Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 397

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397. Dawn buried itself and left a trace

Encred adjusted his grip on Silver.

I thought at the same time.

The horse that was running, the spear blade that was flying.

The heart of the beast gave him boldness, and his single-point concentration made the opponent’s movements appear halting.

The keen sense of hearing and seeing naturally calculated the arrival of the opponent’s spear blade.

And cut it.

Still, something clicked in my mind.


Something was lacking.

The reconstruction was completed in an instant, and I quickly found out what needed to be fixed.

What would it have been like if you had put your foot forward a little while ago? If only I had taken just half a step forward, it would have been fine. Then the transmission of force would have been easier.

The transfer of force will vary depending on the stride length.

Encred moved as he thought, swinging his sword, adjusting his grip, and pulling it again.

Make your strides wider. Correct your posture. He swung his sword straight into the air.


There was no need to swing quickly. All you have to do is feel the transfer of power at an appropriate speed.

The blade slashed the air. It stopped exactly where it was aimed.

Conclusion, this is correct. The difference in stride length makes it easier to transmit force. En Creed understood with his mind and engraved it on his body.

“He’s not coming.”

Then he raised his head.

It is a place where thousands of people gather. The army was gathered to watch.

Of course, Encred did not look at the army, but only raised his head to see if the next opponent was coming.

Why aren’t you coming?

I just look at it with doubt.

It was the first battle and duel.

Those lined up at the back couldn’t see clearly, but those at the front could see everything.

Of course, I also saw the enemy army standing on the other side.

It was normal for my feet not to fall off carelessly.

* * *


Zalvan’s brow furrowed. He had two lieutenants. Although the guy who stepped forward now was relatively unskilled, he was also talented enough to not be easily defeated by the Knights’ Squire.

“Did you let your guard down? “You idiot.”

Another adjutant spoke and took a step forward.

“for a moment.”

Zalvan raised his hand and said: The adjutant grabbed the reins and stopped.

Zalvan judged that his opponent’s skills were unusual.

But it was also true that my lieutenant let down his guard. He wasn’t the type of person to be hit by a single blow. After a short thought.

“I will go. Vinho, follow behind me and support me.”

Jalvan was not alone, but was accompanied by an adjutant.

The key was to make it appear as if you were following along from a few steps away.

The specialty of the following adjutant is the javelin.

One help at the right moment will be enough.

Even if someone from the opposing camp comes out to help, the result will not be different.

It would not be common for someone to have this sharp a javelin throwing talent.

“let’s go.”


Jalvan drove the horse forward, and the adjutant followed him.

* * *

The guild master who was attached to Encred and the others was so surprised that he stopped with his mouth wide open. Then, when two guys from the opposing camp came out, only then did they speak.

“Well, shouldn’t someone from our side also leave?”

Regarding the words directed at Rem and Ragna.

“Huh, that’s not even close.”

Rem answered with a yawn.

There is something that Encred has shown over the past month.

I’m not worried.

Ragnar had brought an apple from somewhere and was chewing it.

I was munching so hard that I felt like I was going to eat even the seeds.

Saxony is speechless. Her arms were crossed and her eyes were closed. She was a human being who had no idea what she was thinking. That’s how she looked in the guild master’s eyes.

‘No, these people.’

Are there no people going to the main university?

He turned his gaze towards the main unit. He was quiet. No, he was agitated, but he didn’t look like he was going to charge.

In fact, they also just watched.

After Inggis left, Marcus took over command of the kingdom’s army.

His hands were sweaty. If you are defeated in that duel and fight now, you will be defeated in an all-out war as well.

If you stop the momentum, there is no answer.

That’s how superior the opponent’s power is.

‘That’s damn true.’


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That’s what I thought when I first heard the numbers of the enemy main force.

After looking at the level of training, Encred stepped in when even Marcus was at a loss for the two words “motivation.”

It’s an unexpected moment, an unexpected thing.

That was the fight that started.

It’s been a while since Marcus saw Encred fight. So he was very surprised.

