Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 386

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386. Being lazy even while fighting

“Geor’s assistant was a fool who barely believed in the power of the artifact and went on a rampage.”

The long-armed assassin spoke and twirled the dagger in his hand. One of his eyes shone.

Eyes full of mystery, magical prosthetic eyes.

Those eyes looked strange to begin with, so it’s no surprise that the relic didn’t work. So I was calm.

Saxony also saw a hole in his cloak. It was a trace of a dagger passing through it.

His arms stretched abnormally and he started to struggle through his cloak.

Still, there is no agitation. He was calm both on the outside and inside.

But the other person didn’t think so.

“You seem embarrassed. So you should have stabbed me when I told you to stab me.”

Monocle’s white hair. It’s a warning tone.

“Is there any reason to stay under that guy? “Change your mind now.”

It’s a woman. This is said among a group of assassins with their voices modulated. To be exact, it is a hidden statement. He was the cautious type. And she was good at lying.

Even if you change your mind here, you will gain nothing. It was all a ploy to make the gap visible.

“what? Stabbed? “Aren’t you embarrassed when you say that?”

White-haired Monocle must have been scratched by the captain’s provocation and brought up the story.

“Now, what are you going to do now that you’ve lost the relic?”

This can be heard from the back. I turned my head back. Even though it was broad daylight, only the area where the voice was heard seemed to be dyed a dull color. He was a guy who was good at hiding, half-covered in the shadows in the alleyways.

It was obvious what kind of method it was.

‘Shadow walking.’

It is a method of moving only where the shade is different, and it is learned as a basis in Geor’s Dagger.

Saxony never used it after learning it. It was a technique that could easily be reversed if used against someone with good concentration or good sense.

‘It’s a tactic that won’t work even for the captain right now.’

Even if it’s Enkrid, it won’t be defeated.

Saxony silently took off his open cloak and unfastened his belt.

“You’re giving up, right?”

A modulated voice hidden among the assassins asks.

“haha. How would you reconsider? It’s not too late. “It is the privilege of young people to have the opportunity to choose something again.”

The white-haired monocle says.


A guy who looked like a monkey with long arms hanging down snorted.

The guy hiding in the shadows slowly moved back and hid his presence.

Contrary to what was said, the dark atmosphere stung my skin. It was ready for battle.

Saxony said with his gaze down.

“I was wondering what kind of crazy person ordered it, was it Viscount Mernes?”

In order for several assassination guilds to unite in the name of an alliance, the opponent must be a nobleman.

Since the existence of the assassination guild had to be discussed based on just one request, a powerful noble would have intervened.

To put it in the current situation, at least he is someone who stands out or has power through unification among the factions within the palace.

Otherwise, they would have played in their own way.

Adding the other person’s choice to the mix, I felt like I understood.

The intention of the person who did this was revealed. I could see his thoughts.

‘My very existence is annoying and annoying.’

That’s why they target themselves like this.

He didn’t stop Encrid from going to the palace, nor did he attack Marcus with the threat of killing him, and he even left those who went to block the gate and the Assassination Coalition all chased after him.

He prioritized getting rid of himself more than anything else.


It’s annoying.

There are two people selling information about the Black Lily.

One of them will be people I met by chance.

The other is those directly involved.

This time it was the latter.

Otherwise, there’s no way he was so sincere about cleaning up after himself.

You might not know it before something happens, but it’s easy to infer when things turn out this way.

Also, after realizing this, there is nothing that makes me happier than this.

Is it Encred’s influence? He expressed his emotions. He laughed. He smiled.

The white-haired assassin’s brow furrowed when he saw that.

“Are you going to insist that I stabbed you again? Or are you going to resort to some other unreasonable means?”

It seemed like it was very unfair to have been verbally abused by Encred.

but. Just before we parted ways, I saw that the captain was licking his tongue as if he were possessed.

“You said you would tell me if I stab you, but then you change your mind?”

“That stung…” … .”

“Where did you sell your trust? “They say you made a name for yourself as an assassin guild in the capital. That’s ridiculous!”

“No, that was a stab…” … .”

“Shut up! How dare you tease a tongue that has not even kept its promise! “Even though the scars on my arms prove it all!”

“That’s not it… … .”

“Ha, this is deplorable.”

“You crazy bastard. “Listen to me.”

“Ouch, I had to do it. What are you going to do?”


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He talked no matter what the other person said, and at the end, he pretended to stick out his forearm and threw a whistle dagger, creating a dagger decoration on the head of the assassin who was just watching.

The fight started like that, and the opponent didn’t even have a chance to defend himself after that.

Is it about to explode with anger?

Maybe so. No matter how hard he tried to maintain his composure, the captain would always upset the other person.

Even he himself got hot sometimes, so there was nothing for them to say.

“I was stabbed.”

Saxony said.

“f*ck, kill me!”

Starting with the shouts of the white-haired assassin, they are rushing in from all directions. Saxony already knows that its opponent’s number is twenty-eight.

I counted. It was a habit. And disappeared.


The gibbon, which was examining the opponent with its magic artificial eye, shouted in surprise.


A breaking sound rings. Saxony appeared in an alley, in deep shadows.

One of the Union executives who had hidden inside coughed up blood and fell to his knees forward.


You won’t be caught by the magic eye, right? There are no relics anymore.

Saxony, who thought of Encred for no reason, opened his mouth.

“Hard work and training.”

This is the perfect answer to the question ‘how?’

After that, Saxony’s appearance disappeared and reappeared several times.

The second person to die was a female assassin with a modulated voice.

I quickly hid among the group, but before I knew it, Saxony, disguised as one of his subordinates, was right next to me and stabbed me in the stomach with a stiletto.

