Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 414

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414. Demon slayer, hero of national salvation, protector of the Border Guard, close friend of the king, aspiring free knight

“banquet? “Why don’t you tell me to take care of one more document while you’re doing that?”

What kind of place is the throne?

What is a crown?

Now, Krang could have given a firm answer.

‘It’s the perfect place to die from overwork.’

There was a lot of work. There were too many. It’s so frustrating that I can’t handle it alone.

Still, I had to do it because it had to be done. Kraang lost sleep and then caused trouble for the king’s cook.

“Shouldn’t you eat properly?”

Marcus said from the side.

Krang, chewing his sandwich, opened his eyes wide at Marcus.

He spoke with his eyes instead of his mouth.

‘With so much work piled up right now, are you telling me to waste my time leisurely lighting candles, chopping meat with a knife and fork, and chatting with other nobles?’

“… … That’s it.”

Marcus saw Krang’s new appearance. This man was a workaholic. Of course, it had to be because he meant it.

Still, I had to say something.

“Some nobles are trying to approach Encred.”

Krang lifted his head from his mouth on his sandwich and buried it in his papers.

Marcus continued calmly.

“It means I want to have the hero of the country’s salvation stand on my side.”

Even if we hit enough to beat them, how many nobles are staying in the capital?

Even if we estimate it, it would be over a hundred.

What if we also include nobles based in other regions?

Not all of them are quick-witted and bright.

There were likely some who were loyal but tried to take their share now that the civil war was over.

Among them, what is the best way to do my part?

The king himself called him a close friend.

A hero who saved the country to whom the king yielded his turn at a memorial coronation ceremony.

What if I could have someone like that in my territory? How about putting him under my command? Moreover, the other party’s affiliation was extremely ambiguous.

He was only a company commander of the Border Guard.

So, starting from the beauty world, I will bet on every trick I can.

“People tend to change.”

Marcus said.

After swallowing his sandwich, Krang made eye contact with Marcus for a moment.

The two with black undereyes looked at each other and suddenly burst into laughter at the same time.

“ha ha ha.”


Some people change.

But it wasn’t Encred.

“Everyone tell me to work hard. “I’ll take care of it.”

Krang didn’t even care about the nobles flocking to Encred. Rather, there was something I wanted to ask Marcus.

“But is it really okay?”

“yes? Oh, you mean title? Yes, that’s good.”


Krang nodded.

“It looks like the Marquis of Weissar also visited Enki.”

“He also seemed to have lost his senses a bit.”

Krang really didn’t care. He deserved it. Anyone who had experience playing with Encred would have done the same.

“Then the nobles say they will hold a banquet… … .”

As Marcus spoke, Kraang interrupted him mid-sentence.

“Can I seize some of those bastards’ assets?”

“By force?”


“Was your nearest target a tyrant?”

Wouldn’t it be okay to become a tyrant? Krang was momentarily swayed by temptation.

‘Why is the royal family so poor?’

As soon as she ascended the throne, the queen said goodbye and quietly left. He also took the court wizard with him.

I had decided to assume that Krang was a non-existent person anyway.

His biggest concern recently was how to earn Krona.

If he knew Kreis well, he would have wanted to appoint him as Minister of Finance right away.

Of course, this was also a hole he had dug.

Because Krang was a bit too passionate about policy.

The most critical of them all was the king’s security issue.

Krang replaced the king’s bodyguard knights.

“I heard that you can maintain the rank of knight on the condition that you never leave the palace for the rest of your life. Is that something you want to do?”

The guard knight, who maintained his status as a knight using some magical powers and the mystery of Will, had to understand the true meaning of the king’s words.

Because I was wondering what he was going to say now.

He was the one who guarded the king’s side for three generations. His grandfather and father also walked the same path. The spell in my veins was a shackle and bondage.


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“Are you seriously asking?”

When the guard knight asked again, Krang took off his shackles. He gave me the freedom to do what I wanted to do and go where I wanted to go.

The previous Royal Guard was used as an escort. A man wearing a gray helmet fell to his knees and shed tears.

“I will protect you with my life. “I will protect you even if I die.”

It was a re-establishment of the king’s personal guard, including Matthew and those who had guarded Kraang’s side.

In this way, the number of escorts was increased and their salaries were raised.