‘It was that bad?’

The opponent is the five weapons raised by the count.

Even if he was a lieutenant, his skills were not average.

However, the waist was cut in one blow.

It wasn’t about luck or looking for a loophole. He stood in front and pressed down with strength and speed superior to his opponent.

Even Marcus recognized that much.

After that, I thought about it for a while. The situation was no different from hanging on the edge of a cliff.

Or maybe it’s a situation where you have to choose a good piece of land to step on in a place where there are swamps everywhere.

Both are the same.

So, if you make one wrong choice or move, you will be ruined. That’s how prudence comes from.

“Should I send help?”

Instead of making decisions and judgments alone, he asked Acea, the knight next to him.

“Why don’t you just take a look?”

Acea thought while answering in a grumpy manner.

‘I have to step forward.’

He didn’t give any signal, let alone a word, and went out alone without warning to kill the enemy.

‘I can’t just cancel everything here and ask them to attack me again.’

For a moment, Acea imagined herself standing in front of the enemy and saying let’s cancel and start over.

Of course it was nonsense.

Above all, if Encred hadn’t stepped up, we would have lost before it even started.

By operating a reconnaissance party, we have already figured out the enemy’s strength. The only thing that was missing was the level of training and armament.

The earl’s territory was solid. It was like a rock.

It’s a dizzying level of power.

It was natural for my body to freeze for a moment after seeing that. It is true that the more experience you have, the more it becomes like that.

So what is Encred going out there without knowing?

That wasn’t it either.

Even though Encred knew everything, he did not hesitate. So he rushed forward alone and took charge of starting the battle.

Acea clearly admitted defeat.

Aside from being pushed back in terms of skills, I also excelled in my heart.

‘What a bastard.’

Think within yourself and look with your eyes.

I saw someone going out to fight in the distance.

He proudly says his dream is to be a knight and crushes half of his face.

And that’s how he saved himself.

“Oh, go. “Kill them all.”

Acea muttered. Without realizing it, the voice of her heart flowed out.

In the middle of the battlefield, while both armies were watching, a cheer erupted.


It is one of the five weapons.

It was Jalban who handled two single spears. Acea could see him rushing towards her suddenly.

* * *

Encred could see dust floating in his eyes. I could also see the sprinkled blood drops forming circles on the grass.

It’s about ten steps ahead. The guy riding his horse jumped off.

The moment he stepped on the ground, the dust beneath his feet looked like grains.

Blades of grass sway in the wind. A ticking sound was heard. It was the sound of blades of grass welcoming each other.

I felt the weight of the sword in my hand. The feel and weight of the clothes and armor that pass over your entire body.

‘It’s an appropriate weight.’

He gave the name Silver to the sword he was holding. I especially liked the weight of that silver sword today.

When I look at the blade, I see that it is slightly damaged. It would be nice to sharpen it with a whetstone.

“You must have come this far because you are confident in your skills, right? “What’s your name?”

The guy approaching asks. Encred did not answer. I just enjoyed everything that came to me based on my senses.

The wind passes by my cheek. The sunlight presses on the helmet. Ah, this is a bit disappointing.

Encred took off his helmet.

The sun and wind felt closer than before.

The wide plains do not even have mounds suitable for hiding. In other words, it was a place where the wind was good for playing.

The Nauril Plain was called the Land of the Winds in ancient times.

The wind ran across the wide land without blocking my body. It’s a race that doesn’t stop.


A strong wind blew from somewhere.

Jalvan reflexively strengthened his feet.

Encred relaxed his body. The wind flowed through my body, wrapped around me, and then dispersed.

Zalvan frowned. Didn’t the other person’s body float in the air for a moment? is not it? Is it an illusion?

I wanted to rub my eyes.

But on the other hand, I couldn’t take my eyes off it even for a moment.

If you lose your concentration even a little, the opponent’s blade will stab you in the stomach.

Even if the guy who went out first hadn’t let his guard down, he wouldn’t have been able to last a few rounds. Looking at it up close, I am convinced.

