Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 401

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401. To win

Both armies moved from early morning.

These are two units standing in a similar configuration as yesterday.

The wide open plain was the stage, and the blowing wind became the observer.

Instead of those who were at the front, archers, infantry, and some cavalry formed a formation.

Although they did not promise each other, the commanders on both sides decided to use the breaking of dawn as a signal.

Encred walked while watching it.

It was a light step, as if I was taking a walk.

It wasn’t a real walk.

Because he was meticulously armed, including three swords and a whistle dagger.

There were also things that were different from before. The position where the sword is hung has changed slightly.

Silver on the left waist, sparks on the right waist.

Place the gladius according to the characteristics of each hand and hang it with a loop on the back of the belt so that it is straight behind the waist.

Since the tip of the sword had been slightly cut off during the previous fight and its length had been reduced, it was now more convenient to wear it like this.

It is a sword that cut off about two fingers.

‘Would the dwarf who made this be upset if he saw it?’

Aren’t they proud of their weapons?

If fairies take pride in the trees, flowers, and plants they have grown and are called children of trees and flowers, aren’t dwarves the children of iron and flame?

Giants are children of hot blood because they prove themselves through blood and slaughter.

The beastmen were a group that began hunting to survive, so they were said to be children of the mountains and fields.

Yongin is a person who stands alone and therefore has no parents.

Frog is said to be the child of dreams because he risks everything for his dreams.

It was said that since humans do not have symbols, they can become anything.

It was just a random thought.

Encred checked his armament as he walked next to the unit.

The movement line was also reorganized so that the position of the sword, the condition of the sword belt, and the sword worn behind the waist would not interfere with movement.

‘Block, dodge and hit.’

They trick, hit and beat them.

It is a virtual battle that takes place while replaying the fight that took place yesterday.

It may seem like a crazy person to see him shaking his hands and feet while walking, but no one rolled their eyes or complained when they saw him.

“Are we fighting together today too?”

On the contrary, there was a soldier who had the courage to ask.

A group of troops stopped while moving in full formation.

There were about fifty people, so it was a company size. The commander at the front asked. Fifty people gathered their eyes.

Encred nodded.

I will fight again with the guy I fought yesterday.

It was just a hunch, but I was confident.

He said he lost, but his eyes and the fire in them did not diminish one bit. He will come again.

After walking among the troops in the formation, thinking about the route, and completing a review.

Encred was followed by Rem, Saxony, Ragnar, and Dunbakeel.

“Hey Bosch, it’s cloudy.”

Rem said.

After completing the reconstruction and checking the movement route, Encred also looked at the sky.

It didn’t look like it was going to rain any time soon, but it was cloudy.

I saw dark clouds approaching one by one from the other side. You can see the movement of the clouds, so it can be said to be quite fast.

However, there was no smell of rain yet. Dunbakhel twitched his nose and said.

“It won’t come down until tomorrow.”

Ragna didn’t seem to think anything of it, and Saxony wasn’t one to say anything with his facial expressions.

He was as expressionless as always, his thoughts unreadable.

Rem grinned and said excitedly.

“You’re going to poop.”

Encred nodded at Rem’s words. Because it makes sense.

It was going to be a bloody and difficult battlefield. I already had a conversation with Rem early in the morning.

“Do you know?”


“If they had attacked right away yesterday, our side would have been at a much disadvantage.”

I know it without having to explain it. I knew it with my senses and understood it with my head.

The enemy army was in formation, and our army was in formation on the outside, but their discipline was not united.

Nevertheless, the enemy retreated.


Because the thing on top of your neck is like a helmet holder? Probably not. Then it’s easy. There is no need to even think deeply.

It means that there is something prepared.

‘Preparation that doesn’t matter if you waste a day.’

Encred went through the same thought process and said something similar to Marcus.

Of course, Marcus was also aware of the situation.

“know. I know, but it’s also an opportunity for us. “It was a necessary time.”

The numbers are small and the level of training is inadequate. That side even had a unified command system, but this side even had what little system it had, which was creaking.

Of course, thanks to Encred’s performance, the creaky parts were oiled in just one day.


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Just having someone like this among our allies gives me comfort and strength.

The enthusiasm and desire were directed in the right direction.

Marcus took advantage of it all and put it to good use. He also used all the arrangements that Krang had told him. Because of this, crows flew non-stop all night long.

In other words, the enemy was given an extra day to prepare something, but it was time that our troops also needed.

“That’s why I even grilled the meat.”

Rem says. The thoughts quickly disappeared. What do his words mean?

The expectation was that he showed off his cooking skills to the fullest.

Rem was full of dissatisfaction even after catching and killing a furious madman the other day.

Why not?

It wasn’t really fighting, it was chasing a guy who was running away.

Rem wanted to fight.

I wanted to fight until my blood exploded.

Desire and desire were boiling over. I wanted to burn all of this and move.

It is a bonfire full of firewood. The fire was on the verge of spreading to the surrounding area.

