Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 417

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  1. Concerning the position of general

“Even if you’re busy, you have to do what you have to do.”

Encred wondered if seeing him off was something he really had to do, but he couldn’t tell the other person to go back because it was okay.

More than anything.

‘It’s nice to meet you.’

Of course, Krang wasn’t alone. No matter how regularly he dealt with the monsters and beasts around the kingdom, there was still danger.

Matthew and Squire Lawford, the trident-wielding escort we had met earlier, were seen.

In addition, there were five other warriors drawn from the Royal Guard.

They looked at Encrid and bowed their heads slightly.

It was a courtesy to the hero who saved the country. Encrid also moved his neck to be greeted.

Although the number is small for a guard, this may not be everything.

It would be standard practice to place one unit nearby to rush out if something goes wrong.

‘Because that’s what Marcus would do.’

While I was thinking about it, Matthew came up to me and asked.

“Are we going now?”

From the first time we met until now.

Matthew’s thinking has changed a lot.

At first, I thought he was just an arrogant, arrogant guy, but now, if someone were to ask me, “Who saved this country?”, I would tell them the name of the man standing before me without hesitation.

‘I’m sorry, my lord.’

It was not Krang who led the civil war to victory, but the demon slayer Encred.

In fact, it seemed like Krang would nod his head and acknowledge it.

“Ah. Was that a pity?”

Encred gripped the sword grip. Matthew was about to ask whether it would be better for him to stay, and whether there would be more he could do for his lord in the future.

But then suddenly Encred started acting like he was going to attack.

“Go for it. “It’s okay if you feel sorry.”

‘Oh, you crazy guy.’

I thought Encred had really come because he felt sorry for his opponent. Pel, who was behind him, shook his head and thought.

‘A swordsman. A sparring enthusiast. There’s nothing ordinary about him.’

Well, it was worth following along and watching. Ordinary is the opposite of special.

Pell was here because he wanted the path he walked to be anything but ordinary.

“I’m not fully recovered yet.”

Matthew said. The injury suffered earlier was close to serious.

Encred and his party were strange.

Since they were people who had come out of the trance, it would have been okay for them to be sick in bed for a month.

‘How many days have you been away from home and are sparring?’

That was abnormal. Matthew was normal.

“I would like to follow the path. I dare to come here to ask for permission.”

This is Squire Lawford. He was extremely polite.

Encred knew that his opponent was a squire of the Knights of the Red Cloak.

“Aren’t you a member of the Knights Templar?”

“Senior Asia has taken care of the long-term business trip. I didn’t mind leaving the Knights Templar though.”

Lawford’s face was determined. He looked at the man who had changed his outlook on life.

It was a conclusion I reached after much thought.

‘I will learn the sword, no, life, next to this person.’

After overcoming his restless personality, Lawford tended to become overly bold.

It was of no concern to Encred.

“Take me. That’s what I want.”

“Of course.”

Krang intervened, and Encred nodded. Lawford bowed deeply in gratitude. He seemed ready to swear allegiance if left alone.

Doing that is a problem, but swearing loyalty to someone else in front of Krang. Is there anything more ridiculous than that?

If a squire of a knight swore allegiance to a local captain who was not even a knight, it was an act close to treason.

Of course, Krang wouldn’t have minded if he saw that.

“I heard that Sinar went first?”

Krang asked. Although he had a connection with Shinar, he was so busy that he didn’t have time to look for him.

“I said there was a place I had to stop by.”

He said I had to tell him the news about the fairy I killed.

Encred answered as he had heard and seen. He had seen her leave less than a day after the battle, with ointment applied to her thigh wound and a bandage wrapped around it.

Kraang did not change just because he became king. And it was the same for Encred.

The two moved together for three days.

Since we had loaded the wagon, there was nothing to do.

Krang watched Encred engage in sparring for three days.

If someone who doesn’t know sees it, it might seem like they’re desperate to kill each other, but that’s called sparring.

Matthew, who was watching, shrugged his shoulders several times. This is because he used such dangerous techniques and there were dizzying moments.

Encred swung his sword without fail not only during sparring but also during breaks.

While sitting in the carriage, he did something like hand-to-hand combat. When I asked what it was, he said it was simple combat combat.

Krang nodded with a faint smile.

