Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 437

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438. Dumb and stupid

The thieves were a group of thieves who had recently enriched themselves by robbing merchants who traveled to and from this area.

There wasn’t even a name for the group. At the center was the knifeman Jack.

He was a mercenary turned thief who specialized in swinging a broad blade without recoil.

To be exact, he was a deserter, but there was no need for him to tell the details of his past as a thief.

Jack stepped forward, brushing past the man who was speaking.

‘You’ve lost your fear by swinging your sword. Or do you trust Prock?’

In times like this, all you have to do is break the nose of the guy who is at the forefront. After that, the other guys took care of themselves.

So it was.


Without a word, Jack pulled out his sword and slashed it.

A trajectory as close to perfection as I’ve ever experienced in my life was drawn.

Jack felt it as he swung his sword.

There were times when I got lucky and had moments like this. The moment when the sharpness of the knife is stronger than the skill.

It is a gap in time.

He aimed for the black-haired man at the very front. To anyone who saw him, he seemed to be the center of the group.

If we kill the leader, the rest will be easy.

Even though the prongs were annoying, Jack was confident.

He was a talented person who, with just a little effort, could rise to the level of a semi-knight.

‘Those damn knights.’

For no reason did I think of those guys.

But why does time seem to pass so slowly?

Everything around me seemed to slow down. In the meantime, something passed by.

It was faster than the raccoon dog I saw in the mountains when I was young.

Even then, since he only saw a shadow, his friend said it was a rabbit, and he said it was a raccoon.

The raccoon was right.

As Jack was thinking, he suddenly saw the sky and the earth reversed.


Before I even had time to think that I was dizzy, I saw a body standing on the ground.

I saw a person who lost his head while swinging a sword.

It was somehow similar to the clothes he was wearing.

His thoughts ended there.

Encrid, who cut off his head with a single blow, shook off his sword while swinging it horizontally.

The thief’s blood on Acher dripped onto the floor.

Swordsman Jack was a mercenary who had recently made a name for himself. He was also a soldier who deserted while holding out at the Magyeong border area.

He knew about the structure of this area and was about to leave after taking care of his share.

After less than a month of stealing, I met Encred.

Jack was never a man who would die in one stroke. But that’s what happened.


The remaining group of bandits ran away. Even the one with the bow didn’t dare to draw his bow.

It was natural. Swordsman Jack was the reason this band of thieves continued until now.

Otherwise, they wouldn’t have bothered to do this here.

However, the fearsome Jack died with his head cut off with a single sword. It’s the same as feeling scared. The remaining group jumped out in all directions, following their instincts.

Encred didn’t bother to chase after him.

“If you leave it alone, it will die on its own.”

Rem said, wiping his nose. Why not? Are you running away scattered like that in a land infested with monsters?

Isn’t it like praying to the heavens to kill you?

There were quite a few monsters and groups of demons I encountered on my way here.

It was unusual for a thief to attack, but it was almost common for a monster or an evil spirit to attack.

On the surface, it looks like there are only four of them.

Among them, there was a group that tried to carry out something similar to a surprise attack, but none of them could be harmed by the monsters using their brains.

First of all, it wasn’t common for monsters or evil spirits to penetrate Dunbakel’s sense of smell.

“It’s bland.”

Dunbakel said.

“I think it’s time for those guys to go on a rampage.”

Ruagarne added.

I asked because I knew what he was talking about.

“There are times when monsters come rushing in like waves. There are a lot of difficult guys out there, and they fight without sleeping, and the pay is not much, and if you make a mistake, you’re sure to die, so aren’t there bound to be some guys who run away? Even so, it is quite large.”

There were over twenty thieves gathered around one guy. Are they all deserters?

Listening to Ruagarne’s words, I was reminded of old times.

To be precise, I remembered something a former colleague said.

“It’s stupid and foolish.”

Encred replied that he knew too.

“I have to run away.”

He claimed so.

A man-eating bear that had become a demon attacked a village. It was a village that had just started gathering people.

It wasn’t a request. It happened while I was passing by.

What my colleague said was reasonable.


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Encred also knew it well.

“Are you stupid or stupid? “It would be suicidal to hold out here with our skills!”

The colleague got angry. Encrid did it even though he knew it was stupid.

The bear that had become a demon ate a person, and Encred saw the child of the person who had been eaten crying.