‘I will fight by burning everything I have left.’

It is said that a warrior must know how to fight with his soul.

Encred looked at Rem.

‘Why is this happening?’

I thought the heat might be too much today.

It was natural, but Ragna felt the heat and Saxony did the same.

The two didn’t say anything. Dunbakhel looked worried, and Esther was sitting with her eyes wide open.

These are the two units that were barely within range of the arrows.

The commanders of both armies shouted at the same time like twins.


The arrow came first. It was the start and signal of the battle.

Boom, boom, boom!


The sound of drums and trumpets filled the plain, and above the sound arrows covered the sky.

Our army’s longbowmen numbered five hundred, and the enemy numbered over a thousand.

The arrows fired by both armies reached each other.

Take a straight and strong tree such as oak or pine tree, trim it to make a spoke, and attach the iron point and feather to the stalk with glue.

Just like that, a short piece of wood with a sharp tip at the end took a man’s life.


A soldier who was unlucky to be hit by an arrow through a gap in his helmet falls over. There weren’t many unlucky people.

The infantry at the forefront held on by raising their shields at an angle.

“Turn around!”

The enemy moved first. It was a natural result because Marcus had prepared a counterattack strategy in the first place. A group of cavalry came out from the middle right of the earl’s formation.


They were cavalrymen armed with lances. The cavalry attempted to charge.

If a cavalry charge created a hole in the troop formation, that alone could result in defeat.

For the kingdom’s army, it was a battle where the only chance of victory was if they blocked all of the opponent’s attack attempts.

“Run, move! Go there! Jingheuuuuuu!”

A shout came from our commander. The instructions from our commander, who spotted the place where the cavalry group was rushing, were dazzling. A group of infantry stood in the area targeted for the cavalry charge.

This is the commander who spoke to Encred on the way.

His mouth opened again.

“Pikeuu! “Geochaaang!”

Hung Hung!

Raise the window high. I strengthened both my arm muscles and pushed the back of the spear into the floor.

A pike is a long spear. They were all pikemen who had trained in the same movements.

Windows create walls. The best strategy for catching cavalry was a spear wall.

It was already too late for the enemy cavalry to turn its nose.

Doo doo doo doo!

The leader threw himself into the window wall with a thunderous sound of horse hooves.


The blade of the spear struck the rider along with the horse.

Blood was splattered everywhere. The sound of bones breaking could be heard everywhere.

The horseman died, but there was also a rider who fell to the side.

The speed of the charging horse immediately became a tool to kill them.



The screams announced that this was hell.

A friendly soldier who saw those who barely survived among the fallen riders took out his long sword and swung it.

puck! Jump!



Meanwhile, there were several horsemen who had dug into the cracks in the window wall.

The heavy horseman was a weapon in itself. It is also common for people to be crushed to death by the weight of a horse.

No, it was natural that it would be difficult to survive even if only one of the limbs was broken.

Several horsemen fell, creating holes between the window walls. The waiting soldier stabbed his spear and filled the hole.

“charge! “Dolgyeoeook!”

The enemy cavalry pushed back with numbers. Nevertheless, the infantry that built the window wall held on.

The soldiers at the center of the battle may not know it, but from the perspective of the commander, it was a great victory.

It started well.

Marcus clenched his fists.

Then the opposing group moved again. Some more cavalry came out from the enemy camp.

‘You’ve prepared everything.’

It was a mounted archer corps. The numbers were not large. Fifty wait at most. However, keeping up with their mobility will not be easy.

‘Even if you just shoot arrows while running away.’

They all have that level of talent. On the first day, their leader attacked them and was killed by Encred’s sword, but they were good fighters.

It would be more correct to say that the class itself was threatening.

They rode on and targeted the commander of the kingdom’s army.

This is a unit that has been raised so well that anyone who sees it will recognize it.

Should I say that it was the first sword prepared by the Count?

Encred’s eyes also turned to them.

Because it was a wide plain, it was natural that the movement of horsemen could be seen.

‘If you let it go, it will be a huge blow.’

I understood it in my head, but it wasn’t time to move.

‘Marcus is not a nerd.’

I watched the strategy meeting yesterday, and the commanders under my command were not bad.

As soon as I could finish thinking, a group of horsemen from our army also marched out.

There were only about a dozen people, but the one with orange hair was in the lead.


A red cape flutters.

It was a group of Acea and Squire.

Although they said they would not borrow the power of knights, they were already in the palace.

“For Naurilia!”

Acea shouts. She and the squire under her galloped off. She rode out at once and chased the mounted archer.

The opponent ran away and shot an arrow. Acea raised her sword and struck down the threatening arrows.

He twisted his wrist to move his sword, not even receiving the help of his shield.

Then I finally chased after them and caught up with them.

A sharply swung sword strikes a man’s head. Before the flying head even hit the ground, Acea’s sword stabbed the second guy in the back.

He ran to the side and started stabbing and swinging his sword mercilessly.

