Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 391

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391. A bastard who doesn’t like anything

“Make everyone on your side.”

This was the condition the queen laid down for Kraang. After she fulfilled that condition, she would claim the throne. The queen said so, and Kraang kept her word.

“your majesty.”

Kraang looks at the queen. The Queen also looks at Kraang.

Encrid didn’t know it, but the queen had no desire for the throne. She didn’t want power either.

All she wanted was to live a quiet and quiet life.

Her dream was to see flowers in the spring and to find the shade of a tree in the summer to cool off and chat.

In the fall, I would collect maple leaves, and in the winter, I would drink warm tea while watching the snow fall outside the window.

It would be better if there was a good person by your side at all those moments.

So, all she wanted was to spend time with a really good person, not a marriage she chose to protect her throne.

It would have been a far-fetched dream for any commoner, but she was the queen of Naurilia. So it could be said to be a simple dream.

The queen as an individual was not suited to the throne. She wanted something other than power.

Still, she stayed.

He did not evade responsibility. He did what he could.

At one time, he wanted to leave and divide the power to a noble family, including Baisar.

“If you do that now, Naurilia will be split into at least three pieces. Oh my, all three of them will either be annexed by another country or destroyed. Ah, the one that survives might become a city-state, but what did you plan to do?”

These are the words of the Marquis de Baisar. He was the queen’s teacher. He was right.

The existence of a queen was like the last bastion of those in power.

She couldn’t leave.

But I also didn’t want to hand over the throne to a bastard like Count Molsen.

‘Your Majesty the late King.’

Sometimes there are nights when I miss my father.

A gift from the deceased king has arrived.

“Kdiannat Landius Nauril, he said that was my name.”

It was like seeing the late king’s childhood. He had many similarities with himself.

It was before everything started that Kraang found the queen.

Krang had to see the queen. She was now Lilia, and she needed to know whether the country she was living in was worth protecting.

If not, you shouldn’t have even started.

“The late king was full of love.”

Those were the Queen’s first words upon meeting Kraang. I meant it. She said that the previous king had many women. Even though he had a queen and a concubine, he traveled around often.

It was surprising that there was only one illegitimate child.

The two had a conversation. Afterwards, Kraang left and returned to see her queen again, until now.

“Have you asked any questions?”

The Queen said that there was someone left who would ask the same question.

Whatever her dreams, the queen loved the kingdom where she was born and raised. That’s why she didn’t turn away from responsibility.

There were three people she was going to ask questions about.

One is of course Crang.

Both are the Marquis of Weissar.

There was also an intention to slowly transfer the throne after placing the marquis on the throne of the archduke. Of course, there was nothing he could do when his teacher refused.

Later, the Marquis of Octo was also included as a candidate, but the Marquis of Weissar was also against this.

“No matter what you do, you’re going to fail.”

The Marquis de Baisar knew that in order to maintain this country, a central point that everyone would recognize was needed.

The queen had to ask Count Molsen one last time.

If he truly serves the country, shouldn’t he hand over the throne to a human like a ghoul’s tongue?

Doing something she doesn’t like has suddenly become her specialty.

But I couldn’t even ask a question.

‘It got ridiculous.’

Just before answering, the Queen had this thought in her mind.

I think it’s become really funny.

I tried to ask a question, but there was only one person left to ask the question.

The two so-called great nobles have already sided with Kraang, and Count Molsen, who will be the subject of other questions, has become a traitor himself. Count Molsen was someone who could be called a hero.


‘That method cannot be said to be right.’

What he wants is the throne, not the country. That was what the queen saw.

Therefore, the options became one.

“Did you intend to?”

the queen asked.

Krang smiled.

“I just thought that there would be only people left who would love and protect the kingdom.”

In the end, it was a version created by Krang.

He embraced the Marquis of Octo, and also ended his conversation with the Marquis of Weissar.

Whatever happens, if you survive, then stand behind me.

The Marquis de Baisar bent one knee. My old knees hit the ground.

“Can this old body say a word?”

The queen nodded.

The Marquis lowered his head and opened his mouth.

“Make the queen’s dream come true.”


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He is a person who spent more time than the deceased king. It would be nice to have another father.

The queen did not answer. She just looked at Krang with eyes that did not reveal her emotions.

Krang proved himself. Beyond the ingenuity of the method, you can tell just by looking at him that all the remaining ministers in Daejeon are on his side.

