Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 4

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4. Heart of the Beast

“All troops gathered! “4th platoon assemble!”

The platoon leader’s shout echoes in front of the barracks.

A day that fills my heart with fulfillment, the day begins to come to an end.

It was late afternoon when the sun began to set towards the west.

“To put it simply, this is not something you learn physically. So, it’s useless to just practice for 100 days, but when you see that you’ve learned this much through training, isn’t it hard to say that you don’t have talent?”

Rem moved at the platoon leader’s call and spoke uncharacteristically seriously.


Encred just asks a question.

Not only is it difficult to believe that they are telling the truth about what happened to them, but even if they believe it, it is a problem.

What if the story spreads?

I don’t know if it’s truly God’s blessing, but if there’s even the slightest mistake, you’ll have a meeting with the Heretic Questioner.

Would it be a good ending to interview the authors of the Heresy Questioner?

There is no way.

At best, you will be burned at the stake, and at worst, a torture party awaits you.

No one wants to have their body nailed and their fingernails pulled out.

Of course, Encred did the same.

During my time as a mercenary, I saw many people who were unfairly treated as heretics.

I even helped some of them a little later.

Anyone who knew would have sarcastically said that he chose to commit suicide.

It was that dangerous.

Still, I did it. Because it was the right thing to do to help.

If I didn’t even do that, there would be no reason to live as a swordsman.

“What is that leisure? It doesn’t look very worthless, but where did you find the gold bars? Are you planning to desert today? “Don’t you know that if you eat something like that alone, you’ll get sick?”

Gold bars… … .

I got something better than that.

“Shut up and let’s go.”

The gathering order has been issued, so it’s time to move.

Encred roughly wiped the sweat flowing from his forehead with his sleeve.

If I wore the helmet like this, it would smell bad.

However, you cannot say that you will go to the stream and wash your body in the meantime.

Rem, standing next to me, didn’t even break a sweat. What kind of training does it take to get like that?

Encred belongs to the 4th Platoon.

Moved to the platoon position.

‘Will it work?’

It is impossible to learn in one day. Still, I got the hang of it to some extent.

It’s thanks to the experience of being stabbed to death.

“we are!”

The platoon leader shouts.

“We win!”

The platoon leader is a decent person with no flaws. He is a person who follows the instructions of his superiors well without anything special.

The gates of the battlefield are about to open again.

As the sun went down in the west, dusk began to set.

My heart trembled.


Encred asked himself.

The answer came quickly.


He was stabbed to death three times.

I didn’t think I would get used to that pain or that dizzy feeling no matter how many times I experienced it.

Encred stroked his neck.

It stings even though there is no injury. I felt like I had swallowed a blade.

“why? “Do you think my neck won’t be able to become a jailer?”

Rem, standing next to me, whispered.

“Just relax. “It is a battlefield.”

Encred said, ‘All troops advance!’ He said, taking steps in time with the sound.

Rem walked next to me.

“Tension makes your body stiff. “Isn’t that why you learned that from me?”

That is correct. So it’s disgusting.

The heart of the beast.

It was said that few people learn by teaching.

I suppress my pounding heart.

Breathe in sync with your steps.

“Yes, that’s how you do it. Let’s not hesitate today as well. “A captain with a bold dream.”

Listening to Rem’s words, Encred decided that if he died again today, he would not tell him tomorrow that he had dreamed of becoming a knight.

It was a battlefield again.

The beginning of close combat.

The same day passes by. This is the fourth day for Encred.


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I tried to stop the shield from splitting, but gave up.

What is the role of the shield in the first place?

It was even more ridiculous to use it to save what you were holding to block the opponent’s sword, spear, or axe.

‘If that’s the case.’

I had a lot of random thoughts.

Suddenly, something flew in front of my eyes.

Without even making a sound, he leaned back and held out his shield.

Strength naturally entered my body.


The flying spear blade hit the edge of the shield.

It was narrowly blocked.

My left shoulder felt sore. It was a window. It was a blow that took quite a bit of force.

The enemy pulled back the outstretched spear and extended it again.

Normally, my stiff body would not have relaxed.

Then, I would have blocked it with a stiff stance again, and there would have been a series of crises.

My heart sinks. Thanks to this, I could see the blade of the spear.

It was twice as slow as the stab that killed him.

Therefore, there is nothing that cannot be avoided.

I stared at the end of the spear blade until the end and then just tilted my head.


The blade of the spear grazed the side of the helmet.

It was something close to a stunt I had ever done for the first time in my life.