In addition, we are trying to supplement the defense facilities that have holes throughout the palace.

‘It’s quite possible that there isn’t enough gold coins.’

It was like this even though part of the national treasury was sold.

Krang didn’t look back. He didn’t even have time to regret. He also learned something from watching Encred.

‘Let’s do what needs to be done right now.’

Even if the continent is destroyed tomorrow, Encred is the one who will train the sword.

If people can eat well and live well by emptying the treasury, what’s the problem?

It was a radical idea and driving force.

There was no one to stop me.

Thanks to this, the award ceremony, where awards were to be given in recognition of contributions, was being delayed a bit. That was the reason Encred still remained in the capital.

* * *

Rem clearly recognized the difference between himself before, when he first became a member of the troublemaker squad, and now.

‘How did this happen?’

My skills, which had stagnated while wandering the continent, have improved.

There were several reasons, but three of them were Ragnar, Saxony, and Auddin.

While I was fighting with those bastards, I didn’t want to lose, so my skills improved.

‘That’s a damn case.’

As I was watching with that thought in mind, my eyes met Ragna, who was taking off his shirt and swinging his sword.

“What are you looking at, you crippled savage who can’t even walk on his own?”

Rem scolded his brain for thinking for a moment that those bastards were virtuous.

In fact, it would be more correct to say that the biggest reason was the existence of Encred.

I learned while teaching, and watching him grow, I couldn’t afford to delay.

“If you fuss, you’ll get kicked out.”

Rem spoke briefly to Ragna and then relaxed himself.

I thought I would be sick for a month because I used an excessive amount of magic, but I soon got better.

As my skills improved, my capacity grew. Because witchcraft is something that is used based on the body.

Encred was listening to the two’s friendly conversation, checking and repeating what he had.

Rem, who was watching this, approached.

“Did you say new Will? “Give it a try.”

Now that it was okay to move to some extent, it was worth sparring. Encred raised his sword, thinking that today was the day.

As soon as I went to the blacksmith shop to have the broken silver piece repaired, I was told that it was impossible. Her mind is completely broken.

So I asked him to roughly melt it and grabbed an ordinary long sword.

I don’t want to blame the weapon, but I wish I had a silver sword.

“Do it right.”

Rem said. Encred did just that.

Keep will in your eyes and continue. These are eyes that see one inch ahead.

It was a manifestation of Will that perfectly suited the captivating sword.

Encred glimpsed the future. I could see Rem’s breathing, shoulders, hands, and feet.

Rem will swing the hammer in his left hand as if he is throwing it. Afterwards, he will swing his ax diagonally.

The first hammer is used at the same speed as usual, and the next ax is used at half the speed.

It is a feat that can be seen because the weapon in both hands is handled perfectly.

The future I had briefly glimpsed unfolded as it was.

A hammer containing RAM flew out. Encred stepped forward even though his sword was longer. With that, he crossed his wrists holding the sword and raised them upward.

With this, he was going to block the wrist holding the hammer, step on his foot, and hit his crotch with his knee.

If you stick like this, the ax you are swinging with your other hand will be a threat, but at best, you will have to punch while holding the ax.

I will stick close to you so that you have no choice but to do so.

‘The punch will endure.’

You give flesh and take bones.

Before they even had time to take a single breath, their weapons, hands, and feet crossed.

chin! widely! Perfect!

After joining once, Encred stepped back and looked at Rem.

“How did you do it?”

“Hmph, how did you know it was invincible?”

It was truly an animal-like instinct and countermeasure.

Encred realized something again. This kid is crazy, but he’s a great guy.

The sword that captivates is Jeong Geom-sik. It was a form of fighting the opponent in the way I wanted.

That was in harmony with the eyes that see one inch ahead.

However, instead of moving as predicted, Rem changed his movements.

Instead of swinging the axe, he let go, blocked his knees with his palms, and pressed his forehead against them.

Encred had no choice but to improvise and respond. The final click was the sound of their foreheads meeting each other.

The middle of both foreheads turned red. It felt like there was a lump.

If you move spontaneously before you can read and understand it with your eyes, how can you understand it?

From then on, I just responded with the skills I had acquired.

Inwardly, Rem praised Encred’s response as he stuck his head in and ended up headbutting him, but he kept his mouth shut.