“Prevent external pressure and punish traitors. “Then I will crown you with my own crown.”

The Queen declared.

Encred knew that Kraang had gone to great lengths for this.

This is a conclusion that cannot be reached without doing so.

Above all, I also noticed that I had already finished speaking with the queen.

‘It started after being promised the throne.’

“Please take care of me.”

Krang says and turns around.

“I will. “You do what you have to do.”

The queen stood up and shouted. Krang bowed and turned around. They were followed by the Marquis of Baisar and Octo.

Encred also came out with my group. Just before leaving, Encred looked back.

In his eyes, he saw the Queen stretching her hand to the side. It was a gesture towards a woman who appeared to be a royal wizard.

It was a gesture of concern as to whether it was okay. The wizard threw up his hand.

Is it an illusion that the relationship between the two does not seem to be normal?

It was something that Encred himself did not need to know.

“Where have you been?”

I asked Esther.

“Someone cajoled me into joining his side.”

There was no need to ask who it was.

This is Count Molsen. Like I said, he must be a wizard.

Encred thought there was nothing he could do if Esther left. But he stayed. Should I ask why? Even if I asked, it seemed like I wouldn’t get a proper answer.

just? Or because you feel like it?

Still, I wanted to ask.

“Why didn’t you go?”

Esther turned her head at those words.

Banpoon, who was reciting a spell, burned two wizards and reduced them to ashes.

“I’m not really good at listening to others.”

She said.

Despite all that, Encred thought that he seemed to be quite good at listening to his requests.

Kraang walked around and talked to the two marquis.

Words like promises and conditions were exchanged. There was talk about predicting what Count Molsen would do in the future and using the troops of the two marquis to defend the capital. Inggis was also there.

“Sir, I have a history with me.”

He said. Krang answered without even taking a breath, as if he wasn’t even thinking about it.

“I’ll give you some steeds, so it would be best for you to recover from your fatigue for a while before heading back.”

With the same smile.

Are the Count’s words not threatening?

Even though the people who came now were clearly fighting forces, Krang told them to go back.

Inggis thought for a moment and was about to say something when Kraang spoke first.

“Stop the threat from the South. “That is what you will do.”

Ingis agreed.

We had about three days to spare, but if there was nothing to do here, we had to go back.

Stopping Count Molsen? Ingis thought that was not his job.

But from Krang’s perspective, wouldn’t it take a big decision to exclude oneself as a force?

I guess so. It certainly will.

Still, there is no hesitation.

Is this a bowl?

The Master also said so.

“It seems like a vessel that would be a shame to break here. “Go and help.”

Didn’t we come this far because of what the Master said?

Encred felt a little disappointed when he heard Krang’s words behind him. But it was unavoidable.

‘What if I ask you to hang out with me before I go?’

This shouldn’t happen. Encred was not Rem. He knew how to discern between right and wrong.

This is a man who ran all the way from the southern battlefield without even being able to wipe the blood stains off his armor.

It was something I shouldn’t have done if I knew how tiring and difficult it would be.

If other people had heard Encred’s thoughts, they would have tilted their heads, but Encred knew when to engage and when to leave.

So, didn’t you just listen until Krang spoke a little while ago?

“Enki, I heard that the Border Guard is under threat. “You can also go back right away.”

Krang said from ahead. Encred nodded and answered.

“It’ll be okay if you don’t go.”

The Border Guard includes Audin and Kreis. If it was truly a threat, something would have been reported right away.

Even if all the scouts were blocked, wouldn’t there even be a cat to deliver the news?

It’s that Chrys.

I’ve probably already made dozens of ways to survive.

Above all, with Audin and Teresa, there would be nothing they could do even if the Mac-severing knight who had been blocking them went away.

How common would it be to have a quasi-knight of such skill that blocked my path?

It turned out that he was an overwhelmingly talented person.

The problem is that a guy named Ragna shows up.

As of now, if there is an opponent who can reach a draw compared to Ragna, Audin is the most likely.

‘You should worry about the people you need to worry about.’

Behind Audin was the cunning Kreis.

Anyway, after answering that question, the gazes of the two marquises focused on Encred.

“Why are you doing that?”

Encred asked back in a calm manner. He said he really didn’t know. The expressions on the two marquis’ faces were strange. The Marquis of Octo blinked, and the Marquis of Weissar kept an expressionless expression and the corners of his lips trembled.

