Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 399

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399. Also for my shining hero

Rearvan, one of the squad leaders under the Kingdom’s Capital Defense Corps, knew Encred. When he was in the capital, he spent several months with me.

Of course I recognized the face.

Isn’t it a face that is hard to forget once you see it?

Encred came into the line of sight of Learban, who was standing in the front, and naturally the conversation I had with him came to mind.

“Do you want to become a knight?”


“It’s better to find another way.”

He also gave serious advice.

There was no answer. The guy named Encred just swung his sword. He was always there.

Even if it rains or snows.

“Teach me how to use a sword.”

He was also a human being who never stopped begging for instruction.

I was surprised that it looked so confident.

The number of people laughing at him increased.

The number of people who ostracized him also increased.

One time, a mercenary who had just picked up a sword joined us.

The group of mercenaries mainly gathered in a bar, where Encred was also present.

The novice knife wielder, who was hesitant at first, quickly improved his skills.

He was a talented guy.

He quickly surpassed Encred’s skills and toyed with him through sparring.

“No, you’re still at this level while swinging your sword like that? “I don’t understand. Isn’t it right to quit?”

The giggling, mocking face of the guy was vivid in my memory.

What was that bastard’s name?

I couldn’t remember the name. However, I clearly remembered the expression Encred made towards that guy.

Encred was not angry, nor did he fall into despair. He didn’t mind. He was calm and calm.

Was that the speed?

Didn’t it crumble and rot and rot again?

I watched. I wasn’t watching with any intention. I was just interested.

He swung his sword again the next day.

The number of people who look down on him has increased.

“Why do you keep hanging around that guy?”

There were people who said something when they saw Learvan like that. He didn’t necessarily protect En Creed.

“I guess it’s none of your business?”

It was just unlucky to have so many disgusting people gathered together.

Even after that, Encred didn’t change.

Even if I get beaten to the point of death.

Even if I get caught up by someone else.

I swung my sword again and again.

For what.


Does that even make sense?

What kind of knight is a swordsman who is third-rate, or at best second-rate?

Among those whose talent reached the sky, there were a handful of people who were called geniuses.

That’s the article.

“Come to your senses.”

Learvan spoke half in pity, but of course he did not listen.

At that time, Encred was quite famous.

Childish sense of justice and recklessness.

A limited talent that cannot be replaced.

That alone replaced the name Encred.

Leervan looked at the enemy soldiers lined up in the distance.

As soon as I first saw that group, my first thought was ‘run away’.

‘It’s no match for me.’

It is an overwhelming force. It is a refined army. They were the Counts, now what we would call rebels. They were also the ones who would soon fight him.

This is a fact revealed by his experience as a mercenary for a long time and his career in the Capital Defense Force.

If you fight here, you will die.

It’s a dog’s death.

‘Why am I standing here?’

Out of a childish sense of justice?

Or are you obsessed with a few gold coins?

Either that or something else.

There wasn’t really a great reason for me to quit my mercenary life.

I got a wife and a child.

There was a woman who discussed love while looking at flower petals and the moon.

There was a child who called himself dad.

“Why on earth are you doing this? “Your palm exploded.”

asked Encred. Why do you do it like that?


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Why do you risk your life to train yourself?

Why do you not back down even after being beaten like that?

Deep down, I knew the answer.

It’s protection.

Protect those who stand behind your back. Don’t neglect your honor. Build your beliefs.

These are the words spoken by Encred, who saves people with recklessness.

Things I cried out with my body even without words.

When Leervan was sorting out what had happened in the palace, he saw several corpses.

There once was a bastard who beat up Encred and did all sorts of things to him.

The man who had been persecuting and pushing people in the name of instructor was broken into pieces and lying on the floor.

‘Should I say he died well?’

The name of the person who killed him was Encred.

It is a name that represents Korean and American talent.

Learvan was dazzled. This was true even though the sunlight did not sting the eyes.

There are people in the world who shine so brightly that we cannot dare to look at them.

