Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 418

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418. Famous sword and metal

Christ walked up to Encred and knelt down on one knee. Then, from his kneeling position, he raised one arm and bowed his head, his attitude truly solemn and dignified.

It seemed as if the knight was swearing allegiance. The words that actually came out of his mouth were similar.

“I will serve you wholeheartedly.”

Encred stared at Christ. He knew the man in front of him to some extent.

Is this because of something he did?

Ending the civil war? Being moved by it? So you’re swearing allegiance again?

It was an unthinkable sound.

Krang gave himself the rank of general. He is a minister of title. He handed over the entire territory of this area with him.

‘The border guard isn’t small either.’

If you govern and manage the entire territory, how much could you fill your pockets with?

Kreis got down on one knee and looked at the dirt floor. To his eyes, grains of dirt seemed like grains of gold.

This was not a floor of dirt, but a floor of gold.

‘It’s a great territory. How many corners will there be where Crona can come out?’

There is no need to raise taxes. What if you connect all the trade routes of the cities under the name of the general and take a commission from the upper class?

There was no need to take bribes.

What if you form a trading channel of different sizes and have a stake by investing in Lochfried Top or other emerging top?

I was able to earn a ton of money.

So, what would you do if you could earn that much?

The answer was set.

Kreis set the stage for his dream. The first is a small salon. After that, a salon street was created. Ultimately.

‘City of pleasure.’

The goal is to create a city filled with only things to enjoy.

A city where everything from eating, drinking, and clothing is handled by merchants, and inside, people only enjoy pleasure!

It is also known as Christ’s salon city.

Christ’s dream was no less than Encrid’s.

It means turning a city into a place for fun.

I also thought that this wasn’t completely uncompetitive.

Although it costs astronomical amounts of money to build a city, we expect that the return will be greater than the investment.

Is there anyone in the world who doesn’t like to play?

What if we created a place where the powerful, the owners of the upper class, and others with a lot of gold could gather and play?

What if things that were previously only available at the banquets of the great aristocracy could now be enjoyed at any time in Christie’s salon city?

‘This works.’

What you need is capital. It’s Cronada. It’s a gold coin.

The original plan was to save a lot of money and open a small salon in the capital, but if I could earn more and immediately build a castle and create a city… … .

“… … Eyes, hey.”

Cris, lost in a dream, heard the voice calling him and raised his head.

Encred made eye contact with Wangnuni. Inside those big eyes, I could see ambition burning like the flames of hell.

“… … Yes, be faithful.”

He wasn’t the type of person to listen to.

Encred realized something again.

He said that he was the only sane person in the Mad Company.

“Ah, there is a gift from Your Majesty.”

Kreis quickly came to his senses and stood up.

“I came here with two sets of Drake’s scale armor, a sword’s worth of iron ingots and ink gold from Levi, and the famous sword Acher, just in case.”

If I had to convey it, it would have been Krang.

So, when they emptied the national treasury, they took everything that was supposed to be given to Encred.

‘Is it okay to do this?’

They were such expensive items that I had that thought for a moment.

But for Krang, it was natural.

“Don’t you think it’s so obvious that I should take care of my own people first? It’s not unreasonable.”

Drake’s scale armor was famous for being easier to move and harder than ordinary plate armor.

Levis steel was harder to obtain than Valery steel.

It was much lighter than ordinary iron, yet as hard as valerian steel.

Gold was a metal that could not be purchased even with five times the amount of gold of the same weight.

Nickname: ‘God’s Trial’.

Although it was five times heavier than ordinary steel, it was a metal that had all the good properties, such as strength and ductility.

It was safe to call ink gold a gift from God, except for its weight, but the weight was a problem.

It was a metal that was only used for engraved weapons, which were special weapons used by knights, as it was meaningless if it could not be refined for proper use.

Of course, among them, the Uber Mountain inkstone is considered to be of the highest quality, but inkstones from other regions are items that ordinary people would never be able to see in their entire lives.

Lastly, Acher.

‘Wasn’t it the royal treasure?’

Encred was also a name I had heard of.

That’s right.

Acher was the name of a famous sword said to have been used by a ancestral knight.

The anecdote of cutting a rock door made by a giant by just drawing a line without using force was even made into a fairy tale, so much so that there was no one who didn’t know about it.

“I thought you sent it while embezzling the national treasury.”

It was a decent gift.


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Encred nodded at Chrys’s words. After all, they were emptying the national treasury to resolve the financial difficulties caused by the civil war.

These were great items, but there was no reason not to take them since they were offered. Encred nodded gently.

“I have a lot to say. A lot.”

Then Luagarne came up and spoke. Her eyes burned as hot as Christ’s.