It was because of informal language.

Kraang saw that and said with a chuckle.

“Leave it alone. “You said you were a friend.”

“It will degrade and damage your dignity.”

“You will have to be conscious of how others view you.”

Both marquis had already decided to serve Crans. Both of their words were appropriate. But isn’t the opponent the Kraang?

“If my dignity is diminished with just a few words, or rather, with the words of a friend I made in person, then there is nothing I can do.”

A king must maintain his dignity.

A king must keep everyone under him.

A king must report alone.

Is this the only way I can prove myself, that I am the king?

It’s like a question asked to the world. Even at this moment, Krang showed his will, spoke, and revealed his courage.

different. I felt from the weight of the words that I was different from ordinary humans.

The heavy atmosphere quickly disappeared.

“What would you do if I scolded Enki for saying that he was disappointed in what he said and then turned to the enemy’s side?”

Because Krang said it with a lot of fun.

The faces of the two marquis were strangely distorted. They both know Encred’s skills. I also knew about the crazy company under his command.

If they weren’t there right now, I don’t know what the battle with Count Molsen would be like. You can’t call the knights, right?

No, you can call it if you overdo it.

Perhaps Lord Cyprus would come to the south or something.

Krang knows too. Nevertheless, you must block it without calling it.

It wasn’t important right now.

Preventing a civil war is nothing more than a passing point.

Krang decided that he had to do it for the sake of his future after sitting on the throne.

The first reason is that the damage caused by failing to stop the southern great powers Rihinstetten and the Demon Lord cannot be repaired.


‘If I cannot keep what I say, who will follow my words?’

had a verbal fight with the count. When it was impossible to decide whether to win or lose, Encred raised his hand.

It was funny, but one thing was clear.

Since we can’t end it with words, we decided to decide whether we win or lose through actions.

So we have to stop it without the knights.

Krang had to do that.

“Are you going to help me?”

Encred nodded at the jokey words.

The two marquis looked at Encred and Kraang and felt that their vessels were different.

Should I say that it is true?

Suddenly the moon rose in the sky. Moonlight seeped in outside the window leading out of Daejeon.

The fight has ended and has been sorted out, so there is no noise.

Some of the Royal Guard gathered together and approached the group before stopping.

The one wearing the dark gray helmet was the leader.

“I see you.”

Sit down on one knee. Krang nodded his head.

“Good job.”

“… … “I will receive punishment later, and seek forgiveness later.”

“I’m not saying this because you take my side. “You did what you had to do.”

Kraang said so and sent him away.

That wasn’t the end.

Most of these people are friendly to Krang.

Encred thought this was Kraang’s power.

Everyone who knew him, talked to him, and spent time with him recognized the man that Krang was. Should I say that it has the power to attract people’s hearts?

As I was walking, I saw a female knight with orange hair, whose appearance had changed strangely due to a broken nose, clutching her stomach with one hand.

Seeing him walking with a limp, his physical condition seemed to be in dire straits.

As she approached, she stopped and raised her head.


Her eyes were focused only on Encred, not on Kraang.

It is a gaze that only looks at.

Encred knew she lived.

At the same time, I also realized that today has passed.

Did I mention that the boatman would be really fun?

It was recognition.

I saved the person I wanted to save.

With that alone, Encred was satisfied. My chest itches. There is a person named Acea who is alive and moving and is breathing through her mouth instead of her broken nose.

“did you sleep well?”

When I asked about all of that, Acea laughed and grabbed her side. It is not an injury that will get better in a day or two.

“know each other?”

Krang said something from next to him.

It was his turn to say that he had blocked him and had sided with the enemy, but that there were circumstances. En Creed opened his mouth.

“Junior Knight, fight well. “He’s a little worse than me.”

At those words, Acea’s eyebrows rose slightly, and that explanation was enough for Krang.

“You’d better recover from your injuries.”


“Because a civil war is planned.”

Krang said with a smile.

He said it as if it was his daily routine, that is, let’s have a meal. There was no sense of crisis, but Krang was right.

It is the beginning of a civil war.

What the count did was to decide the outcome through war.

What have you prepared?

Encred was actually looking forward to that.

No matter what I did, I wanted to go ahead and see the Count’s face after cutting and stabbing him.

Threaten the Border Guard?

Tricking Esther?

He was a kid who didn’t like anything.


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