Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 403

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403. I didn’t like everything

For those who work with spells, ominousness was not just three letters.

It is a prediction that comes from the senses.

Esther felt that something was happening in this land right now.

It was also something related to the world of spells.

Since I had an intuition that it could also affect Esther herself, I decided that I couldn’t let it go without checking.

In other words, confirmation was needed immediately. It was for that. Esther opened her mouth.

“Protect me.”

At those words, Andrew, who was about to jump into the battlefield, turned his head.

“Are you talking about me?”

“Then shall we call Enki, who came out ahead?”

Esther made the other person aware of the facts through a kind and long explanation and closed her eyes.

I was anxious.

Andrew started to leave but hesitated and stopped.

Where is your current location?

Because he was with Encred, he was accepted as part of their unit.

As Baron Gardner, he was in an awkward position to lead the troops.

There are only five members of the unit under his command.

Andrew looked at the battlefield.

Although it was not overwhelming, the situation seemed to flow to some extent as our troops intended.

Andrew stopped. Now I thought it would be right to listen to the request of the wizard named Ester.


Andrew and the five trainees stood in a circle with Esther at the center.

Esther sat in the middle. He didn’t care about the dirt floor or anything. It wasn’t the time.

The robe she wore touched the floor and stretched.

Soon, Esther entered the world of spells and found the trick prepared by the opposing wizard.

No, there was no need to look for it.

Instead of hiding and concealing, he revealed and showed.

By showing and revealing it, he raised his dignity.

The pressure of great majesty pressed down on Esther’s shoulders.

But she’s also no ordinary wizard.

A witch who controls the fire of the black world.

A witch who fights and struggles to pioneer the world.

A seeker who realizes the truth by burning it with fire.

Recite the mantra to prove yourself and raise your head.

Esther saw what the enemy, specifically the wizard Count Molsen, had prepared and dug into it.

Not all wizards are crazy, but there is a saying that excellent wizards inevitably develop madness.

Esther agreed with that.

Because the person who is currently making modifications is also proving this.

‘I mixed witchcraft and spells.’

Between the flow of mana, the energy of the spirit also flows. The power of prayer covered the area, showing the opponent’s will.

It was dark.

Count Molsen sat on a black chair that looked darker even in the dark space, wore a cloak made of soot, and glared at her while holding a pitch black cane the same color as the chair.

“You’re going to stop it?”

The count’s will was conveyed in words. There was a mixture of ridicule. If you’re going to try it, give it a try.

Esther did not react to the other person’s ridicule. Instead, I looked and looked again.

‘Magic circle.’

The entire battlefield was used as a magic circle. A magic circle means that you need materials to draw it.

“You are exceptionally crazy.”

At the moment of realization, Esther spoke. The count rested his chin on the hand that was not holding his staff and opened his mouth.

“Do you think it would make a difference if I knew?”

He used the horrors of war, blood, and corpses as materials for his magic circle, and used them to create spells based on magic.

What will the result be?

I opened my eyes and guessed what would happen once the order was completed.

Esther was also one of the greatest geniuses in her world. Therefore, it was a possible feat.

Pitch black darkness overturns the entire battlefield. The world so covered will lose its light and be consumed by a dark will.

This was a ploy by a disgustingly crazy bastard to connect my spell world with reality.

This part is especially repulsive. What is the world of spells to a wizard?

It is one’s own secret and secret space, and should never be seen or revealed to others. It was taboo.

Count Molsen ignored the taboo.

‘Connect and send the ghost.’

Blocking the light with a magic circle and spewing out darkness was ultimately a way to take my spell world and implement it here.

Esther’s eyes also saw black lumps resting behind the chair where the Count was sitting.

It’s a ghost. So many ghosts that they fill the spell world.

What if that group is unleashed on the battlefield?

Ghosts can erode the human spirit, so some will become puppets and others will wield swords, unable to distinguish between enemy and enemy. Someone else will die without reason.

Most people could show signs of mania.

This was a reality that would happen soon.


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What will happen if everything happens according to the other person’s will.

This was exactly what the count was aiming for.

Victory in war? There was no need.

All that was needed was blood, corpses, and death.

He will dominate the battlefield with his own ghost.

If Krang knew, it would be okay for him to be furious.

“Are you going to try to stop it?”

the count asked.

