Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 428

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429. A man who carries his dreams on a sword

The sky, filled with clouds, felt lower than ever.

The clouds seemed to be touching the small hill behind the training ground and lodgings.

While everyone else was doing their own work, the king and Encred discussed their dreams.

This was said by taking the cold, refreshing air created by dried rainwater deep into the lungs and spitting it out.

“I want to become a knight and swing a sword.”

His tone and attitude were so simple and calm that it was like a dream like someone else’s story.

These are things about what he wants to do on the continent, starting with becoming a knight.

The king thought after hearing Encred’s dream.

‘There is no despair or frustration.’

Nor does it discuss the ridicule of others.

I have no doubts because I will move forward and make it happen.

This man didn’t think about failure.

The king’s past flashed through his mind.

“Stop talking nonsense about establishing a country! Do you think that makes sense?”

These were the words of the younger brother who followed him the most.

Anu couldn’t blame him. Au was just a man who faced reality.

What he said wasn’t wrong. He was more of a person who said the right thing.

“That’s ridiculous. Investing in something like that.”

“Are you saying you want to become a magician or a thief? What’s in the East?”

“How can you waste that power? Do your best to stop the devil. “I will give you anything you want.”

The king, Anu, did not listen to everything they said and rejected them all.

None of their words made his heart beat faster.

‘I will do something that makes my heart beat.’

That was the task of establishing a nation in the East.

Anu eventually did it, devoting his life to laying the foundation for a nation.

Everyone said no. Everyone said it was meaningless. Everyone laughed at him.

Anu had no time to worry about such things. She had too much to do.

It just kept moving forward.

Walking and moving like that.

“That sounds fun. Let’s do it together.”

The number of people staying by his side has increased.

“You seem to have a lot of gaps. Let me fill them in.”

That’s how it was now.

It’s not over. It was just the beginning.

Although he did not intend to give strength, the king’s voice was weighty and his eyes were filled with heat.

“The Eastern Kingdom? That is merely a transit point! The country is merely a foundation. My goal is to conquer the entire East.”

We will explore and explore the unknown, opening paths one by one and planting a flag on that land.

The king spoke and bared his fangs. It was a smile, but it was also an expression of fighting spirit.

“You want to become a knight? Did you mention the previous article?”


“You want to erase war from the continent? If the Demon Realm is the enemy, you will erase the Demon Realm. If the demon blocks your way, you will kill the demon. If the Empire blocks your way, you will even destroy the Empire?”

It was a dream greater than the dream of conquering the East. This is a delusion. The king respects the dreams of others. But isn’t this too much?

Encred’s attitude was still the same. The sweat had already cooled. The wind blew, causing Encred’s black hair, which had grown long enough to tickle his neck, to flutter.

There is no great pedigree. Not even royalty. However, he is not particularly talented.

He was a human being who only walked and moved forward with a dream.

“You’re a really funny guy.”

Anu now spat out from his own mouth the words that those who had admired him had spat out.

Isn’t the scale of dreams different?

“If I pick a fight on the continent, you will fight me too. Then, for the sake of the future, I will kill you here.”

I didn’t mean to actually kill him.

The king remembered something he had forgotten from what the other person said.

Staying here, I saw the true intentions of the other person for the first time.

That’s why.

It should be seen as a teaching covered up with words threatening to kill.

I didn’t want to explain all of those whimsies in words, so the only thing I wrapped up as an excuse was ‘I’m going to kill you.’

Of course, it was impossible to know the king’s true intentions.

Isn’t he already a very fickle person and does whatever he feels like?

The king rose from his sitting position with his horse and reached behind him. The adjutant hesitated for a moment.

He followed Anu for over twenty years.

‘Are you serious?’

So I hesitated, but followed the order. I tried to throw the spear with the king’s hand, but the king said.

“The bull.”

The adjutant more than hesitated and stopped. The name of the weapon that should not be taken out unless it is an opponent that must be killed or an enemy that is comparable to one’s own was mentioned.


Asaluhi asked back without realizing it.

“Give it to me.”

The king was adamant. The adjutant took out a new weapon on his back and unwrapped the cloth wrapped around it.


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The spear was dark brown, making it difficult to guess what it was made of, and the spear blade was unusually two-pronged.

The material and shape of the spear blade looked like a horn. It is a dark gray horn spear blade. If you looked at it in the dark, you wouldn’t even be able to see it because it was pitch black.

The two horns and the spear blade were the bull’s head, and the spear was the bull’s body.

