Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 41

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41. Focus on one point


It stabs the eye and cuts the shoulder. After cutting her shoulder, he lowers his sword and slashes her thigh, pushing his blade back with all his might.

Encred opened his eyes wide, observed the opponent’s body language, hand gestures, and foot movements, and predicted what would happen next.

And, in line with the predicted sword attacks, we took a defensive stance and blocked them all.

A spark flew between the two. Sparks cleared some of the fog.

Two eyes shining between them.


The opponent’s line of attack is again aimed at his shoulder. En Creed stepped back with his left foot, which had been half a step forward.

In an instant, the left shoulder was thrown back and the opponent’s sword was fired violently.

It is a step where you turn your left foot behind your right foot and rotate sideways around the thumb of your right foot.

The blade grazed the area around my shoulder.

Encred thought it was an opportunity and raised his sword in a modified middle stance, with the tip lowered at an angle.

Usually, when you pick up a sword, the side that faces the opponent is called the front blade, and the side that faces you is called the back blade. If you raise the sword while lowering it, it is a back blade strike.

The back edge of Encred’s sword was aimed at the opponent’s chin.

Encred expected his opponent to dodge.

‘There are gaps in the damage.’

Then, the next attack line can be deployed as intended.

This is a trick gained through countless practical experiences. The intention was to win the game with one step and a follow-up attack.

“You insolent bastard!”

The opponent got angry and swung the sword that had stabbed his shoulder sideways.

At that action, Encred had to quickly lower his head and dodge. Naturally, he could not perform his duty with the sword he was striking upwards.


Rather, Encred had to pull the sword closer to his body and quickly raise it above his head to block the next attack.

The opponent only pretended to swing the sword sideways, raised it above his head, and then struck it down. It was a cut on the top of the head.

When I managed to block the attack, both sword and sword came to a halt.

“Are you trying to catch me with just one step?”

The opponent lost his temper by pressing down on his sword from above.

“Why can’t we do that?”

Encred also blurted out something. The soldier, who identified himself as Mitch Hurrier, showed anger in his eyes and expression. He had a great talent for expressing anger with his face.

“I don’t want to die gracefully. you.”

“No, my wish is to die when I’m old.”

In terms of scratching the inside, Encred was no better than Rem. No, he spoke better than Rem.

The thick veins on Mitch’s forehead turned red.

“Oh, I’ll cut off all your limbs and stuff them in a cesspool until you grow old and die.”

“No, I’m going to die of old age with all limbs intact next to my great-grandchildren?”

“You bastard!”


Mitch lifted his foot and kicked forward, and Encred kicked it away. From that point on, the gap between them grew by more than two steps.

As soon as the distance widened, Encred tried to swing his sword, but Mitch did the opposite and lunged forward using his feet.

Mitch’s body, running at breakneck speed, seemed to leave a long afterimage.

Seeing that, Encred changed the course of his sword and struck it downward.


The two swords met again. There was the sound of metal grinding as the blades crossed each other.

Encred tried to push it away with force, but the sword followed as if it were stuck.

Mitch raised his sword and instantly twisted his wrist upward. With that one movement, the tip of the sword was raised towards Encred’s head, became level with the floor, and the sword was raised upward.

In an instant, the opponent wrapped the tip of Encred’s sword with the blade closest to the handle, that is, the strong part of the sword.

Just like that, Mitch thrust his sword forward.

Even though he was fuming and pouring out his anger, Mitch’s swordsmanship was accurate.


The blade met the blade and made a noise.

If it stayed that way, there would be a hole in my throat.

Encred also twisted his wrist and raised his sword in the same manner as his opponent.


Then a spark flew between the two again. In an instant, Mitch threw away his sword.

The next sword strike continued without even having time to catch my breath.

This time Encred started first.

From top right to bottom left.

It is a diagonal cut. During that time, I trained and trained countless times. The skills honed through rolling and rolling in actual combat shone.

A smooth line is drawn. The drawn line fell on Mitch’s body.

Steps, timing, posture, sword strikes.

It was a cut that was like a textbook in which nothing was out of place.

Mitch caught Encred’s sword with his own sword.

At that moment, Encred felt as if he was not cutting with a sword but with a soft cotton ball.

