Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 421

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422. The apostle of the curse came to visit

The boatman felt something ominous, but he did not know what it was.

The subject of the ominousness wasn’t necessarily a person, but this time it was a person.

In Magyeong Holy Church, if the person in charge of a small diocese was a bishop, then the person who managed several dioceses was an archbishop, and above that there was an apostle.

That is, even within the church, only a few apostles took the initiative.

His name is Reddit.

‘I will make you food for bugs.’

He calmed his mind while thinking of a guy named Encred.

If you generate the will, your power will unleash its power, but instead of unleashing that power, Reddit accumulated it solely to kill one person.

The apostles of the Magyeong Seongji Church were people born with power.

Reddit was born in a village adjacent to the Demon Realm, and before he was ten years old, he had slaughtered the villagers and their livestock.

His natural ability was a curse.

He could make someone’s heart burst or make their skin crawl with just a look.

He wasn’t originally an apostle either.

He became an apostle because of an encounter he had when he was fifteen years old.

While wandering the continent and hearing that he was the devil incarnate, Reddit met an opponent whose abilities did not work for him.

“He’s a fun guy.”

Even though his heart was clearly supposed to explode, he was fine, and even though bugs were protruding through the flesh on his forearm and seething here and there on his limbs, he didn’t even frown his eyebrows.

He smiled even as flies gnawed at his skin.

“Try more.”

This is an opponent that no matter what you do, nothing works.

“Follow me and I will let you call your meager power power.”

Reddit saw a halo from him as he spoke with a smile. He was a man who radiated light. He was his savior.

“Who are you?”

Reddit asked:

The man said with a smile.

“I am a representative of those who have been betrayed by false gods and an ascetic who walks the thorny path for my master.”

Reddit was in tears.

I could feel it. He said he has lived for this person all this time.

“Follow your father. “I will open a new world to you.”

The person who came to visit him was an apostle of the Magyeong Seongji Church.

Reddit adopted his teachings.

I was also trained so that my ability could be called power.

That’s how he became the apostle of curse.

“Father, I’m going out.”

Bishop Wolf died, and the church’s work was ruined.

Who is that for? Now, there is no one among the leading figures in the cult who does not know the name Encred.

So we can’t wait any longer.

The apostle who had brought him, the man he now called father, nodded.

Reddit clenched his teeth and bowed his head in prayer, his hands clasped together as if they were dripping with pus.

Father Apostle, who saw this, said:

“Go and show me. “No one should stop us from doing our work.”

It was a conversation we had on a road bathed in bright sunlight.

By the time the civil war in Naurilia ended, the Apostle had already entered the kingdom.

Because of Reddit’s natural powers, he could not ride a horse, and it was difficult to have people nearby.

This was because bad luck would come to anyone who stayed by his side for more than a week.

If looking at something that made his heart pound or made his skin crawl with bugs were curses he could control, then being struck by lightning or swept away by a landslide just by being nearby was something he couldn’t control.

The curse was so severe that some people died from minor scratches from tree branches.

He could literally be said to be a walking witch doctor.

He had a special constitution that allowed him to cast curses better than any sorcerer, even though he had not learned anything separately.

I even trained myself to make sure that it was worthy of being called power.

So I learned how to strengthen my own strength.

The more he had no people around him to block bad luck, the more powerful his heart and bug curses worked.

However, when accumulating the power of the curse, it had to be controlled very carefully.

If you accumulate power for too long, bad luck will come back to you.

Reddit has gone to extreme lengths to cursing this one.

So much so that if I make a mistake, my body reacts.

Thanks to this, the skin became softer and oozed, and the face with all kinds of scabs like pimples seemed to show that this is what ugly looks like.

At first glance, they looked like ghouls and brothers.

The opponent is someone of knightly skill level, so this level of preparation is necessary.

For one curse, Reddit wandered around the deserted streets and gathered the power of the curse.

He did it like a monk fasting and praying.

After all that process was completed.

Skin that is tangled like a bear’s paw, a body that creaks every time you walk, poor bone density that breaks even with the slightest strain, internal organs that can’t properly digest whatever you eat, and muscles that are so skinny that they can barely perform their function.

It was the natural punishment of those born with a curse.

He arrived at the Border Guard covered in a wide overcoat and with a hood over his head.

“Where are you from?”

“Just a traveler. “Croak cologne.”