An unprecedented sense of intimidation emanated from the body of the king holding the spear. It’s an intimidating pressure that makes you feel like you have to bow your head and bow your head.

Encred, who was sitting side by side talking, felt pressure as if he was being pushed underground, but soon activated his Will of Refusal.

Encred’s determination pushed away the intimidation shown by his opponent and proved himself.

It was rejection and defiance because I would not be oppressed.

Encred also got up from his seat, pushing the floor with his palm.

Asaluhi looked surprised, as if what had happened itself was such a big deal.

Standing before a king holding a bull without any trepidation.

Above all, today the man fell twice at the king’s hands.

It was tiring. It felt like my heart was shaking.

But that wasn’t the case.

Encrid stood holding Aker.

What the other person really meant? I didn’t know that.

Legs that feel weak after two rounds of sparring?

That is also none of my business.

The other person listens to his dream and says he will break it. He expressed his intent to kill without hesitation.

Encred did as he was supposed to.

He raised his sword and rebelled.

As usual, I healed my torn dreams.

I took a stance and looked straight at my opponent.

I walked as I always did, looking only at my dreams.

I strengthened my legs and caught my breath.

As usual, I decided to live for the moment where it doesn’t matter if I die.

The king’s spear moved. Two horns pierced his chest with such speed that even the faint afterimage became blurred.

Encrid blocked Acher by standing at an angle.

It was an attack that could not have been stopped if I had not been lucky.


The spear, which had come in the blink of an eye, stopped as it brushed past Aker’s blade blocking his chest. Then, it placed the blade between the two horns and spun around to the side.

It was a more surprising feat to stop than to stab. Despite the fact that he had stabbed so quickly, he stopped with only a tingling sound and tried to break the blade by wedging it between the blades of the spear.


The blade stuck between the two horns let out a scream.

Encred held on tightly to the sword that was trying to tear through his grasp, and held on with the strength of his monstrous heart and the evil power he trained every morning.

When Encred’s blade held up without breaking or slipping out of his hand, the king spoke.

“Try blocking this too.”

The king said he had plenty of free time, but he retrieved his spear and held it out again.

In Encred’s eyes, the bull’s horns had increased to six.

The three-pronged spears all looked real. It was like that in reality.

Because speed is relative.

In Encred’s eyes, the three-pronged sting was all real. It was a miracle that the king repeatedly poked and pulled.

There was no time to cheer up.

Encred relaxed his strength and then momentarily tensed all the muscles in his body as he drew his sword.

If there was a soldier who had now discovered the techniques mixed into Encred’s swordsmanship, he would be qualified to receive instruction from Luagarne right away.

A sword strike that mixed the crushing force of the sword and the will of swiftness met the bull’s horn.

As before, the horn just brushed against the blade and retreated.


Encred pulled Aker. It was time to catch his breath. For some reason, the sword felt heavier than before.

No, the weight of Acher was felt more clearly in my arms than ever before. I thought it might be because he was tired.

Instead of rushing in, the king opened his mouth.

“By realizing the Will, you create skills one by one, and once you surpass that, you fight with the Will itself. That’s the article you’re talking about.”

Encred didn’t have time to answer. The king spoke one after another.

“If you can fight with your will, wouldn’t you need a weapon that matches it? The answer was obvious. The bull is such a weapon. It’s commonly called an imprint weapon. My will is contained within it.”

While saying this, the king threw down his spear again. I couldn’t even guess when I was breathing.

Encred raised his sword again.


This time too, the blade and horn only grazed.

Encred couldn’t even tell whether it was time to take a gamble or not.

Even though my eyes were activated to see an inch ahead, I couldn’t see what was next as if it was obscured by fog.

You have to predict what’s next by looking at the movements of the shoulders and the movements of applying force to the feet, but the opponent did not show them.

So it looked like there was fog.

The sword in my hand felt heavier than before. It felt like someone had secretly added metal to the window every time it bumped into it.

The fog, the weight, everything was bothersome.

‘So what?’

Encred ignored him and held his breath, sucking in air into his mouth. His cheeks puffed out.

Do everything you can.

It was as usual.

Encred’s sword seemed to disappear in thin air.

It’s a stab with everything you have. It was a quick move.

It was a blow that mobilized apnea, single-point concentration, the heart of great strength, and the sense of attack.


The king held out his spear and changed the trajectory of the blade.


There was a similar sound again.

Encred pulled the sword whose trajectory was wrong with force. If it doesn’t work once, you can do it twice, three times, and if that doesn’t work, you can do it ten times.

