Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 434

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435. Lake of Experience

Encred had forgotten about his nervousness because he had experienced many pauses in his life. He just did it.

I ran, jumped, and climbed the mountain.

Roagarnet did not leave any tool lying around and used it.

It was one of those things where they used people and everything without distinction.

Encred fought against Dunbakel, Teresa, and Lawford just yesterday.

I thought they wouldn’t accept a three-on-one fight because of their pride, but the three accepted without a second thought.

Luagarne told the three of them how to fight together so that their hands would not get tangled.

Even with that alone, Encred had a hard time winning against Set. Set’s tactics were very tricky.

Dunbakel used his characteristically quick feet and movements to circle around and stab whenever he saw an opening, while Teresa persistently pushed her shield forward from the front.

It was still a difficult opponent as the technology to block vision became more delicate and the overall skill proficiency clearly increased compared to before.

Next to the two, Lawford confidently swung his sword.

It wasn’t a double-edged sword. It was a method of swinging the sword after calculating various fighting techniques.

For instance, sometimes Lawford would swing his sword not directly at Encred, but towards the air, and when there was nowhere else to dodge, Encred would sometimes have to deliberately swipe his sword away.

Then, naturally, a gap appeared, and Dunbakkel’s curved sword flew into the gap.

Encred once again caught a glimpse of Lawford’s talent.

‘The three of them are fighting together, can you count the numbers?’

A talent like this will shine when commanding a small army.

Lawford was actually awakening his talent.

It is a sense of reading the direction of the battle as if looking down from above.

Not only can it be used in small-scale tactics like this, but it can also be used in individual tactics.

It could be said to be the standard of Jeong Geom-sik. Ruagarne spoke of hints and restraints, but Lawford faithfully swung his sword and pushed his opponent back.


Encred recognized Lawford’s talent.

Ruagarnet recognized this right away and woke me up with a few pieces of advice.

You may feel how clear the difference in talent is.

Encred didn’t even care.

I’m so busy training every day, what can I do?

Dunbakel’s skills have also improved significantly, as evidenced by his ability to do whatever he wants.

She showed killing skills using her whole body, including two curved swords, fingernails, and claws.

A stab that comes from the realm of instinct.

In the meantime, I stretch my fingernails while thinking.

It’s messy, but it’s equally difficult to stop.

Anyway, it was just yesterday that I barely managed to hold out against those three.

And today, a more unique word came back.

“Have you ever fought a wizard?”

Before he could answer Luagarne’s question, a woman with long hair and wearing only a thin robe appeared from behind Frock.

Of course it was Esther.

“Is it necessary to improve your sword skills?”

she asked back.

Encred thought for a moment and then said.

“Maybe so.”

To be honest, I don’t really feel it, but I’m sure there’s something to be gained.

Encred’s greatest talent was being able to make everything in the world, everything he saw, his teacher.

Esther also did not utter a word of rejection.

She blinked her big eyes a few times, combed her hair with one hand, raised the other hand, and said:

“Then, let’s do it. Demuler’s scythe.”

She made a seemingly meaningless gesture, extending her thumb, index, and middle fingers along with her words.

It was at the same time. Encrid pulled out Acher and swung it.


A blade of compressed air flying through the air met Encred’s sword and shattered.

Encred felt a slight recoil in his arms. It seemed as if the warrior with his thick forearms blocked the sword he swung with all his might.

It was understandable that he would have been confused, but Encrid turned around and moved forward as soon as he blocked the attack.

He hit the ground and his body left an afterimage.

It was a speed that was difficult for anyone but a driver to follow with their eyes.

“Beware of snakes.”

Esther’s words penetrated the gap and lodged themselves in my ears.

No, it’s a voice that resonates throughout my head.

I felt like I had to hear that.

It was a strange thing. You’re focused on looking ahead and running, but you can hear a person’s voice ringing vividly in your ears?

Encrid had a vision of the Aker he held in his hand turning into a snake and wrapping itself around his arm, but the vision disappeared in the blink of an eye.

It was thanks to the will of rejection that was naturally activated.


Encred’s black sword was blocked by Esther’s open palm. It was the wizard’s barrier.

How to break this?

I already experienced it once. It’s time to cut off the count’s head.

Raise the sword vertically and strike with a heavy sword downward slash.

It contains the will to strike. It was a sword stroke similar to lightning, although not as strong as Ragnar’s black lightning.