Why not?

She was weak to the ‘unknown’.

‘How can this happen?’

I couldn’t believe it when I saw it. This kind of growth is impossible for any genius.

Especially when viewed through the eyes of a talent reader, Encred’s talent was still limited.

Even if it did get better, that was it. Ruaga Renee never said it out loud, but among the talents of ‘recognizing talents’ given to Frock, hers went beyond her brilliance and was close to her mystique.

Therefore, I was able to see not only what was accumulated now, but also what would be accumulated in the future.

Encred always seems to be half a step over the limit.

It means that you are pushing the limits of your talent.

In that state, he became a person with the ability to rise to the top among semi-knights.

‘How did you do it?’

Ruagarne’s desire for servanthood burned like never before. The unknown was moving vividly before her eyes.

Encred didn’t feel pressured by Froc’s gaze. Just as Lear Barth was indifferent when discussing frustration and despair, he was indifferent even now. Rather, he asked how he got here.

“My covenant is with the queen. “It’s over now.”

Originally, I should have left to find another unknown place, but there is an existence that I cannot believe even when I see it up close, and cannot understand even when I try to understand it.

It was inevitable and fate that she came here. Ruagarnet believed so.

“why? “If necessary, shall we make a covenant?”

Ruagarne was willing to make a covenant even if it meant clinging to the man in front of her for the rest of her life. She was willing to accept even if he asked for spiritual love, for example.

“That’s it.”

Encred didn’t think it was necessary. Instead, his head was filled with other thoughts.

“Were you sad that you came first?”

At Captain Sinar’s words, Encrid looked at her and asked.

“Did your trip go well?”

Sinar smiled at that question. It was very rare for her to smile. People around him who knew the fairy Sinar were surprised, but Encred remained calm.

“Were you worried?”


That was the end. Sinar returned with a cold expression as usual, as if to prove that he was a race other than humans, and Ruagarne followed behind Encrid.

On the way in, Encred was deep in thought. Rem, who saw that, tapped his shoulder and asked.

“What are you thinking about?”

Encred, who had been lost in thought with his brow furrowed, opened his mouth.

“When going from a diagonal cut to a stab, what happens if you stop and use instant acceleration?”

The change in speed caused by the brief pause in the middle will confuse the opponent’s eyes, and when it goes from slow to fast, the rhythm changes, so it will feel faster. This will make it harder to block.

“… … Have you been thinking about that until now?”

Rem asked.


Was there anything more urgent than that?

Encred asked with his eyes.

“We’re not called the Mad Company for nothing.”

Rem thought that the best of them was the human in front of him, and Encred wondered why Rem was saying such a thing now. Isn’t that like spitting in my face while I’m lying down?

“If you do something like that, you’ll tear your tendon or rupture your muscle.”

To use will is to torture your body.

If you stop while cutting quickly and then stab again quickly, it is not at the level of abuse, but at the level of asking for death.

“Try it in moderation, moderation. If you understand, nod your head. “In moderation, in moderation.”

Rem kept repeating ‘moderately’.

Audin, who was listening from the side, smiled brightly and added.

“Special training will be needed. Brother General.”

No one was quicker than Audin to change his title. He calmly spit out the word general.

“Special training?”

Encred showed interest. Auddin was happy. Because it was the first time in his life that someone followed his training like this.

He remembered the people who had been taught by him in the past.

“Please save me.”

“Is today the day I finally meet my father, Lord?”

“… … Are you serious? Are you going to increase the intensity of your training here? Come on, let’s fight instead.”

When I think back to that time, now.

“What kind of training?”

There are people who show interest and even open their hearts.

If you are not satisfied, it is a lie. Also, the man in front of you is a person who is more upright and straight than anyone else.

When Auddin heard what this man had done in this civil war, he felt a shiver.

‘Father, I would like to ask you something.’

Is that man an incarnation sent by the Lord because he could no longer bear the poverty and wickedness of this land?

They were that impressive.

When I didn’t retreat before the last wave of ghosts, I almost shed tears as I advanced forward.

Moreover, the opponent was a servant possessed by the devil.

This was clearly God’s arrangement.

Audyn said, his thoughts drifting away.

“There is no end to physical training. You did striking techniques to train yourself like steel, right? “This time, it’s about developing control over your body.”

The striking method was to hit the body with a steel hammer. Encrid had been doing this consistently, but it was difficult to say that it had seen much effect yet.

It wasn’t that it was boring. Where else can something like that happen?

The only thing Encred had was to do his best today and keep repeating it, even if the results didn’t show right away.


Encred asked back.

He had already mastered how to move his body to the point where he could somersault and swing his sword.

Because the level of a junior officer was no joke.

