Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 387

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387. Everyone has their own hell

‘For what.’

Andrew went to the gate with five practitioners.

In front of him, he saw a guy with a sword and a tall man following him with a mace hanging down.

‘For the kingdom?’

Should I say it’s surprising? It occurred to Andrew that he didn’t know why he was here and what he was risking for.

It’s not like I just wanted to fight.


Is it for the kingdom? no. You may say that on the outside, but deep inside, it wasn’t just loyalty.

Above all, there are things I have felt while watching the country called Naulilia.

‘Is this kingdom worth sacrificing your life for?’

I don’t know about later, but at least not yet. The reason I sided with Kraang was because I had no choice but to do so.

Nevertheless, Andrew was here.

“Stop it! “Don’t back down!”

Squire Lawford is heard shouting. He soon became the conductor of the castle gate.

The guy who seemed to be the security chief was watching from one side and was busy shooting with his bow.

Judging by what you hear, he was not a guy who rose up through skill in the first place, but a guy who rose up through wit.

The only ones who knew how to fight were the guard captains, but even they failed to hide themselves from the castle gate.

In other words, there is no one to stop the guys coming in front of the castle gate.

Andrew looked forward and backward once before walking. Still, the thoughts from earlier continued in his mind.

Because there are things that cannot be done unless there is a conclusion.

One reason he was here was clear.


Was it enough to just find the status of nobility?

Would it have been okay to just have a family name?

Did you just need the three letters ‘Gardner’?

The name wasn’t important. None of that matters.

Andrew adjusted his grip on his sword and took a stance. An upright sword is your will. It’s a dream. It was my heart.

Who did you learn this from?


I realized Encred’s life, his day, his training, and the time he spent from the sidelines.

I didn’t just learn skills. She didn’t just roll over.

Andrew learned from him how to dream.

‘What kind of family will this be?’

“What kind of person will I become?”

After finishing my thought, I spit out the words.

Raising a proper family under a proper royal family. I don’t want power, I want the right path.

So, I am here for that kind of life.

Andrew smiled without realizing it.

He didn’t know, but that smile somehow resembled Encred’s.

These are the smiles of those chasing their dreams.

In Andrew’s eyes, he saw five practitioners controlling their breathing on one side.

“Whoo, whoo.”

The biggest one breathes the loudest. It’s not that I don’t have any actual combat experience, but it was the first time I’ve ever come across someone with a clear killing intent.

Several soldiers blocked the approaching prosecutor.

There was no one to stop him.

Like Andrew, they must have been here of their own free will.

The soldiers said something and attacked.

The arm of the approaching prosecutor moved. The blade reflected light and made a cutting and stabbing motion.

Peek, Peek, Clap.

No matter how well the blade is sharpened, if you cut it, you will be cut as soon as you cut it, and as you stab it, you will die.


A soldier with his finger cut off fell sideways, screaming.

The soldiers who came out to defend the castle gate were so powerful that they could not even dare to stop them.


Andrew puffed out his chest, took a breath, and took his steps. He stepped further forward.


“Go away and don’t get killed.”

There are two opponents.

One is a sword holder in front, and the other is a guy standing in the back holding a mace that looks heavy.

Andrew’s eyes scanned the other person’s face. He then said as he approached. Because what he learned from watching Encred was not just how to dream.

“Hey, you little bastard. “Come here.”

Harsh words flowed out.

The guy who was about to jump between the soldiers turned his head and looked at Andrew.

It was a movement that made it look like a stiff doll because it only turned its head from the position it was about to jump into.

It’s a nickname that suits you perfectly.

That’s what the eyes look like. The eyes are small and round. It looks like someone made it by poking it with a needle.

It wasn’t even a thing to make fun of my face.


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This is a battlefield. If necessary, one could criticize not only the other person’s appearance but also their parents.

‘Just as I learned.’

Andrew composed himself.

Do your best at any moment.

Encred did just that.

Whether it’s provocation or fighting, do it.

He even said that.

Andrew did just that.

“Hey, can you see ahead?”

Insulting language continues. Andrew’s attire was that of an aristocrat. He wore armor with Gardner’s emblem engraved on it and carried a shield and sword. He even wore a helmet with a visor.

It was a way of speaking that did not match the outfit.

It was also the first time the prosecutor belonging to Viscount Mernes had received insults. It was his daily routine to be treated with the sword raised by his family. He raised his sword.

