Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 433

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434. Luagarne style training

It was a whole month.

Luagarne closely observed Encred’s changes. She watched him every single day without fail.

She was one of the most eye-catching and sensible frocks on the entire continent.

If you can only judge and teach people’s talents, you could say that he is better than a knight.

So just seeing was enough.

Encred was already at his limit. It was over. This was the last time.

I was in a state where my throat suddenly got clogged while eating steamed potatoes.

The conclusion was obvious.

‘It’s blocked.’

It’s stagnant.


It was a feeling that came at the same time.

For a whole month, he lived as if he was scraping together time that would never return.

He seemed like someone who had been given a terminal diagnosis.

“Then you die.”

The fairy I was dealing with said.

“No crowds.”

The man who showed the sharpness of a knight also continued.

The bear half-human even tried to persuade him with his hands and feet to take a day off in the middle of the night.

I wonder if it’s right to make someone rest by beating them during a fight rather than just talking about it.

“This is one of the traditions of the Mutu priests.”

Knocking them down and putting them to sleep?

Auddin’s words were true. The martial arts priests of the God of War often broke their bodies due to excessive training, and in such cases, they had to take care of them with their fists and feet.

It was his duty as a senior priest.

Luagarne nodded, as he was a prog with an accident.

But other people’s reactions were a little different.

Dunbakel, who was watching from the side, said, ‘You don’t run away when you beat me like that?’ He opened his eyes round, and with a hard face, Fel said, ‘A shepherd can endure this much,’ but no one listened.

“I will rest well.”

Lawford spoke with determination. Although he challenged Ragnar to spar with him countless times, getting quality sleep after being hit by Audin’s fist was a different story.

In some ways, it could be said to be a wise response. He was not a talented person chosen for the Knights for nothing.

Anyway, Ruagarne saw Encred’s struggles.

‘Even though I struggle so much.’

It’s not progress, it’s stagnation.

Even that is a breathtaking stagnation.

It barely degenerates.

Why doesn’t it ever regress?

‘Thanks to having learned various skills.’

The training method of overworking his body every day at dawn made Encred’s body different from that of ordinary people.

Since he had already realized Will, his body would have changed accordingly.

Will is willpower, and techniques performed with willpower place a load on the body, and as the body endures that load, the body becomes stronger.

It wasn’t for nothing that becoming a knight meant showing a different level of fighting prowess.

Luagarne took one of the high-quality, wriggling larvae out of his leather pouch, placed it on his hand, pulled out his tongue, and swallowed it in one gulp.

You have to eat to make your head work.

She observed Encrid for a whole month and thought of various methods.

‘What will help?’

Nothing could be confirmed.

She was lost in thought desperately.

He was sitting on a chair that Rem had made, with one knee pulled up and hugged.

It did nothing except gurgle, occasionally puff out its cheeks, eat caterpillars, and smell a pleasant herb called Epiprimum, a plant exclusive to procs.

Frock liked summer more than winter. He didn’t have a pathological dislike for the cold, but in dry climates, his skin would often dry out, which made him very uncomfortable.

How can you be happy when your skin cracks like dry ground due to drought and even bleeds in severe cases?

For a human being, it would have been similar to someone cutting the skin with a knife every day. Both the pain and the condition.

The cold and wind tend to dry out Frock’s skin, so naturally he preferred summer.

Luagarne thought it was fortunate that it was summer now. She could skip the time of even spraying water on her skin and just observe and think.

Why is that guy throwing a tantrum like that?

‘I understand.’

Luagarne heard Encred speak through his attitude and actions.

Even if heaven does not allow it, he will move forward.

It was a cry that I shouted to the world with my whole body.

At least that’s how Rua Garnet saw it.

So what should we do now?

For him who is stagnant.

Thoughts alone won’t do anything. What matters is action. Luagarne got up.

“It can’t be done like that.”

Encred was training, swinging a sword ten times heavier than an ordinary sword.


The blade trembled and stopped because the weight was not perfectly controlled.


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In response, the sweat that was flowing from Encred’s forehead bounced into the air.

Blue eyes shining through wet black hair were visible.

“You would know, right?”