‘A consistently crazy guy.’

There was also a time when a group of thieves attacked the group. It was a very unfortunate thing. This couldn’t have happened without the thieves spitting on the Statue of Luck.

“Hey, give me everything you have and get out, and I’ll spare your life.”


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There were several people with swords, and there was a bandit who blocked the way, even though there was a fierce-looking Rem and a large-sized Audyn.

At this point, it might be a problem with the thief’s intelligence rather than the goddess of luck.

Or maybe I just have too much faith in the crossbow behind me.

Public security, which was already in disarray before the civil war, has now become even more of a mess.

Krang didn’t particularly sigh when he saw that. It was something he had already experienced several times while wandering around the continent.

“Hey, you have to prove that you’re a useful person too. Do you think I’ll accept you just because you follow me?”

Rem, who saw the thief, encouraged Fel. As En Creed listened to those words, he wondered since when had such things been considered when selecting soldiers for the Border Guard.

The number of thieves exceeded thirty.

They were quite famous in this area, and their name was the White Hooded Bandits.

“We are the white two… … .”

Pel was a shepherd, and the shepherd did not forgive any intruder who crossed his fence.

He responded like a shepherd.

Before he could even finish speaking, he struck the head of the thief in front of him with the sheath of his sword.

It was an accurate cut to the top of the head along with quite agile footwork.



Among the thirty men, five held crossbows and showed talent in throwing daggers, but the difference in skill was too great to begin with.

Squire Lawford could probably handle it on his own, although he might struggle a bit.

Pell was a stronger player than Lawford. That was the case in the past, when he met Encred at night and made him repeat today.

‘No, more than that time.’

Encred’s eyes were used to gauge Fel’s abilities. After awakening his eyes that could see an inch ahead, his field of vision had broadened, and his discernment had also developed accordingly.

‘It’s grown.’

It didn’t just grow to a moderate level, it grew a lot. If Luagarne had seen it, she would have said something.

Fel had no hesitation in using his hands. Even though he swung with his sword sheath, it was rare for him to survive after being hit.

The minimum was a fracture.

‘I think Luagarne would be interested to see this.’

I looked around to see his face before leaving, and was told that Ruagarnet had left with the queen.

It must be because of Prock’s covenant. Still, it was a little disappointing that I couldn’t even see his face.

“Are you done?”

This is Pel, whose youthful face and hands do not match his appearance.

Rem nodded.


“… … No, I’m not asking you to take a test or anything, so what do you mean I’ll pass?”

Even though he was grumbling, Fel had a secretly happy face.

Why not? Among shepherds, it was common to hear criticism for being the only one to use a sword.

But here, everyone looked at me and nodded their heads. And they were all people with outstanding skills.

“I guess I’ll have to deal with those things first. Any good ideas?”

Krang asked, looking at the group of bandits who were half dead and half running away. It was a headache due to security issues. It was said incoherently, but Encred understood it well and answered.

“If you ask me that, will you get an answer?”

Naurilia’s internal security had many gaps, partly because of Count Molsen’s fault, but also for many other reasons.

This is why such bastards keep popping up following the Black Knife Bandits.

In some cases, a group of spies sent from another country acted as a group of thieves.

It wasn’t just the bandits who were the problem.

From socialites and demons to beasts and monsters.

Krang had a lot of trouble. Still, she smiled. It was the moment she wanted, it was what she wanted.

So what can I do but laugh?

And so the three-day farewell ended.

The king did not step forward because the opponent was a hero of national salvation.

Krang came because he was a friend.

“See you later.”


The two parted ways with a simple greeting.

Once again, it occurred to me that the number of escorts was small, but they were not the only ones.

Saxony had already told us on the first day that a group of troops was following behind.

The king’s bodyguard was following him.

As I walked along the main street, I saw traces of troops stationed there. It was a sign that Kreis had moved his troops.

That wasn’t the end of it. As we approached the border guard, we saw a large outpost set up in the middle of the road.

It was a guard post that was both offensive and defensive, with watchtowers on all sides where one could stand and shoot an arrow, stone walls, and a door with an iron frame.

The size wasn’t that small either.

It was a space where at least twenty soldiers could stay.

