Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 427

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428. Dreams and Dreams

The knight’s power usually broke the track of what was thought.

For example, like the Azpen article I met the other day.

Encred was lost in thought while holding his sword.

‘What if I had seen the knight’s sword then? What if I had predicted the attack?’

Can you stop it by predicting it?

If there was one thing as important as moving the body, it was the time for meditation.

He was lost in thought and drew images.

The Azpen Knight came to mind, and the trajectory of the sword he swung was clearly drawn.

‘It wasn’t great swordsmanship.’

It was just a swing. However, it was just too strong and fast. So much so that I can’t even think of stopping it no matter what.

So is that what a knight’s blow is?

Something with such speed and power that you can’t stop it even if you see it?

Wouldn’t it be amazing if you saw a proper fight between knights?

It was a messy thought.

* * *

What is an article?

It is a general term for those who have broken the limits of humanity.

The king of the East was not a knight, but he was a man with the same military capabilities.

He showed his power without hesitation.

It wasn’t like he showed everything he had, but it was enough to surprise anyone who was watching from right next to him.

A troll swung a stone axe wrapped around a tree trunk.

It was too slow. The moment the troll’s shoulder moved, the king had already stabbed him with his spear.


The blade of the spear pierced my head and exploded. A thrust based on immense power made it that way.

The king’s spear exploded one’s head and moved to the side.

With a loud thud, the troll’s head would shatter as soon as it was struck by the spear or blade.

The way to kill a troll was to burn its entire body or cut off its head.

Cutting off the head ultimately means severing the connection between the body and the head.

Breaking the head had a similar effect.

Anu’s spear proved it.

Stabbing, cutting, hitting, and beating.

The first few times he moved his hand as if it were loose, but with just one or two inhales and exhales, his spear became faster.

Still, it flew in aiming precisely at the troll’s head.

It felt like a nimble swallow catching a fish.

It is also a swallow with a natural talent for hunting.

There wasn’t a single mistake or miss.

It was a trick for Rem to watch.

Anu killed about twenty trolls, one by one, with one blow.

Black blood splattered across his clothes, but there were hardly any traces left for such a massacre.

Rem, who had split the heads of three trolls, stood there and looked at him.

King Anu put away his spear and looked at Rem, then tilted his head without realizing it.

‘Isn’t it time to be amazed?’

Usually, that’s true. When people see their own skills, it usually starts with surprise and ends with admiration.

But Rem’s eyes showed a very unholy light. He seemed full of dissatisfaction.

“Are you excited because you’re doing it alone?”

The speech was also like that.

The king blinked once.

“I think it’s wrong. “My lord.”

Asaluhi, who was watching, approached and whispered. He took the spear, cleaned the blade and shaft well, and wrapped it well with cloth.

The adjutant had a vague idea of ​​the king’s intentions. The intention may have been to amaze the opponent by showing outstanding skills.

Isn’t that why he finally took out his second weapon against the troll?

Rem was about to grunt but stopped.

If you’re someone who wants to show off, wouldn’t the answer be to just leave it alone?

“I’m still a little tired, so I’ll do more and then go. Let’s do it separately. Separately.”

Rem said and walked away alone. They said that this was the Pen-Hanil Mountains and that it didn’t matter.

For Rem, this was a natural reaction.

It didn’t matter whether the other person was shocked or not.

If you seek the magic you left behind in the West, what the King of the East has now shown you, you too can do.

There is nothing to envy.

Those similar to the knights used Will, and although his writing style was a little different, Rem thought it was the same.

“I’ll just ask you one thing.”

The king turned to Rem and asked him a question.


“Why are you here? Why are you sticking with him? What do you want that makes you stay in this city?”

Rem answered as if there was nothing to think about for a long time.

“It’s fun.”

What was the reason you ran away from the West in the first place?


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It was to find joy.

Rem’s current pleasure is seeing where Encred, crawling up from the ground, is heading.

If you think about it, it wasn’t a great reason.

It’s just whatever I feel like doing, so I’m staying because I’m enjoying it right now.

It also sounded like he was ready to leave at any time if there was something more enjoyable.

The king nodded after hearing the answer.

“i get it.”

It was a plain attitude.

Rem headed straight into the mountain range.

When the king finished hunting and returned with his lieutenant, a big-eyed man who spoke obnoxiously greeted the king.

“Did you bury Rem? Then gold coins may not be the solution. At least there must be gold bars… … .”

“He said he would play alone some more and then come back.”

