Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 422

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423. Rem’s Decision


The patient was so shocked that his breathing became ragged as he spat out words while his eyes inside the hood were shaking like crazy.

The hand I was holding was shaking constantly.

It must be very painful.

“The treatment center is over there.”

At first glance, he looked like an old man, so Encred treated him politely.

He was a person who was so sick that even his head went crazy. At least that’s how it seemed to him.

The shoemaker next to him glared at him fiercely, but the apostle of the curse did not even recognize that look.

I was so shocked that something unimaginable had happened that I almost forgot to breathe.


He asked again without realizing it. It was a question that Encred had no idea about.

It seemed like a strange energy was coming from the other person’s body, but it wasn’t very threatening.

The apostle of the curse felt as if he had grabbed a handful of salt and thrown it into the sea.

The curse just dissipated and disappeared into thin air.

What is this? Is this a dream? This doesn’t make sense?

“Is this okay?”

Encred asked kindly again. Because this person seemed to have a mental problem.

Reddit felt breathless at Encred’s calm attitude.

Since the curse did not work, the body that was in my body had a seizure. It was also because I was so surprised that I lost concentration. Panic came.

“Ugh, ugh!”

Reddit collapsed, foaming at the mouth.


Encred shouted. As soon as the shouting ended, a large figure came from behind as if it were flying.

It was Audin. Its body grew bigger as it approached, kicking the ground. If it was an enemy, it was approaching so fast that it would make your stomach churn just by looking at it.

“Brother General.”

He approached and frowned at the sight of the fallen Reddit. It was an expression you don’t often see.

“Oh, he’s dead.”

Before calling a therapist, Encred confirmed that the other person had stopped breathing.

That’s how Reddit died. As an apostle of the Devil’s Cult, he was the cult’s greatest assassin, killing and killing those who got in his way with curses for over twenty years.

However, there were only two people here who even made such a guess.

One of them was, of course, Audin.


Audin was also surprised and asked himself. The person who was clearly the one casting the terrible curse was so innocent, yet the person who was actually the target was so innocent.

At first glance, it seemed like nothing had happened to Brother General.

There was also a black panther watching this situation from a few steps away.

As soon as Esther sensed the terrible level of malice, she chased after it and saw its opponent.

‘You’re a born witch doctor.’

Esther recognized her opponent, but knew that it wouldn’t work on Encred.

She was a fire witch and a wizard of exceptional talent.

I don’t know what was entangled in Encred’s body, but it shook off the curse on my own body.

So it would be natural not to suffer.

A curse crumbles into insignificance in the face of a greater curse.


Esther snorted and turned toward the barracks.

I’ve been working harder than ever to restore the world of spells lately, so I’m really tired.

* * *

The boatman clicked his tongue at the obvious result.


There are things in this world that you cannot handle if you are not prepared for them, and there are things that you can overcome even if you are not prepared for them.

The latter case was something that could only be achieved through constant study and training.

For example, if you want to dodge a suddenly flying arrow, you must always be prepared to do so.

“Isn’t it natural to avoid being hit by blind arrows?”

If you listen to Rem, that’s what happened. Didn’t Encred also do some training to avoid Saxon’s dagger within ten steps?

Sometimes I do it and sometimes I don’t, depending on the time, but I have prepared for it anyway.

So is the current curse also like that?

No, it was neither the former nor the latter.

One thing the boatman knew but Encred didn’t was that curses were meaningless in the face of the larger mass.

The curse of repeating today was more severe than any other curse, including the existence of the boatman.

Also, the curse was basically a structure that exploited the loopholes of weak-willed beings.

The reason why the straw doll curse that made people feel pain from afar worked on some people and not on others was because each person had different guts.

To put it another way:

‘It’s a matter of willpower.’

Encred’s determination, as seen by the boatman, went beyond being brute and brute to the point of madness.

It wasn’t just great will, it was crazy willpower.

Even the most severe curses wouldn’t work on a guy like this.

This is precisely why curses didn’t work well on knights in the first place.

They write mysteries based on willpower called Will.


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Of course, the boatman was so shocked that he opened his eyes wide and realized that the curse of the bastard was serious.

‘Even if the opponent was bad, it was too bad.’

