Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 429

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430. Unit Member, Fiancee, Wizard

How long has it been since the sword in my hand felt heavy?

During the first year of holding a sword, it often felt heavy. After swinging the heavy iron a few times, my arm muscles would tremble, and the tingling pain in my palm between my thumb and index finger would not go away all day.

It was a time when even wooden swords felt heavy.

And now it is several times more difficult than then.


It looked like dozens of iron weights were attached to the blade.

If I let go of my strength even a little, the blade would fall down and stick to the ground. The muscles in both arms trembled.

It was unbelievable. With Audin’s training, I rarely felt like I was lacking in strength alone.

There was no time to think about this now.

I was so focused on bearing the weight of the sword that no other thoughts entered my mind.

‘It’s heavy.’

I felt like I might drop my sword at any moment. Even raising the tip of the sword slightly felt like crossing a mountain in the middle of winter with my bare body.

The rain that had briefly soaked his body evaporated in the heat of the fight, but as sweat began to pour down afterwards, Encred’s entire body quickly became soaked again.

Sweat was running down my face. Droplets of sweat ran down my chin and fell to the floor without stopping.

‘It’s very heavy.’

If this continues, I will naturally drop the sword. I fought bravely while carrying such a heavy object.

There was no time to catch the breath that had been building up from earlier. She was out of breath, as if she had been running all day without stopping.

The sweat gradually increased and my whole body was thoroughly soaked. It looked like she had gone in and out of the bathtub with her clothes on.

However, the most difficult thing is the iron in your hand. The famous sword Acher, which had stuck to my hand when I first held it, was now like a snake struggling to escape from my grasp.

‘Why is it heavy?’

I do not know the reason. He simply struck away the opponent’s spear blade.

It was around this time that Anu came to the side of Encred, who had spent his stamina and mental power while receiving it, and whispered.

The time he held the sword felt like quite a long time to Encred, but in reality it was only a moment.

Because we only exchanged a few words.

“Can you overcome the weight? “The bull is a guy who likes to pass on the burden.”

Encred could not understand the full meaning of what the other person said, but he did know one thing.

“If you miss it, that will be your limit. Then, even if you die, you won’t be able to do what you want.”

To say that you have to die means that it is only possible to run with death by your side.

Even without listening to the king, Encrid already felt it.

That you must not let go of what you have in your hands now.

There is only one clear fact.

Encred thought that he might lose the sword in his hand, but he also knew that he would not.

‘If you’re going to let it go just because it’s heavy.’

I wouldn’t have even taken a step towards my ridiculous dream.

“Do you want to become a knight? Then see, experience, and accumulate many things. All of them will help you on your path.”

The king spoke. It was an ambiguous statement. At least that’s what it sounded like to Encred at the moment. But Anu’s tone was full of goodwill.

“If you don’t forget what’s on your sword, the path will open.”

A few short words remained in Encred’s mind. This was even while sweat was streaming down his face and the tip of his sword was shaking.

“I am indebted to you.”

Finally, the king tapped his shoulder once and left.

Encred saw the tip of the sword slightly lowered in my line of sight.

The will of rejection, the heart of super strength, the heart of a beast, and even a body trained with single-point concentration, sensory skills, and isolation techniques.

Pulling everything out didn’t help me hold onto this sword right away.

The King’s Bull made the weapon in the opponent’s hand feel heavier than ever before.

That was a mystery that was revealed to Will.

Even though Encred recognized it, he finally raised the tip of his sword.

Just because everything I’ve learned doesn’t work doesn’t mean my will is broken.

If you were going to give up, you wouldn’t have even started.

The tip of the sword slowly rose upward. Encred finally lifted the sword properly and for a moment forgot its weight.

The extra weight placed on the king’s ox has disappeared.

Only then did Encred realize that his grip had been torn for the first time in a very long time. Red liquid was flowing from the hand holding his sword.

The leather wrapped around Aker’s handle was soaked in blood and had turned a dull color.

The first time the bull’s horn caught Aker’s blade, twisted it, and tried to pull it out of his hand, it was the wound he sustained when he endured it.

It could be said to be the price paid for enduring the knight’s weapon being taken away.

Recognizing that, Encred stumbled and fell.

“That’s stupid.”

Someone was speaking as they took hold of her body. It was Esther’s voice.

Encrid lost consciousness after that.

* * *

Encrid had a dream. It had been a long time, I should say.

It was a real dream, not a dream about a boatman.

“Are you planning on living off of kalbap? Quit it. “You will die young.”

“Even those who are said to be talented have a hard time surviving until their fifties because they are mercenaries.”

It was before I could properly express my dream. These were the words of those who told me to abandon the boat that was sailing the sea of ​​dreams.

The ferry had a hole in the bottom.

I can’t move on.

Your oars are broken and rotten.


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Also I can’t move on.

The boat you boarded was made of fallen leaves. Are you going to go out to sea with something like that? It will sink even on lakes and rivers.

So I can’t go forward.

Everyone said the same thing.

