Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 412

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412. The civil war was over.

Encred raised his head towards the falling rain.

The pattering rain washed away the blood on my body. I felt like it was embracing my tired body.

I sometimes felt this way when I slept with Esther in my arms, and it was similar to that time.

‘What did Esther do?’

It seemed like that. I could tell from the Count’s reaction and the devil’s words.

The rain did not get thicker, but continued without stopping.

Rainwater pooled on the ground, washed away the blood, and formed a light stream.

He broke through ten thousand ghosts and cut down the count.

It’s simple to put into words, but this couldn’t be dismissed as a simple matter.

It was enough. It was quite a feat.

After catching his breath under the falling rain, Encred picked up the broken half of the silver.

I moved my creaking body as I looked at the body of the dead count.

Only then did Audin begin to move after the paralysis caused by the ban was lifted.

“Thank you for your hard work. “Brother.”

“you also.”

It’s a simple conversation. Audin walked shakily and approached the dead count. He got down on one knee and with his hands together began his prayer.

It is a priest’s duty to offer prayers for the dead.

Even if his life is full of sin, I hope to give him a chance to stay by your side and reflect.

“I want to stay by your side and be taught.”

The god that Auddin believes in enjoys punishing sinners. His teaching was close to a personal beating.

The Lord’s fists and feet will help the sinner’s reflection. It sounded like that.

“I hope you find peace there.”

Will you be at peace?

Encred listened and thought.

Ragna stood up and stumbled for a moment. Although he didn’t moan or anything, his body was not normal.

Even that was unreasonable.

The sword was broken, and most of the protective gear on the body was torn and broken.

Fortunately, there was no one to make fun of Ragnar like that.

Saxony also has a hole in its stomach. Still, she had a calm face. She was seen slowly getting up with her hands on the ground.

“It’s over.”

As I said that, I felt something sad. It was a rare statement that showed a hint of emotion.

Did you want to stab yourself?

I didn’t know it might be so.

The rain continued to fall. Encred looked at Rem, who was holding on without getting up on her own.

Rem also looked at Encred.

What are you doing when you’re not up?

Encred asked with his eyes. Rem thought about it for a while and then opened her mouth.



“I’ll give you the honor of carrying me.”

It was said that he couldn’t walk on his own feet.

“You can barely walk with that?”

Ragnar said, as if he couldn’t bear it anymore.

“Weak constitution?”

Saxony also added a word.

“I guess you lack discipline.”

Audin’s worry was intense.

“The captain will be grateful to me, so I’m just giving him a chance.”

Of course, no words could damage Rem’s hard facial leather.

Encred couldn’t understand the whole situation, but he recognized that Rem was the one who was overdoing it the most.

That was true.

Even before forming a battle formation, Rem used magic, but it was by arbitrarily using someone else’s magic.

It was one of the most dangerous practices in witchcraft.

Because it was like stealing someone else’s origin and using it.

What Rem did was to transform the totem that the Burning Madman had created for his own use and forcefully use it.

Since I overused it, it was natural that there would be a backlash.

In addition, he also served as an intermediate coordinator at the center of the battle formation. It was more arduous work than Audin, who was the foundation.

It was natural for my body to scream.

If he could endure the destruction of his body, he could get up and walk, but Rem didn’t really want to do that.

I also thought that if I could do it this well, I could carry it on my back.

‘Because it looks like fun.’

There was also a desire to recover quickly. I saw Encred’s last stabbing. This is the moment when the count was cut down.

‘If you recover quickly, you can spar more quickly.’

Rem, who had already fallen in love with Encred, also wanted to share a sword with him.

I will do that properly, with a healthy body. So I’m going to climb up.

Contrary to his calm tone, Rem’s eyes were blazing. It was as if his determination to somehow carry the raindrops evaporated.

“Does my body look fine?”


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Encred asked calmly.

“Rather than me.”

Rem was confident.

What a crazy bastard.

Still, I tried to carry it. Because he’s the one who did that much work.