Luagarne opened her mouth again.

“Is there another way?”

Encred answered calmly. I mean, I already know.

If Ruagarne had noticed that growth had stopped and was blocked, it was a predictable situation for Encred.

I thought this would happen at some point.

I felt the joy of growth unlike ever before by squeezing out talents I never had before, but there was always a limit.

It was also a familiar thing.

I remembered what the boatman said last night.

“Tsk, tsk, so let’s stop at this fun day. Do you want to feel the joy of moving forward? Will there be such a day today? There must have been? That would have happened if you hadn’t hoped for tomorrow. “Today, I go back to yesterday and today again and again every day and feel the same joy every time.”

The boatman reprimanded Encred.

Of course, before that, the sinister identity was eventually revealed. It was when I dreamed again after we parted ways without saying a word.

“Nothing is perfect in this world.”

He said that with confidence. Encrid didn’t care.

Have you ever hated stagnation so much that you wished a wall would appear?

Rather than saying no, I just found a way. Since it was something I expected, I tried not to stop by moving my body rather than thinking about anything else.

I understand the fragments of the path to becoming a knight.

‘Learn at least one more thing by looking at the swords of other knights.’

At the same time, you have to refine and advance your own skills.

It would be okay if that was the path that Encred had awakened to.

Is this correct? There were no such worries.

In the time I had to think, I tried to block one more black lightning bolt from Ragnar, dodge the invisible blade from Shinar, and figure out Saxon’s deadly stab.

I literally did anything.

That’s what I thought.

“Once upon a time there was a very great poet. He never left his room to write special and great poems. He just kept doing what he was doing. He thought that was the best he could do.”

It was an old story about a foolish bard not using his feet.

It is a story that contains the lesson that inspiration comes only when you experience and see a new world.

Encred also knew the rest of the story that followed.

“It was a friend who had been baking bread all his life who made me realize that, and he left behind a song called The Frog in the Well that has been passed down across the continent to this day. Yes, I know that story.”

The minstrel was a prog.

He clearly realized his mistake and wrote a song.

Nowadays, it is a song that no one knows, from children to adults.

Did you think the sky was round?

Did you think the world was round?

Was my world that small?

Frog, frog, you can’t get anything out of the well unless you get out.

It was a song with similar lyrics repeated.

The meaning was also clear.

“Will you do as I say?”

Luagarne was the best teacher on the continent, but this was the first time he had a student like this.

So what should we do?

She decided to try everything. Everything she could.

“Let’s do that.”

Encred nodded.

It had to be that way.

I’ve experienced this kind of stagnation several times. It’s not a situation that I’m anxious about, but it’s not a situation that I’m happy about.

As I was walking by the moonlight, it seemed like there were a lot of dark clouds.

Suddenly, dark clouds covered my eyes.

It was as if the middle of a fine suspension bridge had suddenly broken off.

I see a path with signposts, so I walk, but the world tells me not to walk any further. That was it.

At times like that, Encred walked with his eyes closed, and hung on to the broken bridge by weaving a rope.

It was the same now.

* * *

This year’s summer was unusually long.

Not only was the heat blazing, it seemed like it was turning people into barbecue.

“This seems a bit crazy, Instructor.”

Before the torture known as the march began, one soldier raised his hand and spoke.

He was the child of a noble family who came to study in the capital.

Although he was a subsidiary, he was one of Okto’s noble vassal families who had recently become a duke.

I came to the Border Guard because I was confident in my talents, and I thought that with a little training and luck, I would soon be able to stand out among the crazy guys.

But what is this?

The crazy bastards were armed with a long sword, two daggers, heavy crossbows on the wrists, armor lined with linen and leather, at least three throwing knives on the forearms and shin guards, a hatchet, a small modified round shield, and a helmet. , even walking with a short club.

This isn’t the end, you even have to carry a backpack.

These were said to be fully armed.

‘This is not armament, it is torture.’

For him, most of it was torture.

The commander and instructor in charge of training the scout corps at the front nodded and said just one word.

“Then go away.”

She was harsh.

The soldier could not resist any longer. There were more than one person who attacked that female instructor and ended up getting crushed.