Encred saw that only two people, aside from his own men, listened to his dream seriously and responded to it.

It wasn’t even Prok Luagarne.

She judged that it would not work out, but seeing Encrid achieve it left her feeling mystified.


One was Naurilia’s friend on the throne.

He said he found his way after hearing the dream Encred told him.

And the other one is the King of the East.

Although it was a short period of time, I was able to refine what I had through sparring with him.

The strange thing is that I thought I would hear countless times during sparring that I had no talent, but the King of the East never left such a comment.

When I didn’t have the skills to overwhelm my opponents like I do now, most of the people who came to me after hearing my dreams talked about my talents.

The reason they couldn’t do that now was because Encred’s sword skills were now superior to them.

But the king was a man of such a position and ability that it could be said that he had no talent.

You could lament his lack of talent and be surprised, but he was calm.

Rather, before leaving, he said:

“Don’t forget what you’ve loaded onto your sword, and move forward. The path will open.”

It was support and faith.

Encred ignored all the words of those whose faces did not even appear beyond the curtain.

The rowboat made of fallen leaves and the oars made by weaving together rotten tree trunks suddenly became a caravel made of oak wood that had been well treated to prevent water ingress, and the oars made by weaving together rotten tree trunks became oars made by carefully planing strong boards.

Encrid, with his boat and oars, saw the milestones and the path.

‘What should I do to become a knight?’

Everything around became blurred and Azpen’s knight appeared.

“If you block it just once, it will save your life.”

Did you say that?

I don’t think it happened, but it’s a dream now. What mattered was not what the other person said, but what mattered.

That means you only have to block it once.

The Azpen knight swung his sword.

It is a fast and strong sword.

Since it was impossible to parry, I struck first.

The knight stepped down for my honor.

Encred practiced various techniques, such as slashing, stabbing, and swinging his sword, using his strikes as a standard.

Afterwards, Encrid also saw the various skills shown by the bull of Anu.

The King of the East demonstrated his skill in using Will.

If he had wanted to, he might have been able to kill himself in no time.

In the end, I didn’t intend to die easily because I rebelled, but that was the reality.

Today, which would repeat itself after I died, was soon forgotten.


“This guy.”

The boatman tore off one side of the dream and invaded.

That too was part of the dream.

Encred ignored the boatman and sat there thinking, until he had a small epiphany. It was a signpost that gave him some vague clues along the way.


The King of the East had walked a different path than the Knight of Azpen, and the techniques he used were different.

The two were clearly different. So different.

After thinking about it, Encred opened his eyes.

I felt a faint pain throughout my body and my hands were throbbing.

I raised my hand and saw that it was wrapped tightly in bandages.

I could see the darkness outside, the lamp light, and someone sitting in a chair right next to the bed.


“Now that I’ve called your name, all we have to do is hold the ceremony.”

A fairy joke rang in my ears.

Encrid asked instead of laughing. It was hard for him to laugh easily at a fairy’s joke.

“What are you doing?”


There seemed to be no need to ask what I was appreciating.

He was looking at himself with one leg crossed, his elbow resting on his leg, and his chin resting.

“You often fall in a fight.”

Sinar continued,

Encred shrugged his shoulders as if it was no big deal.

“When it wakes up, I’ll be able to show you something interesting.”

“What are you talking about?”

Sinar showed a faint smile that he would not show to anyone from his sitting position.

With that smile. Before she knew it, she had unwrapped her legs, lowered her arms, and had drawn her sword and stabbed him. It was a speed and an angle she could never understand.

Age stabbed Encred’s heart beyond his awareness.

I felt like I had to cough up blood. My entire body muscles tensed up, making me forget about the muscle pain for a moment.

Death is imminent.

Am I going to die like this with my eyes closed? That wasn’t it.

“How do you feel?”

With Shinar’s words, the sword that had stabbed his heart disappeared like a grain of sand.

All she did was sit with her legs uncrossed and her arms hanging moderately.

It was all an illusion. No, it was a reality that could happen, shown by the opponent’s momentum.


“Was I was away from you for so long for nothing?”

Despite the fairy’s joke, Encrid quickly realized several facts.

Having experienced the knight’s power twice, it was rather easy now.

What Sinar had shown just now was the knight’s power.

A leopard that had been watching from one side approached and jumped into Encred’s arms.

It seemed like they were protesting to Sinar, telling him that enough was enough and to leave.

“I will wait for you to recover.”

Sinar said.

Encred’s heart was pounding. He wanted to ignore the muscle pain coursing through his body and get up and grab his sword.

I felt a strong desire to receive the real sword wielded by Shinar.


Esther hit Encred’s chest with her foreleg.

It seemed like he was telling me to endure it.


Encred answered. He knows it too. With this body, he can’t fight properly. He can’t even spar.

So it’s right to be patient.

Instead, I will focus on recovering, and when I can get up and straighten my sword, I will grab Shinar and swing my sword.

“How do you feel? “Your fiance.”