The king cut off his words and strode inside.

He saw Audin in his eyes.

“You said your name was Audín? Why are you staying here?”

“The Father said so.”

“Lord? Father?”

There was no need for a long conversation.

Asaluhi whispered to the king, being careful not to be heard.

“Aren’t you a fanatic?”

The king also had similar thoughts. No matter what questions he asked, he only followed the teachings of God and received the words, “It was God’s arrangement.”

The king nodded and turned his gaze.

He saw Ragnar, sound asleep, in his eyes. And the half-giant passing by the barracks.

“Why do you remain here?”

The king asked.

“I owe you my life.”

Teresa answered in a voice that was oddly pleasant to hear, but had a peculiar, hoarse tone to it.

It was an attitude without any playfulness.

It was a life debt, and no one could repay it for me.

“My desire is to explore the unknown. Look, what a wonderful human being you are. He’s handsome. He’s nice to look at. But you’re not like that.”

This was Proc Ruagarne’s answer.

The King of the East was proud of my face, but he knew Prock’s aesthetic sense, so he said only a word.

“Did you hurt your eye? Look closely at my face again. “Frog, you have vision problems.”

“Aren’t there any mirrors in the East?”

Of course, Ruagarne responded without even taking a breath.

Next was Dunbakhel.

“If I leave here, I’ll probably just run away for the rest of my life.”

When he told me to be his daughter, it was half-joking and half-serious.

There was a lot I could have offered her if she had come East, but she refused all offers.

“You know I’m a person too, right?”

The king asked.

“I don’t think there’s anyone here who doesn’t know that except that idiot.”

What Dunbakel was talking about was Squire Lawford.

The king took the opportunity to ask everyone he saw.

“I came here to set myself straight. “Where would I dare go like that?”

“One eye was swollen shut from where I was hit,” said Lawford.

“I am a shepherd of the wilderness. “I just came here to run some errands.”

Pell hid his feelings.

The King of the East saw the unmistakable spirit of victory in Fel’s eyes.

The shepherd’s eyes were on Encred and no one else.

It’s not Ragna or Rem, it’s Encred.

This was also unusual, but it was not completely incomprehensible.

Encred has a temperament that makes you want to meet him whenever you see him.

The king knew that too.

The king also saw the fairy named Sinar coming.

So I asked her.

“We are engaged to be engaged.”

The fairy answered.

“It’s a joke.”

Immediately Encred’s voice was heard.

Encred once again said that the fairy’s jokes were difficult to understand.

The king did not bother to look into Sinar’s thoughts. Even if he didn’t say why, it was an obvious answer that he wouldn’t follow him.

The king stayed for several days and also met with Saxon.

“I have a rough idea of ​​where you’re from. I’d say your skills are master-level.”

How many people have the eyes to recognize what they are hiding at a glance?

Yet Saxony was not surprised.

When you’re around Encred, all sorts of things happen.

Aren’t you doing something you can’t even imagine right now?

My lover said.

“I didn’t know it would change like this.”

He also said that. It is a statement that makes one reflect on oneself anew.

‘Have I changed?’

I don’t know. But one thing was certain.

Saxony has found his place now, and he likes it.

So, the answer to the king’s question, ‘Why are you here?’ was very simple.

“Because this is where I belong.”

The king didn’t ask anything more.

After asking everyone one by one, they all gave different answers.

Each person stayed for their own reasons, but that reason came down to one person.

Then, in the morning, Ragna woke up and came out. He was the one who had slept for over three days.

The king turned his gaze.

Ragnar walked out with his usual gait, but he noticed that the bastard had climbed over a wall.

However, this does not mean that it immediately became an article.

No one can become a knight right away. Knights don’t work like that.

On top of the talent that is given to you by heaven, you must also put in constant effort.

A change in momentum that only he can recognize here… … .

‘No, I’m not the only one who noticed.’

Well, even though I showed Rem my skills, he wasn’t that surprised.

First, a guy named Rem recognized me.

The guy who wasn’t even surprised at my skills clenched his molars. His face was filled with some kind of pain.

A friend named Audin was similar.

The guy who had been holding out even when I showed him my true colors suddenly fell into deep thought upon seeing the guy who had just woken up, and immediately began to offer a silent prayer. He put his hands together, turned his back, and bowed his head.

The king’s gaze turned to Encred.

‘Your eyes are good.’

He found out too.

Suddenly, it occurred to me that he was a very unique person.

Even if you knock him down countless times, he gets up again and attacks, like an immortal skeleton soldier.

