Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 44

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44. Blue-Eyed Savior

The fairy company commander moved his ears. At the same time, what is happening around him is depicted in his mind as clearly as if he could see it with his own eyes.

The five sensitive senses are an innate talent of fairies.

She took two steps to the right, relying on her hearing.


The location was in front of an enemy soldier stabbing a polearm. Her position was at the forefront of our forces.

The fairy company commander raised the enemy’s spear and struck upward.

At the same time as she raised the spear, the sword in her hand moved forward like a blade of grass flowing in the wind, and came back after making a hole in the enemy’s neck.

Sigh! Boop!

Blood spurted from the punctured throat.

She shook the sword in her hand to the floor. The blood on the sword splattered on the floor.

She kept moving. If it stayed in place, it would only become a target for Quarrel.

The fairy company commander ran and swung a sword resembling a leaf.


Two Quarrels caught on the blades and bounced off.

The sword she held in her hand was a sword called ‘Niseul’.

It was a piece of equipment unique to the Fairy tribe that was shorter and more pointed than a normal sword and resembled a streamlined leaf.

It was a sword characterized by a blade that resembled the shape of a ferry boat or leaf when the handle was pulled out.

The fairy tribe’s unique swordsmanship was a mixture of the three types of swords, sharp swords, and quick swords.

Ages were also specialized weapons for that purpose.

And what the company commander showed now was the swordsmanship.

There was no soldier who could receive the technique of striking away the long spear and piercing it like a beam of light.

‘Isn’t it good?’

Even as I killed the opponent, I felt the gloom of the fairy company commander.

Was witchcraft originally this dangerous?

I once faced a warrior who wore the berserker’s spell.

Berserkers who charged without caring for their wounds were dangerous and aggressive, but they were temporary and not the type that could cover the entire battlefield.

That was all the magic she knew. So when her fog lifted, she couldn’t help but be surprised.

Is this a witchcraft?

Fortunately, I was prepared and reacted correctly.

When the fog first arrived, the fairy company commander narrowed the formation by forming his troops into a circle. He carried out the shouts of ‘get down’ and ‘shield’ that came out just in time.

As she shouted, several of the platoon leaders frantically repeated the same words like parrots.

I am suddenly in a situation where I cannot see what is ahead. It was enough to send me into a state of panic.

It was natural that the war situation was grim. She did her job even under these circumstances.

He broke away from his formation and cut and stabbed the leader of the enemy army alone. If we didn’t do this, our troops would soon be annihilated.

At least the 1st Company will hold out.

‘A bastard like a potato sprout.’

The fairy company commander cursed the battalion commander in his mind.

Potato sprouts are poisonous. Fairies tended to enjoy expressions that compared them to plants.

Once the potatoes sprout, you need to cut them out and eat them. If you eat it as is, poison will build up in your body.

The current battalion commander was just such a potato sprout.

In a situation like this, the command had to come up with some kind of countermeasure, but there was no order from the battalion commander.

No whistles, no shouts, no instructions.

He led the unit negligently, trusting only his allies.

I told him countless times that it was a witchcraft and to be prepared, but he didn’t seem to listen.

This kingdom was like a peach full of mold. It means rotten.

How could they send such a piece of trash to the front lines as a battalion commander?

‘Even if I’m lucky.’

Will ten out of a hundred survive?

The fog covered the allies’ eyes. It was fatal.

As I was predicting a gloomy future, the fog suddenly cleared before my eyes.


The fairy company commander stopped while holding his sword.

She was embarrassed. Her fog disappeared as quickly as it formed.

And the enemy was more embarrassed than she was.


The enemy soldier holding a long spear in front of him stopped his hand without even thinking about stabbing him.

The fairy company commander’s embarrassment was short-lived. She fought well even when she had her haze. She just wielded the ages. The blades drawn in a semicircle in the air precisely cut the enemy’s neck.


Another enemy has fallen.

The company commander decided that now was the starting point for victory.

It was not the time to worry about why the fog had cleared.

“Power reversal! “We fight back!”

Her cries were met with response from everywhere.

“charge! charge! “Help me!”

“Kill! “Kill me!”

“You bastards!”

“I’m going to kill them all!”


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The momentum changes. The flow of the battlefield changes. The fairy company commander retrieved the children and stayed in place.

Soon her company passed by.

“Company commander!”

The 1st platoon leader shouts.

“Change it all.”

The company commander responded. The 1st platoon commander responded with enthusiasm.


