Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 419

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419. As you wish

“You’ll be at the border guard?”

Encred nodded in response to Chrys’ question.

“I knew this would happen, so I prepared, but if you need anything else, just let me know. With all my heart!”

Ever since he saw the general and the treasure, Chrys’s eyes would shine like gold coins, and he would repeatedly say the word loyalty.

Encrid didn’t blame Chrys for that. No matter what anyone said, he was a guy who did his job properly.

The accommodation has changed. It has become larger and has more rooms. A new training ground has been built in front of it.

There had been a training ground exclusively for the Madman Company before, but this time it was completely different from the ground up.

Straight stones were spread out across the wide ground.

I could see the green leaves of the trees neatly planted on one side covered with dawn dew.

The sun was beginning to rise. It was summer, the season when the sun rises early.

Trees, flowers, rising sun.

Encred pulled out his sword as he watched the leaves swaying in the wind.

After that, I repeated my usual training. There was no separate training today.

“I’ll see you when my axe is finished.”

Rem gritted his molars and spoke.

“The greatsword is still there.”

Ragna also frowned and refused.

“Are you going to stab and cut me with that? Brother General?”

Even Audin subtly showed his refusal.

“I don’t do it.”

Dunbakel avoided it.

“I got a new shield.”

Even Teresa refuses.

“Even though I’ve grown new ankles, I wouldn’t have enough to deal with you right now even with three ankles.”

Ruagarne’s hopes were also dashed.

There wasn’t even a hint of a sneeze.

“I don’t think it will work yet.”

Even when I tried to call out Pel, he shook his head.

He added that he cannot win yet. He didn’t seem to have the will to fight right now.

It was a truly regrettable thing for Encred. Even if he had done it, all he had done was test Aker, the most famous sword among the newly acquired ones.

During that test, Rem’s axe blade was split and Ragna’s makeshift sword was cut in half, but that was inevitable.

Since I got a new sword, I guess I should test it out.

“Don’t you think it’s a bit lethal?”

Rem spoke sarcastically, but Encred answered calmly.

“Having the right weapon is also a skill.”

“The king just gave it to me… … Let’s stop talking.”

Rem gave up answering. He would rather use his magic power one more time than beat Encrid with his tongue.

“Come at me, you savage bastards of the West.”

Encred teased Rem a few more times, but Rem also learned something, so he closed his ears and ignored him.

Encred soon shook off his distracting thoughts and focused on training.

‘Cut, stab, and cut.’

The wind blew and the leaves swayed as he swung his sword, drawing an imaginary enemy.

‘There is something to learn from everything you see.’

There wasn’t always a need for great enlightenment. By repeating the movement, small errors are reduced and better movements are implemented.

With the sword swinging along with my thoughts, everything I had learned so far was naturally mixed together.

A momentary will in the continuous stabbing and cutting motions.

‘Two movements in one breath.’

Ragnar had implemented up to three movements in one breath.

I saw it when I cut down the ghost general in front of the count.

Encred couldn’t do that yet. What Ragnar did was beyond a feat, it was close to being miraculous.

In reality, it seemed like the closest sword to a knight.

‘Over and over again.’

If there had been a boatman right next to me, I would have cursed him and said he was such a pain in the ass.

A momentary acceleration followed by a crushing sword.

The captivating sword created an imaginary enemy and depicted a battle of numbers.

The opponents before him were diverse, ranging from the young geniuses he had met in the past, to those he had met during his time as a mercenary, to Learbart, Rem, Ragnar, and Audin.

All the fights were tough.

Encred was already one of the best among semi-knights in terms of skill, but winning or losing in a fight was different from sparring.

Everyone dies by a blind sword.

‘Don’t discuss victory or defeat before the fight.’

Three of the instructors who taught him said the same thing. Oddly enough, all three had refused to teach Encred, and only taught him after seeing his persistence beyond desperation.

As I swung the sword again and again, sweat spattered everywhere.

In Encred’s opinion, the person closest to being a knight was Ragnar.

I also cut down the guy who blocked my path with one blow.

A sword that cuts through the waves of ghosts.

It was clear that he was above the level of a knight in every way. So I asked.

“Did it reach the article?”


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“I do not know.”

“I don’t know?”

“I don’t know because I haven’t been there.”

Ragna spoke with confidence. This is the confidence that only a genius can show.

He spoke with attitude.

I haven’t been there, but I’m sure I’ll be able to reach it.

Absolute faith was evident in his attitude and actions.

Encred knew very well that his talent was poor, and there were geniuses similar to Ragnar by his side.

Same goes for Rem and Audin.

Moreover, Dunbakel and Teresa also improved their skills incomparably compared to before. The talents they had were different.

What about Pel? If we look at the way he can gauge his opponent’s skills with his eyes, he too could be called a genius.

Even Squire Lawford may not know what he was thinking when he followed him, but his talents were probably superior to Encred’s.

Learbart was a poet who fell into a swamp of frustration and despair.

He sang of despair and danced in frustration. He lamented his talent and walked the path of the apostolic path.

-Be frustrated and despair!

The boatman’s welcome shouted.

Encred ignored them all. He had no reason to be distracted or shaken by such distracting thoughts.

It was a time when I was sweating profusely.

A sound of footsteps was heard from one side. Encred stopped swinging his sword and turned his gaze.

It was the direction where the dawn was breaking. He saw a shadow walking towards him with its back to the light.

The sun soon rose and brightly illuminated the surroundings. Her red-brown hair and her arms were seen shaking naturally.

Encred knew that a silent dagger could fly from that hand at any moment, and that the man had countless blades and weapons hidden all over his body.

If Audin’s body were a blunt weapon like steel.

The person approaching now is a living, breathing weapon, like a weapon that can kill an opponent just by breathing.

