Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 430

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431. It will take two days.

Audin observed the gold that was on his body by contemplating his inner self.

Soon, a visual image of a tightly wound golden chain binding her entire body came to mind. Since she had been drawing on her divinity for a while, the thin piece of cloth covering the chain seemed to have worn away and disappeared, but the chain remained intact.

The chain was his own, and the piece of cloth covering it was made of gold by someone else.

When I checked the gold for the first time in a long time, memories of the past came flooding back.

These were moments I deliberately ignored.

“Defending heresy? Is that what an inquisitor does?”

First came the corrupt bishop who got angry all of a sudden.

“I wrote it carefully because I said I believed in the god of war. “Huh!”

Another priest’s words came to mind.

“What are you going to do?”

There was also someone who taught him and led him to this place.

Although he was blind, he was the previous pope who was said to be able to see people’s future.

He became Pope and stepped down just ten days later.

“This is not my place, brothers and sisters.”

After he kicked away the authority, he spoke to himself in secret.

“I did it because I thought I wouldn’t be able to live long if I stayed in that position.”

Although it was an absurd reason, he also added that it was a conclusion he came to by predicting his future.

Although his memories were tangled, Audin could not easily open his mouth to the question of the person who had given him a fatherly affection even though he had no blood relatives.

It was right after he became a criminal for failing to fulfill his duties as an Inquisitor.

“You don’t know what to do?”

“Yes, I am lost.”

said Audin, who knelt down.

“A lost shepherd has only one place to go.”

The former Pope and father figure spoke in a stern tone.

“I must go to that place underground, enveloped in darkness.”

Audyn answered again.

It is the god of Libra, who governs the sun and moon, who judges sin.

If you commit a sin, you will go to the god of war and be judged by him.

Those whom the God of War punishes are imprisoned in the underworld.

It was part of the doctrine. It was also the word used in the temple.

Audyn served the god of war, and the previous popes served a god with two faces.

One of the two faces was the god of love and the warden of the prison created by God, and the other was the god of judgment, symbolizing radiance and light.

Although the two divinity appear to be completely opposite, it was said in the temple that they were originally one.

There was a god who went down to a prison deep underground solely to give love.

He wanted to shine on the earth by leaving the light contained in his body on the earth.

Thus, one god was the jailer of the dungeon, symbolizing darkness and love, embracing the sinner.

The other one became the one who punished sinners with brilliance and light.

“You are the one who will lead the light of brilliance.”

Audin was led by those words and became a punisher of heresy.

The God of War gave him an excellent body.

Audin converted to a martial priest right from his days as a trainee priest. Naturally, Audin was different even during his days as a martial priest.

“You are the first person to delve into the Balaf martial arts to that extent and understand it.”

His extraordinary talent immediately led him to divinity.

The light of radiance and glory descends upon the body through the god of battle and war.

“It’s a miracle!”

No one was sparing in saying such things. Everyone blessed him.

While training to become a Holy Knight, Auddin was appointed as an Inquisitor.

“Pray there and refine your body and mind there.”

It was the archbishop’s words. The archbishop, who had a strangely slanted and vulgar appearance, told Audin to become the judge who would punish heresy.

Audin did so.

As a Heresy Questioner, I decided to punish people with the light of brilliance and holy light.

Then, he punished the secret son of a bishop who had committed a crime while performing his duties, and ended his life.

After that, I was still handling a few more things.

In the small city he headed to at the bishop’s command, Auddin was met with distrust.

A man accused of heresy burned himself to death to prove his innocence.

Seeing him burning his own body, Audin instinctively felt that this was not right.

So what’s wrong?

Me who believed in God?

Or a rotten temple?

An archbishop drunk on power?

The man who kicked out the Pope’s seat, claiming he had glimpsed the future?

Or else.

‘Should I see it as God’s fault for giving me strength despite my shortcomings?’

That probably isn’t it. He just didn’t understand his Father’s will.

Wandering has come. My faith was shaken. The foundation that formed Audin was broken and fell from its foundation.

The dream of becoming a knight and taking the lead in destroying evil, of sending the devil to the Lord to destroy evil, was shattered.

The tower built on faith collapsed like that.


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“If you don’t want to be punished with light, go to the darkness and hide yourself.”

Following the words of the person he considered his father, and honestly just because he didn’t want to do anything, Audin imposed abstinence on himself.

As if that wasn’t enough, some of those who handled the divinity added some gold to Audin’s body.

“sorry. “Brother.”

There was a brother there who could have given his life in my place.

