Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 431

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432. Like a black thunderbolt

Encred didn’t even waste time waiting for Ragnar.

It was natural. That’s just how he was.

It was still the same now. I was summoning Rem and creating friction between the sword and the axe.


The silver-bladed axe that had blocked the slanted Aker pushed the sword away.

Encred strengthened his arms, twisted his waist, and used force to push.

Rem noticed this and pretended to pull the axe back, then swung it down vertically.


Once again, the two weapons met and then separated.

Sparks flew between the blades.

It was offense and defense without giving an inch.

From then on, the situation continued with them using each other’s skills and blocking each other.

It was a fierce battle between swords and axes, with no time to breathe. No human could survive without breathing.

Both of them pushed their physical strength to the limit to the point where their eyes were spinning in front of their eyes for a moment.

This was already the twelfth time. The intense sparring that had lasted for hours had even Encrid out of breath.

It was the same for Rem.

“Whoa, whoa, take a good look.”

Rem stepped back and spoke, her lips curled into a circle.

In that state, I took a deep breath and swallowed. My panting breath and shaking shoulders calmed down.

Encred instinctively saw the line drawn by the ax starting from the opponent’s shoulder.

As expected, Rem swung the axe.

No, it didn’t end in one go.

Encrid managed to swing against Acher.


The days were different. Encrid soon turned around and dodged.

Rem’s axe-wielding continued, making it hard to believe that he was panting from exhaustion.

Rem’s axe was originally fierce and sharp, as well as fast and heavy.

Whenever an ax made of the lightest iron in the world flew away without any recoil, I would get a chill on the back of my neck.

But now it’s even worse than that.

What’s more, he suddenly does something like this while panting?

In the midst of the rapid, recoilless ax strikes, another ax flew in at a wrong beat.

The axes held in both hands continued to pound, breaking the beat and rhythm. Encrid felt like he was catching each shower of rain with his bare hands, and blocked it with Acher and Gladius.

It was not an attack at a level that could have been prevented even if predicted.

This was also something Rem took into account.

Otherwise, this attack could have taken at least one of Encred’s arms.

“Just when you thought it was over, you got squeezed. “I call it a handful of breath.”

As Rem said that, he began to breathe harder than before. His complexion also turned a dull purple. This was because he had held his breath and poured out all the remaining energy in his body.

Rem still taught through actions rather than words.

It was comfortable for both those teaching and those receiving it.

Rem continued, taking a deep breath.

“If you do it wrong, your heart will burst and you will die. Or a blood vessel bursts and you die. You might feel like your lifespan is shortening a little bit.”

It was said to be much more dangerous than the heart of super strength.

Originally, it was a technique used to protect the body through sorcery, but Rem modified it a bit and used it.

This was possible because of the enlightenment I gained recently while practicing witchcraft.

And this was a skill that would be better used if the crazy captain in front of him learned it than himself.

“If you want to get even one hit, learn it and then try.”

The sparring with Ragna is two days later.

Rem expressed his willingness to help.

It was not something that Encred could refuse. So he did it. He woke up in the morning and stretched his body with the technique of isolation, and then he learned a handful of breathing techniques from Rem.

Rem didn’t spare any advice from time to time.

“I was originally ambidextrous, but I’m not the captain.”

“What do you want to say?”

Rem was busy teaching Encred and refining his own skills. He could tell just by looking at it.

Aren’t you training like never before, sweating like crazy?

Thanks to this, Dunbakeel was in a state of death, and the task of building the troops that Encred had previously ordered was postponed.

Encred didn’t force it.

He wasn’t the type of person who would force someone to do something.

Kreis also believed that there would be no rush to form a unit.

“Organization of troops is important, but there is no way a war will break out right away. “Nothing will happen for at least a year.”

This is the time it takes for a king to stabilize the country.

Above all, after seeing the Border Guard’s policy, Naurilia had been setting up guard posts in the capital and all connected cities.

The Kingdom and the Border Guard were developing in the same way.

Of course, Encred didn’t have time to worry about that, so he swung his sword one more time.

Anyway, Rem is swinging her axe more faithfully than ever, regardless of the unit’s creation or anything.

In the meantime, he was sparring with Encred, so Rem’s explanation may have been a bit lacking.

“I’m not really using both hands now, this is it.”

“Explanation, phew. “Hmm, add more.”


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Encred struck the ground with the tip of his sword and took a deep breath as he spoke.

Rem thought carefully and then asked.

“Hey, can you write with your left hand?”

I couldn’t do it.

I could pull out the spark with my left hand and activate the Will of Swiftness, but I couldn’t write.

“If you’re going to use both hands, you should use them both properly. “If it’s clumsy, it’s just as bad as not using it.”

I had no intention of insisting on fighting with a weapon in both hands, but Rem was right.

If you have something, you should use it properly.

Otherwise it’s meaningless.

Now, the only opponents left are those that are not at that level and cannot be eaten.

Two days passed quickly, but this time Encred took his time. It was because Ruagarnet stopped him.

Of course, it was also because Encred was convinced.

“Postpon the sparring further. You might ask why? okay. You know that your skills won’t improve much after a few more days. But you can strengthen your mindset. “You can’t just throw away what you learned from the Mercenary King, right?”

Luagarne never said the right answer right away.

It was a matter of waking up on your own first. We help you with that, but we don’t give you the answer right away.

That was Ruagarnet’s way.

Encrid took a few more days.

In the meantime, I wrote and ate with my left hand.

“If you’ve built flexible and strong muscles, it’s worth using them, brother.”

Auddin also helped Encred.

Encred learned a few more Balafian martial arts techniques.

There was one joint and one striking device.

Not all technologies could be given names.

Ragna just watched in silence.

Meanwhile, Encred was able to write letters with his left hand, even though his handwriting was bad.