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Just saying a few words made my throat tickle and my lungs feel like they were burning.

‘I guess I overdid it a bit this time.’

Reddit realized that it had gathered too much of the power of the curse.

But this was over now. It would only be a few days at most, and I would be able to forget the pain for a while.

A body that is born with a natural condition can get better for a while by cursing the other person.

For him, realizing this power was the only way to live.

Otherwise, he wouldn’t have gone out of his way to kill all the villagers and wander the continent, and he wouldn’t have earned the nickname of a devil who kills and curses people over and over again.

For now, just being an apostle of curse was enough.

“It looks like you’re in a lot of pain.”

“There’s a treatment center inside, so go and see.”

The Border Guard’s gatekeeper nodded at the sight of Reddit.

It didn’t seem like he had any intention of accepting a bribe.

It is a border guard that has recently emerged as a trading city. The security might have raised their hands, but they were all focused on their own work.

Reddit nodded and passed on.

One of the guards frowned as he saw pus dripping from the bridge of his nose.

“Be sure to get treatment.”

The soldier said to him. Reddit bowed his head once and entered.

There was no need to find an inn. He planned to head straight to the barracks.

They say Encred is always crazy about training.


At that time, someone’s voice caught his ear.

I turned my head and saw someone with black hair and blue eyes.

It was in front of a blacksmith shop where you could feel the heat.

He was putting on metal gauntlets on both hands.

It was clear evidence that the god of the demonic world was taking care of him.

‘God took care of it.’

The true God is in the devil, and he does not reject it as a devil.

Reddit, which recited the teachings, gathered all the strength I had.

A wave of curse that no one noticed rose and headed towards Encred.

No, waves alone will not be enough.

Reddit took steps. Her cursed body screamed.

This too was soon to happen.

He approached and extended his hand.

Encred looked at Reddit like that.

“Young, it’s an honor.”

Reddit, acting as a citizen, reached out to him, and Encred was not prepared. In the end, Reddit’s hand reached out to Encred.

* * *

“I will ask the Apostle of the God of War. Is it true that they let Ethan go without punishing him? “You didn’t do it without knowing that this would be the same as saying you were a heretic, right?”

Audín had a dream.

This is after a scene from the past appears. The face of the person speaking to him was distorted.

The distorted face soon turned into a monster made of clay.

The monster walked with a limp, dragging its two clumps of weight that were too embarrassing to even call feet. Watching it, it felt like it had walked a very long way.

The monster crawled towards him, attached itself to one person, and melted and crushed him.

Looking closely at the crushed person, I saw that it was Brother General.


Audin thought this was some kind of precognitive dream. I didn’t know what the mud monster was, but it felt like an established fact that some danger was approaching.

When Audín opened his eyes, he also realized that he had dozed off for a moment while sitting in broad daylight.

God probably arranged it that way to give revelation through dreams.

Audin saw a crazy barbarian in his eyes.

“Where did you go, Brother General?”

“I went to the city to meet the blacksmith.”

Rem had just received his axe and was swinging it until he got the hang of it.

After all, it’s different from the weapons I’ve used so far.

But it also feels similar to the weapons he used in the past, so it won’t be difficult to get used to. Rem was repeating that process.

Audin sighed and spoke to Rem.

“If you’re late, it’s because your father is lazy.”

Audin moved his body along with words of resentment toward God, something he would never have imagined under normal circumstances.

Rem wondered why it was suddenly like that.

* * *

What is ominousness?

Encred waited, no, waited for the ominous event the boatman had spoken of to come.

But there was no news.

Still, I wasn’t nervous. Just repeating everyday life.

“Once you adapt, let’s stick together.”

This was what Rem said as he came in with a new axe. The steel from Levi glowed softly in the sunlight.

Anyone could tell that it was not an ordinary axe.

“How much adaptation is necessary?”

“It will take about a day, so let’s wait. “Why are you so excited to get beaten up like this?”

It’s the usual boring conversation.

“Oh, and the blacksmith said he had something for you.”

“Couldn’t you have brought it when you came?”

“He said he wanted to give it to me in person.”

Rem said, recalling the craftsman who had tried to give his axe a strange name.

I thought about taking it by force, but I liked the axe I received too much to do that.

It was a weapon that would not break easily even when combined with Encred’s newly acquired Akeran sword.

Encred nodded.