“Why did you do that?”

There was a sister who laughed with me until yesterday, but now looks at me with hatred.

Audin accepted the gold offering without a word of excuse, gave up his position, and left the temple.

On the way out, the words my father, the bishop, said were still vivid in my memory.

“The day your path becomes clear, you will take action on your own.”

“Is that a prophecy?”

“What is the prophecy? Tell me honestly. I can’t make predictions. It’s speculation and prediction. “If I become the Pope of a temple where there are more people who hate me than people who follow me, it’s obvious that there will be people who want to kill me.”

It was the confession of the father bishop.

“I can’t know everything about a person, but I know a part of you because I’ve seen it before. If you feel comfortable thinking of it as a prophecy, then feel free to think of it that way. I’m just telling you. A part of what I know. The day you step forward, God will have the strongest shield to protect His child.”

The father bishop turned away with those words. Half a year later he was stoned to death as a heretic. The only divinity he possessed was simple healing.

Audin heard the news again half a year later.

Immediately after hearing those words, Auddin could not hold back his boiling anger.

I wanted to run to the temple right away and kill everyone.

But that couldn’t be done.

That was to pull out the last root I had, burn it, and sprinkle water to get rid of the ashes.

It would also not have been what Bishop Father had wanted.

‘Lord. ‘Do I have to die like this?’

He knows he is here because he killed the bishop’s hidden son.

I know that he is here because he became a Heretic Questioner and did not punish heretics as prescribed by the temple.

Audin knew everything.

But I didn’t use my hands. I couldn’t. My hands were just for pounding and breaking.

The place where I stayed after wandering around was the Troubleshooter Squad.

At a time when I had given up everything, I saw someone who had not given up on anything.

The man survived the knighthood, won the war, led the civil war to victory, and faced the devil without stopping.

The king of the East personally sent for him.

Audin was troubled.

Can you not ‘give up’ without breaking the ban?

Audin tried to dream the same dream again.

It becomes a shield and sword of brilliance that destroys evil, and a fist that represents God.

I once again tried to fulfill my duty and walk down the path I had been given, but there was a problem that had not yet been resolved.

He had sworn an oath to abstinence and could not break that oath on his own.

Also, no one currently in the temple would agree to lifting the ban.

The past became entangled and eventually reached the question I had been asking myself.

Legion, corner monastery of the Holy City.

He had no parents since birth.

“Why was I born?”

Audin asked himself countless times: What is the purpose of such a uselessly large body?

The same applies when you gain divinity.

Kill the enemies of the temple, called heretics?

That’s probably not it.

I will become a fist that destroys evil.

There was a time when I aimed for that but it didn’t work out.

I threw that time behind me. I forgot the past for a moment and looked at the new sun, the coming tomorrow instead of the past today.

“What did you say you would do as a knight?”

Audin asked, and Encrid answered.

“I want to create a world where children do not fight in battles, where knights uphold chivalry, and where what is right is respected.”

Alas, Auddin cried the day he heard the answer. I prayed and cried in a corner behind the barracks so as not to be noticed by anyone.

Some, including Saxony, saw it but ignored it.

This was not the first time Auddin cried while praying.

While he was praying, Teresa approached him. She waited patiently until Audín finished praying, and then she said:

“I feel like my body and talent are worthless. I tried to learn singing to calm my mind, but it wasn’t easy.”

“Why do you want to go further?”

“It’s because I want to go down the path that I believe is right. I think that path is next to that man. More than anything, I have a strong desire to protect this place.”

“Is that so?”

“Yes, that’s right. I want to prove myself by competing with him and be of help to that man on his way.”

Making a will and carrying it out is the greatest light a person has.

It may not be sacred, but it is a light that will not fade.

Audin nodded, reciting the words of the temple.

“I heard you’ve selected a few members. Let’s start serious training together.”

Audín said. Teresa regretted it for a moment after telling her troubles.

Just hearing the four words ‘serious training’ gave me a feeling.

It might be the kind of training that would be better than being locked up in an underground prison.

This happened while they were doing so by selecting large, strong, and faithful members to form a unit.

And in his mind, Audin realized that one of the gold chains that had been constricting him had been broken.

‘The words of the temple are always right, so do not disobey.’

Then you will have to go to the temple and change that right a little bit.

Because if necessary, we will have to lift the ban.

But he would not lift the ban on his own accord until he received permission. That was because of Audín’s faith.

Even if I die, I won’t release all the gold.

The release of the gold is done after telling the temple what is right.