A child who barely survived, but it is not known how much longer he will live.

It was obvious that the number of such children would increase.

A child who lost his mother.

A mother who lost her child.

A person who has lost a lover.

A person who has lost a friend.

A person who lost a friend.

This kind of thing was common on the continent. The threat of monsters is always like a blade thrust under the neck.

There are people dying. That was obvious.

Should we still ignore the things that are approaching us because they are dangerous?

Even though we know there are people struggling to survive?

Encred snapped out of his thoughts and looked at the palm of his hand.

My palms were covered in scars from the calluses that had burst and burst again.

What were you trying to do when you took up the sword with this hand?

It was a sword I held to protect my back.

I was here now because I decided to live that way. So it was natural not to stop.

“let’s go.”

Encred said.

What is different from the past is that in the past, there were only colleagues who ignored him, but not anymore.

“Let’s do that.”

A savage who follows without any consideration.

“I have to go.”

There were even Suin and Frock with blinking golden eyes.

‘Should we consider this a luxurious group?’

Encrid suddenly had such a thought.

To be honest, they were people who could kill any decent monster the moment they met them.

We have been doing it that way until now.

* * *

The party headed straight for the border, staying in a village if there was one, or camping if not.

Camping was not awkward for everyone.

If they were familiar, they were familiar.

Anyway, today was camping day.

There seemed to be no small villages as there was a big city nearby.

Soon, a city guarding the border of the Demonic Land could be seen.

Before the sun set, the group found a spot where two rocks blocked the path on either side, leveled the ground, and built a fire.

Dunbakel brought a rabbit, and Rem chopped it up and made a stew.

“If you know how to do it, why do you do it in the barracks?”

Dunbakel looked curious, and Rem smiled and answered.

“This is a field dish, it’s a proper dish.”

“How about just doing field cooking from now on?”

Encred sometimes thought Dunbakel was fearless, though he didn’t seem to know what he was doing.

“You’ve been quiet lately, haven’t you?”

Rem asked, slurping down her stew. A drop of broth ran down the rim of the wooden bowl.



“It wasn’t that bad.”

It was quiet. Rem was quiet about what was going on, so she was fearless. But now it seems like it’s back to how it used to be.

“Eat everything and come out. “A beast can regenerate even if it has at least one leg missing, right?”

“can not!”

“Oh, was that a frock?”

Rem knew how to tease her opponents. And when she did, she was quite honest.

It would be great if we could do that when teaching too.

As I was thinking like that, Luagarne, who was sitting next to me, spoke.

“For some reason, the atmosphere seems worse than before.”


“Just a feeling.”

“is it?”

“That’s why. Would you like to learn Frock’s walk?”

The words didn’t make sense, but I didn’t argue. It is a process of learning. Encred knew how to put aside minor awkwardness.

Encred put down his finished bowl. You can wash the dishes later by going to the stream that you have prepared in advance.

If Dunbakel doesn’t faint, you can just do it.

As expected, Ruagarne’s teaching was enjoyable.

“Bend the knee of the leg extended behind you. From there, you gain the strength to strike forward by applying force at once, and before that, you shorten the distance without realizing it by showing your front foot to the opponent. “It’s called the tree frog walk.”

It was more of a rushing step than a swordsmanship move.

In some ways, it was close to the technique of the Valencian mercenary sword.

It was a technique of deceiving with the front foot and striking with the back foot.

Besides that, Proc taught a few more steps.

On the way, he explained how to jump off a carriage, how to fight on horseback, how to fight a rider from under a horse, how to deal with a monster you have never seen before, and eleven secrets to blocking arrows.

The best way to block arrows was with a shield.

But he said that practicing blocking with a sword isn’t a bad thing.

She was truly a great teacher.

“Well, it’s okay.”

Rem, who was listening next to him, also nodded.

Encred was a genius who worked hard to learn one thing if he was taught one thing.

Luagarne divided the whole process into sections to teach it.

I also learned how to jump off rocks, roll, and keep my balance while holding a sword in both hands.

Today, time flew by just with step training.

Before we knew it, it was a full moon night, and Dunbakel was doing the dishes.

It was a pitiful sight to see him limping after being hit by Rem.

“If you limp one more time, I’ll cut you off.”

At Rem’s words, Dunbakkel’s steps quickly returned to normal. It was a trick.

His acting skills are quite outstanding.