It won’t matter whether you call him a hero or a shining star.

By standing in the right place and proving yourself.


I just say the name in my mind.

I could see him stepping up and fighting. Clear. Although my eyes are dazzling, there is no obstruction in looking at him.

Leerban’s eyes could not tell the direction of the fight. However, I do know one thing.

It was intense. It was infinitely intense. It seemed as if his life had been thrown away.

Blood splatters. Sparks decorate the sky.

The guy who was dealing with Encred let go of his sword and pulled out a secondary weapon from his waist and swung it. It was a machete. En Creed struck back with the sword in his hand.


A loud noise erupted. The shock seemed to spread like concentric circles.

I get goosebumps. Every single hair on my body stands on end. Leervan forgot his frustration at seeing the enemy and only looked at Encred’s back.

He was alone. He stood alone and blocked the path of the enemy soldiers who did not dare to fight, cutting down several of them, and then he was swinging his sword at the enemies who came forward.

Something similar to a beam of light exploded between the two as they clashed.

Encred’s body flew backwards and rolled. The opponent only took a few steps back.

Encred was seen rolling away. I’m not a person who will stop just because I’ve fallen. Learban knew it.


Leervan struck the floor with his spear.


Then he repeated the action.

“For Naurilia.”

He chanted. It’s something you won’t hear. It’s something I can’t reach. I’m just saying this for myself.

I am here for my country, my people, my wife, my children, everything.

You have to protect the people behind your back.

In accordance with Learvan’s movements, the surrounding soldiers began hitting the floor with their spears one by one.

Thump, thump, thump, thump.

The off-beat beat naturally matches. It wasn’t something the commander ordered. Everyone was just moved by the fight in front of them.

‘Also for my shining hero.’

Leervan muttered to himself and struck the floor with his spear.

And Encred, who had fallen, stood up.

It seemed like something was being said between the two, but I couldn’t hear it.

Thump, thump, thump.

The only sound was the sound of the spear hitting the ground.

* * *

As apnea struck me again and again, Learbart brought up the variable first.

He put down his sword and swung the machete.

Encred didn’t slow down or catch his breath.

I just threw Silver away. Even though the posture is not perfect, it is a sword strike that bursts the heart of tremendous power.

It was a knife attack that went beyond human limitations and was powerful.

That’s how the two weapons met.

The moment the blade met the blade, an intangible pressure arose from the blade of the machete and struck my abdomen and chest.

It was too sudden and close to spill.

Encred bit his molars and finally struck the sword with his body.

That was the current result.

The body flies backwards and the opponent also takes a few steps back.

As Encred fell, it felt like the world was spinning.

Because I realized that my body was flying backwards, I quickly regained my balance.

However, even when I stood up and took a good stance, the sky was still spinning. The ground also turned. The other person’s shape also seemed to be long and curved. Something hot came up inside me and I spit it out.


After spitting out a handful of blood, I felt relieved and the dizziness disappeared.

“What is that?”

Then I asked.

“It’s a magic sword.”

Learbart answered.

I didn’t think it was shameful.

While Encred was waking up, at some point a thumping sound echoed in the air.

It was somehow similar to the sound of my own heart beating. She said it sounded oddly like a cheering song.

‘I feel a little sick.’

I feel dizzy, but is that a problem?

No, not at all.

Encred asked and answered the question in his mind and then raised his sword.

The idea was to see it to the end.

Learbart looked at the dented pauldrons and breastplate.

‘Is it a difference in talent?’

Learbart put aside his thoughts for a moment and looked at Encred.

The other person’s body seemed bigger than before.

It may be due to differences in willpower, but it is more about discipline than that.

Of course, you can push ahead like this, but it won’t be necessary.

It wouldn’t matter if we were given a reprieve of a day or so.

It would be right to give the count one more day for what he really wants.

For that reason, Learbart purely admitted defeat.

He also acknowledged that if he fights more, he will be pushed down.

“You won.”

That’s what I was saying.

