Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 416

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416. Farewell

“If there’s something you want to do, do it.”

The Marquis looked at Keane blankly, then turned and left. Kin stood there and thought for a moment.

The wind blew and dust flew in. Keane was oblivious as dust swept across his face.

‘Is this what happens?’

Because my whole body was shaking with surprise.

Gaju was not a person who would go back on his words once he had said them.

As I thought about it, the words and actions of the person who created the current situation shook my heart.

‘Should I at least say thank you?’

To be honest, I wasn’t personally interested in the man named Encred. But that didn’t mean I wanted to be his wife.

As for dreams, Keane was more interested in the finished products he made from them than in the actual cutting of the gems.

If you were born into a noble family like the Marquis of Baisar, you should appreciate the finished product rather than getting involved in making or selling it.

So this was difficult to get permission for. Because it had to be something close to a hobby.

But how can the human mind be like that?

She loved the job. She loved the opportunity to exercise her power and show her abilities, rather than being an accessory to a man.

However, there are things you will have to give up for that.

You can use the family name, but you will no longer be able to live like a direct descendant of the Marquis of Weissar.

Kin was not too immature to even know that.

‘Is it okay to live like this?’

At that time, I noticed a person who was truly living his own way.

His name is Encred. I thought it was only right to express my gratitude.

Because he said so, the situation was concluded this way.

After finishing her thoughts, she took a step towards Encred, who had begun swinging his sword on one side of the training ground. She had barely managed to take a few steps.

“Leave it alone.”

The savage, leaning against one wall, spoke.

“I have something to tell you… … .”

“Now I’m dancing naked next to you…” … Ah, you are a nobleman. “Anyway, no matter what others say, you won’t listen.”

There was an unpleasant metaphor mixed in, but Kin ignored it and looked at Encred.

I saw a man with his back to the Marquis and straight away swinging a sword. His pupils were out of focus and his mouth was half open. He also looked like he was on drugs. He had already become intoxicated with swordsmanship.

He was a terrible training fanatic.

‘Isn’t he crazy for no reason?’

Keen turned around. She later told this story to several of her acquaintances. The Marquis of Baisar also pretended to be angry, but he liked the other person’s cheerfulness, so he told this story here and there.

With that, no one in the capital could bother Encred and his party.

He was a man who refused the influence of the Marquis of Weissar, who had been promised the dukedom.

* * *

Immediately after the Marquis and Kin left, Encrid turned his back on them and immediately swung his sword. So I couldn’t put off this fun thing any longer. No matter who sees it or not, whether I wait or not, it was really hard to put it off any longer.

‘Ah, it’s fun.’

Did you feel anything after hanging out with Rem, Ragnar, and Audin?

No, it’s just broken.

Still, this is fun. The entire process of swinging the sword, thinking about it, and re-enacting it with my body gave me pleasure.

There was a movement that I did hundreds of times a day. These are basic techniques such as cutting the top of the head, horizontal cutting, downward cutting, and stabbing. Encred started repeating that.

I didn’t expect any different enlightenment or change than before.

I did it just because it was fun and enjoyable.

After spending a few days swinging the sword and engaging in simple sparring, news arrived that a merit award ceremony would be held.

“let’s go.”

Encred set out with Rem, Ragnar, Audin, Dunbaker, and Teresa.

Shinar had something to do, so he left first and didn’t come with me in the first place.

“Please leave me out.”

Saxony wasn’t the type to take on a situation like this in the first place.

Esther shook her head in a panther-like state. That’s why she ended up taking the rest with her.

The audience room was crowded with nobles.

“The hero of our country has arrived.”

The attendant spoke from behind, and Krang, sitting on the throne, nodded. Krang looked extremely tired, with black under his eyes.

There were two nobles standing closest: the Marquis of Octo, and Marcus Weisser.

The Marquis of Baisar was one step behind him.

Krang spoke boldly, omitting details such as the order of the ceremony, such as how great the king was and the greatness of his bloodline.

“I apologize for the delay in the event.”

Some nobles sighed upon seeing that the ceremony was very short.

He muttered something about the majesty of the king and such, but he kept his mouth shut in front of Krang.

The king who ended the civil war.

A king who won without calling upon his knights.

A king whom the nobles themselves decided to follow.

This is the first event the king has ever held. Do you directly contradict what he did in front of you?

No matter how stupid you are, if you don’t have that much sense of politics, you should be labeled as an aristocrat.

Appropriate rewards were given to several nobles and commanders. Crona or a portion of the territory were the compensation.

Andrew was in it too. He received fiefdoms and gold coins, and his title changed. He became Viscount Gardner. In addition, he was given a similar position within the capital.

That’s how it’s going.

“I command Marcus Weissar that, as Commander-in-Chief… … .”


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A monk who also served as a scribe conveyed the king’s wishes.

“For your distinguished service, I hereby award you the title of Count.”

After speaking, the excited atmosphere cooled down. It looked like someone had poured ice on it.

