Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 435

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436. I can’t stand that

Rem saw Encred struggling, but did not intervene.

He didn’t often get involved in swordsmanship discussions between classes.

“If you are sick, rest.”

I didn’t go out of my way to hear Encred say something like that.

“Don’t worry.”

Even with those words, Rem drew the line just enough not to seem sensitive.

After seeing Luagarne come out, I rarely put in as much effort into sparring with Encred as before.

I only mixed hands with Encred very occasionally.

“Do you want to fight? Come out.”

At that time, I also taught.

It was still a lesson in which actions spoke louder than words.

In Lem’s opinion, Encred was still similar. It grew frustratingly slowly. Still, it is not a regression.

It was moving forward.

Rem stopped at just that. He just watched.

Even if he wasn’t himself, there were plenty of people who would hang out with Encred.

It was nice not to have to intervene to spar.

It only helped to give me a handful of breath to hold onto.

After I had settled down to a certain extent, I let go.

So lately, all he’s been doing is swinging an ax by himself and occasionally tormenting Dunbakkel.

Or, I went to the Pen-Hanil Mountains, and it was like a walk that I sometimes go for when I’m feeling down.

Although just that one walk will moisten the soil with the blood of the monsters living in the Fen-Hanil Mountains.

It was like going for a walk.

“If you’re going to go anyway, take care of the pack of human-faced dogs.”

Kreis approached Rem, who was walking languidly, and said. He wore a feathered hat, which he had probably gotten from somewhere. It would have looked really stupid on anyone else, but it looked perfect on Kreis’ head.

“I get it.”

Rem nodded roughly.

Watching Rem’s back as she left, Crys asked his adjutant and lover, Nurath. She had just come up to him and stood beside him.

“What’s going on these days? Why is it so quiet? I’m anxious. “I feel very anxious.”

“Wouldn’t it be better if it were quiet?”

The dark-skinned lover tilted his head and thought. If Rem is noisy, isn’t that the problem?

“Hey, I’m bored. “Let’s have a fight.”

He often harassed soldiers or commanders in neighboring units.

“Are you calling that cutting? Come here, I will teach you step by step from the beginning. It’s an honor, right? This body is the immortal Rem. Now, shout out ‘Immortality’ with one slash and ‘Rem’ with two slashes. Ha ha ha ha ha!”

I also increased the training intensity like crazy.

“Is this cooking? The chicken is undercooked, so it will lay eggs soon. Come out. I will show you what cooking is.”

They even tormented the soldier’s palate by making a Western-style stew.

Encred said that a guy named Rem usually makes decent food, so that was just meanness.

Of course, Encred ate it well too.

“It is very nutritious. “It’s healthy food.”

It comes with the words:

As soon as Ragna smelled it, he overturned the pot.

Audin said, “Is this also a trial?” and prayed, took a few spoonfuls, and then closed his mouth.

Saxony was the one who would go out lightly on the days when Rem would do that kind of shit, and so was Christ.

Nurat saw it all from the sidelines, so he naturally thought this way.

At least it’s better now than it was then, right?

It wasn’t for nothing that they said it was good to be quiet. It was a question that I asked while recalling what Rem had done.

Kreis let out a short groan and said, “Hmm.”

“But, just looking at it, I wonder if the next accident will be a bit bigger. “I have that thought.”

Although the number of human face dogs has increased significantly in recent years, it will not be too much for Rem. It’s not even a threat.

Regardless of Christ’s concerns, Rem just did what he had to do.

Even while lost in thought, with the trick of balancing the axe handle on his forehead.

The same thing happened when the face dogs of the Pen-Hanil Mountains formed a colony and attacked.


With a harsh screeching sound, the human dog that had become the colony leader spouted fire from its mouth.

It was as if I had accidentally swallowed a flint somewhere.

Rem read the direction of the fire and dodged it. It wasn’t difficult.

This guy is just a monster who doesn’t even have the eyes to recognize his opponent’s skills.

‘I miss the West.’

Among the monsters and beasts there, there were many that used cleverness as a weapon.

These guys were only at the level of warming up.

With that in mind, Rem took the human-faced dog’s side and swung his axe.

The ax fell suddenly and cut off the monster’s head.

The ax blade made of Levitic steel cut through leather, muscle, and bone.


Black blood spurted everywhere and severed heads rolled down the ramp.


As for the remaining human-faced dogs, he killed only the ones that attacked him with a few swings of the axe.


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It wasn’t difficult.

Rem returned to the barracks, swinging the ax in his hand a few times for no reason.

Encred, who had just received a letter titled “Request,” was in the process of deciding who to go with.

“Let’s go together.”

The place I was headed to for the request happened to be near the western part.