I had to reply to the letter from the king anyway.

When Kreis saw this, he was curious about the contents of the letter sent to the king and asked.

“What does it say?”

It must have been something like a promise to restrain the king of the east and give him various things.

Wasn’t this a letter sent after hearing news about the Mercenary King?

When Christ saw the letter, he was secretly worried.

His prediction was wildly off the mark.

“I sit on the throne, but I’m complaining that it’s not really something I should do.”



Something like that at a time like this?

Is Kraang strange, or is my captain strange?

Christ couldn’t tell.

Anyway, it was a reply to such a letter.

The message was that if you decide to do something, do it right.

Encred put down the quill he was holding in his left hand, clenched and unclenched his fist.


I couldn’t use my left hand like my right overnight. However, I seemed to understand the meaning of what Ruagarne said. So he got up and went outside.

The sun rose overhead, and the day was brighter than any other day. On a cloudless day, the smell of heat stung my nose.

The smell of heated stones, dry earth, and fresh grass all mixed together. It wasn’t a bad day.

It had been two days since I spoke with Ragnar, but a week had passed.

Ragna waited obediently.

Meanwhile, Ragnar was confident that he had complete control over his sword.

Even when I swung my sword with all my might, I could have cut off just one hair and stopped. I could have stopped it completely so that it didn’t even leave a red mark on my skin.

If it had been two days, I might have ended the fight by cutting off one of my arms, but not now.

“I’ve been waiting for a long time.”

It was in the center of the training ground. Ragna swung his sword alone in the same place every day.

At first glance, it didn’t look like he was training in great swordsmanship. Rather, it was a series of swordsmanship that seemed even more sloppy than before.

On one side, Rem was sitting on a chair she had made, her arms crossed.

Next to him, Audin was sitting on a large rock he had brought from somewhere as a chair.

It seemed like he was looking at Dunbakel, Teresa, Pell, and Lawford.

Saxony was away today as well, and so was Esther.

Both of them were very busy.

Encred didn’t care about anyone’s gaze.

He raised his sword and aimed. The tip of Aker’s sword became a dot and pointed at his opponent.

The pressure based on coercion and willpower reached Ragnar.

Ragnar was indifferent.

To Encred, Ragnar didn’t seem particularly intimidating. Rather, he seemed weaker than before.

“If you miss, you die.”

This is the moment when Ragna’s mouth opens.

It is outside of cognition. Therefore, I couldn’t see it with my own eyes, and I could only rely on my sixth sense.

Before I knew it, Ragnar’s black mark had drawn a line on my thigh.

It was a sword strike coming from an unexpected angle.

It was also the speed and timing that made it impossible to even dare to stop Acheron.

Encred barely managed to shift his center of gravity back, relying on his instincts. Thanks to this, his body tilted backwards and he was not fatally injured.

The Negro’s black blade passed over his thin pants. Blood slowly soaked my pants starting from the torn area.

I knew it in one blow.


Encred chanted.

“This is the entrance.”

Ragnar was indifferent. Rem, who was watching, opened his mouth because his indifferent attitude seemed even more unlucky.

“You bastard like Spenadull.”

Spenadul is a Western word that literally means a cub that draws tobacco through its anus.

If we look at it in a Western way, it had a profound meaning of hoping for something with meaningless actions, but in the West it was often used as an insult to lazy people.

Of course, it was something no one would understand.

Even if I knew, I didn’t have the wherewithal to react.

Ragnar held his sword in the same manner. A black greatsword made of heavy brass was held in one hand, but it seemed lighter than a rapier.

If I struck him like that, the blade would bend like a whip.

It wasn’t particularly intimidating, but anyone who saw Ragna now would likely step back.

His sword looked like an unstoppable scourge, and at times like a black bolt of lightning about to fall from the sky.

Even though he hadn’t swung his sword yet, everyone watching could see the power of the sword that Ragna was about to wield.

Auddin’s brow furrowed slightly. It wasn’t a sword move that he could block with a ban on.

Even though the sword had not yet fallen, Teresa had a vision of the shield splitting.

Dunbakhel broke into a cold sweat.

I saw my death in her eyes. It was a cut she shouldn’t have to face if she didn’t want to die.

Veins bulged out over Pel’s hand, which held the idol killer.

Lawford thought of a real knight of the Order he had seen only once.

Lawford also saw it clearly.

Luagarne stood to one side and stared blankly at Encred.

Everyone looks nervous.

That’s what a knight was. He was a natural disaster that changed the surrounding atmosphere just by existing. It was a disaster.

What if that disaster stands before you, wielding a sword? What if that sword is aimed at you?

Prock’s bulging eyes did not leave Encred, not Ragnar, who had reached the entrance of the knights.

To be exact, I couldn’t take my eyes off it.


Encred smiled.

It was the same smile as when the first boatman told Encrid that he would die now, that the wall would block his path, and that he would have to repeat the day.

No one will ever know, but it was so.

Encred laughed.


The black lightning was not accompanied by any thunder. It seemed as if the blade, without any thunder, would split Encrid in two.


As expected, that didn’t happen.


Encred raised his sword above his forehead to block, but was pushed back and his forehead was cut by the blade of the sword I was holding. Drops of blood trickled down.

It was a blocking with Aker and Gladius crossing just before the black lightning struck.

It was a close call, but I managed to stop it.

While playing the gladius in a hurry, I scratched the leather on my forehead and it started bleeding.

Encred’s face turned red from the amount of blood flowing out.

Still, he did not close his eyes.

Although I haven’t come to any enlightenment.

Encred was a wanderer who wandered his entire life looking for a way, wandering the path, and looking for a signpost.

He was a madman who came this far by piecing together broken and torn dreams.

That’s why I was happy at this moment.


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