Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 439

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440. Deserter Jack is already dead

The brown-haired woman’s eyes became clear.

“To agree.”

Luagarne spoke from behind. I wondered what he was talking about after all the trouble I had brought him.

Encrid was reluctant to intervene.

I know from experience that adding a few more words in situations like this often makes the situation worse.

“Are you dating a girl? “Are you with Acea?”

“He can be my spiritual spouse, and I have a fiancé and a cat at home.”

The brown-haired woman and Luagarne spoke ceaselessly, with Encred between them.

“You’re going too far, sir. Leave me alone.”

Then the man right next to me opened his mouth.

He spoke in a deep, whining voice, but it didn’t suit him at all. If whining so bluntly was a talent, it could be called a talent.

Then the woman laughed and patted the man on the back.

In Encred’s eyes, it looked very awkward.

The man was of considerable build, though smaller than Audin, and the woman was less than half his size.

The hand that was tapping the man’s back looked very small.

But of course, that wasn’t all.

Encred’s gaze turned to the woman’s tapping palm.

It was as if he cast an observational gaze without saying anything.

I could see calluses on my palms. It was a callus that wouldn’t have formed if I hadn’t held and wielded a sword for years.

Encred also looked for the right man.

A large body, a fierce look, a whiny tone of voice, and a very well-trained body, with muscles as clear as a sculpture.

The last one I saw was a woman with short blonde hair and sharp eyes.

The woman and Encred’s eyes met.

The brown-haired woman looked in the direction of Encred’s gaze and spoke.

“Is this what you like? You like dangerous things, right? But he’s really handsome, it’s fun just to look at him. Hey, the Border Guard kids are great!”

He was a person who didn’t care about others and only talked about himself. As he spoke, he banged his glass on the table, but it did not sound like a harsh noise, but rather an appropriate sound effect, as if he had been tapping in time with the beat.

“This is Encred of the Border Guard.”

Encred introduced himself plainly.

I had long ago given up on clearing up each and every misunderstanding about what Luagarne had said. It didn’t seem like anyone would listen to what I said here.

And none of that mattered.

A woman with brown hair, if you saw her on the street you would have thought she was an ordinary person with an ordinary appearance.

Knight Oara answered while leaning back in his chair, lifting his two front legs, and resting his right arm diagonally on the back of the chair.

“Oara of the Red Cloak Knights.”

Of course it was a knight.

It was a little different from what Encred had imagined, but seeing as there wasn’t a single gap in sight, the article was right.

“What a provocative friend.”

The short blonde next to me said, turning a metal drinking glass in her hand.

Encred pictured several scenarios of how he would react if that glass were to fly at him.

It wasn’t intentional, it just came to my mind instinctively.

Having experienced this a few times, Encred quickly realized what was happening.

Why is that glass dangerous?

That was because the short blonde hair showed her will to attack while hiding her life.

It’s a talent Saxony has often shown.

It was an insidiousness that you wouldn’t have felt if you hadn’t sparred with him countless times.

It wasn’t just the glass that was threatening.

The same went for the whining man’s right hand that went under the table.

You’re holding a weapon.

But he didn’t look in that direction. His gaze was still ahead, on Knight Oara.

Encred deliberately displayed his momentum by adding intention to his instincts.

It was like that from a while ago. The two of them reacted to that.

But Knight Oara shook them all off. To be precise, it was ignored.

“If it’s not an evil spirit that died from not being able to fight, then just leave it. “I know you play a little, but these two play well too.”

Oara said.

“You are always welcome in Dalian.”

Encred said calmly.

“He’s like Millio.”

The man answered, meeting her gaze.

The woman who was spinning the glass slowly lost her momentum.

Knight Oara smiled broadly and said.

“But he’s really handsome.”

The direction of the conversation was truly unpredictable, but Encred knew a lot of these people.

Rem, Ragnar, Saxony, Audin, etc.

So I was used to it.

“I hear that a lot. “Can I ask you to spar with me?”

“Oh, what a persistent obsessive man. “It appears a lot in the novels I read these days.”

“He’s a bit persistent. “I want to learn something from the driver.”

“It has a wicked side, but I like that too.”


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If Knight Oara spoke in her own way, it was the same for Encred.

