Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 423

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424. Guest

Just as Rem made his decision, others also had a change of heart.

I couldn’t help it.


From morning to night.

Whether it rains, snows, or gets sticky.

When you see a guy swinging a sword like a madman, aren’t you bound to have all sorts of thoughts?

What prompted Rem to make his decision?

Ragna once again reflected on his talents.

I looked at my inner self through a contemplative posture.

‘What do I have?’

First of all, you must have a talent for finding shortcuts. That is truly an excellent level.

Finding one’s way was not a talent that required recognition from others.

‘But that doesn’t mean I’m going to live as a guide.’

In reality, Ragnar worked as a guide, but everyone who hired him at least once turned away.

A crazy guide who is extremely good at fighting, but can’t tell the difference between north, south, and east.

There was also a misunderstanding that they were deliberately going to places where monsters or demons appeared.

The Pathfinder Guild used to get scared just by hearing the name Ragna.

Let’s say the guide’s talent goes that far.


It’s a sword. It’s swordsmanship. There are things that you can know without anyone telling you that you have innate talent.

Just as there is a certain talent for swordsmanship, such as the talent of a guide.

‘Then what is lacking?’

It was enough to know what I was good at.

Even though he was not lacking as a guide, he was not a swordsman.

If there were no flaws or obstructions, it would have already reached the level of a knight.

But no. It’s blocked. It feels like the flow of swordsmanship is interrupted.

The point was that there was something lacking.

Although he seemed to be lazy to others recently, Ragnar was actually observing his inner self.

He reflected on himself, came to a conclusion, and then moved on.


This refers to all movements such as swinging, cutting, and stabbing.

Ragna started with basic physical training and walked the path he had taken in reverse order.

Even if I’m not good at finding my way around, looking back at the footprints I’ve pressed down is something even Ragnar can do.

Meanwhile, someone inside him asked.

“Why do you want to become a knight?”

If it were before, I would have stopped without being able to answer that question.

“You have to become a knight to see what’s next.”

Ragna now waited for the next time. There was also a nearby goal. This is an article from Azpen.

It’s about defeating him.

Ragna had also changed as much as Rem’s resolve.

Saxony did not experience any change of heart.

Haven’t you already made up your mind?

Instead, his body was busy. He had to move around without rest. If he failed to persuade his guild members, there were many who would immediately poison Encred’s meal.

Encrud still swung his sword in the meantime.

Proc, who saw the sword’s trajectory, spoke with admiration.

“It’s neat.”

It’s a basic skill that seems to have been repeated thousands of times over the years.

In Luagarne’s view, Encred was the first one to be as good as him in terms of basic skills.

‘Is that too obvious?’

Luagarne thought to herself. If you think about it for a moment, it seems like such an obvious thing to say.

Geniuses are born with talent, so they can quickly understand the principles of the same movement after doing it a few times, interpret it, and modify it.

‘Then can we say that we have completely mastered it?’

Flashes of talent may show you shortcuts, but they aren’t necessarily good.

Without effort, even genius is consumed by his own talent.

Ruagarne also saw many such unfortunate people.

So what is needed?

Persistence. Talent without persistence is like the chirping of a bird that makes no sound.

Where does that terrible tenacity come from?

‘What is the element that makes you repeat things without even thinking about boredom or tedium?’


Encred swung his sword down, exhaling the air from deep within his lungs.

It is a movement that follows exactly the same trajectory as before.

It is not a sword that you swing while imagining a virtual sparring opponent in your head.

It was just the same old, boring, daily strike. That was how it looked to Luagarne, but Encred’s body was radiating heat.

It is a passion that cannot be brought about by boredom.

It is a passion that only those who are intoxicated with pleasure can show.

‘He’s an amazing and amazing guy.’


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Parts that I couldn’t see before because I hadn’t looked closely enough were now visible.

Swinging the sword itself is fun, so you don’t get bored. I just enjoy swinging the sword.

He was absolutely crazy.

As the nickname of the King of Remembrance gradually spread, Krang said:

“You don’t even look like a human.”