It was a terrifying force.

“Fight to the end!”

When the number of horse archers was reduced by half, some of the enemy horsemen came out and rushed towards the knights.

No, it didn’t end there.

The enemy infantry began to advance, and among them, Cernut, who seemed to have exceptional skills, approached with the aim of Acia and the knights.

* * *

As the infantry began to run wild and people showing their skills began to appear here and there, Lem also ran.

“I’ll go first!”

The moment Rem kicked the ground, his body seemed to stretch and move forward.

It was a move that required skill.

Of course, I knew Encred could do it too.

All you have to do is step on the ground with what is called monster strength and transmit the force forward rather than jumping upward.

Of course, it was not easy to do.

Although Encred has also become accustomed to it through countless experiences.

Rem ran toward the guy who had escaped from the infantry.

It also found Rem and changed direction and ran towards her.

It was a guy holding two hammers.

Rem takes out an ax and swings it, and the opponent swings a hammer.


With a roar, the infantry made a path between the two. A place was created.

At that moment, Encred saw a shadow appearing behind Rem.

The guy who was hiding among the retreating infantry came out and stabbed him.

His movements were incredibly agile and fast. It was also an incredibly fast and sharp thrust.

It was natural that it was an unexpected moment, but Rem turned to avoid it.

The blade grazed his back. Rem dodged and struck the ax, causing the opponent to step back.

You won’t need any help. If it’s dangerous, I’ll take out at least one part of my body, but if not, I win. The one standing there was Rem.

“Let’s reduce the number.”

Encred said, taking his gaze away from Rem.

“A barbarian who only eats the meat.”

Ragna spoke and stepped forward.

It was towards one side of the enemy infantry.

I walk briskly. The Mad Company slipped out to one side of our formation, and due to their small number, they did not attract much attention.

Everyone was immersed in the madness of group battles.

Encred looked at Ragnar’s back.

They say that a knight is a disaster against a thousand men.

So what about Ragna, who has become infinitely closer to a knight?

I wasn’t hurt and I wasn’t tired. She also had a full stomach yesterday.

Ragna dug in next to the enemy infantry. No, he seemed to seep through. I walked and reached.

There was no need to find a way in a battle like this.

All you had to do was cut down what appeared to be enemies.

A group of humans began to fall on the ground, like straw bales, on the side of the infantry that had touched Ragnar.

Hook, the sword moves. The enemy soldier’s head is blown off. No screams, no surprises.

You die without even knowing when you died.

As Ragna calmly swung his sword, the number of enemies began to decrease.

As people started dying, one by one, in a short period of time, the enemy army also recognized Ragna.

But nothing changed.

What I knew was actually bad news.

It was like a reaper jumping into the midst of ordinary soldiers.

Encrud spoke as he noticed several people moving in the meantime. Among the enemy soldiers, I could see them moving with purpose.


“Leave it alone.”

I’ll take care of it myself.

The enemy was not stupid either. Instead of the five deadly weapons, their adjutants were seen moving among the regular soldiers.

It was an appropriate tactic.

If special forces are hidden among the regular soldiers and they continue to attack, the number of allies will decrease significantly.

Regardless of whether the formation is superior or not, the elite few are the ones who turn the battlefield upside down.

It is right to stop it before that happens.

Saxony chased after each of the guys with unique movements and moved.

Meanwhile, Encred walked back to the enemy lines.

“What is this bastard!”

As we headed toward the back, toward the side where we had not yet participated in the battlefield and were lined up, the enemy soldiers broke up their formation and spoke without attacking us.

Encred ignored it and walked on.

A huge shadow appeared in front of him. It’s the guy who turned his back on the sun. It was big. A lot, even more than Audin.

“My name is Benukt. “He’s a giant.”

It was a voice that seemed to echo from a cave.

It was obvious that he was a giant without even saying anything. Because there was a guy with full eyes from the moment I approached him.

The guy with both fists forward approaches and takes a stance.

It was an attitude that reminded me of Audin somewhere.

Encred raised his drawn sword high. The silver blade revealed my naked body not in the sunlight but in the shadows.

The two took their positions and read the other person’s breathing. No, I tried to read it. It was to keep an eye on the team and find the optimal moment to win.

At that tense moment, Encred asked.

“What about your captain?”

The question was whether he came forward instead.

Benukt, who was ready to jump out at any time, unleashed his giant strength to his heart’s content.


I kicked the ground and used my body as a cannonball.

With a whimper, he flew as if folding space and hit Encred with his shoulder.

This is the moment when the two meet.


A drumming sound erupted between the two.

All eyes of the enemy infantry before the assault were focused on the two.

Dust rose, and soon the two were visible.

Neither of the two backed down.

We collided and there was a shock, but both of us shed what we had to shed and endured what we had to endure.

Encred knew what he would know from just one bump.

The giant Benukt is not that big compared to its size.

It was not arrogance or confidence. It was a cold assessment.


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