For a few days, Encred had been searching for Will’s newly enlightened method of destroying Will.

I didn’t want to show that I was thinking about it.

If I praised him too easily, Encred might lose his desire to improve.

Of course, that won’t happen, Rem said after rationalizing himself.

“Look, it’s broken like this. So please don’t use it carelessly.”

Next was Audin.

“Hehe, brother. “There are gaps in any technology.”

He broke Encred’s Will in a simpler and more ignorant way.

They immediately joined in and engaged in close combat. The power of the ignorant Gomtaengi was stronger than that of Encred, who had his heart on the line.

He tried to dislocate his shoulder by gently applying the joint, and Encred also applied what he had learned and escaped by bending his fingers and raising his palm.

Afterwards, their sparring showed a similar pattern. The two fell face down, covered in dust.

Encred ultimately lost.

“What are you going to do if I get stuck here?”

said Auddin, whose cheekbone was hit and one of his eyes was swollen. En Creed was also close to shattering his caught knee. If you apply more force here, it will happen. So I lost. Instead, I painted one of Audin’s eyes and cheekbones blue.


Encred nodded. He still had a lot to learn.

Ragna also came forward.

He used a simpler method.

It was a slash that could not be prevented even if one saw it and knew it.

To be honest, it was more brutal than the stabbing that Learbart showed.

“Do you plan to send me to your side?”

Audin was impressed when he saw that.

“That guy is really crazy.”

Rem humiliated him, calling him a person with a more broken brain than him.

“It would be okay if I didn’t die.”

Ragna only spoke calmly. En Creed ran his hand down his cold sweaty neck.

Because if I made a mistake, I would have repeated today.

I raised my sword to block it, but the sword ended up digging halfway into my chest. If it weren’t for the bandage-type armor I was wearing just in case, I would have seen blood.

That doesn’t mean there were any complaints.

Because I felt like I knew what they were talking about.

‘Whatever technology you have, use it constantly and apply it to your body.’

In fact, the three were busy proving that they were not pushed back, but Encred accepted it that way.

If the interpretation of a dream is better than the original dream, it is all good.

As I was engrossed in training, an observant young boy came in.

“Are you Encrid, a demon slayer, a hero of national salvation, a protector of the Border Guard, a close friend of the king, and a free knight?”

Encred couldn’t believe his ears for a moment. Wasn’t there something strange mixed in with the title?

I heard a lot of praise for myself after the battle, but I was doing it because it was better to train than to worry about everything.

“I only call you Immortal Axe?”

Rem was also given the nickname ‘noble slayer’. It was because he spoke harshly to the nobleman who was accusing him.

Howie walks in the shadows, this is Saxony.

There was also the white lion monster Dunbakel.

Although they call it a beastman, it is a nickname given to it because it looks like a lion, and Dunbakeel surprisingly liked it.

Ragna called it the merciless sword.

Of course he didn’t really care.

“Isn’t Pathfinder Ragna more suitable than that?”

However, asking questions like that sometimes made me think he was crazier than Rem.

Audin was given a similar nickname as before.

Did you say giant bear?

I also heard that it looks like that from a distance.

Auddin just smiled silently, but he didn’t look happy.

Encred looked at the servant boy who had called him.

“I think it’s just Encred or the crazy company commander.”

The official name is the Border Guard Independent Combat Company, but Encred himself now refers to his unit as the Mad Company.

Aren’t the people under his command all crazy?

It was a problem that could not be solved just because one was normal.

The boy who approached spoke with a very nervous expression.

“My master would like to see you, if you have time…” … Oh, if it’s inconvenient, if you can tell me when I have time again… … .”

Encred didn’t want to embarrass the boy from beginning to end. He said, gently placing his hand on the shoulder of the boy who was making noises.

“Who is the owner?”

“Ah, it’s Baron Somerset.”

It was a name I had never heard before. Encred nodded, wondering what was going on.

I honestly didn’t want to embarrass this boy any further.

The boy moved his envious eyes and nervously shaking legs.

Encred followed behind him.

“Another noble guy?”

Rem spoke from behind. Encred motioned for them to get away.

Rather than watching Lem get into trouble, it would be better for him to quietly send Tyler off.

Because he was also the person who came to see me.


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