Fortunately, I didn’t have to carry it myself.

“I’ll carry you.”

When did it come?

Dunbakhel and Teresa. Because there were two people running while trying to catch their breath.

Among them, Dunbakhel came forward.


Rem did not insist. Actually, it didn’t matter who carried it.

Dunbakel carried Rem, and Encrid cleaned up the area around the river. The rain continued to fall.

Encred and the group began walking toward the friendly barracks.

The road through the ghost was not as long as I thought. When I went in, it seemed like I had come a long way, but when I went back, I saw that it was a short path.

The enemy was quiet, and our allies were even quieter. These are the people who are returning to that quiet path, the path they blazed with their own hands.

Everyone looked at them.

In fact, Encred and the group didn’t care about other people’s opinions.

Kraang came in front of him.

I was soaked from the rain, but I didn’t look like a rat caught in the rain.

I didn’t laugh, nor was I intoxicated with victory.

I couldn’t tell what he was thinking just by looking at his expression. All I could see was the pupils shaking. Although his attitude and expression were calm, the emotions visible in his eyes were not hidden.

* * *

Just before the count’s death, the soldiers fought against the ghost soldiers and the ghosts that tried to take over their bodies.

I fought and fought and held on and held on again.

‘When will it end?’

Limitations of physical strength.

‘It might be better to just die.’

Limits of mental power.

My physical and mental strength are reaching their limit, and the ghost soldiers are coming in endlessly, as if they have no fear at all.

They attacked regardless of whether it was the kingdom’s army or the count’s army.

The armies, divided into two, mixed and fought in front of the waves of ghosts that did not discriminate between enemy and enemy.

There were limits to what those who were active could endure.

Meanwhile, the soldiers saw terrible nightmares and visions.

“Die, die, die, die, die.”

It was neither a nightmare nor a vision. It was the appearance of those fighting Count Molsen.

As Esther’s spell took effect and became intertwined with the Count’s spell, something strange happened.

The eyes of most of the soldiers present saw Encred’s fight.

Because Marcus also saw it.


I sent my support.

Acea saw it too, so she clenched her fist.

‘I should have been there too!’

However, I couldn’t get out right away. Even though a shepherd from somewhere was active, the prince was in danger if he was left out.

Unlike Acia, Dunbakhel and Teresa ran as soon as they saw the situation. They were two people who had to be there, whether it was as a meat shield or an unexpected stab in the back.

Andrew couldn’t move. Esther had not yet woken up, and he decided that it was my job to keep her in this position.

So I just had to watch.

The soldiers did not even have the strength to shout that they were alive.


Most of the soldiers collapsed while gasping for breath. Those who managed to hold on also collapsed on the spot.

I didn’t even have the strength to cheer in victory. My body got wet from the falling rain.

I was even more fortunate that it didn’t rain.

For some reason, it seemed as if the ghostly energy on my body was being washed away.

That was also true. Because that’s what Esther did.

Esther, who opened her eyes in reality, understood what had happened.

The Count tried to summon the world of spells to this land, but was that possible?

It wasn’t. It was caused by the intervention of the devil’s power, but ultimately it was a foolish act.

Even if he had succeeded, the idiotic wizard would have had his body taken away and become possessed, repeating his idiotic actions.

For example, he would have done something like turning all the kingdom’s citizens into test subjects, just like creating chimeras.

He could have done worse than that.

Isn’t that what the devil’s whispers are like?

Since the spells created with the power of the devil could not be destroyed one by one, Esther used most of her magical power to make it rain.

In the process, the count’s image would have been reflected in the soldiers’ consciousness.

Esther also saw it.

The crazy guy who cut down the Count and tried to cut down the devil as well.

Esther felt the need to tell him how dangerous the devil was.

Krang muttered to himself as he watched Encred fight.

My hands weren’t sweaty. She just waited quietly.

There was nothing he could do here.

So do you feel helpless?

no. You have your own stage.

The current stage was just a moment for my friend to step up and give.

So, believing and believing was all Krang could do.