Even if it’s difficult and I have to die, I will do it.

Just because of one person’s dream, another person’s life changed.

* * *

Ragnar fell asleep and woke up immediately to find a change.

‘Cold air.’

Breathing in and out.

Fallen leaves.

Scattering dust.

Everything was visible several times more clearly than before.

I felt like if I stretched out my hand now, I could snatch the ax from the ignorant barbarian sitting far away.

It was about twenty paces away, but it seemed like it would be okay.

Ragnar mustered his will and grabbed his hand from the air.

Of course, since it was not a supernatural ability or magic, there was no way that an ax that was far away would fall into one’s grasp.

However, at the same time that I made a gesture of reaching out and grabbing, Rem gripped the handle of my axe tightly.

It happened almost simultaneously.

Rem, who was moving following Ragnar’s hand, said to the crazy lazy bum.

“You crazy bastard, won’t you get away from me?”

It was as if he had read what his heart had desired. But it was also something that never came true.

‘This isn’t working.’

It seemed like everything would work out, but there were a lot of things that didn’t work out.

I realized something and crossed the wall, but there was so much to find out one by one.

Ragnar recalled the sparring between the King of the East and Encred.

It does not take a single step back and appears to be resisting the knight’s force.

The king was very considerate. Although he did not lead a sparring match, he was able to help the opponent unleash all his strength.

Ragna saw it all.

I saw, no, I felt, the power flowing from the weapon the king held, accumulating in Encred’s sword.

‘Can we gather our will and implement it into reality?’

For example, would it be possible to bring Rem’s ax back without ignoring the physical distance?

‘it could be.’

To do that, I had to take a step back and close the distance.

I just couldn’t do it without taking a step and extending my hand.

Ragnar also naturally realized the principle of coercion.

It is not something that can be achieved simply by glaring at the opponent with speculation and murderous intent.

Embodying will into phenomena.

That is, speaking to the other person through Will.

A sword on his waist, a spear on his back, a fork for stabbing steak.

It tells you that whatever you hold in your hand can kill your opponent.

‘No, just the blade of your hand is enough.’

Think about your actions and convey them subtly to the other person.

By doing so, the survival instinct will seize the person’s hands, feet, and heart.

That was the pressure.

Before he knew it, Ragna was sitting in a restaurant and experimenting with a fork.

Once to Rem.

“Has this bastard turned around?”

Rem glared at him with the ferocity characteristic of a savage.

“Brother, please take care of yourself.”

Auddin spoke with a smile, but a small vein stood on his forehead.

Dunbakel stepped back with a thud.

Teresa frowned and quietly recited part of the temple. At the same time, he subtly pulled the food tray and tried to use it as a shield.

A friend named Lawford stood right next to me, shivering. Cold sweat broke out and dripped onto the plate.

“Then I’ll catch the kid.”

A shepherd in the wilderness is a friend. The friend quietly took out his sword.

A black blade appeared. It was a sword called Idol Slayer. Ragnar also saw something attached to the sword.

They say it’s a sword that eats away at the soul, but it was a sword that cuts away the will of existence.

I felt a certain presence, but I couldn’t tell exactly what was inside.

To find out, you’ll have to hold it and swing it around.

After that, it was Wangnuni.

Christ, not knowing anything, asked if it was a bit chilly today.

‘If there are people who react sensitively.’

Some people don’t.

Couldn’t this be used to gauge skill or talent? It seemed like it could be.

Ragna devoted himself to swinging his sword except when eating and sleeping.

What the King of the East said before leaving was right.

Now was the time to get on the right track.

You may feel like you can do anything, but actually doing anything requires a process.

Can you cut a mountain with a sword?

There is no sword that can cut through a mountain in one fell swoop.

‘Any wizard who tries to use magic to split that mountain can be killed.’

Divide and recognize what you can and cannot do.

For that, I repeated the basic training every day.

I moved my body nonstop to the point where my whole body was drenched in sweat, so I ended up snoring while sleeping at night.

After repeating the same thing for several days, Encred asked, unwrapping the bandage wrapped tightly around his wrist.

“When will it be?”

It was a call to fight.

Ragnar considered himself for a moment and then said.

“Two days will do.”

That seemed like it would work. It was hard to even control my strength right now, but two days would be enough.

It was crazy talent.

Even if one could climb over the wall and reach the level of a knight, it would take at least three months, or at most six months, to get one’s body back in shape, but that was not the case for Ragnar.

The fortnight was too long for him.


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