He said.

Ruagarnet also agreed in his heart.

Her eyes followed Encred all day long.

Observing and exploring every action of the man in front of her was what she did.

Luagarne also saw those who were changed because of him.

‘It is not a talent to find out your own shortcomings.’

It needed an opportunity, and it had to come with a stimulus.

In that respect, the stimulus named Encred was fair to everyone.

It was the same for Pell.

Pell was proud of his talent.

He observed and took in everyone as much as Luagarne did.

I especially paid attention to Encred.

‘You crazy kid.’

There is no such thing as a break. No, I saw them resting, but I didn’t think it was a break.

It’s amazing that he doesn’t show any signs of boredom in the training he repeats every day, but it seemed like he was risking his life for just one training.

“I do my best.”

There are many people who say that.

‘I’ve never seen such a crazy bastard before.’

I repeated that kind of day every day, not just in words.

The soul lives each day like a candle burning to light up its surroundings. Pel himself is not one to neglect his training, but like that every day?

Peldo swallowed hard and made up his mind.

‘If that’s what it takes, I’ll do it.’

I didn’t come this far after being scolded by the shepherd elders for no reason.

Pel devoted himself to training secretly, while observing.

Lawford, who could be said to be in a similar position, did the complete opposite.

“Let’s have a fight!”

This would have been unimaginable to anyone who knew the old Lawford.

Originally, he was someone who would look at other people’s faces and act based on other people’s opinions rather than his own, but now he refreshingly ignored other people’s opinions and prioritized his actions.

“Do you really want to die?”

Ragnar asked seriously to Lawford, who was talking to him. This was really serious.

“Don’t kill me.”

Encred, who was swinging his sword next to him, said.

Lawford was a small bird that came out of the egg and entered a new world.

‘It can’t be true.’

That’s how he accepted Ragnar’s words. Until now, there were a lot of misunderstandings due to people trying to guess what other people were thinking.

But that won’t be the case anymore.

That’s why I’m not swayed by their jokes.

Determination soon becomes will.

“I want to compete to the death!”

“Even like this?”

Ragnar asked indifferently after hearing that.

“Don’t kill me.”

Encred shook his head.

Lawford did not break his will despite the two’s jokes. They were two people who really liked jokes.

It was natural that he would be the one to rush in and get crushed.

Lawford didn’t stop there. After a few days of groaning, he quickly got up.

“Teresa, let’s have a fight!”

Lawford attacked regardless of his opponent.

“I will not send you to the Lord.”

Teresa nodded. I recently had a small realization.

After seeing a few sparring partners come to Encred recently. There were really all sorts of guys.

From a mercenary babbler to a warrior guard of some noble who refuses to believe the rumors, a warrior from a foreign country, a wandering swordsman from the East, etc.

There was a Prok Meelun in the city, and they were able to take out a few of them, but some of them even came all the way to the barracks.

Even a proc called Meelun does not have two bodies.

Encred personally dealt with them, and Teresa nodded inwardly as she watched.

The lion did his best even when catching a rabbit.

Encred did not do anything roughly when dealing with anyone.

I pulled out Aker and activated the Will of Swiftness. The piercing ray of light was like a single ray of lightning.

She acted like Encred.

He attacked Lawford and hit him with his shield. It was a shield strike imbued with the power of a mixed race giant.



Roford flew to the side with his neck bent, rolled three times on the ground, and then stopped. He had fainted. If Teresa had exerted just a little more force, he would have knocked on the door of heaven.

“Are you going to kill me?”

Encred asked after seeing that.

“I’m in sparring, so I’ll just do my best.”

Teresa, a mixed race giant, showed her enthusiasm as she spoke. Her eyes conveyed her desire to fight.

Because I am not the type of person who would turn down a duel.

“Come at me.”

Encrid didn’t even bother to avoid it.

If someone had come and seen it, there wouldn’t have been such a mess.

The lord who rules this area and is called a general, but is not a lord, fights to the death at every opportunity.