Esther could burn her enemies with her spell right now. But he couldn’t stop those fighting now.

I couldn’t think of a way.

The best thing you can do here is to take out only the people you want to protect.

Should I do that?

It was a sudden thought, but I didn’t think Encred would want that.

So what should we do?

‘I will ask.’

I’m telling everything to Encred. He is asking him.

If those who deal with spells, that is, those who know Esther, know this, it was quite a surprising choice.

Esther converted part of her will into fluid and flew it towards Encred who was in front of the battlefield.

This was possible because I had been close to him for over a year.

Because I needed that kind of relationship to send a body carrying my will to someone.

Fortunately, Esther’s will reached Encred.


Esther answered, and the Count blinked.

I was wondering what he was going to ask.

* * *

A giant who uses his body as a weapon.

It was Benukt’s nickname.

Encrid pulled out the sword stuck in the head of the giant who was lying on the floor with a cut in his neck.

While pressing down on the opponent’s shoulder with his right foot, a stream of blood followed the drawn sword.

The giant’s fighting spirit was surprising and scary.

‘Compared to Auddin.’

I was weak.

Benukt struck Encred’s side once and also grabbed his ankle and twisted it.

Encred put pressure on his stomach and withstood the side kick, scoring an RBI.

When the ankle was grabbed, the opponent’s actions were rendered useless by launching the body in the direction of rotation and turning.

After that, I steadily fed them one meal at a time.

I repeated cutting and stabbing.

There was no need to act hastily because the difference in skill was clear. He backed his opponent into a corner based on his grasping sword.

After killing Benukt.

Encred looked around.

He saw a soldier running towards him in fear.

Instead of a guy who would retreat when he sticks out his tongue after seeing a giant killed.

It wasn’t just one or two. There were at least dozens.


It was to the point where I had doubts. Her eyes were frightened. Her legs were shaking. Encred didn’t use his intimidating will. Still, his eyes were full of fear. It looked like he was being pushed and attacked.

That was the correct answer.

It was the blood and corpse sent by the Count as a sacrifice. He was a group sent to die.

Protecting the people behind your back was like saying you had to become the devil to the people in front of you.

Encred knew that too.


‘I don’t like it.’

I was extremely nervous.

Encrid was frightened and struck away the shaking tip of the spear with the back of his hand and snatched the spear pole.

The man, who must have been only twenty, lost his spear and fell forward.

I was so embarrassed that I couldn’t even touch the ground reflexively and fell off my chin.


A scream rang out.

Encred cut off the next opponent’s spear with his sword, and kicked the opponent behind him in the chin with his toe.


Even though I kicked him lightly, his chin lifted and his eyes rolled back and he fell down.

After defeating ten guys like that, the opponent stopped attacking me.

Eyes full of vigilance, eyes full of fear, the two mixed together, the pupils turning to reveal a complex state of mind.

Encred didn’t like all of that.

The blood of the dying.

Their flesh and bones.

The death that flows through this land.

It was an unpleasant feeling that started with instinct and was completed with intuition.


This is a battlefield, and now the battlefield is a familiar place.

I know very well that I have to become a devil to those who stand in front to protect my back.

As he was looking around and being alert, something that looked like blue smoke approached Encred’s back.

It is a fluid that contains Esther’s will.

She told Encred what she had seen, heard, and understood.

It was a strange experience. Esther’s voice seemed to be whispering in my ear.

What she said and the nonsense the Count was doing were the essence of discomfort.

I couldn’t understand everything about what the magic circle was or what the Count was trying to do, but it was only natural for a bastard who didn’t like anything to get in the way of what he wanted.

He said he used the battlefield as his tool, so it was natural that he didn’t like it either.

As I turned around and dug in between the enemy soldiers, the enemy soldiers made their way.

No matter how hard you try, you can’t do anything that you can’t do, no matter how much of a dictator sticks a knife in your back.

After just killing the giant. The person who killed my commander, a monster with red blood, who looked like a terrible monster to an ordinary soldier, walked forward.

On the outside, he looks like an ordinary swordsman, but the force he shows makes him look anything but ordinary.

It is such an open road.

Learbart came out on the other side.

“Even Benukt is no match for you.”

“You didn’t send it knowingly?”

“It did.”