I had decided to go long ago, but I wasn’t quite ready to leave, but now I was sure.

If things continue like this, Ragna’s kid will continue to push me back.

‘I can’t stand that.’

* * *

Krang sat in the great hall, lost in thought as he watched his subjects praising Krona.

‘Did you say it happens once every few years?’

I heard some of it from Marcus, and some of it I saw myself.

The Magyeong border area was a dangerous place in many ways, and there were many cases where we were short-handed.

It was a place that was struggling with talent and people, and it was even dangerous.

Who would like to go there?

‘In a way, it seems like a pot with holes that only eats up the budget.’

It would be fortunate if it were an ordinary jar, but it is a magic jar that will immediately spit out poison if you do not pour water into it.

If we didn’t stop it, we would have to lose part of the land to the incoming monsters and beasts.

This was also the reason why he could not pull out the joker card called a knight in the civil war.

‘Lichenstein in the south is also a problem.’

So, not only was there a lack of people at the border of the Demonic Territory, but the same was true on the other side as well.

The situation in Naurilia was worse than Krang had expected.

If you were to fall, you would have to worry about being eaten by the South or being invaded by the Demon Realm, and since Azpen had not completely backed down, it was still annoying.


It seemed as if I could hear Encred’s question.

‘Okay, what should I do?’

It is a throne that is already seated. Krang had to do his job.

Oara, the knight guarding the border of the Demonic World, sent the usual request.

Since we don’t have enough hands, I’m asking you to send someone who knows how to fight.

“If possible, send more than 500 troops, and if not, at least three or four semi-knight-level troops, accompanied by trained ranger units. This is a difficult request to accept. Consider what is currently happening in the capital. Both are impossible. It would be better to just send a group of soldiers to Lord Asia.”

Impressed by the security measures taken by the Border Guard, they began construction on the surrounding roads and erected a line of guard posts on top of them. It was a simple but labor-intensive task.

While doing this, I had to eliminate the surrounding monsters and beasts, and also keep a check on the thieves who would pop out like baked bread from somewhere.

There was no time to divert troops.

Was this the end?

Although he was recognized by the people, there were also idiots who started to think differently.

Is it right for a bastard to take that position? This is it.

Of course, most of them were victims of foreign plots.

In fact, all proper nobles and officials were on Kraang’s side.

Krang put away his complicated thoughts.

I focused my thoughts on urgent matters and things that needed to be done right away.

If you don’t walk big, you won’t be able to walk even a few steps before you die.

‘Is my dream big or your dream big?’

That’s what I wanted to ask that Encred guy.

Krang looked at the window made of colored glass. It was a gloomy sky with dark clouds.

“Or there is another way.”

He was the Marquis of Weissar.


The gaze that had been directed towards the window turned towards the Marquis.

“Don’t the Border Guards have greater power than the semi-knights?”

“Should I go if I say so?”

“If the king orders it, shouldn’t we go?”

“But isn’t that the demon slayer?”

“Does that mean you disobey the king’s orders?”

The nobles vied with each other to say something in response to the Marquis’ words.

“Naurilia has a system called the soldier mercenary system. majesty.”

Marcus helped out.

“Please make a request and give me the reward.”

The Marquis continued:

“The treasury is empty.”

As soon as the Marquis finished speaking, Krang spoke.

The three of them spoke in unison, as if in a play.

“You can earn krona by securing commercial territory, but it will still be difficult to produce your own food by sowing precious stallion seeds or crops. “Even if things seem to be going well on the outside, there are a lot of things that are lacking.”

The Marquis spoke again.

“There happens to be someone here who is very knowledgeable in that area… … .”

Marcus answered, and the Marquis added a few words.

Krang thought that the two really looked alike.

Doesn’t the killing hit the mark?

Of course, he also got the porridge right.

One of the southern nobles, who had raised excellent stallions for generations, listened to the conversation and tried to agree, but something was strange.

‘Are we paying the full price?’

Since they are nobles, it is true that they work for the country, but recognizing the private property of nobles is a law that has been handed down for a long time.

He decided to pass on his stallion’s sire’s seed, while other nobles would pass on their irrigation techniques for managing their farmland.

However, no one forced it.

It just happened that way, as I was talking.

“Well then, I guess I’ll have to send you a request, Count Weissar?”

“Yes, I will send it.”

That ended the meeting.

A request for assistance at the border of the Demon Realm was not a dangerous thing, but rather a call for help due to a lack of hands, so Krang thought it would not be a bad thing for Encred.

‘Don’t you want to meet the knight?’

I know he’s already met the Mercenary King, but the Knights of the Knights Templar were different.

Krang didn’t know that Encrid was already hanging out with Ragnar and Sinar.


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