Sinar asked with his smile gone before he knew it, and Encred had no choice but to answer.

“It’s best.”

“I just need to know.”

The fairy rose quietly. With faint movements still visible, she went out of the barracks.

The squeak of the hinge announced her departure.

“You didn’t sleep? You passed out and as soon as you woke up, it was chaos.”

“Ugh, it’s been a while since I’ve slept in the barracks. What’s this?”

“Pray, and your recovery will be quick.”


Rem, Christ, and Audin spoke, and the last thing was Ragnar’s snoring.

Ragnar is the type of guy who doesn’t snore unless he’s extremely tired, but for some reason he started snoring instead of singing a lullaby.

“How much did I sleep?”

“It’s only been half a day.”

“Just go to sleep. Don’t ignore the danger signals your body is telling you, brother. So please sleep and calm down.”

Rem spoke and Auddin joined in.

Esther tapped her chest again.

It means rest. It wasn’t wrong. Encred closed his eyes, thinking.

It seemed like I would be able to fall asleep soon. I was already feeling sleepy.

I felt Saxony, who had been watching silently from one side, place a small container of ointment down next to the bed.

“It’s medicine.”

Saxony said and returned to his seat.

I wondered why I came back to the barracks today.

Dunbakel, Teresa, Pell, and Lawford were in different quarters, but the four of them stood guard in front of the barracks.

Encrid, who had not known until then, fell back into sleep.

* * *

After Ester joined the Border Guard, she often emptied the barracks.

If Encred had paid more attention, he might have noticed, but he was too caught up in swinging his sword.

Should I say it’s the same as usual?

Esther walked along the Pen-Hanil River and the surrounding lakes, mountains, and forests.

This was because of the restoration of the spell world damaged while dealing with the Count.

I also took care of the bonehead I got before.

I also tried calling out some spirits that I had made a contract with in the past.

“Man-eater, do I look like your prey?”

Then, I encountered groups of ghouls a few times.

The guard post facilities and local security defense measures that Kreis had pushed for also had the disadvantage of uniting the scattered monsters.

Since monsters that used to move in small groups can no longer survive, it was natural that those with survival instincts left would band together.

It was one of those ghouls.

The monster that previously would not have dared to make eye contact now showed its ugly fangs without any fear.

Even though Esther had not mastered necromancy, it was not difficult to take a few of those ghouls as servants, but it was not even necessary. He was more like something he shouldn’t have done.

‘That’s lowering the level, not raising it.’

As soon as that thought occurred to her, Esther gestured to summon fire and roasted six ghouls.

Shut up.

The ghoul that died with its entire body burning soon turned into a lump of burnt flesh.

‘I’m working really hard too.’

Esther knew why she was like that.

The guy next to me was constantly struggling and moving forward. I realized that it would be difficult to stand next to such a person with a weak determination, so that was why I did that.

‘I will be called a witch who fights only if I restore my former strength.’

So, he will also advance further. There was a good opportunity at the time.

If you wander around the Pen-Hanil Mountains, searching for hidden ruins and monsters, and polishing what you have, you will gain enlightenment.

If Ragnar is a genius in swordsmanship.

Esther was a magical genius.

She knew which way she was going and could tell what she needed from what she didn’t need the moment she saw it.

I also knew that I could go further with that.

‘Ah, you idiot.’

Esther, who remembered Encred being defeated by the King of the East, muttered to himself.

He, Encrid will go further.

It was obvious that in the future, I would get involved with some clumsy devil or wizard like a count.

Because that was the path he walked.

Those who use magic will be removed from the path.

Esther tried to satisfy her pride by proving herself like that.

Even though a fighting witch entrusted her body to him, it was of no help at all.

‘That is unacceptable.’

This was a question of the value of existence.

At the same time, Ester wondered whether Encred would be able to achieve what he wanted.

What kind of path does that man walk? Where will it end?

These were things I had never wondered about when looking at the King of the East.

In this way, Esther traveled back and forth across the mountains, training her magic, and organizing the useful ones out of the six types of magic she had learned in the tower when she was young.

On the way back to the base, a soldier caught my eye.

I don’t know his name, but the soldier rolled the dice and moved his mana without realizing it.

It was a magical talent.

Esther was about to pass by without notice, but then changed her mind and approached him.

“You are following me.”

Interested? No.

It was for myself.

‘There is something to be learned while teaching.’

The teacher’s words were like that, and his own experience was also like that.

That’s why.

The soldier who was actually the target, the Border Guard’s top gambler, simply blinked.


“If you don’t come, I will inflict pain worse than death.”

Esther did as she was told, and the soldier did not protest in vain, as he knew that the opponent was a wizard nicknamed Encred’s lover.

The organization of a single soldier would change, something that Graham, who was actually in charge of the Border Guard troops, would handle.

Also, Captain Graham handled it that way.

“A soldier? A squad leader? You took a junior soldier with you? Leave him alone, he’ll figure it out.”

This was what the battalion commander said when he was told that either Esther or a leopard had taken the soldier.


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