It was something unexpected. Encred just looked at his opponent.

“Goddess Luck is still the same today.”

Learbart’s words were filled with regret. And in those words, there was more resentment toward the world than regret.

“But it doesn’t matter. “Nothing will change.”

“Why not do more?”

Encred’s words cut off Learbart’s words.

“That’s it for today. “I lost my excitement.”

The thumping sound of the spear hitting the ground was still resounding.

The sound of the spear sounded like a word to protect the human called Encred.

Above all, while the two were fighting, people were seen approaching.

Rem, Ragnar, Eisia, and Dunbakel.

On the other side were Malten, Benukt, and Banat.

The core forces of both armies were gathered together.

‘No, there’s one more.’

He possesses first-class and even better assassination skills.

Learbart specified the opponent’s location with a sense that was beyond human limitations.

This is the bottom of the shadow created by the horse’s shadow. There was a guy who secretly hid himself using the body of a horse.

He took a step to the side as he looked directly at him. He seemed as if he didn’t mind showing up.

Of course it was Saxony.

“It would be a waste to burn everything here. “You should know that combat is not just about sword fighting.”

Learbart spoke and turned around. When he gestured toward the Rottweiler, the black horse that had been with him for a long time approached.

He picked up his fallen sword, put his equipment on his barded horse, and climbed on top of it.

“You’re bland, you.”

Encred threw a taunt, but he did not respond.

“Next time it won’t be bland.”

For someone who said he lost, he didn’t lose his momentum at all.

Their eyes met.

Learbart thought of the goddess of luck and cursed her.

Encred looked at the other person and wondered if this was all.

My intuition told me.

This couldn’t be everything.

“The battle is tomorrow. I will start when dawn breaks. “This is my respect for defeating me.”

Learbart turned around with his words.

Encred looked at the other person.

Is it right to hit someone on the back now?

I don’t like that.

Don’t do anything you don’t like.

This may not be the right direction.

Moreover, it would be meaningless.

We know with our senses and we also know with our reason.

If the opponent started an all-out war now, our team would be at a disadvantage. I felt like I should have given him at least a silver coin to thank him for leaving.

Thump, thump, thump.

There is a unit that strikes the ground with a spear. The military spirit was high, but that was all.

Even if the momentum increases, the number of soldiers will not increase.

If a melee occurs without maintenance, the side with fewer numbers is at a disadvantage.

What should I do to increase my chances of winning even a little?

Encred knew that by feel.

We need to gain time, organize ourselves, prepare our formation, and fight to gain even the slightest advantage.

I stepped forward because I instinctively knew that.

Therefore, it was pointless to capture and fight Learbart now.

Encred also turned around. Learbart was also on his way back, so the gap between them quickly widened.

“Why are you coming to pick me up?”

On the way back, Encred said this when he saw those who were halfway between him and the main force.

“If you fall, I was going to give you revenge with the axe.”

“Apnea tactics were good.”

“Why isn’t there a single person who is easy?”

Rem was holding an axe, Ragnar was holding an apple seed, and Dunvakel was glancing behind Encred.

Finally, Acea looked at Encred and spoke.

“What a bastard.”

I didn’t know exactly what it meant. I understood the general idea.

I said this because I showed my skills.

What did Encred show?

This was a proof of saying that up to three times today is enough as we welcome the semi-knight who cuts off the pulse, and it was also an event that engraved the name Encred in everyone who was watching.

If there is no momentum, there is nothing left in this unit.

Encred created and built that momentum.

Boom, boom, boom, boom!

The sound of the spear hitting the ground rang out in time with the heartbeat. Encred heard that sound and returned to his original location.

No one spoke to him, but everyone looked at him.

* * *

“How was it?”

“It’s strong. “He’s better than me.”


“I have to kill you.”

“Do it that way.”

Learbart returned to the Count, and the Count asked and spoke in a bored manner.

The start of an all-out war was postponed until tomorrow morning.

Still, it was okay.

No, rather, it was what the Count wanted.


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