The blacksmith sent from the royal palace said he wanted to personally deliver the work he created.

Perhaps the biggest difference between yourself and Rem is that you can understand the other person’s intentions and thoughts.

“Yeah, well.”

What’s the big deal about just going out for a bit?

Becoming a general didn’t change my daily life.

Rather, only the attitude of other commanders changed.

In particular, Battalion Commander Graham maintained a polite attitude.

Or people like Captain Vengeance or Squad Leader Bell.

In addition, there has been an increase in the number of gazes that are more like admiration than respect.

Of course, there were those who did not do so.

Representative examples include members of the unit under his command, and Shinar was also the same.

They were the same as before.

Encred, who was walking with idle thoughts, saw Audin sleeping on one side. It was amazing to see that his posture did not change even when he was sleeping.

After seeing that, I went down to the market and went to the blacksmith shop.

The day was hot. It was the season of Salamander.

The salamander, one of the flame-breathing monsters, was also called the spirit of flame and the monster of fire.

The extremely hot season was often metaphorically expressed by the name of the monster.

The summer sunlight penetrated the trees and illuminated the ground.

As Encred walked, he thought about new skills, how to train them, and how to use them.

If I could receive what I deserve and come back to spar with Rem, today would be a rewarding day just like any other.

When we arrived in front of the blacksmith shop, sweating moderately, the craftsman greeted Encred with beads of sweat.

“The iron of the sword I used before was quite good. The core was broken so I couldn’t make it into a sword again, but this is it.”

My father-in-law was a man of extraordinary pride. He held out the gauntlet I made.

The sword I used before was an object made by melting silver.

The metal gauntlet was made with leather lined on the inside, and then several layers of cotton were added to the inside of the leather.

If it is made only of metal, it cannot absorb shock.

It seemed like the smooth curves on the outer surface would be good for deflecting or blocking even the most powerful weapons.

“The workmanship is amazing.”

Encrid was full of praise. He thought it was a good gift.

After receiving the item, he was turning around.


A person who recognized him approached and shouted. Someone told me it was a shoemaker I had a relationship with once before.

A wizard was hiding under his shop, and Encred then opened the door to his sixth sense.

It was something I couldn’t forget no matter how hard I tried to forget it.

“Ah, that, I’m so happy.”

His tone of voice was more polite than ever. En Creed, who was exploring the basement of his own store, and the current En Creed, everything has changed, starting with their status.

The craftsman was glad to hear this, but he was also worried that his partner, who was on the same level as the nobleman, would criticize him.

“How is your daughter?”

“Did you covet my daughter?”

“That’s not it.”

As brief greetings were exchanged, someone approached Encred.

“Young, it’s an honor.”

He spoke and extended his hand. Encred thought nothing of it.

There were quite a few people like this among those who recognized themselves.

From the guy who said he came to spar and looked at his face, to the guy who extended his hand like he did now.

It was impossible to believe that the other person was the main character of the ominous incident the boatman had spoken of.

It would have been difficult for anyone to do that.

Aside from his unattractive appearance, he was clearly a man who could not wield force.

Starting from posture to momentum.

Encred knew that with his opponent’s momentum, he could be beaten by even a fifteen-year-old boy.

His hand touched his own arm.

“Who dares to touch me?”

The shoemaker who saw that became furious.

Encred waved his hand and said.

The moment the other person’s hand touched me, I felt something, but it disappeared as quickly as I felt it.

All that remained was an indescribable feeling.

“Well, well, this?”

The other person’s voice trembled. He seemed quite surprised.

Encred blinked at the sudden change in the other person’s emotions.

‘He seems like a very sick person.’

Encred took his hand. Is it right to criticize someone just because they look bad?

That would not be the case.

* * *

“What kind of idiot?”

Even a boatman can’t see everything.

If today were to repeat itself, I would see most days repeating themselves, but even though something ominous like this one was coming, I couldn’t figure out exactly what it was.

So, I didn’t know that that idiot would come with a curse or something.

The boatman felt a rare sense of shame.

I’ve been saying for days that something ominous is coming, but it’s a curse.

Nothing in the world could put a curse on this madman.

The boatman knew very well that the opponent’s curse would be meaningless for several reasons.

‘That fucking idiot.’

The boatman cursed the group that sent that guy. I don’t even know who sent it, but he just kept swearing.

‘You idiots.’


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