Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 405

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405. Eyes that see one inch ahead

Will of rejection was awakened thanks to the sword of a crazy shepherd.

Afterwards, the Will of Acceleration gained through exploring speed.

Will is a crushing sword derived from coercion.

Encred enlightened Will on his own and moved on.

Then, I looked at the path I had naturally taken and drew a picture of the path I would take.

The crushing sword was a heavy sword, and the sword of the moment was a quick sword.

The Will of Refusal was a method of gathering one’s heart, and although it did not contain Will, there was also a sword technique similar to a counter-attack technique, called the Snake Sword for short, where the blade does not turn into a ball of cotton if struck gently.

And now.

I saw a sword used by a Mac-severing guy the other day and fought back.

I didn’t fight mindlessly because I was drunk with euphoria. I saw everything there was to see. I experienced it and accepted it with my body.

There were also things I learned through review.

What is the secret to severing the pulse?

It was snow.

The bastard’s Will was in his eyes.

By seeing, understanding, and judging, you break the pulse.

Therefore, you cannot cut off the pulse of an opponent who is superior to you. It was close to half-baked technology.

Encred also saw the iron wall technique that Learbart used before he changed.

Absolute defense through shields and armor.

It should have been seen as a technique to tire the opponent through a war of attrition.

What was the core of that?

Immense physical strength? Strength to endure by strengthening the core of the body? Strong legs?

The most important thing was one thing.


It is a will that lasts.

It was nice to see it as the technology that manifested Will for the longest time that Encred had ever seen.

The defense of an iron wall is a technique of maintaining the force called Will at the center of the body.

Eyes and persistence.

I understood it, reflected on it, and realized it.

A sense of attack is mixed here. It contains the sensitivity that opens the door to the sixth sense.

In fact, what I wanted to do was to let Will imbue me with the true sword formula of a sword that captivates.

The reason why that was possible was clear.

This has already been experienced. I tried it.

It was time to confront the centaur leader who was wielding a glaive.

My senses were in full swing, and I predicted the other person’s actions based on countless experiences. With my developed five senses, I was able to avoid and attack by peeking into the future.

This is the moment when enlightenment comes as experience accumulates.

It is the moment when determination becomes will and participates in reality with radiance.

Will is the moment when the intangible power is manifested in reality.

Encred’s eyes looked at the opponent’s entire body. Muscle movements, changes in fingers, direction of feet, differences in breathing, even the effects of flying dust.

My five senses are running wild. It’s a flood of information that would make an ordinary person’s head explode.

Encred selected and accepted only what was necessary.

This is a talent made possible thanks to the experience of death accumulated through repetition of the day.

Thanks to my accumulated experience, my sense of judging whether something is necessary or not has developed further.

The sword flew in a thin line like a thread, but the fact that I managed to block it means that I was able to react.

Nevertheless, it was clear that it was a threatening and dangerous moment, but Encred named the technology based on Will because it was such a situation.

The way to recognize and use it properly is to give it a name.

Eyes that see one inch ahead.

It is the name of a skill based on Will. Encred previewed his opponent’s next move.

As I said, I had a similar experience, but this time it was several times clearer and clearer than before.

The sword accumulated based on countless experiences drew a line toward the future and tomorrow.

If it were Ragnar, he would have reached it in an instant, but Encred walked and reached it in his own way, so there was no need to be jealous of other people’s talents.

This was the decisive difference between Encred and the opponent in front of him.

Since I don’t know frustration and despair, I just forget about jealousy and move on.


For the first time, I dodged a sword that turned into thread. Learbart’s sword cut off part of the back of Encred’s head.

The cut hair exploded and scattered in the air.

In a short space of time, Encred swung his sword with minimal movement and movement.

In fact, it was the result of reading and rereading the opponent’s moves several times.

Based on the captured sword, it is a strike made by picking sparks to block and using a crushing sword to endure.

The tip of the shortened and roughened gladius pierced the opponent’s chest.

Just because I turned into a monster, I wouldn’t have had two hearts.


The sensation of the blade digging into my muscles came through the handle.

Encred laid back as soon as he was stabbed. Learbart’s left fist passed where Encred was.

It was a punch that, if hit properly, was sure to break at least one place.

Encred dodged the attack by falling backwards, and while his posture was disturbed, he kicked the sword he had stabbed with the sole of his foot.

Pop! Pooh wow!

The tip of the sword protruded from behind the opponent’s back.


