Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 438

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439. A city built of a thousand bricks

The border city guarding the border of the Demon Realm was called Thousand Bricks.

A city with walls made of bricks.

It meant that Naurilia made it out of thousands of bricks to prevent the invasion of demons.

No matter how close it was to the border of the Demonic Land, it seemed like what I was seeing right now in that brick nest would not be common.

“Stop it!”

It was right in front of the castle walls. I could see soldiers facing a fierce battle.

Harpies were flying above our heads, and black hound demons were running rampant below.

Encred saw the half-broken gate of the city of ‘a thousand bricks’.

Even though this gate wasn’t even on the Magyeong side, it was such an uproar.

I saw a familiar face among the people standing in front of me.

It was Acea.

She was just about to strike the head of a hunting dog that was charging at her with her sword.

It looked like a light cut, but the power contained within it was that of a semi-knight.

Bam, bang!

The guy who got hit had his head broken and rolled to the side. The number of demonic beasts is quite high, but is that a problem?

Acea was also a quasi-knight. She calmly struck and stabbed the black hound monsters to death one by one, and then glanced upward.

Five harpies were circling above her head.

It’s not dangerous. They were fighting in proper formation, and if they died like that, they couldn’t even be called semi-knights.

However, it’s funny just to look at it.

Encrid couldn’t just watch, so he stepped forward.

It’s only a matter of time before all the monsters are killed, so wouldn’t it be better to resolve it a little faster?

“Rem, dunbakel.”

“Should I loosen up my body like this?”

Before I could call, Rem jumped forward. Dunbakhel followed behind him.

Encred called the two and ran too. He put down the backpack he was carrying on the ground because of the demons and moved only with his javelin.

Encred ran, kicking the ground with his feet evenly distributed across his entire foot. It was to practice the steps he had learned from Luagarne.

It was about training the basics so that the center of gravity could change anytime, anywhere.

Encred looked up, feeling the air hit his face.

A harpy was seen above Acia’s head, swinging both wings forward instead of arms. A sixth sense warned me as I followed the flapping wings.

It is something that cannot be seen but can be felt.

The gathered wind poured down like a knife.

Acea raised her shield to block it.

Tata dadadang!

The blade of wind struck the shield and broke, making a cheerful noise.

A harpy writing a spell? Encred runs while thinking.

The harpy increased altitude. Not only did the blade not reach, but the crossbow was barely at a height that could reach it.

Unless you were a skilled archer, it would have been difficult to shoot.

There are five harpies in total.

He knows how to use magic and gain advantageous positions.

He also knows how to gauge his opponent’s abilities. Otherwise, he would have been one of the five harpy skewers impaled on the tip of Asia’s sword long ago.

Encred took a few deep breaths to organize the information he had seen.

His senses were thrown away like blades.

The optimal line that can only be used on the battlefield was drawn in my mind.

It was a sense of enlightenment that came thanks to Abnayer, the genius strategist of Azpen.

Encrid did just that.

As he ran, he pulled out the gladius that was hanging horizontally behind his waist and threw it.

While holding and pulling the handle in reverse, slightly turn the running direction to the left, open and close the chest, and extend the arms.

It was a knife throwing technique using a technique called tangeomsik.


The flying sword appeared like a disc with a spinning motion.

The harpy used to block the crossbow’s approach with wind spells, but as if it realized that it couldn’t do that, it twisted its wings to change the air resistance and flew as if tilting to the side.

The gladius brushed past the spot where the harpy had been and clattered into the bricks of the rear wall.


A new sound of destruction erupted from the head of the harpy that was trying to avoid it.

The harpy fell in a long line, tilted, with the axe stuck in his head.

I dodged the gladius thrown by Encred, but I was unable to dodge the throwing axe thrown by Rem, and it hit me in the head.

“one more.”

Encred said. Rem clapped her hands and feet without saying a word.

This time, Rem threw the axe first. Encrid took up a short javelin, recalling the process of learning, practicing, and training in the lake of experience.

I had no idea that I would be using the javelin I brought for training here.

“You also trained to handle all weapons, right? “You can think of it as a continuation of that.”

Ruagarne continued the training that started with Rem.

It was a process of using all weapons, whether it was hand-to-hand combat or anything else, and getting it all into your head and learning it through your senses.

Encred has also been diligently practicing throwing the javelin. His senses, which have become more sensitive than before, have given him a different learning speed than before.

Of course, it may have been inadequate in the eyes of geniuses, but Encred thought it was okay in his own way.

I can prove it now.

A forearm-length javelin landed in the chest of a harpy who had dodged an ax that flew like a disc.