It is a building made of bricks, not something roughly constructed like a hut. There were clear traces of the work of someone with a talent for architecture.

“What is this?”

“Hehe, after I left, Brother Wangnuni did various things.”

It was Audin’s words.

What about Chrys?

As Encred approached the guard post, the archer who was on guard let out a short whistle.

A group of soldiers came out in front of the outpost.

“Crazy Captain?”

It was Belle. He is the soldier whose life Encred saved in the first Today, and is now a squad leader.

“Are you back?”


Belle nodded as she looked at the group crowding behind her.

“Return of the Independent Fighting Company!”

At his shout, the soldier standing on the watchtower put away his bow, stood upright, placed his hand on the shortsword on his waist, and lowered his head. It’s a military ritual.


Encred saw three more of the same outposts after that.

‘The gap.’

It was constant. What benefit do you get from that? Control of surrounding thieves and monsters.

Is that the end? No.

The border guard is the city that takes turns receiving raids.

A beacon was even installed on the roof of the guard post so that a fire could be lit at any time.

It was a form of smoke rising from a roof, but if it didn’t rain, it was sufficient as a means of communication.

Also, the fact that there was a beacon meant that they were like the best scouts.

Instead of using his feet to move around, he switched to a working mode, which had the effect of preventing thieves, demons, and monsters from even setting foot in a certain area.

If time passes like this, even demons and beasts won’t invade this side.

If they recognize that it’s a dangerous area, they won’t attack it.

‘If this is why the soldiers accepted it?’

The first reason may be relatively high and stable supply.

Next, there would be a large-scale suppression to minimize the risk, so you would know that it wouldn’t be that dangerous.

Originally, starting construction would have been a headache.

‘The Border Guard is making crazy amounts of gold.’

It would also have been a good time for construction.

Because the surrounding monsters and thieves have dried up.

Even though they had been planning to attack the Border Guard, thanks to the dumbass, there were no more people to attack for the time being.

Kreis took advantage of that.

High salary is just an added bonus.

Taking advantage of the right time is probably the most important thing in this job.

‘There was an answer.’

Encred remembered what Krang had asked.

This is a way to deal with bandits and monsters. First, we need to carry out a large-scale subjugation.

‘Because of this incident, most of the soldiers in the Count’s army became part of the King’s army.’

You can train and discipline while fighting monsters. And while you’re at it, you can also wipe out bandits.

If it forgives the sin of rebellion and receives praise, it would be like throwing one stone at the king and popping two ghoul heads.

On my way back, I received greetings from the guard post.

The last outpost lit a signal fire.

The rising smoke announced Encred’s return.

“You made everything, big-eyed bastard.”

Even Rem expressed something similar to admiration. He remembered that Kreis had previously asked him how to contact the tribe.

At that time, I showed him the ‘hot stone’ method and he built a beacon tower like that.

Is this an idea that anyone can do?

It could have been so.

But it was a law that was meaningless if not put into practice.

Christ was the one who orchestrated all of this.


It is in front of the Border Guard gate. Kreis waved his hand and went to his side.

“late. fiance.”

There was a fairy company commander who rushed to fight like the wind and immediately left the battlefield.


There was even a Proc Ruagarne. I wondered why that Frog was here after saying he had left with the Queen.

Lastly, the battalion commander and lord of the castle came out. He came right in front of me, got down on one knee and said.

“See you General.”

Encred blinked.

“What general?”

And ask Rem too.

Ragna also looked at Encred.

Audin also seemed curious.

Only Saxony remained expressionless, lost in his own thoughts.

“Um, didn’t you hear?”

The battalion commander, who had previously spoken casually, asked politely.

Encred nodded.

It was Krang’s masterpiece.

Even though you awarded him a medal, you’re just sending him away without any proper compensation? A hero of our country? Your only close friend?

Krang didn’t do that.

He sent a messenger ahead of Encred before he could reach the Border Guard.

“I am making a total of five cities and the entire territory, including the County of Molsen, Border Guard, and Martai, into territories under the direct control of the kingdom, and sending a general to rule this area. His name is Encred.”

Everyone was dumbfounded, but only Chris understood.

Without even giving him a title, he gave all the land where Crona would grow into Encred’s hands.

If I told him to take it, he would be upset anyway, so I just threw it away.

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