“Let’s have a fight!”

The one who appeared to be the weakest attacked anyone he saw.

Some of those who came to spar, including Encred, were impressed by their skills and wanted to become part of the unit.

“I want to remain under the demon slayer.”

No one bothered to stop him.

Even these people came to their senses after some time.

“I’ll start with the Border Guard Standing Force. No, no. Are you saying I should go under Rem? I was wrong. I’m going to try farming. Standing Force? I’ll try to be a farmer.”

They changed their attitude in an instant.

No matter how hard a normal person struggled, he could not keep up with madness.

It wasn’t for nothing that they were a crazy unit.


Lawford shouts.

Fel watched with a subdued gaze.

Rem wonders when he will go to the West.

Saxony is constantly moving in and out.

Ragnar devoted himself to basic training like never before.

Audín also went crazy thinking about his own prohibition.

‘Lord, may I lift the ban?’

It was a thought that had come to mind often these days. Audin simply believed that God would give him another revelation.

Dunbakhel had recognized his weakness.

The excessive desire to live was my weakness. That’s why I always looked back and thought of running away first.

‘I had no choice but to do that in order to survive.’

The survival instinct of the Suin is more remarkable than that of other species, and Dunbakel’s was further aggravated when he was driven out of his pack.

Why is it that even after being prepared to die, I still feel like I want to live?

That’s because I really don’t want to die.

‘I have to get over this.’

Encred was a very special being. Just by watching him, he made Dunbakel realize what his own problems were.

It was a very ordinary training ground today.

Fel saw someone approaching between the three trees near the entrance to the training ground.

It wasn’t a familiar face.

It wasn’t even a guard uniform.

A vest made of cloth, arms and fists covered in scars, a square jaw and prominent cheekbones, and a body of perfectly muscled muscles.

Fel’s eyes scanned the opponent’s entire body for a moment.

“Let’s play together too.”

The moment his lips appeared to move, a voice was heard, and his image zoomed in in an instant.


Surprised, Fell pulled out the Idol Slayer and struck him down.

Why not?

The guy who was walking slowly from afar suddenly came right in front of me.

His instincts led him to swing the icon-slayer, hitting his opponent with the palm of his hand.

It was a fit and my palm was slightly cut.

“It’s a sharp knife.”

All I had to do was clean my wound with my tongue and lick it once.

The idol slayer’s magic power was not effective.

“You look a little boring.”

This is the moment when the guy who suddenly burst in spoke and took a step into the training ground.

Standing to the left and right around Encrid were Rem, Ragna, Audin, Teresa, and Dunbakel.

Lawford, who used to be very tactful, but has now lost his tact, asked.

“Who are you?”

You can tell at a glance that he’s not an ordinary soldier.

“A person passing by.”

he answered.

Encred felt pressure even though the other person had not done anything, and he remembered someone.

That was a memory brought about by the realm of instinct.

The opponent came from Azpen and was the one who tore down the tent and entered with a sword.

The knight was an opponent who was difficult to even block with one blow.

“They said the rumors were exaggerated.”

He spoke and dropped both his hands.

He did nothing and did not even raise Will, but he showed no weaknesses.

Does that mean we should be pushed out?

Encred raised the sword of his heart.

Will is a blade sharpened by the whetstone of determination.

I gathered my strength, straightened my back, and placed my hand on the sword grip.

It wasn’t just Encred.

Rem, Ragna, Auddin, Dunvakel, and even Teresa are the same.

It seemed like no one had any intention of backing down.

The summer heat warmed the air. It was hot enough to create a haze.

I was sweating profusely because of the sweltering heat, but the tension cooled the heat.

At a point when no one was saying anything, someone else intervened.

It was behind the newly appeared man.

“Stop joking around.”

He approached and spoke, but the tension did not break. It was the man in the vest who initially created this atmosphere, but now it was a little different.

‘Look at this?’

The man in the vest stared at Encred.

That bastard was the one maintaining this atmosphere.

The rumored protagonist, the demon slayer.


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