The air on the battlefield is heating up. The gloomy air that had been hanging around all around us was immediately blown away.

The fairy company commander then wondered why the fog had suddenly disappeared.

‘no way?’

The squad leader?

There was no reason, but it seemed like he would do it. It was a pure feeling. The fairy’s senses were still sharp.

* * *

The captain of the Azpen Kingdom’s independent company, Gray Dog, turned back and blocked the retreat.

This was exactly the point where the fog cleared.

All you had to do was kill the enemies that came out.

The enemy panics and runs away, so it couldn’t be easier than this.

But suddenly the fog cleared.

“What is this? Why is the fog clearing?”

“Captain, the enemy is reversing.”

There are no hills blocking the eyes in the Green Pearl Plain. In their eyes, they saw the Naurilia Kingdom army turning around.

The company commander grasped the situation in an instant.

Either the witch doctor did something wrong, or the witchcraft was a mess, and a problem arose.

If this continues, the strategy our troops prepared will completely collapse.

“Hit the back! Don’t break through, just cut sideways! Follow me!”

The company commander ran forward. They attacked the back of the Naurilia Kingdom army.

The intention was to assist the retreat of our troops in the front by striking from behind.

“What the hell.”

Gray Dog’s company commander was determined to punish whoever lifted the fog.

* * *

Encred realized that his calculations were very wrong.

The quarrel stuck on his back, behind his right shoulder, prevented him from swinging his sword properly with his right hand.

The opponent was slightly more skilled than Mitch Huryer.

Even when I tried to concentrate, there were people suddenly stabbing me from behind with spears.

No, it was fortunate that there were only spearmen aiming at the back.

Five crossbowmen followed and kept aiming at themselves.

As a result, I got a quarrel stuck in my thigh.

‘I’m not good at jumping with these legs.’

The cracked sword suddenly broke in half.

The opponent used heavy swordsmanship using strong attacks.

Encred was covered in blood as the blood on his thighs and back mixed with the blood of the enemy.

The mustachioed man was secretly impressed, seeing him holding on to the half-sword in such a state.

Although he is an enemy, speaks mean-spiritedly, and destroys magic.

Isn’t his spirit amazing?

Even now, he didn’t look like he had given up at all.

“What do you believe in?”

Mustache asked. Encred took a deep breath and answered while keeping his sights on the crossbow soldiers positioned behind him.


“I’m asking why you haven’t given up yet.”

Encred answered those words as if there was nothing to think about.

“Hehe, I’m the squad leader.”


“I have friends named Rem and Ragna in my squad.”


“Those two fight so well that you don’t even know why they’re squad members.”

“Are you saying those two are coming to save you?”

“There was a scenario like that too.”

Since we came this far, I thought it would be nearby.

no. I can’t see it. She thought it was time to show up.

If he hadn’t come by now, I had to assume he wasn’t coming.

That was right.

At the same time, Rem was breaking through after destroying one of the enemy troops, and was penetrating the tall grass field.

Because of the fog, Ragna did not go any further and only dealt with the enemies that rushed at him.

After the fog cleared, we joined our troops.

The two didn’t even know where their squad leader was.

Mustache took a step closer with his sword in hand. En Creed stepped back, dragging his injured right foot.

Even so, your eyes are so alive?

Encred’s eyes were still focused on something. With that leg? Where are you running away to?

Encred looked at his mustache and thought he was such a shrewd bastard.

However, I didn’t give up on ‘today’.

Just die and repeat again. He knows it too. I know it very well.

But I didn’t think he was mortally wounded yet.

Above all, if today had been meaningless, Encred would not have been where it is today.

Until just before his death, Encred would rebel.

I was going to do my best to live today.

He was the one who struggled and did not give up until the end.

“It’s a shame that we’re enemies.”

Mustache said and took a step closer again. Encred could not retreat any further.

Behind him, an enemy soldier holding a spear was glaring at him with sinister eyes.

Look back once and look forward again. Her mustache lifted the sword, gripping it with both hands.

The body of the bastard sword, which was longer than an ordinary sword, reflected the sunlight that came in as the fog cleared.

‘right? left?’

Where should I escape?

No matter where you run, you cannot avoid fatal injuries. Still, I don’t want to die quietly.

‘If it can’t be avoided.’

Encrud tightly grasped the sword that was broken in half. If you can’t turn left or right or retreat, you can only move forward.

The moment the sword falls, it runs forward. That’s the moment I made up my mind.


With the sound of a string being plucked, a quarrel flew out and stuck in my left shoulder.

