Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 425

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426. Anu, King of the East

The ostensible reason why Anu, King of the East, came to the Border Guard was because of Martai, but of course he had other intentions.

“Is Naurilia mad, or is the newly crowned king mad? I’ll have to look into that. “First, look at the face of the demon slayer.”

Anu became famous at the age of eighteen by slaying a lion in the eastern plains, and before he turned fifty, he was a hero who gathered his people in the eastern lands and founded a nation.

But he had one bad habit.

If he saw a good person, he would try to bring him to the East. He was greedy for talent.

That wasn’t necessarily unfortunate for them.

“Do you regret becoming my brother? Then you can go back!”

Wasn’t he the best person on the continent when it came to his cheerful personality?

Once they are brought in and go through a lot of things, they all tend to become Easterners.

They would fall in love with his charm and be intoxicated by his ambition and dreams.

His dream sounded so big and lofty and absurd, but he was on his way to achieving it.

So, up until now, every eastern frontier has become a place where Anu’s hands and feet can safely touch.

From the age of eighteen until now, I have devoted all my life to pioneering the East.

Anyone who knows his life and has seen him will recognize his charm.

‘Although he is a bit stubborn and strong.’

The brown-skinned adjutant Asaluhi thought as he adjusted his turban.

No matter what anyone says, he respects his cheerful and unyielding king.

Asaluhi believed it was his job to fill the gaps the king saw.

“Let’s go. “Go see the guy whose dream is to kill demons.”

Before we knew it, Encred’s rumors were spreading a little distorted, but the King of the East was unbiased.

Are you a crazy guy who wants to kill the devil?

That could be the case, yeah.

Martai was an excuse. It was clear that he was greedy for talent.

The king had been very busy due to some recent events in the East, but now he was taking a break. The timing was good.

After arriving at the Border Guard and making some excuse to enter the city, it was no problem to find that guy named Encred.

It wasn’t that difficult to get into the training hall inside the barracks.

“Are you saying that if I ask for a sparring match, you will accept it? “Anyone?”

In response to Adjutant Asaluhi’s question, the soldier looked at the two with observation eyes, but did not seem to have any intention of stopping them with force.

Since the soldiers couldn’t stop anyone who came this far anyway, there was an order given by the general himself.

Don’t block it and send it.

Whether it was an assassin or a sparring request, there was no need to attack if the soldier couldn’t stop it anyway.

Of course, I was determined not to stop him if he really wanted to fight, but there were very, very few soldiers who were impatient because they couldn’t fight.

The soldier opened his mouth with the intention of letting him go like that.

“Yes, but.”

Anu laughed heartily and went in first. The soldier didn’t stop him. He might have been a new recruit, but he was a veteran soldier.

Isn’t that the person who passed by Prok and Meelun, who are already guarding the city?

The general also said that if you don’t have the confidence to take down Meelun, you better not even think about attacking him.

“Yes, he is a child with extraordinary spirit.”

The king muttered to himself as he passed the soldier. He was a king who moved forward without any special restrictions.

The soldier looked at his opponent and, for some reason, thought that his face looked excited.

The king entered the training hall.

‘That’s fun.’

The king felt happy.

When I briefly revealed my presence while looking at the demon slayer, the opponent showed a sense of victory.

Should I say that it is the first time in a long time that I have felt this fighting spirit?

And that too is such a clean and neat speculation.

Normally, he would not have made a move right away, but the momentum shown by his opponent moved the king’s heart.

“I don’t know. me too.”

To be exact, it was because I really liked the other person’s tantrum. That’s why I ended up taking action.

* * *

That’s how the Eastern Mercenary King came to stay in the unit.

‘Okay, let’s see.’

The king looked at the crowd of troops and showed his greed several times.

First of all, REM.

‘You have a good innate sense.’

He used two axes, and his skill was unusual.

The king called those he recognized his brothers, a reference to the fact that when he first entered the East, his group had been known as the ‘Brotherhood of the Yellow Hoods’.