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Learbart vomited blood. Dark red blood poured down Encred’s face.

Encred rolled backwards with blood dripping down, hiding the whistle dagger in his left hand and holding Silver’s grip with his right hand.

Dark red blood dripped along the jaw line. Encrid, without blinking an eye, raised his sword with one knee touching the ground.

My eyes were sore and my head was pounding.

His sixth sense was added to his active senses, and he was able to predict the opponent’s movements. It was natural for me to have a headache.

You won’t be able to use it against actual articles. But now the opponent was not a knight.

Because he had fought, Encred felt it clearly.

“Damn God.”

Learbart said while looking at the knife stuck in his chest. Soon blood began to flow from his eyes.

His gaze did not reach Encred.

He looked at his past life.

He was called a genius. He was said to be a hero who would build a family. As I moved forward, what did I reach for? What did I see when I reached the end of the road?

There was only a cliff with no end in sight.

There is only darkness and no front.

There was only a wall that didn’t allow me to touch it.

“God you’re such a dog.”

I blame the world.

I curse endlessly.

Learbart pulled out the metal object stuck in his chest with his own hand.

Blood flowed from the hole where the knife was pulled out.

It was a fatal wound. I can never live.

No, I didn’t know if I could survive.

Learbard learned the Count’s secret. So he didn’t know that the mask might give the count his life again.

Hasn’t the body already become a chimera?

So, it wasn’t wrong to struggle to live here longer.

But what can you do with life?

There was no way back now.

‘You can’t become a knight with this?’

Even though I gave up everything just for that?

So it’s over now.

His eyes turned to the bastard who had dragged out his reality.

As Learbart once again reached a world full of resentment, despair, and frustration, he cursed at his opponent.

“You will be the same way.”

It’s like struggling to become a knight.

“I may not be able to survive here.”

It is a curse containing the intention to break down.

Of course, Encred didn’t even hear it. That’s why he didn’t even answer.

Learbart collapsed like a doll. He fell to his knees and fell forward.

Dark red blood flowed from the fallen body and seeped into the ground.

Encred looked at it indifferently and thought.

Blood, earth, death.

I still didn’t like it.

The battle was still in progress, but Encred’s surroundings were quiet.

Neither cheers of victory nor disappointment of losing is expressed.

For that to happen, the aftermath of the fight between Encred and Learbart was too great.

The old commander of the kingdom’s army, who was watching the fight between the two from afar, clenched his fists and said.

“Have you ever seen a fight between knights and knights? Now I have seen something more than that.”

The commander muttered. The adjutant nodded slightly. I agreed.

The commander had a shiver all over his body. As I was watching the battlefield like that, Encred’s voice rang out.

“This war ends here.”

I was told not to fight any more.

“Everyone stop fighting. “I will end this damn war.”

He said again.

If you don’t like it, just stop.

The fight has already started, so how can we stop it?

If words don’t work, use force to stop them.

In the meantime, if there is someone who encourages a fight, all you have to do is smack him on the bridge of the nose.

His skill in stopping Rem, Ragna, Saxony, and Audin from fighting was already at the level of a knight’s worth.

“What, stop fighting now?”

Since when have you been watching?

This is what Rem says as he approaches.

It wasn’t just Rem.

“So what do we do now?”

Ragna was there too.

“It wasn’t bad.”

Saxony was also there.

All three cut and chopped the enemy. I came this far feeling the change in Learbarth.

Ragnar was on his way to mastering his skills by cutting down the group of shields blocking his path.

Rem was swinging two hammers fiercely to split the head of the guy, and splitting the body of a fairy into two parts as well.

Saxony killed all five lieutenants with weapons hidden in various places.

To begin with, it was at a level that made it no match for anyone.

The three could have intervened in Encred’s fight, but they did not.

It is a sword that changes before your eyes. I would be lying if I said I wasn’t surprised when I saw that.

So I didn’t intervene.

The will to change and win was clear.

Rem, Ragnar, and Saxony were secretly impressed.

Now I really couldn’t deal with him like he was playing around.

It was obvious that the battle did not stop easily even though Encred came forward and spoke, but the battle slowly stopped around the place where he was.

“Tell them to stop fighting.”

Encred said with a sigh. It’s not that I’m not tired.

However, I had no intention of repeating today. So you will have to move on.

What can I say about Rem, I really liked this kind of captain.