Michi’s sword curved gently, spilling over Encred’s sword, then bent in the opposite direction, with the back blade falling on Encred’s head.

Mitch turned his wrist and drew a small circle with his sword.


Encred, who was barely able to breathe, turned to the side without even being able to stop himself.


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Michi’s sword cuts off the spot where Encred’s head used to be.

I dodged it, but thanks to that, my posture was disturbed. The blade that fell cut Encred’s right forearm.

It wasn’t a deep wound, but blood flowed.

There was no time to talk any more.


I had to block a sword aimed at my stomach and then dodge a sword struck diagonally aimed at my thighs.

Dodge, block, look for an opening, and swing your sword. I tried to throw the opponent off with an upper horizontal slash, but the enemy was persistent.

Instead of backing away, he raised his sword upward and continued to narrow the distance.

A street where swords and swords converse.

Encred was on the defensive. He was focused on blocking and avoiding.

‘Top, diagonal, thrust.’

We learn the basics and pour out everything we have learned in practice. I stabbed, cut, pulled, stuck, and used my feet when I found an opening.

Mitch read all the attacks, blocked what he could block, and dodged what he could dodge.

Meanwhile, one by one, wounds were created on Encred’s body.

First my forearms, then my shoulders and thighs, the number of minor wounds increased.

Encred barely, really barely, escaped.

Among them, the attack that threw his helmet and tore his forehead was so completely defensive that it made you think you were lucky to avoid it.

The blood flowing from my forehead splattered in all directions due to the violent movement.

‘Next is the shoulder.’

There was no time to breathe. She didn’t even have time to think. All that remained was blocking, dodging, and hitting.

In the meantime, there were occasional counterattacks. It took three or four cuts to cut him once, but he was still able to continue the attack, so Encred concentrated.

It literally felt like if I took one wrong breath, I would die.

It was the same for Mitch.

When I first saw the crazy bastard who attacked the camp, it was clear that his skills were poor.

No matter how many times we shared the sword, the limits were clearly visible. Mitch noticed that.

But now something.

In just a few days, my skills improved to the point where I began to question whether I was the same person I was before.

It would be more believable to say that they are twins.

‘Are they twins?’

When I thought about random things, the sword would always aim for my gap.

Mitch realized that if he had done wrong with the stabbing that had been done to his cheek just a moment ago, he would have almost punctured his neck.

‘This bastard.’

Mitch concentrated. He didn’t have time to worry about what was going on around him or where he was right now.

He was solely focused on killing his opponent.

Encred was the same.

Avoid and block. Block and avoid. Meanwhile, I could see cracks, and even though I could see a few cracks, I didn’t even dare to dig into them.

If he hesitated when he had time to thrust his sword in, he would immediately board a ferry prepared by the Black River boatman.

Even if I die and repeat today again.

Because Encred has no intention of wasting today either.

He did his best. That’s why repeating today was even more meaningful.

‘Chests, no stomach.’

Avoid being stabbed with deception.

As if he were an eagle, he blocks and sheds the line of the blade falling from above.

The pouring technique was clumsy because I had not learned it properly. It was closer to blocking rather than letting go.

Encred’s heavy sword method was basically about subduing the opponent with force.

On the contrary, Mitch used a mixture of Jeonggeomsik and Yugeomsik.

Jeong Geom-sik’s standard was to push the opponent with a set sword path and then use a counter.

Yugeomsik was a sword that created an opening by channeling the opponent’s attacks.


The sword met the sword and gave off intense heat.

Encred could not neglect even a single thought with his full attention.

It was a fight you would lose if you even blinked.

And now, as the swords were divided, there was no flag, victory or defeat, or swordsmanship in Encred’s mind.

All that remained was to cut, stab, and swing the sword at the opponent in front of him.

Everything around disappears and only one remains.

The sword and me, me and the sword.

The opponent’s sword, the sword and the opponent.

Me again with a sword, my opponent with a sword.

After that, I forgot myself and the other person.

Manga (忘我), forgetting yourself.

Only the sword remained.

Swinging the sword, cutting, stabbing, blocking, and dodging filled Encred’s inner self.

Endless joy wells up, and on the contrary, longing boils over.

visor! bang! Ting! Kang! Chirrrr!