That has been solidified until now.

Even among his brothers, such skill was rare.

That doesn’t mean I hadn’t seen it at all though.

The East is a harsh land. It is no less than a devil’s paradise. Isn’t that what undeveloped lands are all about?

Giant monsters appeared frequently, and there were many more dangerous beasts.

It would be a relief if that were the end. From the flying demons to the demon broods that toyed with people.

Anyway, the East is the East, and even so, Rem was a man of outstanding ability. He was a rare person even in the East. And this guy wasn’t the end of it.

What about this guy called Auddin?

“Let’s try our best!”

During the training, we suddenly held hands and started testing our strength.


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‘Is it stronger than a blood-red leather bear?’

Anu was deeply impressed. Above all, the human-shaped bear named Auddin was not a man who fought solely on strength.

‘I’ve seen a lot of strong guys.’

When I tried to slightly bend his wrist, he showed off his delicate skills.

Strength is strength, but has there ever been a person with such skills?

He is one of the most skilled people among his brothers.

Plus a swordsman named Ragna.

A person with exceptional talent is called a genius.

This kid was definitely a genius.

He is a bundle of talent sent from heaven.

He is a guy who imitates and follows the core of the technology he sees.

The basics weren’t bad either.

The swordsmanship that can be seen with a single black greatsword is fast and heavy. A clumsy knight would be no match for him.

All of this stimulated Anu’s greed, but it was not surprising.

Exceptional sense.

A trained body.

A scary talent.

rare. It’s rare indeed, but it’s not something you’ve never seen before.

So it wasn’t that surprising.

Just because I wasn’t surprised doesn’t mean I wasn’t greedy.

There was also one beast with quite outstanding potential.

A mixed-race giant named Teresa was equally desirable.

The rest, even a guy named Lawford and a shepherd named Pell.

It is a talent that raises its head with greed.

‘That’s fun.’

Anu felt joy again.

There was also something out of the ordinary here.

“There’s even a wizard.”

Esther, who was transformed into a human, stopped caring after one look at the king. He didn’t even pretend to see it. He didn’t seem interested at all.

All of this may be extremely amazing, but there was something even more amazing to Anu.

There was one guy leading them all.


What does it mean to be true?

Anyone with a certain level of skill has high self-esteem.

They were all the same.

A guy named Rem, a guy named Ragna, and a guy named Audin shouldn’t have deviated much from this category.

But this is something.

‘What is this guy?’

All that negativity is turned upside down by one guy.

“Can we spar?”

Losing means being denied my skills.

What you feel before the feeling of victory is the feeling of defeat. It is like the devil’s whisper that lingers in your mind for a long time and eats away at you.

That’s just how negative emotions are.

This was especially true for those who were completely broken in front of me.

Anu accepted the other person’s stubbornness, but he did not accept it kindly.

Destroyed all of the opponent’s techniques.

And yet.

“Are you busy?”

Attack again and again.

Defeat is corrosive to one’s existence, especially when one’s skills are outstanding.

But it wasn’t interest.

I’m not a fan of the concept of a semi-knight, but considering the concept, it was at a decent level.

Even based on my brothers, I think I could probably count on one hand.

He didn’t care that someone of that skill lost.

‘Is there no such thing as pride?’

Or maybe you have something bigger than pride.

Anu recalled his past defeats.

I wasn’t feeling very good, but I didn’t have time to dwell on it.

Because I had to move on.

The opponent was the same.

A homogeneous smell, Anu smelled something like that.

“Let’s do it, sparring.”

King Anu nodded.

An opponent who had no intention of defeat took up his sword.

Encrid lost, Anu won.

Even though it is a result that will not change.

“Thank you.”

This is what the real guy said. Looking at the passion and enthusiasm in his eyes, losing wasn’t something I didn’t mind.

I dream bigger than that.

“I will pioneer the East.”

Anu said.

Encred stared at what the other person was saying.