Acea, who was watching from the side, seemed to see parallel lines that would never meet.

“Stop that and let’s talk about work first, Master.”

The knight was also the teacher of all the knights. So he called them masters.

“Oh, work?”

Encred then sat down and heard something similar to the explanation.

The elusive knight Oara immediately spoke about the prohibition.

“How can you be drinking when you have so much work to do? We don’t even have enough manpower to clean up the mess.”

“Then why are you drinking?”

Prock, who was exploring the unknown, asked with curiosity. Come to think of it, there was no one here who was particularly surprised to see Prock standing behind Encred.

“I am the head of this city and also the lord of the castle.”

Ohara was confident.

Ruagarne thought for a moment and then agreed. It could have been so.

There were people who became a bit selfish when they became superiors. She knew people well.

Encred seemed to see a free spirit outside the framework of a knight.

Still, I wasn’t embarrassed.

How can there be all the same people in the world?

More than anything.

‘It doesn’t matter, does it?’

I also thought about this. The important thing is that she is her knight, and her skills are also real.

Plus, although he didn’t say anything, he’s doing something for this city.

It’s something that you can’t know just by observing the article, but you can tell by looking at the attitudes of Asia and others.

Even though she was obviously tired, she respected and admired her partner.

Both as a knight and as a person.

I could see the respect that came from the heart that I didn’t easily show even to Krang.

The other two were the same.

It seems like they trust each other beyond respect.

Even though he would tell me I was handsome and show me the same look as before, whether he was drinking or talking nonsense, his eyes and attitude never changed.

You can tell what kind of appearance someone usually has by looking at the attitude of the people around them.

It was a lesson I learned while wandering around the continent. Because Encred is a human being who lives with such lessons engraved in his body, he naturally did not look down on his opponents.

Just focus on being a knight.

Also, I haven’t forgotten why I came here.

“Isn’t the situation worse than expected?”

Encred was quick to grasp the situation. If he hadn’t even done that, it would have been impossible for him to survive until now.

After picking up the sword, I committed suicide several times to pursue my dreams.

I had to use everything around me to avoid dying.

I did it to survive and to somehow make dangerous and difficult things happen.

The experience at that time was also helpful to Encred. The experience at that time also gave me insight into the situation.

“Not good.”

Acea nodded and summarized the situation.

“The deserter cubs are a problem, but there are three colonies that have formed while we were blocking the wave of monsters.”

It wasn’t for nothing that I encountered the harpy casting spells earlier, and it was only natural that I saw a clever demon.

The colony is a way to increase the level of monsters and beasts.

Oara was chewing on golden roasted broccoli.

She acted as if all this was no big deal.

After putting broccoli in her mouth and muttering, she opened her mouth again.

“There are quite a few deserters this year.”

“It’s not just that we have a lot of work to do, we’re really short on manpower right now.”

As Asia spoke, Encred pointed out the most crucial point in this whole situation.

It is true that desertion and the colony are problems that need to be solved, but all of this happened when the waves of monsters coming from the Demon World were overcome.

Looking at the situation, I realized that it was the most dangerous and important thing. Beyond the west was the border area of ​​the Demon Territory, and this city was a city to protect the Demon Territory.

“How do you stop the monsters from rushing in from beyond the western gate?”

So I asked.

“I will stop it.”

Ohara’s plain answer came back.

Encred really wanted to see her fight.

There was a knight before my eyes who said he would block the waves of the devil’s realm alone.

Can a knight from Azpen, the mercenary king of the East, Ragnar, or Cynar do this?

At least it didn’t feel that way right now.

It sounded like something only an ordinary-looking knight in front of me could do.

“Can I take a look?”

“When you’re done with your work, I’ll let you watch from the front row. But you have to take care of yourself, and if I kill you, half of the women in the world will become my enemies.”

Oara finally cracked a joke. Encrid also finished adjusting and answered.

“If it’s dangerous, won’t you protect me?”

Oara laughed out loud again at the unexpected answer.

As I laughed, Hahaha, the man next to me smiled, curled his lips, and said.

“Are you hitting it a little?”

It seemed like there was a standard for measuring skill here, just as a joke.

By that standard, Encred might have been the greatest knight on the continent.

“It’s okay.”