“What now?”

Marquis Baisar asked back with his lips trembling.

Marcus Weisser was to inherit the family line. He was to be given the title of Duke for this.

However, by receiving the title of count, he kicked away the line of succession to the family.

Encred knew that all of this was the work of Marcus Weissar.

There was a small commotion, and the Marquis de Weissar looked disappointed.

The Marquis of Baisar’s family eventually sided with Kraang, but that wasn’t the case from the beginning.

It was only after much weighing that the gold was raised.

Even that choice had to be seen as a gamble, but not for Marcus.

Marquis Baisar glared at Marcus, shook his head, and closed his mouth.

Encred looked at him and thought he looked like a very pissed off old man.

“Because your merits are truly great, I award you the title of Duke.”

Instead of Bysar, the Marquis of Octo became the Duke. He knelt on one knee and bowed his head.

There were those whose names were not called until after everyone had been given their proper compensation.

It was Encred and the Mad Company.

“I want to do the last one myself.”

This is the king who rose from the throne. He took a step forward. He spoke at the same time without casting a glance at anyone around him.

“Do you need a title?”

He was asking his friend who lives next door if he needed firewood.

Encred shook his head slightly and answered, thinking, ‘I guess so.’


It was as if the etiquette of the royal palace had been abandoned for the devil’s court, but who could say anything?

A few noble bastards who couldn’t control their facial expressions could only frown.

“I thought so. “I’ve left the report open, so if you want, you can take whatever you can get your hands on.”

“thank you.”

“After that, you may return to where you were.”

These were the words Encred had been waiting for the most. However, there were those who had doubts in their eyes.

‘They’re only going to open the treasure trove?’

‘Is this right?’

‘What will the hunting dog do after the hunt is over?’

‘It has to be eaten boiled.’

In the meantime, there were some people muttering nonsense, but even if Kraang or Encrid had heard them, they wouldn’t have paid any attention.

“busy. I believe the police will be busy too. Just because the civil war ended, ‘everyone lived happily ever after’ is something that would not even appear in a fairy tale. “You know, right?”

It was natural, since in fairy tales there is no civil war or bloody battlefield.

“So let’s get to work.”

The workaholic king spoke, and the merit award ceremony ended in an unprecedentedly simple manner.

A lunch banquet was held. It was a place without alcohol. Moreover, the king did not even attend.

“I am concerned about the king’s majesty.”

Some of the nobles were still worried about the king’s attitude, but Encred put those worries aside.

Haven’t we already seen it at the memorial coronation?

Krang recited the names of the soldiers written on the memorial.

Encred looked at the people’s eyes that were turned towards him at that time.

There was a monk quietly praying while watching it.

There was a mother who shed tears looking at the new king.

There was also a father and a child.

Some of the nobles who were worthy even knelt down after the coronation, swearing their true allegiance.

Even without a halo or grand festivities, the coronation in the heart of the capital impressed everyone with the new king.

‘That’s enough.’

Encred moved with a light heart. The rest was up to Kraang to take care of.

It was time for him to return to the Border Guard. But before that, he had to stop by the palace to report.

I wondered how many swords could replace Silver.

“Here it is.”

Even Rem and Ragna showed secret interest in the royal palace treasury.

But it wasn’t what they had imagined. They saw carts moving back and forth without stopping, with the doors wide open.

“Oh, I’m still a little busy.”

Marcus was personally guiding us. He was the commander-in-chief of the kingdom’s army, received the title of earl, and became the acting ruler of the County of Molsen and the person in charge of the capital defense force.

“Aren’t you busy?”

“You said you’d stop by here and go right away? Then I have to go now. I don’t have time to leisurely go out to meet you.”

If you’re busy, it doesn’t matter if you don’t watch it.

With that in mind, I went in to see the kingdom’s treasures.

This was really different from what I imagined.

The treasure trove was large and largely empty. There were no mountains of gold coins, nor were there any magic swords hanging around.

“I’ll just pass by for a moment!”

Meanwhile, a cart carrying several boxes passed by Encred.

The worker pulling the cart didn’t even look at Encred because he was sweating so hard.

Encred looked at the situation head on and considered the pros and cons. I immediately knew what was going on.

Rem also noticed, and asked before Encred could say anything.

“Are we making up for the damage from the civil war here?”

Marcus nodded, thinking that his savage friend wasn’t an ordinary person.

“What about the magic sword?”

Ragna thought that a sword that spewed fire or ice, or a weapon that did not lose its sharpness by giving up everything, would be sufficient, unless it was under a spell, related to magic, or had an ego.

If it’s a weapon you’ll only use for a short time, that’s enough.



Ragnar’s words were cut short. Marcus did not blame them for their rudeness. What good would it do to argue with a madman like that?

“I sold them all.”

Ragna didn’t ask any more. What can I do if he doesn’t have it?

‘If there is no sword with a spell.’

Should I put my will into the sword?