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The harpy was pushed back by the spear that broke through its breastbone and pierced through it, hitting the wall with a thud before being thrown forward and falling to the ground, a loud thud and a cloud of dust.


Acea recognized Encred.

“Let’s start with organizing.”

Encred answered. Dunbakel paid no attention to the harpy and rushed at the hunting dog that was attacking him from below.

He ran on both feet, lowered his posture, pulled out two curved swords, and swung them in both directions as if extending them, as if two bladed whips were slicing through the devil’s hand.

As I got closer, I could see why Asia didn’t rush in.

If I had decided to rush in, it wouldn’t have been a problem to kill five harpies, but I wondered why.

She was protecting a few people who appeared to be merchants at the back with her group.

It was clear that the Harpy would target them if he left his seat, so he was only blocking them.

The magical harpy began to flap its wings and fly away as the two died.

The three flew away like that.

The dull sunlight, blocked by clouds as much as the damp air, illuminated the spot where Harpy had been.

Encred wanted to talk slowly now that he had defeated the monster, but Asia was not one of them.

“You were the reinforcements.”

“And you?”

“I’ll apply too. It’s my original affiliation.”

That was correct. She was a member of the Order of the Red Cloak.

“Let’s go in.”

Acea took out a cloth from her arms, wiped the sword, and took it away, speaking calmly.

The attitude was that this kind of thing was nothing.

Among the crowd of merchants who had become confused, several of them collapsed, their legs giving out.

“You never said there was a harpy who uses magic.”

one of the merchants asked. It was like he was questioning me, but it seemed like he was so surprised.

There would be no merchant who would dare attack a quasi-knight of the Knights in that tone.

It was closer than the fist and the sword Crona.

Fortunately for the merchant, Asia understood his situation.

“This is my first time seeing this. Anyway, since you came to work, shouldn’t you just do your work?”

Encred once again realized that Acea belonged to the Knights.

Those who were interested in trivial matters could not become knights of the Order.

Hearing the stiff response, doesn’t it sound like the merchant is being unusually timid?

“Come to your senses first. “If you keep lying there, the harpy will think you left him a lunch box and will come back.”

So Encred stepped forward and spoke softly to comfort him.

Everyone jumped up at those words. There were also people who bit their molars to support a person whose legs were loose.

“Hey, don’t threaten me.”

Acea spoke to Encred, turned and went in first.

“When did I?”

When Encred asked again, Rem smiled and patted his shoulder.

“If you said it was a harpy’s lunchbox, wouldn’t that be a threat?”

A giggling Rem followed Asia.

Encred thought that the merchants were tactless because he said it only half in jest.

I’m escorted by a semi-knight, but would I be killed by a harpy?

“I think I should practice throwing while running more.”

Ruagarne said as she packed up the remaining backpack and picked up the gladius. En Creed nodded his head and went inside.

It didn’t seem like a big deal that the gate was half broken.

The people inside were calm.

The group of soldiers next to Acea walked chattering as if there was nothing to whisper about.

“The harpy babies really need to be dried up.”

“We must kill all the little monsters.”

This is Thousand Brick.

The gateway to the border of the Demonic Land blocked by a thousand bricks.

It was a place so dangerous that most people would not want to live there.

Inside, only those who hate monsters remain.

Thousand Bricks was a more dangerous place than the former Border Guard, a fortress city.

Two soldiers, unknown whether they were guards or robbers, came without helmets, passed the merchant who was entering, and looked at Encred.

A soldier who looked like a cross between a guard and a robber with a long scar above his right eyebrow approached.

Tap, tap, tap, tap.

A soldier who walked while striking the ground with the spear he held in his right hand stood in front of Encred.

Proc, Suin, and Rem were also ignored.

“General Encred, Demon Slayer?”

He asked.

Encred nodded, feeling a subtle pressure.

The man moved his other hand, the one holding the spear. Encrid did not respond.

He shifted the spear to his left hand, folded his right arm slightly, and placed it on his waist as he spoke.

“It is an honour!”

It was a military ceremony.

The name of the man who had heard rumors about Encred and wanted to meet him was Milio.

“nice to meet.”

Encred said hello.

Millio’s hands trembled with emotion.

“Could you please spar with me just once later… … .”

“Are you out of your mind, bastard? “How dare you spar?”

Another soldier standing next to him suddenly became angry.

“The atmosphere is a bit like that, isn’t it? “It will take some getting used to.”

Acea, who entered first, spoke while leaning against the castle wall. He had a very tired face. Now that I look at her, I see that the underside of her eyes are also dark. She looked like she hadn’t had trouble sleeping for days.

