Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 424

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425. Where am I now?

Encred felt his hair stand on end.

It felt like my opponent’s sword would strike my neck at any moment.

Can we stop that?

My hands and feet moved before any questions arose.

I changed the angle of my feet and placed my hands on my sword belt. It was the most comfortable position to draw the sword at any time.

Dozens of attack methods appeared in Encred’s mind as he changed his stance, and they disappeared as quickly as they came to mind.

‘What if I throw a whistle dagger and steal their attention?’

Or how about a sword that rushes in and crushes you at once?

How about trying Strike of a Giant?

My concentration was so intense that I couldn’t even blink my eyes.

I could see the other person’s eyes.

The yellow eyes seemed to be filled with mischief. That playfulness alone could kill me.

Yeah, that could be it.

Does that change anything?

My concentration burned and my eyes began to see an inch ahead of me.

All means of attack will be blocked. So be it.

So what does that have to do with anything?

Fluffy fur, a racing heart, flowing sweat, and a coolness that doesn’t match the weather.

Encrid decided to forget everything.

The tactic I used to withstand the knight I encountered before was to advance and strike first.

Because otherwise, I wouldn’t have the confidence to block even a single attack.

It was the best thing at the time.

‘Then what about now?’

Even though Encred was beaten and broken countless times, he walked and walked in pursuit of his faded dream.

He would swing his sword nonstop all day long, and his wrists would burst.

There wasn’t a day that wasn’t spent like that.

The sun rises anew every day, but Encrid never wastes a single day.

‘Will it work?’

A sudden desire to do anything surged up.

Wouldn’t it be okay to do that now?

I wanted to do that. My enthusiasm boiled over and everything around me disappeared, leaving only the other person visible.

‘Is this arrogance or conceit?’

It feels like a long time ago now, thanks to the repetition of this day before I even became a troublemaker squad leader.

At that time, Encred also had something similar to confidence.

How could it not be like that?

Because I swung my sword like a madman, over and over again.

I didn’t know that the reward for effort was not given equally to everyone.

No, even though I knew, I turned away.

The confidence that arose from being in the middle of nowhere gave rise to a sense of challenge.

‘How am I doing now?’

With that in mind, I set out to find someone to fight with.

It was a step taken based on the groundless belief that things would be different from before.

What was the result?

Spring of twenty-seven.

Encred realized that his talents were insignificant.

The result of the passing dispute was that it turned out like this.

After five strikes, the sword in his hand flew away and a hole appeared in his stomach. Encred covered the hole in his stomach with his palm and asked.

“How old are you?”


There are twelve. My prayers are not full.

This was true genius.

“Sorry, it was my first real fight.”

The little boy said.

The memories of that time were still vivid. I couldn’t forget the face of the genius kid I saw then.


You can cut an opponent with a sword that has forgotten its confidence, but you cannot defeat that opponent.

“When you’re hesitating whether to strike or not, just swing it.”

Rem said.

“Just cut until you get it right.”

Such was Ragnar’s advice on how to cut an uncut rock.

“If your mind is lacking, train your body, and if your body is lacking, train your mind. “Brother.”

Audin said that training without thinking is the answer.

“You can just stab me secretly.”

This is Saxony’s answer to the question of what to do if you meet a strong enemy.

Maybe you still want to test your skills with baseless confidence.

‘Why not?’

Even though I built a tower of effort, it wasn’t enough, so I struggled and climbed the wall to get to where I am now.


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Encred wanted to test himself. He wanted to quench his thirst. He wanted to point his sword at his opponent.

‘How far have I come now?’

How does it compare to when you met the knight of Azpen?

What about when you got a hole in your stomach from the sword of a young genius?

It was force and stubbornness, arrogance and tenacity.

The other person knew it too.

He had relaxed his strength, but he was trying to attack me in reverse.

The man in the vest looked straight at Encred and smiled.

There were a lot of funny things.

It was fun not only because of that guy’s stubbornness, but also because the people around him naturally joined in on the trend.