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“It will be blocked.”

Esther said, moving her hands ceaselessly and changing their shapes.

As she drew several shapes with her hands, a barrier appeared over her head and she caught Encred’s sword.

“Royta’s Genuine Spider Web.”

If a passing wizard had seen it, he would have been terrified.

A moment ago, Esther first implemented the order and then recited the incantation.

This was a technique called the back spear that even the most skilled wizards would not dare to imitate.

To sum it up, Encred was helplessly pushed aside by Esther.

There is a reason why the saying goes that a prepared wizard is more fearsome than a knight.

She proved it.

The magic the Count showed was large and overwhelming.

Having pierced through ten thousand phantoms, Encred decided that he would have the advantage in a battle against the wizard.

But it wasn’t.

Of course, Encred didn’t know how great a wizard Esther was.

Especially when it came to one-on-one combat, Esther was already a genius that no wizard could match.

Even the Galafran wizard who grabbed the river water that Azpen had previously encountered on the battlefield prepared by Azfen would have kicked Ester out as soon as he saw her if she were normal.

Esther felt threatened three times when dealing with Encred.

It was amazing that they had pushed the wizard to this extent, but Encred didn’t realize it.

“Once more?”

Encred just did what he always did.

“However much.”

Esther nodded her head.

If the other person wanted it, I just did it.

She did not back down, and on this day, Encred broke his left arm and had to cut his hair short because it burned.

“That looks nice too.”

Luagarne, who had a clear aesthetic sense, also liked Encred’s short hair.

Through all of this, Encred was unable to achieve rapid progress.

However, there was quite a bit gained just by changing the perspective.

“When dealing with a wizard, just talking to them means giving the opponent the opportunity to attack first.”

Esther gave advice on how to deal with wizards.

Encred took everything to heart. Being taught by someone and digesting it over and over again was something he was better at than anything else.

He did so.

Esther smiled. Encrid looked at her and said.

“You shouldn’t laugh at other people without permission.”

If you think about it, she was a woman who rarely smiled like Shinar.


Esther asked back.

“If you look in the mirror, you’ll know, but don’t you know that if you look between those thin robes, you’ll gouge out your eyes?”

“No, I know. This is also a weapon. Those who are so captivated by my face naturally forget for a moment that I am a wizard.”

Where does tactics begin?

Encred had a small realization.

What if you could impress others by improving your appearance?

It was a statement that matched the logic of the Valencian mercenary sword.

“That’s great.”

“My face is always great.”

Esther received Encred’s words with a smile on her face.

I was talking about tactics and not the face, but Encred didn’t bother to point it out.

If someone were to overhear their conversation, they would probably find it quite bleak, but I actually thought that the two of them were having a much more intimate conversation than they had ever had before.

Esther admitted that she had suddenly become part of this group.

“What about that soldier?”

Encred asked at the end of the sparring. He brought Esther to teach a soldier, and he would occasionally call him and ask what he was doing.

“He has talent.”

Esther answered briefly.

That was it.

Encred didn’t ask any more questions either.

Esther wasn’t trying to raise a disciple.

The first reason was to try to establish something new for myself while teaching.

Second, it was obvious that if I left it alone, I would learn clumsy magic and cause an accident.

Wouldn’t it be clear that if we’re going to do it, it’s better to turn it in a helpful direction?

It was an enlightened thought because I had consistently seen what a guy named Encred did.

Should wizards be narrow-minded?

‘Not anymore.’

Esther admitted that although her life was one of isolation, studying and struggling, she also learned a lot from observing the people around her.

No, it actually helped her more.

“Okay, don’t kill me.”

Encrid said, because there were false rumors going around that Esther used soldiers as sacrifices.

“If you get unlucky and end up dying, it can’t be helped.”

Esther spoke because she knew that the path to magic was that difficult.

Encred nodded after reading that there was no malice in Esther’s words.

It’s not like they really want to use it as a sacrifice.

Of course, some of the soldiers created fear themselves when they saw the letters engraved on the body of the friend who was dragged to Esther.

If the spirit were to be broken to that degree, it would be shattered in vain even on the battlefield.

Encred wanted to raise strong soldiers.

Then, it seems that even such trivial rumors should be easily overcome.

In this way, a duel with a wizard was added to Encred’s daily life.

“What should you do if your opponent uses hints and checks?”

Luagarne started sharing her experiences throughout the process.

