Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 40

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40. The flag flutters and the soldiers dance the sword dance (3)

After learning one point of concentration from Ragnar every day, he rushes into battle.

That was the day Encred repeated.

Uncountable repetition.

Even as he died repeatedly, the skill of concentrating on one point seemed elusive.

‘Let’s not fret.’

Encred changed his mind. Let’s break down the flagpole first.

When the battle begins again.

Encred wondered how to minimize the damage.

Thinking and thinking was one of his specialties.

It’s foggy again. It’s the fog of death. So the name of this spell was also the fog of annihilation.

Of course, Encred didn’t know the name of the spell.

However, I just realized that I couldn’t let it go on like this.

The fog rolled in and before Rem could shout anything, Encred spoke first.

“Everyone get down!”

I was really embarrassed. Even the platoon leader lowered his head at someone’s shout.


When Encred shouts again, the allies reflexively raise their shields. Since his left hand was empty, Encred also brought a shield.

Let’s run with a low posture and raise the shield diagonally, tadadak! And a few quarrels and arrows hit the shield.

The oiled shield did its job faithfully.

‘I should have brought my shield with me sooner.’

There was a time when I was hit by a quarrel or an arrow while running here and started a fight.

Thanks to this, I got used to the route of avoiding and approaching.

I think and rush forward. I knew it from past experience. To escape the effects of the fog, you had to stick close to the enemy.

Encred did just that.

Encred, who was running, suddenly kicked the ground and flew to the left.

Whoop! Whoop!

The spear blade passed by where Encred was. It was a pattern I had already memorized.

You cannot achieve single-pointed concentration by deliberately creating a crisis of death.

We have to struggle.

Encred decided to do so. After dodging his spear, he ran again and got right in front of the enemy.

Only then did the enemy become visible beyond the fog. A very embarrassed face was revealed from inside the round leather helmet.

Encred kicked the surprised enemy soldier’s ankle.


He lost his balance and fell, hitting his head with the edge of his shield.


There was a sound of wood splitting. If you survive this, you’ll be lucky.

I passed the fallen guy and pulled out my longsword.

As I pull it out and swing it wide, several enemy soldiers who were trying to get close are taken aback. Looking at it, En Creed drew a route in his head.

Today alone has been repeated for over 300 days.

I could tell the way even with my eyes closed.

The location of the flagpole and the enemy’s positions.

From the perspective of an enemy soldier, Encred’s movements would have looked like a ghost.

* * *

Ron, a soldier from the Principality of Azpen, was taken aback by the movements of the Naurillian soldiers who ran forward as soon as the fog began.

It suddenly pops out from the left, slices up an ally, then suddenly disappears. It really seemed that way. It seemed like it suddenly disappeared.

In reality, he just suddenly lowered his posture.


“It’s below! “It’s below!”

Ron realizes that the fog surrounding him was created by witchcraft or magic. So this fog does not block the view of allies. However, the thick fog obstructed visibility.

For example, a place like under your feet.

So, you can see the top of your chest clearly, but you can’t see the bottom. The enemy acted as if he knew that.


“You bastard!”

There is a commotion everywhere. The enemy soldier moved as if he had ten bodies.

Ron was nervous. If he appeared around me at any time, he would immediately hit me on the head.

There was tension.



“It’s here!”

It still walked through the fog on the floor like it was at home.

Ron swallowed hard. It seemed like a blade would fly in front of his nose at any moment. I needed to pee. However, the enemy did not appear for a long time. When the tension reached its peak.

“Take down the flagpole!”

A scream erupted from behind. It was the voice of the platoon leader. Ron jerked and turned his head.

I saw the platoon leader slump forward and an enemy soldier rising up next to him.

The sight of him rising through the fog on the floor looked like a skeleton soldier rising from a grave.

‘Were you alone?’

Are you the only one who broke through the fog and caused this mess?


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The guy grabbed the sword with both hands and struck the flagpole.


The middle of the flagpole broke with one heavy blow. The flag tilts sideways and falls.

The flag that had been fluttering in the wind a moment ago lost its sound and movement.


The fallen flag kicked up dust.

Through the dust, the enemy soldier appeared to be tilting his head.

It seemed that way to Ron. Then the enemy moved again.

“Kill, kill!”

Someone was dying and grabbed the leg of an enemy soldier’s pants. It was great. It was an act worthy of Azpen’s elite soldiers, disregarding their lives.