“You should have come forward right away.”

Encred scolded Learbart. It was like scolding a young student. I actually got angry.

Since it was an attitude that did not suit the current situation, it was naturally a provocation.

Even at these moments, Learbard was angry because he was a nobleman.

Even though turning the other person’s mind upside down with words is his specialty.

“Your tongue is so… … .”

“Shut up. “I won’t listen to any excuses.”

Encred cut off Learbart’s words.

“You’re a real son of a bitch.”

Learbart spoke without a trace of laughter, and Encred raised his sword.

It was clear that if you didn’t overcome it, you couldn’t move on.

Even then, Esther, who had been looking at Encred’s situation in a tangible form, read Encred’s will through his mind.

I had no intention of backing down.

It is a will that is like an endlessly burning flame.

block it The will to stop it reached Esther.

She said after hearing the will.

“I can’t afford to lose.”

If we lose here and retreat, we won’t even be able to dream of stopping the Count.

Encred raised his sword. He held the silver in both hands and looked to bisect his opponent vertically with his blade.

I spent the whole day reviewing the previous fight as soon as it was over.

I did this while chewing meat, sleeping, waking up, and fighting.

There was no such thing as boredom.

Rather, it was enjoyable.

It was an opponent that had to be overcome. Therefore it is enjoyable. Because it is an opportunity to go further by dealing with each other.

Moreover, I knew it intuitively.

‘can win.’

How many times have you been confident of victory?

And that’s against an opponent with such outstanding skills.

I have never fought with a repeat of today in mind.

Encred thought there would be no repetition.

“I’m jealous.”

Learbart raised his sword and shield while saying something incomprehensible.

He raised his shield up to cover his mouth, leaving only his eyes exposed.

Ready to fight.

It will be the same fight as before.

Those who watched the duel between the two last time thought so.

But no.


Encred suddenly sheathed his sword and jumped forward.

Learbart, holding a shield, took a defensive stance due to the unexpected movement. He drew his shield against his body, hiding even his sword hand.

Encred stretched out both hands.

Before I knew it, the whistle dagger I had taken out was emitting sound.


Two rays of light flew towards the exposed eyes.


Learbart quickly raised his shield and covered his eyes.

‘Block your view?’

Just because you were blindfolded didn’t mean you couldn’t read the enemy’s movements. Even a semi-engineer’s senses are sensitive.

Learbart’s body turned back. Encred suddenly took a detour to the side and threw his sword.

It was an art called tangeomsik.

The gladius turned into a disc and was flying towards Learbart’s back.

With a shield? Then it’s late. Lear Barth believed in the strength of the armor he wore all over his body.

He turned his back slightly and showed a martial arts trick.

It is a technique that sheds the impact of a sword flying through armor.

Spilling is done with the body. It was a technique that was similar to what Encrid had learned from Audin.


The second attack also bounced.

From there, Encred jumped upward and slashed his sword vertically.


Even though he blocked it with his shield this time, Learbart felt the aftereffects of power reaching his forearms.

It felt like my body was sinking downwards.

Somehow, Encred seemed to be stronger than before.

Encred took the opportunity to attack with a dagger throw, limited the opponent’s movements with the gladius, and then struck the opponent again with a double sword-style spinning vertical cut.

Of course, it didn’t stop there.

It is an apnea world.

Since he had won the game once before, he was immediately drawn into the battlefield that was most advantageous to him.

It worked.

Originally, Learbart would have been able to withstand a full day of fighting, but while exchanging dozens of sword strikes and concentrating on defense, his breathing became disturbed.

The opponent had much better physical strength than him.

To the point where I wonder what on earth he did to have a body like that.

A spark entered the gap created and tore through Learbart’s stomach.

The stab aimed at the gap in the armor and cut off some of the internal organs.

Learbart immediately swung his shield and struck Encred.

Encred had gone overboard with the stab earlier, so he couldn’t avoid it.


Encred, hit by the shield, took a couple of steps back.


And Learbart vomited blood.

It was a matter of victory and defeat. Encrid looked into his opponent’s eyes.

The eyes were black, similar to dead fish.

“Whew, I’m really jealous.”

Learbart spat out something unfamiliar again.

It’s time to think it’s none of your business and take up the sword.

“How do you think you can become a knight?”

Learbart asked.


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