‘It’s real.’

The opponent’s skills are superior to yours.

Zalvan strengthened the hand holding the javelin. Blood sprouted on the back of his hand.

He braced himself and pictured the direction of the battle in his head.

‘Block the sword with your left hand.’

In the midst of his thoughts, Zalvan’s eyes turned to Encred’s waist. There were two more swords. Even the belt that held the dagger thrown at his chest was clearly visible.

There are three swords. I probably didn’t bring it for nothing.

Then the rest of the weapons will be used in the same way.

As I carefully examined the other person, I could see that there was a knife hidden near his ankle.

The other person had his arms hanging down as if pushed by the wind.


Zalvan drew the fight again from the beginning. What if he blocks the sword in his hand with his left hand and stabs faster than anyone else with the javelin in his right hand?

‘No, again.’

Beads of sweat began to form on Jalvan’s forehead. It was said that a lot of mental energy was being consumed.

He pictured the fight again.

‘Poke with your left hand. Forces the opponent to defend.’

After that, he twists the handle of the short spear held in his right hand. Let’s do that. Let’s write down all the numbers we have prepared. That’s right.

My eyeballs stung. It felt like she was trapped in a prison where she wasn’t even allowed to blink. Nonetheless, Jalvan deftly withstood the pressure. He too was a warrior who had crossed the river of death countless times.

I have experienced this level of pressure many times.


If you move, a subordinate with the same hands and feet will throw the javelin.

‘Even I can’t stop that.’

It is a javelin that flies out of sight during a fight. He was also a friend with first-class skills.

The adjutant fought as well as any squire.

Just looking at his javelin throwing skills, it would be safe to say he was a semi-knight.

The sweat dripped onto the ground.

The other person blinked once. Zalvan flinched and his shoulders shook.

That kid? Do you take your time when it’s not enough even if you focus again and again? Blinking your eyes? I almost jumped out of the way for a moment.


Is it a deception? It’s deception. The moment he made his decision, Zalvan pushed his foot forward.

I started to shorten the distance of ten steps little by little. It was a cautious approach.

Encred looked at the approaching opponent and looked beyond it.

Everything that appears to be minutely detailed remains the same. The feel of the body is also the same.

However, my vision suddenly opened and I could see things around me.

First of all, the guy behind me is slowly moving to the side.

If you make a mistake, you will get involved. The spear stuck in the back was an eyesore.

Naturally, you can also see the guy approaching. It was frustrating to see him coming little by little.

These are the thoughts that come to mind at the same time.

‘If I lose here, it will be a big blow.’

I felt like I knew the result.

The opponent’s power is superior. Both the numbers and the level of training are behind.

The Count prepared properly.

Still, I thought it would be okay.

In continental wars, a small number of elites decide the outcome. The power of the knight changed the face of the battlefield.

The person who was said to be the first knight changed the meaning of the word knight, which had been used as a title in the past.

Knights changed the shape of the battlefield.

Encred was also here because he wanted to change something.


Why did you want to become a knight?

‘Save and protect.’

Fighting for what you believe is right and wanting to protect the people behind your back.

As soon as I picked up the sword, I wanted to live like that.

The bard’s lyrics stuck in my heart and became a milestone in my life.

That’s how I walked and walked now.

The dawn left a trace in the faded and torn dream.

Ignoring the other person’s steps, Encred walked forward with strides.

The way he kicked the ground and walked away looked like he was half-running.

However, it didn’t seem like it was moving in any particular hurry.

As I walked shaking the arm holding the sword, the sword also shook.

This is the moment when the distance between the two narrows to within five steps. Zalvan kicked the ground.


He thrust out the spear with his left hand.

Encred grabbed the silver and twisted his wrist diagonally in front of his chest.

Even if you strike gently, the blade will not turn into a ball of cotton.

The moment the blade touches the tip of the short spear, it releases force. The sword advances, shedding the power of a javelin.

I could see the other person’s eyes. Brown eyes, bloodshot eyes. Was it a little dry today? Why are this guy’s eyes like that?