The allies rushed towards him like a swarm of bees.

The enemy soldier, who had two spears stuck in his left side and five quarrels stuck in his thighs, asked, blood dripping down his face.

“Why won’t the fog clear? “It is true that it is a medium for witchcraft.”

Instead of the dead platoon leader, the squad leader snorted.

“You idiot, why do you think there are six flagpoles?”

The squad leader did not hesitate in his words. He’s going to die now. Knowing this doesn’t change anything.

“Five of them were tricks and only one was real.”

“You crazy bastard.”

“Why is it so difficult to concentrate on one point? In fact, nothing has ever been easy.”

“What do you mean?”

“After, focus, focus, focus.”

“You crazy bastard.”


The enemy soldier kept muttering to himself after asking questions and getting answers, and Ron, who was watching, couldn’t hold back and swung his spear.

My head exploded and blood splattered out.

The guy who got hit was writhing on the floor, blood spurting out.


Ron turned away from the guy covered in blood.

Because of this one guy, one flag unit was unable to carry out its mission, but the tide was already tilted.

It was a great victory for the Principality of Azpen. As long as this fog exists, I cannot lose.

* * *

Pain leading to death fills the whole body. En Creed lost himself in his thoughts to forget the pain.

‘How did you learn the heart of the beast?’

The ‘sense of the blade’ was of great help to the assassin. ‘Heart of the Beast’ helped me roll until I was about to die on the battlefield.

However, ‘focusing on one point’ did not come easily.

Does the boldness of the heart of the beast get in the way? I don’t think so.

If things had easily gone as planned after just a few attempts, Encred would have been a very talented person.

It might have been frustrating, but Encred was as cool as ever. I wasn’t nervous.

Because it wasn’t necessary.

‘Until it doesn’t work out.’

Because his heart was strong and strong, he did not know despair or frustration.

Death comes again and I wake up in the morning. I surrendered myself to the sun and wind and captured her heart.

“It’s called one-pointed concentration. Are you going to learn?”

Ragnar continued to teach as if he was following a set path, and Encred nodded.

Even though I learned and learned, I couldn’t understand.

Northern style heavy sword, that is, I learned something while practicing the basics of heavy sword through Ragna this time. It was a small realization.

The point is that you have to learn anything properly the first time you learn it.

‘The fear of death makes you nervous?’

I asked because the clothes didn’t seem to fit my body no matter how much I tried.

“How did you learn it?”

“I just did it.”

Ragna said kindly.

So it looked even more disgusting. Why are you being kind now?

It seemed like it was better to spit out harsh words.


“Yes, I forgot about my surroundings and focused and quickly became one with the sword.”

It wasn’t a boast. Her tone of voice was calm.

“Is that so?”

“Yes, I did.”

What was insignificant to Ragnar was like a star that could not be caught by Encred.

However, this does not cause jealousy or jealousy to arise. If my heart had been broken this much, I would never have dreamed of becoming a knight.

Repeat the same thing over and over again. Ragnar felt her fear of death and stopped his sword right in front of her eyes.

Just looking at the speed, it seemed to be faster than RAM.

When the two fought, Rem seemed faster.

The sparring between the two was still vivid in Encred’s mind.

When I actually faced him, Ragna seemed to be faster.

“What are you doing? They say it’s time to gather. What are you doing? Do you practice using the squad leader as a straw bale? “I guess it was unfair that you broke it to me before?”

“Who is broken? “Your head?”

Why do these two fight every time they meet?

“Let’s just go.”

It’s a battlefield again. Encred learned a lot through death. One of them is that five of the six flagpoles are false.

‘It means you have to take good pictures.’

It was time to try your luck. This time, I ran out first towards the enemy army that was approaching quickly before the fog even started to rise.

“… … Squad leader?”

Ragna’s absurd question was heard from behind. It would have been absurd to anyone.

“The squad leader is crazy!”

Rem also shouted. The others were also whispering about why he was like that and asking if he was crazy.

At that moment, fog fell.


“I can not see!”

Encred shouted as he ran.

“Get down! shield!”

I thought I would follow what I was told because I had tried it before, but the results were different from before.

The ally’s reaction was late.

Arrows and quarrels flew and tore through the allies. Our troops were in a state of panic until the enemy with a short spear approached and stabbed them.