The king also knew.

A friend named Ragna wanted to use his newly acquired power, so he was excited to use it right away.

The king said, because he saw everything.

“If you follow me, you will be able to use that power to your heart’s content.”

The king cut through all the front and back and pointed out only the main points. He was like a spear blade that pierced the enemy’s heart in one fell swoop.

Words that would shake anyone.

Those were words that would definitely resonate with anyone who had just overcome the wall.

The king looked at Ragnar with his arms crossed.

Natural momentum and dignity spread.

It was an atmosphere that only a person who was capable of being the king of a country and had the military power of a knight could display.

“There will not be many places where you can use your power to your fullest. Come to a place where you can release your freedom and desire. This country will not be able to accommodate you.”

The Knights Templar were telling us to look toward a bigger world rather than being confined within a certain framework.

Encred, who had been swinging his sword on one side, was also looking at the changed Ragnar.

There was Rem, and there was Audin, and Theresa, and Dunbaker.

Lawford and Pell were away on duty.

It was because of Encred’s will that even if he remained here for some reason, he should not miss his mandatory work, that is, his duties.

Anyway, everyone’s eyes except for those two were turned to Ragna.

Ragnar said with a drowsy face, frowning against the morning sunlight.

“It’s annoying.”

Ragna spoke politely, but unlike his tone, the content was not.


The king forgot his dignity and asked again.

There were many people who showed their antipathy.

But this was the first time I heard someone say it was annoying.

“I’m tired of thinking about the road to the East.”

Ragnar once again made his point known. No matter how good you are at finding your way, it will take more than half a year.

Normally, if you rode a fine horse and ran without stopping, it would take two weeks to cover the distance.

The king let out a hollow laugh.

Adjutant Asaluhi watched the king’s expression, wondering if he was angry.

Fortunately, the king neither spewed out his anger nor showed any signs of holding back his anger.

“It’s annoying.”

I just muttered.

Ragnar was too lazy to explain everything.

There was an epiphany, and as I went through the process of reflecting on it, my senses were off.

It seemed like it would take days of sweat to get this right.

Above all, Ragnar had no intention of following the king of the East.

It wasn’t a lie to say that it was annoying.

‘If only one person had to take orders from above.’

Shouldn’t that be the person who led him to this point?

Look at that crazy guy looking at himself from one side, with heat radiating from his eyes.

If it weren’t for that person, Saxony wouldn’t have been motivated.

Even though everything is still bothersome, looking at those eyes makes me feel motivated.

After swinging my sword for three nights and harmonizing my senses, I felt like striking my sword against that famous sword called Aker.

The king looked at Ragna and then turned his head.

“Please go back slowly.”

The adjutant spoke and the king nodded, but he seemed to have no intention of turning back immediately.

And so another day passed.

It rained a little last night and this morning, and now the sun is breaking through the clouds.

The sun was soft and the air was cool.

It was a day like no other summer.

The afternoon of the rainy day was neither humid nor hot. It was a cool, clear day, that kind of day.

On such a day the king was held captive by Encred until the evening.

“Can I have one more?”


As if I didn’t get tired of it, it was sparring again.

The king won by hitting his opponent near the groin with his elbow.

He hit me pretty hard, but Encred’s body was strong. That means he held up well.

After the duel, the king’s gaze turned to the sky.

Before we knew it, the sun was setting and the world of twilight was unfolding.

The orange sunset filled the clouds and headed towards the ground.

Through the soon-to-be fading light of twilight, the king opened his mouth.

“What do you think is in the East? gold? silver? steel? treasure? I do not know. No one knows what will be there. “That’s what makes my heart beat.”

It was a corner of the training ground where the sunset was setting.

The king told his dream. Encred listened to him.

Encrid felt goosebumps all over his body several times.

I sometimes had the illusion that I was following the king’s words and exploring an unknown land, a ruin where I didn’t know what would pop out.

He spoke with his soul burning like Krang.

“To conquer new lands, that is my fight. That is my struggle. How about it?”

The king asked, engulfed in heat.

Anyone would be intoxicated by the heat.

It was a speech that made you want to agree with his words, respect his wishes, believe in him, and follow him.

A speech given to an audience of only one person.

The man called the King of the East was radiating heat.

Encrid answered.

“Do you know the song called ‘The Knight of the Past’?”

As the other person spoke of his dream, Encred himself spoke of his own dream.

It was a story of a faded and torn but held on to dream that started with a song that was commonly floating around.


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