“Adapting, that must be exciting.”

Rem spoke from the side. That was right.

Since you asked me to spar, I’ll just do it.

“And you two. Sparring in the current situation? “Are you full?”


“I will correct it!”

At Asia’s words, two soldiers adjusted their postures and spoke.

Usually, when he was bored, he would hit his head, and his military discipline was very high.

“Let’s go in. “First, let’s meet Lord Oara first.”

Come on, knight.

That’s why Encred came here.

Meanwhile, in addition to the guards, several other soldiers came, and they all had a bloody look.

“Rem, it seems like you have a lot of friends.”

As Encred spoke, Rem looked around. There were no Westerners in sight. Rem quickly understood and smiled.

It was the smile he usually wore when killing someone or sticking an ax into a monster’s head.

Rem realized that her captain was teasing her out of excitement.

“Why are you excited?”

Rem spoke and quickly realized why Encred was excited.

“Damn, I’m excited to see the article.”


Encred said and followed Acia’s guidance and entered.

The city was big, but the number of people was not large. Most of them had weapons, and there were no girls selling flowers.

There were some stores like general stores and grocery stores, but they looked very deserted.

Some shops were full of people just trimming long horns.

There seemed to be little else besides that.

There was also a bakery, which sold arrow-shaped bread.

The name was Arrow Bread.

The bar right next door was beyond quiet, it was serene.

There were plenty of people who seemed to be eating and drinking in broad daylight, but everyone avoided the bar.

The owner, who appeared right in front of the bar, shouted with a grumpy face.

“Then how am I supposed to live like this? Are you a knight?”

Knights are respected.

To face the sky alone.

The article is respected.

Because you can’t predict the power he holds in his hands.

The knight is revered.

To show my will for my beliefs.

“Come on! Please!”

A man with thick arms who appeared to be the owner of the bar shouted similar words several times, but no one answered.

Asia also passed calmly.

“I understand, the situation is not good right now, so we have issued a ban.”


Encred asked back, but Asia’s explanation was simply, ‘Listen to Lord Oara.’

As I was walking along the unkempt dirt road, I looked down an alley and saw a few women selling their bodies.

There seemed to be some business there again.

I heard a man who appeared to be a soldier say something up front.

“Cut it down a bit.”

“Don’t be damned. Do you want to save your krona for mis-biting?”

“No, really, just slap my leg… … .”

The soldier raised his hand in anger. He looked as if he was going to strike the woman. Encred’s steps naturally slowed down.

The woman is the weaker party. I can’t just stand by and watch her get hit. I was going to try to persuade her with simple logic. I was going to use my fists to persuade her.

But the man could not touch even a single hair on the woman.

“If you want to get hit, hit it.”

The courtesan was proud, and the soldier hesitated before lowering his hand.

“sorry. “I’ve been in a bad mood since morning because of what I lost at cards yesterday.”

The soldier apologized, and the woman snorted before grabbing the soldier’s arm and leading him into the side door.

Although they had a fight, they seemed to know each other well.

“It’s unique.”

Rem said with interest.

Encred agreed. What he had just seen was something very different from everyday life.

“I’d like to take a look around the city.”

Rem took a quick walk around the city, perhaps because he found it more interesting than the knights.

In the center of the city, there was a house that was too embarrassing to call a mansion.

It was a log cabin.

Although it is called Thousand Bricks, the entire building could not be built with bricks.

When are you going to transport all that here, plaster it, and stack it?

For most things, it would have been better to just cut down some trees in the nearby forest.

That was the kind of house it was. A log house.


When Acea opened the door without knocking, there was a strange sound.

The noise was caused by rust on the hinges.

“Aren’t you going to fix the door?”

“You do it. The only thing I’m good at is swordsmanship.”

A voice was heard from inside. It was the voice of a woman who seemed weak and listless.

“Okay, I can do it myself.”

There was another voice too. A deep voice, male.

Dunbakel was waiting outside, and only Ruagarne and Encrid were about to enter.

I could see the interior lit up with candles and lamps.

I saw a round table in the center with a bottle of brown liquid and three people sitting there.

“Did you bring the merchant children well?”

It was a woman sitting in the center with languid eyes. Her hair looked red because of the candlelight, but from the outside it looked closer to brown.

The color of the pupils was similar. If it weren’t for the candlelight, they would be brown.

It smelled like alcohol. It was quite strong in my nose.

“Reinforcements have arrived. A demon slayer.”

Acea spoke, and the brown-haired woman looked at Encred with bleary eyes.


She was speechless for a moment and then spoke again.


The dazed knight’s eyes suddenly came into focus.


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