“I won’t kill you gracefully.”

I got angry and said something.

“Hey, can you see it?”

The unexpected words came back.

The Viscount family swordsman approached with anger and swung his sword.

It was a sword struck at the same time as one walked, and it was a powerful slash.

Andrew raised his shield and blocked. At the moment when the blade was about to dig into the shield with a thud, he pushed it to the side, distracting the strike, and then stabbed the sword.

The other person stepped back and shouted.


At the swordsman’s shout, a man holding a mace stomped forward.

He looked like a guy who had stolen the blood of a giant somewhere.

“Is your mother a giant?”

Once Andrew’s tongue has developed, he doesn’t hesitate to pick at the opponent’s weak points. He might have been more talented at this than with the sword.


The owner of the mace raised a vein on his forehead.

“Or your father?”

It wasn’t Andrew this time.

One of the trainees helped from the side. She is a female trainee full of freckles. She also showed what she had learned over her shoulder, and her mace’s eyes turned to her side.

“This guy is us.”

The five spoke as one.

Andrew nodded. He and all five of his retinue, having overcome the hellish Rem bastard and the demonic Encrid bastard, are here.

No matter who comes, they will be a better opponent than the two of you.

“Die, blind man!”

Andrew finally throws a provocation.

“f*ck you bastard.”

He drew out the opponent’s excitement and stabbed his shoulder armor with his sword. The combination of leather and metal that wrapped his shoulders fell and blood spurted out.

“I will cut off your tongue first.”

Nevertheless, the other person was still angry. He expressed his anger without caring for his wounds. Andrew responded with a nod of his head.

“Where are you talking about? When talking to people, look them in the eyes. Oh, were you looking at my eyes? I’m sorry. “I didn’t know because I couldn’t see my eyes.”

Even after drawing the dragon, I saw it as a completed painting only after taking pictures of the eyes.

Andrew did that. He dries out his opponent’s reason by striking him in the eye with words.

The opponent lost his temper and attacked again.

* * *

Squire Lawford thought as he observed the battlefield.

‘Something is strange.’

The number of enemy forces is large. It was threatening. Moreover, what about the ten people in front of us?

Each one gives off a fierce force. Among them, three seemed to be higher than him.

Nevertheless, there is room to take a breath.

‘Is this all?’

There are no signs of enemy reinforcements in particular. Starting with the mangonel, they are all threatening… … .

‘I broke it again… … .’

Lawford thought again and again. He sees a man named Encrid, and wants to walk his own path. So why does he take this path himself?

To build wealth and elevate status?

This was done in defiance of, or rather against, orders from superiors. Even if things end well, you will at least get probation, and if anything goes wrong, you will end up in jail.

Nevertheless, he is here.

‘I am a knight.’

Squire Lawford was anxious to do his duty. There are words hidden deep in his heart.

‘For the glory of the royal family and the kingdom.’

I grew up watching the backs of my seniors and wanted to protect their honor.

So Lawford, what is your own hell?

‘The royal family will disappear.’

Repeated thoughts continued in my actions, intentions, and mind, and I came up with an answer in conjunction with the current situation.

Suddenly, cold sweat broke out on my back.

So what does the other person want?

What does the guy who did this want?

My head was spinning like never before. The ear that used to listen to the other person’s words without your own opinion turns inside yourself and listens to the words you say yourself.

The opponent’s power is visible.

Of course, it would have been difficult without Ragna and Dunvakel. It’s quite a threat.

But I also thought that it was ‘at best’.

‘You can survive if you hold on through the castle gate.’

Even though the road was difficult, it was possible.

So what is the conclusion?

The person who sent him to Encred was not a magistrate. This is the moment when his face came to mind. What if he was on the other side?

“The palace is in danger!”

Lawford shouted, pounding his fist on the castle wall.

And Yon, who was below, heard it. He adjusted his one-horned helmet. Yon, a warrior from the East, loved fighting.

To be more precise, I enjoyed using all kinds of tricks to overthrow and kill my opponents.

If the desire of Proc Meelun in the Border Guard is the joy that comes from defeating someone slightly less skilled than himself.

Yon enjoyed watching opponents who were better than him struggle and die. He says that’s why he doesn’t mind taking hostages. If he could catch his opponent off guard, he could do anything.