The thoughts of a genius tend to be different from others.

Encred looked around. There was nothing better than the long sword he obtained while going to and from the training ground.

Because I couldn’t even see a sword mixed with valerian steel.

“I’m done.”

Rem shook his head.

The items that could be called the real treasures of the kingdom were already in the possession of the knights and knightly orders, and the rest were in secret vaults deep within the palace, but they were not items that could be given to anyone.

This is a national treasure.

Krang wanted to tell him to take that, but the staff that the Sunbeam was sleeping on, not the sword or shield, was a national treasure.

It was an item that Encred not only did not want, but could not use.

“Poverty is not a sin.”

These were the words of Audyn, who had no interest in treasure in the first place.

Dunbakeel chose nothing, saying that his sword was better, but instead took a shin guard made from the hide of a demonic beast. At least that was the most useful item. Teresa shook her head quietly, following Audin.

“I didn’t do anything.”

Teresa didn’t think she had done anything special on this battlefield.

I also thought that greed was taboo.

“Please tell Kraang that I will see you again.”

Encrid said it while he was at it.

“Um, yeah. It’s okay if you call me by the king’s name. “It’s the king’s majesty, and it seems like it would be nice for the king and the hero of the country’s salvation, the demon slayer, and the demon slayer to be friends.”

Marcus spoke without any rigid etiquette. He had a rather free spirit.

All he had to do was act sensibly in public. Marcus didn’t think Encred would be that stupid.

Encred got ready to go back and began to move.

I didn’t expect a great sendoff. Because you won’t have the time to prepare like that.

Look at the treasure trove as it turns.

‘I’m glad the country doesn’t collapse.’

No, they would have opened the national treasury to prevent it from going bankrupt.

It was okay to say that I didn’t receive anything at the merit award ceremony.

Because I didn’t come here expecting anything.

After collecting the eye patch and walking around the outskirts of the capital, a group of royal guards blocked the road.

The captain wearing a gray helmet took a step forward.

‘Is this a sparring match?’

Encred saw that and thought.

He himself used to feel sad when a skilled person suddenly left. Maybe that person was the same. Encred stepped forward with the intention of accepting him.

The commander of the Royal Guard, removing his gray helmet, knelt on one knee.

“Thanks to you, I opened my eyes, and thanks to you, I am walking correctly and uprightly.”

Speak up and show respect.

All the royal guards followed him and knelt down in unison.

“For the heroes of our country!”

It couldn’t have been a simple send-off.

Among them was Learban, who knew Encred from the past.

The organization had been changed to this direction in recognition of their exploits on the battlefield.

“A long time.”

Encred, who was passing by after receiving the greeting, spoke to him. He was one of the few people who took his side. No matter how much time has passed, there are people you cannot forget.

Leervan lowered his head.

“I’m embarrassed.”

Learvan spoke, recalling his past self, and Encred passed by, tapping his shoulder.

‘Also for my shining hero.’

Rearban was a sword-wielding member of the Royal Guard, and he swore in his heart that he would run if a man named Encrid called him.

After all his duties were done, he would do so if he wished.

Encred thought that would be the end of the sendoff, but it wasn’t.

By the time the capital city gate came into view, half of the capital’s citizens were seen filling the space in front of it.

Just listening to the murmur, it seemed like more people had gathered than at the memorial coronation.

“For the heroes of our country!”

The citizens of the capital watched him leave. They came forward as if they had made a promise. Among them was a healer who had lost his son, and Andrew and his disciples.

I was wondering where to go as soon as the award ceremony was over.

Even though he must have been very busy now that he had received the territory, Andrew came out to see them off.

“I thought I would go right away.”

Andrew came over and said.

“Because there is nothing left to do.”

“I guess we’ll see each other again, right?”

“Come and play.”


As I was exchanging brief greetings with Andrew, Acea and the south gate guard came up next to him.

“Are we going to continue like this?”

The captain of the guard spoke, and Asia held out her hand. Encrid took her hand.

“See you later.”

It’s a simple greeting. The guard captain bowed his head, saying he had received a favor.

Acea just shook hands and didn’t say anything.

Rem, who was listening to all the kingdom’s citizens cheering, scolded them.

“Please at least shake your hand.”

Encred waved his hand as he said.

“Demon Slayer!”

“Hero of the country’s salvation!”

“Take me!”

Why is it that there is always someone who tells you to have confidence?

Encred thought so and waved his hand.

The cheers got louder.


Encred’s back was supported by cheers louder than those he had heard on the battlefield. It wasn’t a bad feeling.

“He’s a noble slayer.”

Encred chuckled as he listened to Rem muttering and left the capital.

Now I really have to go back… … .

“Let’s go together until the middle.”

As we were getting closer to the capital city of Nauril, a few people blocked our path in the middle of the street.

In the lead.

“Aren’t you the king?”

“What does the king do for a living?”

There was a Kraang.

I thought there would be no send-off, but it was really uproarious.


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