The heart of a beast is not easily excited.

Avoidance through small movements.

That gave me a lot of leeway.

Peace of mind also gave me a new perspective.

Encred could see a gap between the helmet and breastplate of the person who had thrown the spear.

A gap just enough to allow a glimpse of the chin.

It’s not a very wide gap.

However, it cannot be said to be narrow.

It will be large enough to fit a blade.

He grabbed the knife and stabbed upwards.

There was no need for great skills.


From bottom to top, the blade extends from chin to throat.


The enemy soldier spewed blood and pieces of his severed tongue out of his mouth.

A knife attack aimed at an opening does not require great strength. Reflecting on that, Encred remembered what his swordsman teacher once said.

“If you can avoid an opponent’s attack with minimal movement, the next step becomes easier.”

It was a fairly expensive training center, but it only taught a few things.

And even those few things Encred thought were bullshit for a while.

‘It was worth the money.’

One of those bullshit words became reality.

Evasion and attack with a short movement path were effective. It was effective.

He pushed the opponent’s abdomen with his foot and pulled out the knife.

More blood poured out from the hole under the chin.

The enemy soldiers collapsed backwards.

“You bastard!”

Another guy runs right behind me. En Creed didn’t take his breath away or react in a hurry.

‘Six steps.’

Encred measured his opponent’s pace, raised his sword, and cut the strap of the shield fixed to the back of his left hand.

Knock knock knock.


Knock knock knock.

After making two strokes, the string that held it in place was cut. Wrapping a shield around a forearm with a string was a trick I learned to survive.

This way, you could not easily lose your shield even during a melee.

But I don’t need it now.

The enemy soldiers are approaching. Encred threw down his shield.


An enemy soldier holding a spear pulls up his hands in surprise when a shield suddenly flies out.

Naturally, the spear in my hand retreats backwards.

My feet tended to slow down as well.

The wide shield lasted only for a moment, but it was enough to block the opponent’s view.

After throwing his shield, Encred took two strides to the left while the opponent’s view was blocked.

A helmet is a tool to protect the head, but it narrows the left and right vision.

Encred also had the experience of enemies suddenly disappearing before his eyes several times.

I also used this technique to deceive the opponent’s eyes and bend down and throw the opponent backwards as if supporting him.

This is what I did on the first day I died.

I just wrote it more neatly this time.

It’s on the opponent’s right. Encrid first examined the enemy soldier’s hands before rushing forward. He held the front of the long spear with his left hand and his right hand held the back of the spear.

It means being right-handed.

I saw things that I wouldn’t normally see.

It is a perspective given by coolness.

These are techniques that are sometimes used in small battles or confrontations, but cannot be easily used during a melee.

This is an insight I learned while surviving as a mercenary.

It is difficult for a right-handed spearman to swing the spear to the right.

The enemy soldier blocking the shield urgently turns his head left and right.

I’m very surprised. It was worth it. Because the person in front of me suddenly disappeared.

Enemy soldiers’ eyes soon follow and spot Encred.

While he turned his head left and right and was surprised, Encred slashed his sword diagonally from the back of the opponent’s head to the front of his chest.


Its armor was shaped to cover the back of its neck.

The thick cloth and thin leather covering it prevented his head from being completely cut off.

The blade was stuck halfway into the back of my neck.

“Ugh, ok, ah.”

The enemy soldier’s eyes were visible. Surprised eyes. Round eyes.

Blood poured out from behind the half-cut neck.

Even though half of his head was cut off, the spearman swung his spear reflexively. The spear struck Encred’s right shoulder.

There was no shock. He was already half dead, and it was because he moved at an angle that made it difficult to apply force to the spear in the first place.

Encred raised his sword upward and drew it.


It must have been stuck in the bone, so I had to apply quite a bit of force. Blood and blood flowed from the missing blade.

Taking a quick look at the battlefield situation, Encred picked up a shield with a broken corner instead of an ax from the floor.

There was enough room now.

‘This is it.’

It becomes too easy. On the battlefield, it is difficult to show even half of your usual skills.

That’s natural.

How can one move normally while standing in the midst of death and death?

Sometimes there are some who go even crazier, but most people end up panicking.

Encred was like that before he suffered three deaths, but now it was a little different.

‘It will work.’

I thought it might be worth dealing with that sting.

What Encred did was not something that would change the outcome of the battlefield.

It was just one soldier fighting a little better.

There is no change in the situation.

However, it was a big change for Encred personally.

After defeating two enemy soldiers.