Even those who were considered masters of martial arts were expected to bow their heads in front of a semi-knight.

“How can you call your body your own if you cannot control each muscle as you wish?”

Audin said. Fel, who was listening from the side, blinked several times.

‘Is that kind of training necessary?’

I had doubts because Peldo was a genius.

Originally, it was something that was naturally acquired through the body. It wasn’t something that could be learned separately.

Rem and Ragna had no doubts. Was there just one or two strange things about their captain?

For example, Rem was able to do the trick that Encred mentioned earlier, where she stopped and then started moving again.

But it’s not Encrid.

Because Audin was able to see the body, understand its condition, and check body control through movement, he knew exactly what Encred needed.

As his sword became more detailed, the things it could do increased.

It would be possible to move beyond stunts and approach miracles.

What else is needed here? It is something that allows the body to endure. It is something that allows the body to naturally perform the movements that are pictured in the mind without feeling like it is too much.

Things that come as no surprise to someone called a genius were not the case for Encred.

“good night.”

Of course, Encrid didn’t care about that.

I’m just satisfied that I have something new to train.

Since the evening he returned to Border Guard, Encred has been training his body.

Two days later, a blacksmith arrived from the capital.

He was a man who would have been sad to be second in the blacksmith guild known as ‘Cast Iron and Pure Gold’.

“Not just anyone can handle the ink stick.”

Although there was a request from the king, he had put everything else aside to come here because he was told to forge a weapon for the hero who saved the country.

Encred asked anyone to take whatever they wanted among the gifts he received, and only took the famous sword. As soon as he held the famous sword Acher in his hands, Encrid knew.

‘It’s my sword.’

When Encred spoke his sentiments in an unusual manner, Rem responded.

“Originally, if you grab something expensive and good, you feel like it’s all yours and that’s it.”

That wasn’t a wrong statement.

The silver and valerian steel swords felt like my weapons from the moment I held them.

Anyway, it is Acher, a spell weapon said to have been used by an ancestral knight.

I was satisfied that even the name of the sword was named after the knight.

“Give me the iron ingots from Levi.”

Rem coveted iron, and Ragna saw gold and took it.

“I have it.”


There was no reason for Encred to stop him.

“You have no intention of selling it, do you?”

Christ, who was watching, asked, but everyone ignored him.

Why are you selling this?

These are people who don’t care about people like Crona.

Kreis felt a little sick.

Although I couldn’t sell Acher, if I sold iron ingots or gold from Levi, I could raise more than half of the capital needed to open a salon in the capital.

‘No, I can get more if I sell it.’

I felt sick to my stomach, but what can I do?

It had to be seen as a reward for the work done.

Anyway, for this reason, the craftsman from the capital had to meet Rem and Ragnar.

“If you make a spear shaft out of ironwood from the Levis Mountain iron ingot and make a blade at the front of it, it will become an excellent weapon.”

“Let’s do it with an axe.”

“The head of an ax blade has a greater weight than the handle, so if it becomes too light… … .”

“I think it would be good to make it whole, but the length of the sack is about this? “Two sacks, please.”

Rem spread his hands wide and indicated the length. It is still a hatchet with a long handle.

The craftsman wondered what this kid was. When he looked into his eyes, he saw the face of a smiling savage.

Although he didn’t seem stubborn, he had the impression that he would be devastated if he messed up.

He held off on persuading Rem and spoke to the other guy.

“It is best to smelt ink gold by mixing it only with the tip of a dagger or blade. If you balance the center of gravity with a dagger, it won’t feel as heavy as you think, and if you apply it to the blade… … Let’s see, I can make twenty swords. “If you use spears, there will be more than 30!”

“Great sword, please make it this size.”

Ragnar only spoke and did not listen.

“It’s manticore leather, and I’m thinking of wrapping the sword handle with it.”

The father-in-law also looked into Ragna’s eyes. It was like I had no intention of hearing anything other than what I wanted.

‘I don’t think this kid is normal either?’

The father-in-law’s assistant noticed. He was a teacher who usually got angry if his advice was not listened to.

That teacher.

“Let’s do that.”

I bowed my head in the face of madness.

Originally, there was no medicine in front of a crazy person.


The assistant opened his mouth in surprise.

“Let’s set it on fire.”

The disciple did as he was told and stepped on the bellows of the borrowed blacksmith shop.

The teacher looked at the quietly burning flames. Even though they didn’t listen to me, it was a challenge.

Making a weapon of the type they mentioned would be difficult if I didn’t use all my skills.

A greatsword made of incised gold and a full-length axe of Levis steel.

When will you ever make something like that?

The craftsman put a lot of effort into it.


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