“Let’s talk about it next time.”

Anu laughed heartily.

It would be really exciting if we could just capture all these guys and take them to the East.

* * *

After a few days, it was immediately clear to me without asking anyone why the King of the East had come.

“You’re really talented. How about going on a journey of exploration with me?”

He coveted talent. He didn’t even hide it.

Rem blinked at those words.

To get used to the newly made axe, I cut down a thick tree and was making a log chair.

Every time the ax was swung, the live tree was cut and chipped away.

Sawdust and wood chips were piled up around it.

Anu knew just by looking at his skill in making wooden chairs.

‘This bastard is good at handling an axe.’

At first I thought I had seen his skills somewhere before, but the more I looked into it, the more I realized he had a unique sensibility.

“If I’m great, what about you?”

Rem asked with a grumpy attitude. If you cared about whether the opponent was a king or a knight, it wasn’t Rem.

“Can you compare me to you?”

Anu shook his head and answered.

What do you mean by comparing yourself to yourself?

“Why is your speech more unlucky than our captain’s?”

“… … Asaluhi, is this blasphemy? “Is this a crime of insulting the royal family?”

It was a joke.

Even if I made a fuss and said it was truly an insult, Rem wouldn’t have cared.

‘Let’s go to the West.’

Rem made up his mind again. Without the spell, it would be burdensome to swing the axe first at whatever the King of the East did in front of him. Rem found that really annoying.

If you fight with determination, you won’t just lose, and there are things I learned from sparring.

Still, I was still upset.

‘Let’s go west.’

Rem repeated his decision.

The king was not a fool. He knew how to explore his opponent’s weaknesses.

While he joked with Rem like a comic talk, he said something to Ragna that he didn’t want the most.

“Yeah, I have a lot of work to do in the East, so wouldn’t you like to come help me out?”

“Do you need guidance?”

“Cancer, you don’t need it.”

“Finding shortcuts or creating new paths is my specialty, but I’m busy right now.”

Once I got upset, Ragna was worse than Rem.

So, since he had decided not to listen, Ragnar’s heart was like Audin’s fist. It was steel.

The king was tireless. He kept saying similar things to everyone.

Especially when I looked at Dunbakeel, I made a proposal that I thought was bold.

“Do you want to be my daughter?”

“why me?”

Dunbakhel responded in Lem style.

“Do you want to be my wife? Sorry, but I don’t need a companion.”

“What are you saying, you don’t like old people?”

The King of the East was not offended by such words. I just laughed.

Everyone had similar thoughts. I wonder if this bastard is the king of the East.

The best of them was Christ.

“Your Majesty, King of the East! Is that true? “Are you saying there’s really a mountain of gold in the East?”

The king laughed heartily again and said.

“You don’t need it.”

It was clear who he needed. He was a good fighter.

Adjutant Asaluhi was used to this kind of thing and remained calm.

* * *

Ragna looked at the two who had finished sparring in front of him.

‘Changing the tempo makes an ordinary stab look like an incredible technique.’

What is technology?

In the end, it’s just for stabbing and cutting what’s in front of you.

Ragna sank into himself.

His talent was beyond outstanding, it was outstanding and superior. To the extent that it seemed as if there was no one with greater talent than Ragnar.

His fighting up to now has stimulated his talent.

Even though we are humans who can move forward without any opportunity, what would happen if there was an opportunity right in front of us?

I think back on everything I’ve learned so far, throw it away, and think about it again.

Ragnar was lying in bed, looking outside.

This was possible because the madman unit’s training hall was directly connected to the lodgings.

Encred’s opinion was that it was good to be close, even though there was some dust, and it was Chrys who foresaw this and created this structure.

Thanks to this, Ragna was able to forget himself and fall in love with the sword while watching the training hall.

Also, thanks to this structure, Ragna looked like he was just sleeping.

“That bastard is being lazy again, I wondered how far it would go.”

These were the words of Rem, who was making all the log chairs and tables.


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