A short blonde-haired quasi-knight who was shorter than Oara nodded.

“Asia will organize the work and give it to you. “I got drunk today.”

Oara continued speaking, and Acea lowered her head. Oh Ara straightened her chair with a thud and emptied the glass in her hand.

That was the end of the meeting. When I came out, Luagarne asked me.

“How is it?”

It was a completely different story, but I quickly understood that he was asking about that feeling after reading the article.

“I don’t know.”

“I don’t know?”

“I’ll have to see.”

I was curious about her fight. I was more curious about her sword. What are her tactics? What are your skills as a knight? Not all knights are the same. The Ark that everyone sees is different. Now I know that.


‘I can’t guess without seeing it.’

I really wanted to see a knight’s sword that didn’t seem intimidating on the outside.

My passion boiled over.

A thirst that remains unsatisfied even though I have already received the swords of four knights.

However, instead of showing impatience, he blossomed with enthusiasm.

‘If this is also a talent.’

Luagarne, who was watching Encred, became very curious about what would happen if this man really became a knight and used Will like a knight.

It was something that could not have been predicted at all.

It seemed like we were reaching our limit right now.

So it will be more enjoyable. You make something happen that wasn’t meant to be and you can’t imagine the end.

Ruagarne felt a shiver that would have given a human goosebumps.

Her skin turned red instead of goosebumps. It was a characteristic of Frock. She was alone and thrilled.

I will do my best for that.

Luagarne made up her mind.

Asia’s eyes were tired, but she didn’t make any excuses about Lord Oara.

She knew Encred.

He wasn’t the type of person to ignore or look down on others by showing this kind of attitude.

Rather, I wonder if it wouldn’t be better if they showed curiosity and wanted to learn something from me.

As expected, he still showed that kind of appearance.

Dunbakel asked while listening from the side.

“Are you going into the devil’s realm?”

He didn’t look scared, but I could sense a hint of worry. On the contrary, he tried to look more calm. It was an attitude of trying to hide his fear.

“When I get the chance.”

Encred said it bluntly. If he hadn’t expected that, he wouldn’t have come this far.

Dunbakel swallowed hard to keep himself from making a sound. He felt like running away even though he hadn’t done anything yet.

“Well, I guess I should call this a list of requests to be resolved. There are more than one or two. If I could resolve even half of them, I’d feel relieved.”

“say it.”

Acea did as Encred said.

There were two main branches of the request.

One is a deserter.

They said this year was particularly severe.

In Encred’s opinion, it was natural that there were many deserters. There were battles where you could die if you failed, and the supply was not strong and the salaries were not high.

Compared to the Border Guard soldiers, it was less than half.

Did you say that this is more than the number of soldiers from other regions?

If this is going to be the case, we need to at least lock the soldier up so he can’t escape.

“Are those who remain like that going to fight properly? “These are the words of Lord Oara.”

Encred roughly understood the methods of Lord Oara.

Only those who will fight remain. He filters out only those who know how to fight properly and have a strong heart.

Otherwise, it would be broken anyway and wouldn’t be able to fight properly.

The human spirit is not that strong.

If you stand on the edge of death for a long time, it is bound to break down.

A life of fear that you might die tomorrow and a life where the person sitting next to you keeps changing.

To prevent that, adequate rest was needed.

In the past, the Border Guard did not fight Azpen with two battalions for no reason.

This was to avoid continuous fighting. Battle fatigue was bound to eat away at the mind before the body.

Even before we heard about the second problem, the demon colony, Asia complained.

“There were two troublemakers among the deserters, the worst of which was a guy named Jack the Knife. He raided the rear supply convoy.”

Thousand Bricks was a land where not a single grain of wheat had grown. It was difficult to get food through hunting or other means, and we had to rely on supplies for everything, but a deserter attacked the upper corps sent from the capital.

He said that there are people who desert and stand out, but it is rare to see crazy people like this.

They were guys who were trying to steal something and run away.

I wondered why, but it turned out that more than half of the conscripted soldiers, rather than volunteers, were criminals.

The bad guys among them quickly gathered the group, had a good time, and then tried to run away.

“I think it would be better to start by dealing with that kid.”

Acea told the identity of Jack, the swordsman, and Encred responded.

“It looks like he died on the way.”


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