The metal met in various ways and made various noises.

But nothing could last forever.

Because I know that.

‘little bit more.’

I hope this moment lasts longer.

Encred instinctively knew. That this is not a moment that can be easily met just by repeating today.

I’ve experienced it once before.

There was a time when I cut down an opponent without an ounce of resistance remaining in the hand holding the sword.

The experience of delivering a clean slash.

How hard did you try to bring back that experience?

It really wasn’t easy. Since then, I have never had any success.

It’s still the same now.

I hope this will last forever because I have forgotten myself and only the sword remains.

There was an end to everything.


The opponent was amazed as he struck down the heavy sword from top to bottom. The force was completely directed outward, and at the same time, a gap was created in Encred’s chest.


The opponent did not miss the gap.

The blade became a hot iron skewer and pierced my chest.


Encred stopped his arm with the sword stuck in his chest. His limbs were shaking.

Because I was concentrating and giving my all, my muscles were under stress.

Encred raised his head, dangling his sword with trembling arms. I saw the other person drenched in sweat.

“I remembered.”

Encred said, blood bleeding from the corner of his mouth.


“Right? “The one with the torch?”

When I got stabbed, a memory came back to me. She was that impressive too.

“It’s Mitch Hurrier. “I am the platoon leader of the Principality of Azpen.”

“Encrid, the squad leader of the Kingdom of Naurilia.”

Encred’s entire body was soaked with blood and sweat. Sweat and blood trickled down my forehead.

My whole body was soaked as if it had rained. It was the same for the opponent.

The two stared at each other in silence.

Encred felt like he was experiencing it for the first time. He didn’t feel bad about seeing the person who stabbed him to death.

I just desperately want to fight again.

Mitch Huryer deadpanned. But I could tell by looking at his eyes. The eyes changed.

Before I knew it, the anger had subsided, and only feelings that could not be expressed in words remained.

“My dream is broken.”

dream? ah.

“It was a lie. “Is the swordsman’s wish to die of old age?”

“Okay, stop dying.”

Mitch said and pulled out his sword.

The heated skewer pierced my chest again.

The pain came and made my hair turn white. En Creed got down on one knee, enduring the pain.

I gurgled and blood from my throat flowed out of my mouth.

The blood flowed back without any need to vomit.

“What is it? “Has the enemy arrived?”

Before they knew it, a group of Azpen soldiers were surrounding them. One of them opened his mouth and approached.

‘I couldn’t even see it.’

Encred glanced around. It was full of enemies.

“okay. I came here secretly. “I think he’s a guy who specializes in hitting from behind.”

“It looks disappointing. “Platoon leader.”

“… … no.”

Mitch said and glanced at Encred. To be honest, it was disappointing. Because it’s not easy to meet someone like this.

I felt like I had stepped into a certain territory while fighting for my life.

Naturally, I felt regretful.

However, there was no trace of such emotion visible on the other person’s face.

He looked somewhat relieved and excited, like a seven-year-old child holding a wooden knife.

“What are you?”

Mitch opened his mouth in bewilderment, but Encred was no longer listening to him.

He was dying, and one thought dominated his mind.

‘Ragna, you crazy bastard. There is no need for fear of death.’

The necessary condition for achieving one-point concentration is not concentration at the moment of death.

They needed someone to fight for their lives and hang out with each other for a long time to promote and enhance their abilities, emotions, and everything else.

An opponent that requires risking one’s life and giving one’s all to survive.

A fight full of exhilaration that will end if you look away even for a moment.

A family rival was needed.

Mitch Huryer was perfect for that. He could be said to be a worthy opponent.

Encred realized this as he was dying.

The sensations and experiences from earlier were exactly the one-point concentration that Ragna spoke of.

He soon realized that he had done it himself.

And that there is an opportunity to repeat today and recall those sensations and experiences.

Arbitrarily pulling out the moment that you hoped would last just a little longer.

That was one point of focus.

Will it be easy? Probably not. But I will do it until I make it. The presence of Mitch Hurrier would have made that possible.

Encred realized that.

So how can you not be excited?

Encred died laughing as he once again saw the way forward.

“Was he crazy?”

Mitch just tilted his head as he watched Encred dying with a smile.


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