It was a question of compatibility.

To a guy named Encred, the curse was worse than a mosquito. It felt worse than an annoying fly.

So, you wouldn’t have felt a sense of crisis, and your gut feeling or intuition wouldn’t have been triggered.

Because you instinctively knew that the other person was not a threat.

“Did you kill someone with just a look in your eyes?”

A passing citizen blurted out words full of misunderstanding.

“Does it make sense to kill someone with just a look?”

Another person right next to him scolded him for talking nonsense.

No one knew that the apostle of a cult who committed murder with just a look, or more accurately, with a curse, died in such a shabby manner.

It was truly a meaningless death.

It would have been more effective if it had targeted the entire city and cast a curse, or if it had targeted someone other than Encred.

That was a thing of the past now.

There were instances where doctors would come to check on the dead to see if they had contracted an infectious disease, and citizens would avoid the dead after seeing their charred skin.

Encred had unknowingly become the cult’s biggest enemy.

* * *

“Let’s try it.”

As Rem spoke, Encred returned to the Border Guard and tried to show something he had been holding onto all this time.

Encred lifted the Aker. It was a sword tip that pierced the sky diagonally.

Rem took a deep breath.

‘If you look at it, I’ll die.’

Rem licked her dry lips with her tongue, wondering how she had come this far.

The weather was so crazy that it would have been okay if it rained once, but there was no rain and only the damp, scorching sun poured down.

It’s the kind of weather where sweat pours down even if you just stay still.

The weather was hot and uncomfortable.

Rem forgot his discomfort for a moment.

The pressure Encred gave me gave me goosebumps all over my body.

It was a windless day. Even the dust was holding my breath and I pressed my stomach against the training ground floor.

All of the unit members nearby naturally became spectators.

No one was watching without taking a deep breath.

Encred was the first to move.

In the ready position, my shoulders lifted and the sword moved.


Ragna, who had been watching, caught a glimpse of some of his quick and heavy swordsmanship in that single strike.

Shinar, who came to see the view, saw the sword strike with delicate control.

Audin caught a glimpse of the close-range strike he had taught.

Encred just concentrated and swung his sword.

What is will? It is willpower.

What is willpower? It is the will to accomplish something.

‘The explosive power of the moment.’

I add strength by condensing and bursting my muscles and adding momentary acceleration. I also mix in the pressure of the middle sword style I learned from the crushing sword.

In Rem’s eyes, it seemed as if Encred’s entire body was boiling with fighting spirit.

The power of the single blow could not be ignored.

Rem also unleashed his heart of super strength. Rem also swung his ax with enough strength to fight a real giant.

While Encred took a step and lowered his sword, Rem swung his two axes crossing from bottom to top.

They say that it is difficult for light weapons to have destructive power, but that was not the case for Rem.

The weapon he originally used was also this light.

This is the moment when two weapons collide.


Shock waves formed concentric circles with a loud noise.

It was such an ignorant clash that one wonders who would do something like this in Dalian.

The shock wave caused the dust covering the ship to scatter in all directions.

The two stopped with their weapons locked, exchanging blows.

In that state, Rem asked.

“What is that?”

“Strike of the Giant.”

“The name is a bit cliche, wouldn’t it be better to call it the power of the giant’s milk?”

Encred was not one to bark at dogs, so he just said what he had to say.

It seemed unfair to Rem. Even a normal giant would have to swing with all his might to deliver a blow like that.

“What did you do?”

“It’s called a flag axe.”

It’s the first time I’ve heard that name. It was natural. It’s because I converted Western technology into the language of this continent.

Rem was amazed by the skills Encred had shown as he grew, and Encred was amazed by Rem’s skill with the axe.

Rem blocked the giant’s blow by sticking the axe blade in and out two or three times.

It looks like he hit with all his might, but Encred actually released his strength by deflecting it with his wrist strength and holding on.

It was a skill so difficult that it was hard to even imagine imitating it.

Above all, it was a technique that Rem had never shown before.

“Did you make a new one?”

“It’s a refinement of what was there before. “Because there has never been a weapon like this before?”

Rem said, turning the ax in his hand once.

I was talking about my weapon, which is light yet sturdy and fits perfectly in my hand.