It is a dark desire.

“Do you know anyone in the palace?”

Yon asks. It’s a serious face.

On the outside, it looks like it will fight proudly and justly, but on the inside it is completely the opposite.

Yon said, touching the wide scar on his cheek. The scar stretched from cheekbone to chin.

“This is the scar I got when my wife died.”

It’s a lie. But what does it mean to know? As long as I can make the other person’s insides twist even a little, I would do anything.

“It wasn’t even half a day. “It was barely enough time for one candle this size to burn out.”

Yon spoke and spread his thumb and index finger. The space between his thumb and index finger was shorter than half his finger.

“Yes, it’s not a split second, but it’s barely this late. I ask again. Does anyone know anyone at the palace? Then I will send it to you. good.”

Yon recognized it at a glance. The guy standing in front of me is at least a semi-knight. I don’t know where this guy came from.

It is said that the main force of the Knights Templar will never step out in front of the castle gate, so they are not the Knights Templar.

Yon spoke while gesturing with his hand, and in response, one of the mercenaries next to him lowered his shield that covered half of his body. There was a thud.

We were colleagues who had been in close contact for several years. Inside the shield was a net made by twisting the monster’s scales and tendons.

As soon as the person in front turned around, he would immediately throw the net.

‘Okay, turn around.’

Yon acted like a warrior with honor.

And Ragna didn’t listen to anything the other person said.

“What is a royal palace?”

Instead, I asked Lawford on the castle wall, and Lawford couldn’t explain each thing, so he just repeated the same thing.

“We must return to guard the palace!”

danger? Threat?

Every human being has his or her own hell.

Ragna found the reason for his lack of motivation.

Whether the guys here died or not didn’t matter to him. That’s why.

So, it’s like walking without a destination. Since there is no destination, there is no need to look back on the path you took or find direction on where to head.

‘Because I have no regrets.’

I have no motivation.

There is no reason for me to be here. She felt like she was wearing clothes that didn’t fit her.

Even if it meant forcing myself to eat something I didn’t even want to eat, it was okay.

I just realized that.

This thought came to mind because the sound of a threat from the palace was immediately followed by a sound of danger from Encred.

Ragnar found where he was needed.

What if Encred dies because of this?

‘Back to the old days?’

It will be a life without motivation.

I don’t want to go back. Now I know how to move forward and I see the way forward. Therefore, I don’t want the tools needed for that to die. In other words, the captain must not die yet.

But I won’t disobey his orders either.

Encred’s orders were to guard the castle gate.

Then you just have to keep it.


Ragna thought of a quick route to continue with what he was going to do now.

As he stood there with a blank stare, a mercenary on the other side of Yon, holding Ragna’s back, pulled the bowstring.

He was a guy who enjoyed close shooting with a short bow. He also used poisoned arrows. He protested.


An arrow pierces Ragnar’s back. No, I didn’t dig into it.

I pierced the afterimage.

Ragna leaned forward closely.

The arrow passed right through his chest and hit the ground.

Ragna pulled out the sword he had put away for a while.


As soon as there was a friction sound, Yon struck down the glaive, thinking something had gone wrong.

It was useless.

Ragna from earlier had no motivation, so he didn’t show even half of his skills.

It was different now.

‘To the royal palace.’

The steps of a traveler who had a destination gained strength.

The same was true for Ragnar’s sword.

* * *

‘What is this?’

The boatman watched but could not intervene.

In other words, the boatman could see things repeating themselves. In a way, it’s like seeing a part of the future.

That’s why I couldn’t enjoy watching it.

Knowing what will happen means depriving yourself of the opportunity to have fun.

So it’s been a long time since I’ve had an unexpected moment like this.

It was perplexing at first.

But little by little, some of the feelings I had forgotten a long time ago began to awaken.

It is the joy of seeing the unknown.


In the world of imagination, a boatman on a ferry floating on a river enjoyed the joy he once felt.

It is not predicted. I can’t see the future. Was this this much fun?

Today changes. In a completely unexpected direction from the repetitive today he had drawn and seen.

The boatman did so because he was just an observer.

I have a guess as to what caused this change, but I didn’t bother to think any further.

I just enjoyed the moment.

He laughed mentally because it was a world of images, and he also laughed out loud because he wanted to enjoy the great waves of joy.

It was quite a pleasure.


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