“100 million!”

Belle falls again.

A little bit of leeway gave him time to hold on.

“Are you okay?”

“Damn it, there’s some kind of rock here.”

It is a dry field.

It is not uncommon for stones to stick out.

However, Belle tripped over her own feet and fell.

Therefore, the bell that fell over was stupid.

“Come to your senses.”

I grabbed Belle’s hand and lifted her up.

“Thanks to you, I survived.”

Encrud held Belle’s hand tightly without relaxing his hand.

“… … “Give me your hands.”

Belle mutters asking him to let go.

A helmet split in half, a head stained with blood, and Belle’s eyes are visible.

The flash of light was an arrow, and the arrow pierced Belle’s head.

This is something you already know.

However, it is difficult to recognize arrows flying in a melee. It was such a difficult task.

Encred tried to pull the hand he was holding.

Belle stumbled and lost her balance, but managed to hold on with all her strength.


My head was broken.

An arrow flew and struck Belle’s head.

Blood spattered on the breastplate.

Encred lowered his head as soon as he saw Belle’s head exploded.

Whoop, something eerie passed overhead.

It must be an arrow.

An arrow hit the body of a dead ally behind him with a thud.

“Are you here to pray to the Goddess of Luck?”

As soon as I dodged, I heard Rem’s voice.

I couldn’t protect Belle’s head, but I did protect mine.

Of course, even if I hadn’t, Rem would have saved me.

Fourth time, it was the same situation.

“Well, something similar.”

After giving a rough answer, Rem chuckles.

His teeth were visible through his helmet.

For a guy who looks nice in his own way, the way he speaks and the things he does are extremely extreme.

“It’s good. They say the guy who shot this arrow was a hawk’s nipple or something, so I’m going to go find him. “Pray to the goddess ten more times.”

“I will pray for you and tell you not to fall down.”

“Then thank you. “Don’t forget this.”

Rem hit my left chest with the hilt and headed back to the battlefield.

I’m going to catch the hawk’s eyes or claws.

Encrid nodded, wishing he could ask Rem whether or not he killed the archer who fired this arrow tonight.

Allies and enemies flocked to the place where Rem disappeared.

As the gap began to narrow, Encred decided that it was difficult to say that the battlefield was going well.

I already have three experiences.

Our troops are being pushed back.

Still, there is only one thing you can do.

To survive.

Encred felt a strange excitement surround him.

In a little while, you will meet that talented soldier.

Soon it became a reality.

The stab aimed at my head again.

Instead of dodging, Encred thrust his blade into the flying blade.


Sparks fly in the air.

I made eye contact with the enemy soldier.

Stop this?

Those eyes were as if asking a question.

“Your skills are good.”

The enemy soldier spoke and extended his sword again.

Once, twice, three times.

The first time he used his shield, the second time he rolled his body to the side, and the third time he swung his sword in reverse.

Encred’s blade drew a short line and cut into the air.

And the moment the enemy soldier pulled his arm back again, something hit his waist from behind.



I chewed and swallowed the scream that came out of my mouth.

Afterwards, the sting comes again. I intentionally shifted my body’s center of gravity forward and tried to roll as if I would fall.

The intentions were good, but the timing was bad.


The blade broke the collar bone on the side of the neck and became lodged inside.

It felt like a heated iron was burning my flesh and bones.

“Turn it off!”

It was so painful that I couldn’t even scream.

When he tried to grab the stuck blade with his hand, the opponent was embarrassed and took the knife back.

I must have put a lot of effort into sharpening the knife, and the blade was very sharp.

When the sword was pulled out, an even more terrible pain followed.

It was so painful that my eyes turned white.

Encred clenched his molars and looked back.

I saw a large enemy soldier standing hesitantly.

Even the club in his hand.

That must have been what hit his lower back.

“It is mercy.”

The man who killed me three times said so and held his sword vertically.

That was the last time.

My eyes close. Darkness seeps in before my eyes.

Bang, bang, bang.

The sound of a ladle hitting a pot is heard again.


Damn it.

I thought it would work.

“What is the fifth?”

Rem, sitting next to me, asked.

“Bugs in boots.”

Encred stood up as he spoke.

I died again, but I learned something.

No, this is a lesson I learned while pouring money into training centers in gold coins.

Nothing happens all at once.

So what should I do?

If it doesn’t work once, try it 10 times, and if it doesn’t work 10 times, try it 100 times.

Normally, it would be over once it’s gone.

Fortunately, Encred was able to repeat this countless times.


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