Encrid looked at the ax that had withstood Acher.

It could be said that it was excellent simply because the blade was not damaged.

The craftsman sent by Krang had made a proper weapon.

In fact, the craftsman created two weapons and felt proud of them, even naming them, but the ones who actually received them did not use such names.

“If you call its name, does it answer or something?”

Rem lightly refused the craftsman’s request.

The exact reason was that it couldn’t do something like that because it wasn’t a lowering weapon, but it wasn’t the right time to go into that much detail.

Ragna called his sword black.

If the craftsman had heard this, he would have felt the urge to smash his head in with a hammer right away.

It was truly Ragna-like to not care about anything other than swordsmanship.

It was right after Rem stepped down.

“It’s my black turn.”

Ragnar spoke and stepped forward.

It was a fierce battle that was different from Rem. The difference from before was that Encred was no longer pushed unilaterally.

Ragnar shouted as he watched Encred take the Will of Cutting.


He was so excited that he decided to let his talents explode.

“Let me borrow it!”

Ragnar copied the swordsmanship Encred had shown him a moment ago. To be exact, Ragnar had interpreted it in his own way.

It was a crazy talent.

Encred countered it with a technique he learned from Rem called Giant Teaching.

It is a method of overcoming the opponent’s devastating blows based on the heart of super strength.

I repeated this three times.

“Once more.”

To be exact, it was something Encred had requested twice more.

I felt stiff in the catching and passing motions, and it was because I felt that my desire to solve this problem would soon help me practice.

“It has increased a lot.”

After finishing the duel, Ragna said.

Rem also nodded while looking at it.

Encred answered them both calmly.

“There is still a long way to go.”

That’s because the goal is high.

They both didn’t care because they knew that he wasn’t a person who could be satisfied.

* * *

That evening, Rem was left alone in the training grounds.

‘You’re chasing me closely.’

The leader who couldn’t even shake the beast’s heart was no longer there.

Then should he also bring back what he left behind in the West for that purpose?

No, that won’t happen.

Didn’t you make a resolution and promise when you left?

“I will never find this again.”

After saying that, he left. I said it with my own mouth.

‘Well, you just have to do what you have to do.’

If you decide to use magic, you have to find what you left behind, but that doesn’t mean there’s no way to improve your skills.

To be honest, even though it was an expedient method, it was also slow. But it wasn’t without results.

An ax made of steel from Levi would also be helpful in that regard.

While lost in thought, Rem’s gaze rose as he felt a passing presence.

The sinister stray cat was on its way back.

Since it was connected to the road leading to the training ground, it was natural to see people coming and going.

“If that’s the case, why don’t you go out and start your own life? “You horny cat.”

Rem’s tongue moved reflexively. It was like someone who had been wandering in the desert for three days seeing water and drinking it.

If you look at that guy, isn’t he the kind of guy who deserves a curse?

Saxony was on his way after repeatedly persuading a guild member who was not listening.

Among them, there was one guy who just couldn’t be persuaded, which really got on my nerves.

Isn’t it worth persuading someone to overcome the danger of death three times?

Saxony, who had become sensitive, reacted immediately to Rem’s provocation.

“Is that something that would come out of the mouth of a savage who has never been able to hold a woman’s wrist in his entire life?”

“I am already married.”

“I will bet you that that statement is a lie.”

Encred’s gift of gab was passed on to the two as well.

“Okay, I’ll kill you. Come.”

Rem stood up. This was half an expression of anger. The past came to mind and bitterness filled my mouth. In times like this, even a sneaky wild cat needs to be defeated.

Saxony did not hesitate either.

The two fought at a fierce level, and unlike before, Saxony gave everything he had.

In other words, he wrote Will. Of course, it was completely different from the way the article was written.

Rem knew he was being pushed.

Wouldn’t Saxony know that?

After gaining some victory, Saxony withdrew his hand and spoke.

“Just hang yourself and die.”

“What are you doing?”

Rem said so and made up his mind.

I think I should go to the West sometime.

Resolution? What does it matter?

I would be thrilled to see a Ragna cub playing tricks on me, but what about a sneaky wild cat cub?

I couldn’t stand this.

He was so determined that he must go to the West in the near future.


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