He seemed like an idiot, but I liked his declaration that he would end the war, and his arrogance.

I’m not saying this because I can do it.

What I’m saying is that I’ll do it until I get it done.

I am determined. It is will.

That’s why I like it.

“Anyone who fights more will be cut down by my axe! “Everyone, stop your hands!”

What Encred showed was brutal, but Rem also ran wild like a madman.

Moreover, he also had the madness to destroy both allies and enemies.

Rem revealed his madness. The shiny eyes and blood-soaked ax caught everyone’s eyes.

It was natural for everyone to stop their hands.

“If you want to fight more, I will fight you.”

Ragna also steps forward.

Saxony cleverly looked backwards.

I only looked at the commander.

It was the eyes that forced a choice. If you tell them to kill more, they have a murderous spirit that they will select and kill you.

“Everyone stop!”

One of the commanders shouted loudly.

There were more than one commander who was impressed when they saw Encred.

“Get back! “Go away!”

“This is the end of unnecessary killings!”

Everyone speaks.

Even Marcus played the drums behind him.

This is not a retreat, but a signal to stop fighting for a while.


There were not only assholes under the Count. Although I know the existence of the Chimera unit and respect the Count’s great intentions.

‘Is this right?’

It felt like a fight to die, not a fight to win. Some people felt that way. They moved and stopped the fight.

“Stop, stop and step back!”

Something happened that would have been absurd even if the bard had seen it right in front of his eyes.

The fighting stopped.

Encred looked at the battlefield that had stopped and walked towards one side.

It was a dark sky. The clouds blocked the sun, so it wasn’t bright even though it was broad daylight.

Nevertheless, Encred’s appearance was imprinted on everyone.

Followed by Rem, Ragnar, and Saxony.

Lastly, even Dunbakhel, who I don’t know where he came from, joined us.

As I headed forward, a blood-stained count came out to meet me.

Five guards were seen holding swords, spears, and axes.

Encred looked at the five and thought that he couldn’t really tell whether Learbard was an asshole or the Count was an asshole. Those five people were also full of anger.

“That leopard bitch is really talented.”

Although his mouth was smiling, the Count spoke with a vein standing on his forehead. His face was divided into upper and lower parts, with the upper part looking angry and the lower part smiling. It was clear that something was not going his way.

“My talents are more daring. Would you like me to show you some?”

When Encred received the words, a smile appeared on the Count’s face. The corners of his mouth turned up and his teeth appeared strangely black.

“Do you think Learbart is everything?”

The Count spoke and gestured. Even that hand gesture seemed somewhat uncomfortable.

It was clear that Esther had done something.

At the count’s gesture, five armed guards came out.

Wood clatter.

Each muscle twists and grows bigger. These are the ones that grow hair and change their bodies.

I couldn’t even say he was a werewolf. By transplanting part of the monster’s body, the human body is mixed with the monster’s hair and muscles.

It actually looked that way.

“They look disgusting.”

Rem said, putting the ax on his shoulder.

Did Learbarth say it was a complete body?

On the other hand, they seemed to be broken down little by little.

Even if it had the power to imitate a knight, it wouldn’t be normal for part of the face to swell and form bubbles.

Still, five is a lot.

Encred thought to himself that he might be able to deal with at least one of them, but he wondered whether he would be able to continue fighting after that.

Because I had pushed my body close to its limit while dealing with Learbart.

Still, I had no intention of backing down.

“I will end the war.”

It is a declaration. It is an expression of will. Therefore, it is a visible intimidation.

Encred took a step forward.

The five guards glared at Encred with red eyes.

“Do it alone?”

Rem to the left.

“They are both mine.”

Ragnar to the right.

“Just watch quietly.”

Saxony said, taking three steps to the side.

Dunbakel also gritted his molars and stood next to Rem.

Should I say it is a delicate balance?

The Count looked at them and said:

“Time is on my side.”

Is this a ploy to make you nervous?

Because it created a confrontational situation, tension was high between the two groups.

If a dry blade of grass fell, it seemed like it would start a fire.

Jump and jump.

In that situation, the sound of bold and confident footsteps was heard. It was behind Encred. He couldn’t turn his head, but he didn’t feel the need to.

“Brothers and sisters, please step back for a moment.”

It was reinforcements.

A man as big as a bear approached and stood right behind Encred.

“Who harassed my fiance?”

Moreover, I wasn’t alone. There were other voices that were thin but good to listen to.


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