As my skills improved, what I could see also increased. Saxony’s ‘preparations’ that had not been seen before were visible.

These are hidden things in every step, every gesture.

Encred saw that and changed the position of his feet, pulling on his sword belt and placing his hands on his waist. Naturally, Aker was in his hand.

It is a famous sword named after a knight from the founding myth. It could be said to be the royal sword.

‘Can I break it?’

Since it was given to me, there’s nothing I can do about it, right?

If Saxony attacked now, it seemed that not only Acher but also Encrid himself would be fine.

Let’s divide the assassins among themselves and talk about their level.

Showing one’s life on the outside is third-rate.

If you reveal your true nature, you’re second-rate.

If you approach without any noise, you are first class.

If someone approached you with an ordinary appearance, they said you were top-notch.

Saxony was as usual, but Encred’s five sensitive senses and intuition did not say so.

“I really felt your skills improved a lot.”

Saxony said as he approached.

“It’s still far away.”

Encred spoke and stretched his arms further. He relaxed his strength. He had to relax his strength in order to gain a burst of speed.

“To become a knight?”


Saxony stopped walking. With the sunlight behind him, only a shadow was visible on his face. The dark shadows made his face look colder than ever.

“I want to ask you something.”


“Why didn’t you join the Knights Templar?”

* * *

“Are you coming back now?”

Back in the old days, when Georgiou’s Viscount Master was there, there was something they would secretly do after each infiltration mission.

The plan was to kill everyone who could guess the identity of the infiltrated guild member.

As of now, it is not a rule that must be followed.

But if the opponent is none other than Geor’s master, then the story is different.

The person who should always be hidden behind the veil of mystery was Geor’s dagger master.

“Shall we handle it?”

The lover and the master’s daughter asked.

Saxon didn’t answer. His mouth wouldn’t open easily.

“If I do it, I will do it with my own hands.”

The lover nodded.

That’s true too.

Then, when would they process it and when would they return? Aside from the piling up requests, the bigger problem was that the master was away for long periods of time and discipline was not maintained.

There are many people out there who would take advantage of this opportunity and do something bad.

Even if I think about it, there were more than five people.

‘No, there will be ten people.’

Still, I respected the Master, so I followed his will.

For no apparent reason, Saxony was still here. She could have left before the civil war began, and she could have left afterward, and she didn’t even have to return to the Border Guard.

There were also countless opportunities to kill those who doubted his identity.

Regardless of whether it succeeds or fails, what is the reason for not trying?

There was a mountain of things I was curious about and couldn’t understand.

“Can I ask why?”

Saxony was speechless for a moment when asked as a lover rather than a guild member serving the Master.

“I think you’ll find out if you ask.”


“Why didn’t you become a knight?”

To a woman, it seemed like a surprise. But not for Saxony.


All the way here, the words of the previous master were floating around in Saxon’s head.

“Technology without a heart is nothing more than the art of murder. It’s nonsense.”

I wondered if that was the right thing to say to someone who had come to learn the art of killing.

“Is it good to kill people well? “Is that fun?”

It’s not something I feel often, but it’s fun.

“Don’t laugh. If I see you laughing, I’ll feel like my choice was wrong.”

I didn’t even wonder what the choice was.

The Master had said something similar from the moment he was brought in.

“If there is something you cherish, things that seem like nothing more than a killing technique can become a sword that protects someone.”

Saxon asked the Master in return.

“Then what are you guarding, Master?”

“I’m guarding a fence that keeps fools like you, who only care about their daughter, their family, and me, out into the world.”

A story that is half understood, but half incomprehensible.

A story that doesn’t really matter.

A story you just have to hear and let go.

What mattered to Saxony was the power needed for revenge.

So now that the revenge is over, should we find a new target for revenge?

Should I repeat the process of finding and killing each of the remaining people?

Is that the right way?

I thought it was something I had to do before deciding whether it was right or wrong. That’s why it’s here.

“Well. Saxon Bensino, the heir of Bensino. Do you want to be a murderer? Is it your only goal in life to kill people perfectly? Is that your dream? Is that everything to you?”

The Master’s words continued to sound in Saxony’s head.

* * *

Encred was lost in thought for a moment at Saxony’s question.


I didn’t really think about the reason.

But if I think about it, I could have stayed in the Knights. If he said he wanted to remain in the capital and join the Knights, who would turn him down?

Krang was ready to create a new order of knights if necessary, and Asia also made a subtle suggestion to wear a red cloak.

The Marquess of Okto, now a duke, even said it out loud.

“How about staying in the capital and joining the Knights Templar? I believe it would be a good opportunity for you.”

If the Marquis of Baisar wanted to continue the relationship by serving as the background, the Duke of Okto wanted to become a new pillar of this land.

Encred ignored all the suggestions calmly.

At that time, all I wanted to do was go back and swing my sword in peace in the morning and evening.


Since it was necessary to go into more detail than this, Encred added.

“I just moved wherever my heart led me.”

If you go deeper, it’s because you can’t find the article you’re looking for. Encred did not find chivalry.

I saw the knights of the capital, but was there chivalry in them? Honor? Faith? Fidelity?

Help the weak.

Pick up your sword and fight for justice.

A battlefield where no child fights.

A fight between those who guard the back.

Things that are called virtues, but are now ignored.

Encred did not feel the need to wear a red cloak to follow the path he wanted.

That was the reason behind the saying that I did whatever I wanted.

“The knights I was hoping for weren’t there either.”

Encred knew my explanation was lacking, so he simply listed his thoughts.

It was a short explanation, but the meaning was sufficiently conveyed.

“I have big dreams too.”

If it were Rem, this is what he would have said.

Saxony just frowned at Encred’s words.


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