Timing was the problem. After panicking, I had to give myself time to catch my breath. It was a mistake I made because I already knew.

Okay. Just do better next time.

Others say that Lady Luck kissed them and gave them a sack of coins.

Encred knew himself well.

He wasn’t so lucky.

It was the second flagpole taken.

A fierce battle like before was needed.

Although I still couldn’t focus on one point.

As practical training was added to the newly acquired basic skills, my skills seemed to improve significantly.

‘It’s still a long way, though.’

Encred’s standards were Rem and Ragna. It took three days to tear down the second flagpole.

When the flagpole was broken, the platoon leader with a dagger stuck in his stomach laughed and vomited blood.

“It’s a trick!”


Encred nodded with two arrows stuck in his thighs.

“… … what?”

“There are four left.”


“Concentrate, concentrate.”

Is it because I lack concentration?

Concentrating on one point was difficult.

Encred concentrated while ignoring the enemy platoon leader talking next to him.

He boldly strikes and catches the enemy’s spear and swings his sword.

The upward slash, which had become several times more familiar than before, split the enemy’s chin.

It split apart, splitting vertically from the mouth to the nose.

Quarel flew in from the side.

It hit my side with a thud. Thanks to the armor, I didn’t die, but there were five soldiers with crossbows in a place I couldn’t see.

The number of enemy soldiers near the flagpole is approximately 80.

This is a number that cannot be handled alone.

‘We should attack the flagpole and keep the escape route in mind as well.’

I think and think over and over again. To focus on one point, to overcome death to destroy the flagpole.

There are five today on the third flagpole.

The fourth flagpole required seven days.

‘If I were the enemy’s commander.’

We will hide the flagpole in the safest place.

Before the fog came in, I spent two days trying to target the enemy formation.

Only then did I see it.

A single flag unit surrounded by the enemy.

It was the innermost.

Encred ran without making a mistake and issued a warning to his allies.

Everyone bowed down well and held their shields well.

“Follow Rem!”

After that, I brought Rem with me.

“douche… … what?”

“Follow me!”

Shout and run. Rem followed suit.

“What kind of crazy thing are you trying to do?”

Instead of answering, Encred charged with Rem towards the flag unit blocking the way.

“Just the two of us!”

The enemy soldier vented his anger. Seeing that, Encred cleverly moved out of the way. He lowered his body, hid himself in his fog, and handed over the enemy soldiers to Rem.

“Witchcraft, who did it?”

Rem spoke in a voice reminiscent of cold flames and swung an axe.

When I looked back, I couldn’t even see the ax properly, but I saw the enemy soldier’s head fly away.

Blood poured out like a fountain from the cut neck, but then he gurgled and fell to the side.

“You’ll get the answer from the next guy.”

Rem ran wild.

Looking at it, Encred pictured the enemy’s movements in his mind.

This was the fifth time today needed to encounter the innermost flag unit.

Only after suffering five times was I able to penetrate into the unit.

Encred shook his head. Instead of attacking him head on, he intervened from the side. I lowered my posture and looked at him.

I sneaked up to the flagpole.

Then someone blocked the way.

“Am I dreaming?”

The person blocking the way spoke.

What is this guy?

“God bless you, your wish has been granted. “I really wanted to kill you with my own hands.”

Encred tilted his head as he looked at the opponent who blocked him.

I couldn’t remember who it was.

“… … “You forgot me after a few days?”

It may only be a few days for the opponent, but Encred has been on this battlefield for a year thanks to today’s repetition.

“sorry. “Please introduce yourself.”

Encred spoke politely, and blood sprouted from the other person’s forehead.

“This is Mitch Hurrier, the platoon leader of the Principality of Azpen.”

Encred couldn’t remember the name even if he heard it.


When I nodded, Mitch rolled his eyes.

“This bastard.”

He draws his sword in great excitement. Seeing her draw her sword and aim it, I felt like I could remember her.

‘Where did you see it?’

“for a moment.”

Encred raised his hand to stop the opponent. Mitch asked, aiming the tip of his sword.


“I really don’t remember. “Who are you?”

“If you get hit with a knife, you’ll remember!”

The guy rushed at me. Encred also pulled out his longsword to fight.

Chang, ta-ang!

Sword and sword, metal and metal met, resonated and produced sound.

The two put their swords together and took them away, and Mitch was inwardly surprised.

‘This bastard?’

My skills have improved significantly.


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