Taking advantage of the attention drawn to the sword, one of the soldiers fired a crossbow.

Encred let out a short groan, overcame the pain and spoke.

“Well, shamefully.”

“Thank you for the compliment.”

Mustache said while holding his sword. There was no smile on her face.

Even if you kill the enemy soldier in front of you, the war will be a complete loss.

A soldier’s life and victory or defeat on the battlefield.

Even an eight-year-old passing by will know which is more valuable.

Still, it makes no sense to send him alive.


Strike down the sword. It’s a heavy sword, a strong attack.

Encred did not close his eyes. I watched the sword strike until the end.

The heart of the beast gave me boldness.

Encred thought without blinking an eye.

‘If my body is normal, how can I prevent it?’

He focused on handling the sword until the very end.

And just before the sword struck his forehead.


A soldier’s screams were heard from behind.

As soon as a scream was heard, a black shadow struck Mustache’s sword.


Encred couldn’t even see what the shadow was.

However, I didn’t think it was a sword or arrow.

If it were a sword or an arrow, it wouldn’t turn around in the air and land on the ground if it hit.

“… … to?”

Encred confirmed the existence of the shadow.

Blue eyes, hair like black silk.

It was a black panther.

At that moment, a distant memory came to mind. Originally, it was a distant memory, but a memory that has become distant due to the repetition of today.

A memory that is likely to be forgotten.

Still, an unforgettable memory.

A memory immediately came to mind when I saw the black fur and blue eyes.

It was the beast I met in the tall grass field.



The black leopard must have grown since then, and its body has become slightly larger.

The guy just glared at the mustache and said Kaaaaaaaa! and let out a fierce cry.

“What is this again?”

The mustache made my eyebrows rise upward as if it was absurd. Then she expressed her anger again. In response, two crossbowmen aimed at the leopard and shot Quarel.

“Uh, hey!”

Encred shouted in surprise.

The leopard flexibly twisted its waist in place, kicked the ground a few times, and dodged the quarrel.

After that, he kicked the ground and ran forward.

Mustache reflexively swung his sword down.

The leopard did not go near the mustache. Her black silk seemed to be stretched out.

It was that fast. The leopard’s destination was the crossbow.


The leopard’s claws were so sharp that it swung its paw and cut the Achilles tendon at the back of the crossbowman’s ankle, causing blood to splatter.

It was not at a level that could be stopped with leather boots or anything like that.


When the leopard attacked, the soldier pulled out his short sword.

The leopard then showed an even more surprising movement. He did not aim at the soldier, but kicked his crossbow.

It kicks the ground with its front paws and cuts the string of the crossbow with its back claws. He stepped on the crossbow with his back foot, kicked it, and then flew towards the crossbow.

The same goes for what I did when I flew. He swung his front paw and cut the string on his crossbow.

‘Are you aiming for it?’

If it’s just one, it’s a coincidence, but if all five remaining crossbow strings were cut, it’s hard to say it’s a coincidence.

“Something small.”

The mustache has now grown on his face. I was really angry. The leopard had no dealings with him.

He quickly kicked the floor and returned to Encred’s side, biting the back of his neck.


The leopard asked what he didn’t like, snorted, and started running.

He was a very strong guy.

Although his legs dragged and his body dragged, he was as fast as Encred was running.

My back hurt and scratches appeared on my arms and legs in real time.

As I was being dragged along, I felt something warm flowing from the back of my neck. I wanted to turn my head to check, but I didn’t have time.


Mustache shouted.

Even if I do this, I think it will be difficult to get out of here.

“Run away.”

Encred said. Naturally, the leopard did not answer.

Hot liquid continues to flow from the nape of the neck, and the mustache follows.

Encred is running away, scratching the ground with his neck bitten by a leopard.

Still, there seems to be an end to this escape. The leopard’s limits are clear.

It seemed like he had no intention of letting the mustache go. Will was etched in her bloodshot eyes.

“I told you to run away.”

As I spoke to the leopard again, a black shadow appeared above its head.

“I came to save you.”


It was an unexpected reinforcement.

It was a friendly soldier whose entire body was stained with blood.

A platoon leader who is familiar and was once busy making fun of people.

“Venjence Platoon Commander?”

“okay. “I have come.”

He raised his sword and blocked Encred’s path. He wasn’t alone.

Our soldiers swarmed behind him.

Before I knew it, one of the platoons that had hit the front had arrived here.

It was not in vain that Encred, or rather the leopard, took his time.


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