clubs in a small open space.


It wasn’t about fighting, it was about testing each other’s skills.

Taking off their clothes and wearing only pants, the two swung long wooden clubs.

The moment I saw it, I realized: this wasn’t a city.

‘It’s not a city, it’s a barracks.’

Thousand Bricks was a city in name only.

This place was like one giant barracks.

I thought I knew why it had to be that way.

It is to defeat the endless attacks by monsters and beasts.

There is no land for farming, and it is not a commercial hub. If we remove such people, who will fill this city?

All were combatants.

‘The entire city was turned into a barracks.’

Who else would have done that?

Come on, knight.

It was her work.

“Well, you can stay here and eat on the first floor. “If you say you’re a demon slayer, everyone will recognize you because you’re famous.”

It was a fairly large brick building. It seemed to be in better condition than where Lord Oara was staying.

I saw a door full of graffiti.

There were various words engraved on it with a sharp object, a knife or something.

Everyone run away. It’s not too late.

Long live the knight Oara.

I will burst the monster’s head. Me, my whole life.


Let’s die laughing!

These were the words.

Encred pushed the door open.

If this was a barracks, then in reality, all of the city’s residents had to be considered warriors.

Encred entered the building and saw the soldier and the prostitute he had been arguing with earlier. Both were dressed differently.

The soldiers wore warm linen clothes and carried food.

The woman is armed. He was lightly armed, wearing thin leather armor and carrying a shortbow at an angle on his back.

It looked like he was about to go into battle or on a mission.

“Come now.”

The male soldier spoke, and the woman glanced at Encred.

“They said he was a demon slayer and he was very handsome.”

Is that the original tone of the unit?

Or maybe the tone has changed like this thanks to Lord Oara.

The woman spoke without hiding her true feelings. At her words, most of the people in the restaurant looked at Encred.

“… … “A man’s face is not everything.”

The soldier who was carrying the food said.

Luagarne couldn’t hold it in any longer and spoke up.

“Not only the face, but everything else is great too.”

It was nonsense.

Encred ignored it and sat down. Then the woman came and said.

“My name is Rowena. “I’m a foreman.”

A foreman was a person who commanded ten people.

“I saw you in the alley earlier.”

Encred said out of curiosity.

“Oh, that’s a side job.”

This city was a place where everyone who lived was a soldier.

“If you have any questions, please contact me.”

Her words sounded ambiguous. I didn’t know if it was during the day or at night.

“I don’t think that will happen. It might not happen.”

Dunbakel lowered his fist and muttered with a sarcastic gesture, while Encred asked his master.

“Can I wash here?”

“to? yes. “There is a bathtub.”

The master answered, and Dunbakel tried to run away, but was caught by the back of the neck by Encred.


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