The faith was not betrayed.

The trust was rewarded.

The rain poured down and the ghost fell. Krang stepped among the surviving soldiers. Krang walked away without saying a word.


Marcus called out to him, but he didn’t stop walking. Krang stopped only after facing En Creed, who was returning. After a brief pause, he opened his mouth.

“Praise to the hero who saved us.”

The voice was small and soft.

Marcus, who was following Krang, agreed.

He wasn’t the only one who agreed.

Acea also limped along and nodded her head at those words.

Looking at Encred, Krang took a breath and strengthened his stomach.

I guess my voice was too small.

“Praise! “For the hero who saved us!”

The voice spread. It was one of Krang’s specialties. It was a cry made with a lot of force in the stomach.


A soldier raised his head, crying. Rain fell and wet his face.


“I survived!”

“For a hero!”

“For the Mad Company!”

Their shouts mixed together and turned into unintelligible words.

It is a cry that makes the rain spread widely in an instant. That’s a lot of heat.

At the center of the heat, an old commander did not like the uncoordinated shouting.

Didn’t you also see it?

The Count turned into a devil and our hero cut him down.

The commander shouted with all his heart.

“Follow everything!”

There were many soldiers following him. Wasn’t he a great man who showed leadership that allowed him to endure despite being surrounded by ghosts?

It is clear that he is also a hero to them.

“Demon Slayer!”

Demon slayer.

Let the majesty of the one who cut down the devil be known widely!

The surrounding soldiers also shouted at the commander’s words.

“Demon Slayer!”

Their cries quickly spread to the surrounding area.

“Demon Slayer!”

“Demon slayer!”

The rain continued to fall. At first, it responded to Esther’s magic, but this was rain that was supposed to fall.

In other words, there was no bright sunlight because there were dark clouds.

Still, everyone saw something shining.

If the person who killed the devil, eliminated the ghost, and ended the war does not shine, then what shines?

“Demon slayer!”

It was a title that would make a devil who was not dead feel so bad that he would gnash his sharp fangs upon hearing it.

Encred said while listening to it indifferently.

“I didn’t kill the devil.”

“To be exact, the name slayer of nobles is correct.”

Rem spoke based on facts.

“He is a demon minion slayer.”

Audin also said:

From a religious perspective, the identity of the opponent was clear. That was from Auddin’s perspective.

“Do you understand?”

Ragna dismissed the bullshit by calmly stating his opinion.

Saxony was silent as usual.

Dunbakel thought for a moment about how severe the retaliation would be if he threw Rem, who was on his back, like this, but then gave up his mind.

Teresa internally agreed with Audín’s words.

Only then did Krang show a soft smile.

All of them, including Encred, could rightly be called heroes.

Also, I had already realized how crazy these people were when I arrived in the capital.

‘You’re always crazy.’

That’s what I thought with a smile.

Encred calmly nodded. He didn’t read Krang’s thoughts, but he thought he was the most sane.

“thanks. “You are the most crazy person.”

Therefore, Encrid was almost taken aback by what Krang said. Even though the earl died and the devil came out, Encrid tried to attack him right away, but he couldn’t help but be embarrassed by this.

Who is the craziest?

“I became a hero for saving the country.”

Krang continued speaking and lowered his head. This is an extreme example from a prince who will become the king of a country.

All the surrounding soldiers were watching.

Encred was at the peak of fatigue.

He didn’t have the spirit to treat him like a prince or anything.


So, I grabbed the prince’s shoulder and lifted him up. He did his job. I felt proud of the praise, and Krang’s attitude was not bad either.

However, I have to skip one thing.

“Why do you say I’m the craziest?”

Is there a baby Rem?

Krang burst out laughing at what his friend said.

“Hahaha, let’s go. Let’s eat, drink and rest. “It’s okay to pay for the palace’s household expenses!”

Amid the shouts of being a demon slayer, the sound of “I lived, I won” rang out.

The enemy soldiers, who were the Count’s army, quietly threw away their weapons.

The civil war was over.


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