Even if I knocked him down, it was still a problem.

‘The monster will come out next.’

When a guy named Rem came, there was no answer.

It’s rare these days, but there was a time when he would show up all of a sudden and call us out one by one and beat us up because the training intensity was too weak. It was just one-sided violence.

They also made sure to only select people from noble families.

‘A noble slayer.’

The noble soldier also knew Rem’s nickname well. He was famous among the nobility.


He’s fully armed, from his sword belt to his backpack, and he’s told to run, not walk.

The soldier bit his molars and took his foot off the ground.

“You are training as a scout corps. “If you can’t bear this much, get out and lie down.”

It was a three-day training. It involved climbing over a mountain, digging a smokeless pit at the target point, eating, and returning.

‘Even a demon slayer wouldn’t be able to do this kind of training.’

This is just to harass you, what kind of training is this?

The soldier moved forward, panting for breath.

After cursing at this guy and that guy for no reason, he ended up blaming his father for sending him here when he noticed the activities of the demon slayer bastard. After that, he was so tired of cursing at demon slayers that he just walked without thinking.

A soldier caught his eye.

‘Iron helmet?’

Everyone was wearing leather helmets, but I was the only one wearing an iron helmet and carrying a larger and heavier backpack.

He also carries three hand axes, two longswords, and a gladius, which is shorter than the longsword but can be used as a main weapon, hung horizontally behind his waist.

That wasn’t the end.

For some reason, he had two javelins resting on his shoulders.

‘Is that a spearman?’

It was now common knowledge within the Border Guard standing army that armament varied depending on the class.

When I went into training fully armed, I learned something even if I didn’t like it.

If I lost even one piece of equipment, the entire unit would suffer as regimental responsibility.

So it was clear that the training was now reconnaissance training.

It was crazy hard, but I couldn’t forget it.

But why are you holding the window?

Now that I look at it, I see that he also has a metal guard wrapped around his leg.

He was already a crazy person who carried heavy weapons three times heavier than other people.

Is it a lie? Are you seeing illusions because you are having a hard time?

As I was thinking that and moving forward, I caught a glimpse of the bastard’s face.

The noble soldier knew that person’s face.

“Demon Slayer!”

I spoke as if I was shouting in surprise, but my voice wasn’t very loud. I was too tired.

Hearing that sound, the ruler of the area and the person who had been given the rank of general by the king turned his head back.

“It will be more difficult if you drag your feet.”

After giving a short piece of advice, he moved forward.

The soldier was speechless.

The demon slayer was walking carrying something several times heavier than the weapon he was armed with.

Although it was only for a moment, the rebellious spirit of the soldiers, especially those of noble birth, was broken in an instant.

Finn, the commander and drill instructor, followed Encred’s lead as he walked ahead.

“Long time no see.”

Finn said, putting his right hand on his waist in a quick salute.

She was also fully armed.

“I guess it’s grown?”

As Encred spoke, Finn brought up the story of Torres, thinking that the man in front of him was still the same as before, judging things like swordsmanship at first sight.

“I heard that they are strengthening the training of the border guards in Martai. Come and visit us.”

Torres, I’ve already seen it once. When he was inaugurated as general.

Even if there was no inauguration ceremony, we had to see the faces of the mayors of each city. I saw it briefly back then.

“When the time comes.”

I planned the training course according to Luagarne’s words. There was no time to get away right now.

Finn stuck his tongue out.

Even though it had been a long time since I saw him, he was still a monster training fanatic.

Well, that would have made him a demon slayer.

He had once been this man’s superior, but later he was under him, and now he was a mere commander of the man who had become a general, but Finn was proud of it all for no reason.

Encred was a man with a strange charm that made those around him feel rewarded.

* * *

“Diversity is what unlocks a blocked view. “Do anything.”

Following Luagarne’s words, Encred walked and ran among fully armed soldiers, wearing even heavier armor.


with a plop!

I climbed up a mountain range and jumped from a cliff into a lake.

“How to break limits? I don’t know anything about that. But I understand that just holding a sword doesn’t mean it will work.”

There are many things that can be seen only when one broadens one’s perspective, and that was Ruagarnet’s perspective.


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