Encred thought and went to the stream to wash off his sweat.

When I came back, I cleaned up the place and lay down to sleep.

Lying down, Encred finished his training session in his dreams.

Starting with basic steps such as lunging, passing, and gathering, there were steps to eliminate distance, steps to confuse distance, etc.

After getting up, tidying up and reheating yesterday’s leftover stew, the group moved again.

Summer should be coming to an end, but it’s gotten hotter and hotter and the air is getting humid.

It was Luagarne’s favorite weather, and Dunbakel didn’t mind, but the weather wasn’t good.

Frock originally liked this kind of damp weather, and Dunbakel made it a point to not wash, so it seemed okay.

After some rain, the air became more humid.

Encred thought he had forgotten something on his way there.

‘I forgot.’

I came without telling Shinar. I think he asked me to tell him where I was going this time, but I think Christ will know how to tell me.

I was walking while thinking about that.

“It’s a smell, it’s a devil.”

Dunbakel spoke, and Encrid felt like he was living in the realm of the sixth sense.

This was a road. That is, a road leading to the city. It was not a road made by people walking, but a road paved with stones.

Would a devil come out in the middle of a road like that?

No matter how hungry I was, something like this couldn’t be common.

Moreover, isn’t the city in front of here the gateway city that blocks the border of the Demon Realm?


I saw a few hunting dogs that had become masochists. They were much larger than the others.

After the thieves, there were demons. It’s not that I didn’t encounter any monsters on my way here, but the demons appearing here was a different matter.

This area is inside the city. So, it’s the other side of the demonic world.

I didn’t know if there were a few ghouls coming out, but I thought it was a place where hunting dogs who had been demonized should not come out.

“Is the situation bad?”

Ruagarne blinked her big eyes and puffed out her cheeks.

She had previously worked in various positions in the palace, so she knew a bit about this.

It seemed that there were quite a few monsters coming from the border area of ​​the Demon Realm.

Otherwise, there wouldn’t be a hunting dog wandering around here.

The thieves did the same thing earlier.

Originally, a group of bandits could not be active in this area.

If you were to openly expose it, those from the Knights Templar would come and take your life. Who would commit robbery around here?

‘It’s out of control?’

Luagarne began to make some inferences while watching the situation unfold.

It was all bad.

Meanwhile, four demonic beasts attacked without fear.

While Dunbakel was cutting off two heads with a curved sword, one of the horses attacked the pack horse.

That was also done by spinning around and running towards me.

It ran through the short bushes, pretended to run away, and suddenly bit the horse’s neck. This is what I did by jumping onto the ground.

If I had a pair of eyes, I might not have been attacked, but the horse that brought me here was an ordinary horseback horse.

It wasn’t even trained as a war horse.

The horse let out a pitiful cry as it bit his neck.


The horse’s blood poured over the dog’s hide. The hide absorbed the blood and turned a dark red.

It was an unexpected attack. You’re not targeting the back of the threatening Dunbakel, nor are you targeting the other party members who are looking at you with murderous intent, but rather the horse?


Were the magicians this smart? Even that size was not ordinary.

The fact that he aimed at the horse while clumsily showing signs of pounce made him look like a horseman who had learned tactics.

The horseman who killed the horse was kicked to death by Ruagarne.

Gang! Kkuuuk!

A kick that demonstrated the strength of Frock’s muscles caused the demon’s stomach to burst and spill his entrails.

“It’s strange.”

Luagarne took back her outstretched leg and kept spitting out similar words.

This area is under the control of the Knights of the Red Cloak. A demon could come out, and a monster could come out as well. But it was too much and too often.

“There are too many.”

“The smell keeps coming.”

Dunbakel continued speaking after Luagarne’s words.

Rem’s gaze turned.

He also had a bad feeling. Although we came near Magyeong, this was under the city walls, so it should have been a somewhat safe route.

Otherwise, such a well-polished pipe would not have been made.

Encred examined the horse’s neck. He didn’t live well. He was bitten by a demonic beast, so if he was unlucky, he would become angry with the demonic beast.


I came here with him and became attached to him, but somehow I felt like I wasn’t able to take good care of him.


The horse cried out. Encred cut off the horse’s neck.

Horse blood soaked the stone floor. Encred spoke as he stepped on the flowing blood.

“Let’s go.”

If you’re not going back, then you have no choice but to move forward.


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