“I don’t know. Me too.”

The man moved. His body stretched forward with a “thud” sound as if he was kicking the ground.

It was an acceleration that went beyond human limits.

The moment he recognized that, Encred’s sword also moved.

It was neither a giant’s blow nor a crushing sword.

My body reacted before I could even think about it.


Encred felt his body being pushed backwards as a loud noise rang out, but he held on by bending his knees and lowering his center of gravity.


The dirt floor pressed against my feet. Encred remained in that state, pulling the sword that had been thrown out and stabbing him. It was natural for him to take advantage of the opponent’s gap by minimizing the movement path of all his movements.

It was a response that came from the realm of instincts that had become ingrained in me after sparring with Rem countless times.


The man struck it again with a roar. His weapon was a dagger with a thick, curved blade a span long, called a Zambia.

Even when it collided with Acher, it did not break or break. It was clear that it was a weapon belonging to the famous sword axis.

Rem, Ragnar, and Audin could have intervened, but no one stepped forward.

Land! Tata dada tta!

Their weapons clashed several times.

Instead of stepping back, Encred followed the dagger’s trajectory with his eyes.

Surprisingly, the dagger seemed to disappear for a moment, but each time, I predicted it with my eyes that could see an inch ahead, activated by Will.

It was like predicting the destination by looking at the starting point, but to some extent, it was done by looking at the trajectory of the sword, and it was possible because the eyes that could see an inch ahead helped.

As a result, I couldn’t attack with a big skill, but I was able to barely watch and endure.

After repeating the dodge and throw twelve times, Encred quickly lowered his left hand to his waist and extended it forward. He grabbed the spark and stabbed it.

It stretched out like a single black dot, faster than ever before, the word swift being a perfect fit.

And the blade of the spark was caught in the man’s hand.

The blade that was caught with a thud did not move as if it were stuck between rocks.

The Jambiya in the man’s hand soon reached Encred’s neck.

He held the sparkling blade with one hand, avoided the hand holding Acher, cleverly squeezed into his arms, and stretched out the dagger and placed it on his neck.

“That’s it. “Funny kid.”

said the man.

Only then did Encred’s vision open. From earlier, I could only see the man in front of me, but not anymore.

The surrounding scenery came into view. A familiar training ground, three trees, etc.

At the same time, my whole body’s muscles were secretly sore. My body felt like it was under stress as if I had been training for days, squeezing myself to the limit.

“Where is the article from?”

Encred asked.

“article? “It’s not like that.”

The man shrugged his shoulders in response. His attitude seemed innocent. It was a gesture that didn’t suit his scarred body and his short, rough beard.

“Shouldn’t you introduce yourself first?”

A brown-skinned man wearing a wide cloth hat and turban came up late, looked around at everyone, and said.

He spoke very calmly, as if the commotion earlier was no big deal.

“Let me introduce you. “This is Anu, commonly called the King of the East.”

Even Encred froze for a moment at the sudden introduction.

“Are you surprised?”

The king opened his mouth with a hearty laugh.

The mercenary king of the East, the greatest explorer on the continent, the master of the griffon, the man who killed a lion with a single sword at the age of eighteen.

“Okay, let’s see. You enjoy fighting, right? Did you say that you risked your life to kill the devil? “Come under me, and I will give you the power of a knight to kill demons.”

These were the words of a man who had already proven himself and was the owner of various aliases.

It was clear why everyone, including Rem, didn’t attack.

Because the author, who was called the King of the East, did not show any sign of wanting to live.

He accepted Encred’s stubbornness. It was a difficult fight to get into because it was a kind of teaching.

But the weight of the words spoken now was different.

Even the look in Ragna’s eyes, which had suddenly been lost in thought and looking blank, was different.

“You are so confident.”

Rem spoke, unable to keep quiet, and Audin also burst into laughter.

Although he did not say with his own mouth that he was a knight, the force he showed was clearly the words of a man worthy of being called a knight.

He straightens his back and speaks with confidence. An atmosphere similar to Krang naturally emerged.