It was Proc’s experience of exploring the unknown, seeking out what he did not know within battle and fighting for over a hundred years.

“Suggestions and checks are not everything, but if you can do it, there is no better way to improve your sword.”

“It can be easily broken by a straight sword.”

“You just have to anticipate the opponent’s heavy and sturdy sword. Brother, it would be better if you could drop it, catch it, and break it.”

-Hints and restraints can be done with the eyes. If the opponent is sensitive, it can be done with will alone.

Before I knew it, Ragnar’s opinion had joined in with Ruagarne’s teachings, and Auddin had also helped, and even Saxony had left a note, saying he was busy.

Rem surprisingly didn’t come out very often.

Encred gained experience from Ruagarne.

In the words of others, how to break through the experience.

Furthermore, I have practiced it with my body over and over again.

“It would have been boring before, but it’s a bit better now.”

Among them, there was also praise that didn’t seem like praise from Ragnar.

Previously, Encred, which could not be implemented properly even if it was told, was no longer there.

As if he didn’t build his body using isolation techniques for no reason, his body became stronger than ever before.

I could see that my balance had improved just by straightening my body starting from my feet and dividing my weight between both feet.

To sum it up, I have already become a semi-knight who can survive even after being struck by black lightning.

Although Luagarne didn’t intend to do everything, the time, experience, and training she gave Encred really helped him.

Although my skills did not improve dramatically right away, my horizons broadened as I learned more. The scope of thinking has also changed.

This naturally had an impact on others as well.

In particular, Lawford overcame some walls while receiving teachings from Luagarne.

To begin with, Lawford was a man born with this talent.

Although he couldn’t see an inch ahead, he showed his skill in pushing his opponents into a trap with his sword.

There is a long-standing proverb from the continent.

Is it best to predict one move ahead?

Or is it best to let even that one move move within one’s own intentions?

It was about two directions for using Jeonggeomsik.

Lawford has the talent to follow the latter statement faithfully.

“It’s not bad.”

Encred said so along with the dialogue, and Lawford nodded with a satisfied face.

It is recognition heard from someone who wants to be recognized.

How could I not be happy?

However, Lawford showed satisfaction before joy and delight.

Because he enjoyed observing humans, Frock liked pretty humans, and liking attractive humans meant he was good at reading their facial expressions.

Ruagarnet saw the satisfaction on Lawford’s face.

A feeling of utmost satisfaction.

She realized anew that this was the biggest difference between Encred and other people.

He was never satisfied at any moment.

‘Once more.’

Isn’t that what he said the most during training?

Even though you may enjoy the moment and be filled with joy, you are never satisfied.

‘Will I stop and be satisfied once I become a knight?’

There is no way.

Luagarne knows the world of knights. Even within that world, there are deviations. Even Ragnar is one of them.

‘If you’re stuck between articles, you’re still at the beginning.’

Of course, it’s better than a broken article.

Excellence in talent?

When it came to articles, talent was out of the question.

It was ridiculous to even compare talents when they were on top of the list.

They were all people who were considered geniuses.

From then on, what was needed was effort, direction, enlightenment, and high-quality willpower rather than talent.

The world of knights is also vast.

Luagarne knew it.

Even the article on Naurilia right now is like that.

‘What about that knight in the western country?’

What about the mercenary king Anu?

These are all disasters. Ragna had risen to a similar level, and the fairy seemed to have done so as well.

They still have shortcomings.

The article is not the end, but the beginning.

Among the knights, most of those who could not overcome the wall of knighthood did so because they did not know this.

At least, that’s what Explorer Ruagarne judged.

The knight’s power was a mirage that could not be reached if one looked at it as the destination and ran.

In that respect, Encrid had no worries.

That man, full of greed and greed, seemed to have no intention of stopping.

‘I regret my talent.’

So much so that I found myself thinking that way.

What if that man was so talented?

What if you had at least an extraordinary level of talent beyond ordinary?

You don’t have to listen to geniuses.

What if it was just like that?

‘Otherwise, even if only given a longer period of time than others.’

For example, what if someone else’s day is a week for you?

It was a vain delusion. It was foolish to dwell on something that wouldn’t happen and would never happen.

It’s even more stupid to say that after seeing Encred.

Because at least once during the time you have to worry, there is a man swinging a sword right in front of you.

Ruagarnet believed that the man would become a knight.

It was a confidence without any reason.


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