Miscellaneous thoughts come into play. The opponent raised his right hand and stabbed him.

I can’t reach it. Nevertheless, he pretends to thrust forward.


The tip of the pike was fired with an explosion. It was a weapon with a special device.

Instead of throwing away the flowing sword, Encred pulled it back.


The explanation is long, but it was a really short moment.

Zalvan stabbed with his left hand and fired the javelin with his right hand, and two metallic sounds rang out.

Immediately after that, a single cracking sound followed.


Encred blocked twice and swung once. He did it all with just the sword in his right hand.

Encred’s third stab struck the opponent’s chest.

Jalvan wore several layers of leather and a thick undergarment that doubled as armor, but Encred’s sword cut through all of it, leaving traces of the blade in the muscle and flesh.

It was exactly the heart area.

The bloodshot blood in the other person’s eyes became thicker.


After being stabbed, he vomited blood, staggered back a few steps, and then collapsed. I hit the floor starting from his knees.


The guy in the back finally threw the javelin. The javelin flew out and aimed at Encred’s face.

Whoop, the air pressure hit my face first.

Encred struck down his sword.


The javelin was caught in the sword’s path and bounced to the side, rolling around on the floor.

The adjutant’s hand, which was about to throw the second javelin, stopped.

It was obvious that throwing it again would not produce a different result, so my body stiffened.

As a result, Encred swung his right-handed sword for the fourth time, ending the fight.

Jalvan saw the land approaching before his eyes. The world also turned red. Then I thought.

‘There was a difference in skill in the first place.’

The level of the opponent was different. He easily blocked two of his own attacks, one of which was a spear blade that was launched unexpectedly at the opponent.

How did this happen?

The reason was simple.

He struck down his sword faster and more accurately than himself. What we have accumulated is different.

That was Zalvan’s conclusion.

Encred threw his sword in the air.

Until then, the guy who threw the javelin could neither attack nor run away.

He just rolled his eyes.

“Aren’t you going to attack me?”

Looking at him, Encred asked calmly and calmly. He wasn’t urging or reprimanding, but seemed to just be asking about his intentions.

It is when a strange current arises and the owner of the javelin changes his mind and strengthens the hand holding the spear.

“You crazy guy!”

One of the enemy soldiers, who was impatient, ran forward again. He grabbed the reins and jumped forward.

Doo doo doo doo!

The guy who looked like he was going to rush at me let go of the reins after only 20 steps. Then he raised his short bow from his horse and pulled the bow. I also have amazing skills.

Horse archer is not a common talent.

The arrow fired while narrowing the distance would have been as fast as a beam of light.

Encred shook his left hand as he watched his opponent run up and shoot an arrow.

It was natural to capture the moment of Will.

He accelerated the motion of pulling out the sword, holding it, and throwing it.

Hung, shing.

Swords and arrows cross each other on different paths.


With a cheerful noise.

The guy who had been shouting and shouting from 20 steps away was hit by a sword in the chest as soon as he fired an arrow, and his body rose up behind the horseman for a moment.

It was a scene created by Encred’s thrown sword.

The gladius flew in a straight line and struck the opponent’s chest.

Encred saw the flying arrow as a dot, but it was well within the range of perception. Since he had nothing to fear, it was natural that as soon as he threw the gladius, he dodged it by flying to the side and rolling.


The arrow hit the ground. Beyond that, a horse carrying an archer lost its owner and ran to one side.

Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!


The horse neighed for a long time. I didn’t even know I knew about my master’s death.

The man who was hit with a sword in the chest flew backwards and rolled on the ground, and the blood that flowed from him soaked the blades of grass.

Encred trotted over and pulled out his gladius.

The sound of ribs cracking and breaking came from the corpse.

Just in case, what would have happened if you had been given just three todays to deal with that guy who could cut off the vein?

Encred seemed to be able to prove it here.

Instead of three todays, I condensed it all into one month.

Encred felt much lighter today.


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