Luagarne looked closely at the man who dared to explore the unknown and do what even the Proks could not.

I couldn’t figure out how he was going to do that without hearing it for myself.

The hot sun, the corner of the smokehouse without a single shade, the dust on the blue stone scattered with the movement and then settled again.

The sunlight, radiating heat beyond warmth, was sweeping over the dust and the people gathered among it.

A short silence passed and it was before Encred could say anything.

“My lord, I will not say anything I cannot keep.”

The turbaned man who followed finally spoke again.


Encred’s eyebrows slightly wavered at those words.

“Do you think I can’t do it?”

The king said sternly.

“What are you going to do about it?”

The turbaned man asked back.


“Doing well doesn’t mean everything will work out.”

“try hard?”

“That still won’t work.”

“If you try, it might work out.”

The king’s eyes burned with enthusiasm as he spoke his last words. I felt like someone needed to hear that. But the adjutant was formidable.

“What can’t be done can’t be done.”

“It’s too early to give up!”

“It’s not about giving up, it’s about not making too many promises that you can’t keep.”

The king hummed and snorted.

Encred looked at it and smelled Rem’s scent.

It was a different type, but it was clearly a crazy bastard.

“There were so many rumors that I requested a visit, but they barged in all of a sudden. I would like to express my sincere apologies for this. Still, I don’t mean anything bad.”

The adjutant spoke in a thick eastern accent.

Everyone seemed to understand that. That means there is no bad meaning.

Encred knew right away that the other person had accepted his stubbornness.


So I said hello plainly.

“Can I stay a few more days?”

The King of the East asked.

“You look like you’ll do whatever you want even if I stop you.”

Rem intervened.

The king laughed heartily.

“You guys have such good senses!”

Even if you tried to stop him, he was not a great person. Encred didn’t feel any resistance at all.

He’s so sociable that he’s already saying something to Rem, Ragnar, and Audin.

However, that doesn’t mean I’m the type of person who would let others by my side without any problems.

“Look at the size. “You’re going to have to use some strength.”

“It’s at a simple level. Brother of the East.”

“Among my brothers, there’s a guy named Gestarian who’s quite powerful, but I think it would be nice to hang out with him. They’re all doing something. Why are they all gathered here?”

The way he spoke was strange. He spoke lightly and treated everyone like they were children.

“This is really causing trouble.”

A man who appeared to be a lieutenant said, looking troubled. Encred was lost in thought for a moment.

There were things that the previous conversation left behind for him.

I wasn’t talking about the burden on the body.

Techniques that are thrown out of the realm of instinct that Rem has tried to teach countless times.

No matter how much you hone your skills, if you don’t use them in real life, they won’t be considered proper skills.

Could you try using that against that person?

From the way you speak, it seems like you would accept any request for a duel.

Above all, unlike Rem, Ragna, and Audin, I was able to utilize all of my skills and they were accepted without any problems.

It literally means that you get a chance to fight with all your might, ready to kill.

Encred had already thought this far before he uttered the five words ‘Welcome’.

“About five sparring sessions a day.”

As Encred muttered, the adjutant blinked and asked.

“Huh? What did you just say?”

“How about ten times?”

Encrid looked at his adjutant, thinking that if his body could endure it, it wouldn’t be so bad.

“I think you heard everything.”

“I heard about it.”

The adjutant thought to himself, “I’ve always thought that the king I serve is the craziest man, and here is someone just like him.”

With this, it was decided that the king of the East would stay.

“I’m counting on you. “You little guys.”

The king said.

“How old are you?”

Rem asked after seeing that.

“I’m over a hundred.”

Everyone was tongue-in-cheek at his age, which was different from what he appeared to be. It wasn’t a lie.

A man who founded a kingdom in the east, leading mercenaries and various talented people who followed him.

It has already been 50 years since the story of the founding of the nation came out.

From that time until now, a monster that is still alive and hot-blooded, that is Anu, the mercenary king of the East.


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