If you stop because there is an endless wall blocking you, you will never be able to overcome it.

Acher’s blade broke the sunset light and began to dance in the air.

The king struck down all the blades one by one with the bull’s horn.

The dark clouds spat out a few thin raindrops.


Acher and the bull met countless times and parted countless times.

After a brief moment of being stuck together, they fell apart. Encred staggered back.

A thin stream of rain fell on his sword, spitting out steam.

“You really deserve to die.”

The king spoke, and even though Encrid stumbled, he did not loosen his grip on the sword.

After a while of glaring at each other.

“Axe, it’s behind me, so don’t throw anything at me.”

The king’s mouth opened again.

“You’re still a bit out of touch, so if you take the wrong path now, you’ll be in trouble for the rest of your life.”

The king continued speaking.

“It seems like he’s trying to grab me if I try, but I won’t give him any distance in the first place.”

The king, who had set the bull upright, struck the ground with a spear and took his life.

“And I am a water man and I haven’t even transformed yet!”

The last shout made everyone’s skin prickle. It was a cry full of confidence, not arrogance, as it had been proven over a long period of time.

Because he lived for a long time, the king’s personality fluctuated, so his speech was arbitrary, but the meaning behind it was clear.

“Why all of a sudden?”

Ruagarne asked.

She too was fiddling with the handle of her loop sword on one side.

I was going to attack that frock if it was wrong.

The king knew that, but he pretended not to know.

“It’s a whim. Asaluhi.”


The king threw the ox back. Asaluhi took it and shook the heated spear to cool the blade made of horn, then wrapped it with cloth.

“Let’s go.”

The king decided and moved. It was as impulsive an action as anything.

But no one stopped him.

The king passed Encred, who was on the verge of fainting, but stopped to whisper something and clapped him on the shoulder with the palm of his hand.

And then he walked forward, staggering forward.

“Then I’ll see you next time.”

Adjutant Asaluhi looked back and said.

No one answered.

Asaluhi made eye contact with Dunbakel, who was watching frozen from the tree, and walked away with a soft smile.

They were all people who were trying to attack each and every one of them.

On the way out, Teresa was standing holding a shield.

“this much.”

Asaluhi followed the king.

* * *

“Why is that? “I don’t think they were the ones coming to the East.”

Asaluhi started to walk more quickly and asked the king, following him as he walked with a staggering pace.

He followed the king for a long time. He was momentarily confused, but when he looked back, he understood the general meaning of his words.

What the king gave was a gift.

He left a gift for Encred, including a last whisper.

“I received the gift first.”

“What are you talking about?”

When Asaluhi asked again, the king smiled and answered.

“I was good at using both kendo and spear as soon as I picked them up. You know?”

“Yes, I know.”

This king was once called the mercenary king due to his natural talent.

He had natural physical talent and human charm.

“I was born a slave, but before I was sixteen, I freed my parents from slavery.”

Afterwards, he gained fame for killing a lion with a single spear.

“And yet.”

The king was silent for a moment. The brief rain soon stopped again. The air and sky are cold but clear.

A cool breeze blew across the face.

‘I used to think that maybe I could devote my life to conquering the East.’

The king swallowed his heart and spoke. It is the evil caused by time. He temporarily forgot the spirit he had as a child.

I think we need talented people, but is that really necessary?

Why can’t I move forward alone?

Why did you think that it was not enough even though you had already established a kingdom in the East?

It was because I lost my spirit.

In the span of about ten days, which may be short or long, the king looked at Encred and realized it again.

It reawakened the spirit I had forgotten.

“The will of the one who uses the sword clumsily is greater than mine.”

Asaluhi tilted her head and suddenly asked.

“Do you think that friend will become a knight?”

“I do not know.”

“It is not an easy road.”

Asaluhido had eyes. He couldn’t be a knight. He didn’t show any such talent.

The king smiled at his lieutenant’s words and opened his mouth.

“He really is a man of little talent. I’ve never seen someone so untalented.”

Compared to other guys, he had no talent. From what I felt while sparring, my opponent’s talent was at a poor level.

Still, the king thought he would become a knight.

“Can you become a knight just by swinging a sword all day? Or is it possible only with great talent?”

“Don’t you need both?”

Aren’t hard work and talent the most important conditions?

The king spoke with his usual smile.

It was something he said while thinking of the person who reminded him of something he had forgotten.

“Anyone who carries a dream on a sword will be able to overcome the limit.”

The king saw it that way.


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