Puff puff.

Three fork-like attacks left a hole in my intestines.

Since his lungs and heart were pierced, his body was not destined to survive even if a high-ranking priest came.


What was neither a scream nor a moan was her scream and last words.

Saxony continued to move.

relics? I just wrote it because I got it. In the first place, I didn’t even rely on artifacts or anything like that.

So it didn’t matter if there were no relics or anything.

My body feels lighter today.

I knew what I had to do, and I could clearly see where I had to go.


From the beginning, I suspected that the members of Lily were nobles. Even if Viscount Mernes was not behind it, there must have been at least some connection.

So, the place where Saxony will go after killing them has been decided.

It was the royal palace, where Viscount Mernes was located.

He did so. They killed each one one by one until there were no more enemies and moved to the palace.

Before I knew it, the sun was passing overhead, creating a long shadow.

Saxony, who was looking towards the setting sun, saw something strange.

I saw a human running across the roof.

It was a guy I knew. He didn’t pretend to know, though.

* * *

The start of the fight was Dunbakhel. This was right because he was at least more motivated than Ragna. She went back down and went out through the open gate.

Lawford was already positioning some of his troops outside the castle.

‘It will end once the front of the castle gate is taken over.’

The difference in numbers is clear. If so, you will have to hold out from the front.

Since the archers, arrows, and fortress preparations were insufficient, the rest had to make up for the lack of troops with their own strength and body.

Of course, all of this was based on the premise that the ten enemies that came before were blocked.

‘As long as I hold on.’

I didn’t want them all to die.

In Lawford’s eyes, he saw Dunbakeel moving forward.

She glanced at the ten people blocking her path and smiled.

It’s a smile that seems innocent. She seemed like a woman who had just come to Seoul from the countryside.

Of course, she did not just come to Seoul from the countryside, nor did she have an innocent smile.

I just implemented what I learned from Encred.

Valenic mercenary sword, smiling face.

Encred transforms and uses what has been written to him several times in his own way.

This is the amazing thing about talent.

There is no hesitation in digesting and using technology.

Rem beat her up to improve her overall physical abilities, and Dunbakkel took care of the actual training of her skills herself.

That saw the light.


While one of the mercenaries suddenly spoke, the beastman kicked the ground and ran.

Quick feet like those of a leopard penetrated into the troops.

As he came forward in an instant, the soldier at the front froze without even moving his hand.

A curved sword fell on his head.

Snap, snap!

As I smashed the head with a chopstick, the soldier next to me stretched out his spear.

Since it was a reflexive movement that did not feel any force at all, he twisted his neck to avoid it, put his shoulder to his cheek, grabbed the spear pole between his neck and shoulder, turned around, and snatched the spear away.

“… … ah.”

The soldier who lost his spear let out a stupid sound. He didn’t die. Dunbakel dropped the spear he had taken from him on the ground and ran forward.

“Stop it!”

Only then did the enemy commander come to his senses and shout.

Two of the warriors standing in front moved. These two are quick on their feet and never fall behind anywhere.

Nevertheless, I barely managed to keep up with Dunbakhel.

“Get out of the way!”

As I turned into a beastman and ran, the soldiers came into the way.

Although they were not a ragtag group, they could not be called elite soldiers.

The Viscount Mernes Army was basically a collection of various troops.

It was a unit that barely had a command system.

Dunbakeel, who was inside, stepped on the shoulders and heads of the soldiers, ran and swung his curved sword.

It rushes forward, reaches the target, and swings the curved sword mercilessly to hit it. Didn’t cut it. I turned the handle round and struck it with the back of the knife.

pop! Take a look.

The siege weapons they prepared were three Mangonels.

The central frame of one of them was cracked and cracked.

Dunbakhel knew that his advantage was the walls. How many years have you been wandering the continent and living as a mercenary?

It’s because I got used to it in various battles. All we had to do was eliminate the biggest threat first.

After catching you off guard with that smile on your face, you attack. It was a simple but most efficient move.

“Did you turn?”

Then, there was someone right next to me.

He was one of the ten people in front of him earlier. The one who approached threw out a short spear.

He has quick feet and quick hands. Dun Bakel hit the spear blade with his curved sword and then turned his body around, slamming his left foot into the ground. He acted like he was going to attack me.

The opponent who was trying to get close widens the distance. And the other one that was following behind caught Dunbakeel in a similar fashion.

“Let’s see the end.”

Dunbakhel said and launched himself in the other direction. It could be said that it is a sudden and strange attitude.

Of course, I learned it from Encred.

Valencian mercenary sword, do the opposite.

It is a trick that speaks with momentum and moves by completely shattering expectations.

What benefits do you get from this?

To easily achieve your goals.

Rather than fighting these two, the first thing to do is to destroy the mangonel.

The two mercenaries who were chasing their feet got tangled up for a moment.

What is that?

Suin, who seemed to have great skills, used various tricks.

Compared to Encred and Rem, deceiving these two was no problem, so Dunvakel enjoyed the moment.

It was somewhat exciting.

It’s been a long time since I fought an opponent weaker than myself.

When Dunbakel made a fuss, the opponent immediately attacked.

“Kill them all!”

The owner of the one-horned helmet shouted.

His name was Yon, and he was a top warrior from the East.

Then a blonde man came in front of him. I trudge along. Even as the Viscount army pushes forward in response to the shouts, there is plenty of room to spare.

Even though arrows started flying from above my head, I remained calm as if it didn’t matter.

Ragna, with a thick and long sword draped over his shoulder, opened his mouth.

“Come at once. it’s bothering.”


The one-horned helmeted Yon was neither excited nor rushed. He picked up a bottle instead. It’s a glaive. The blade erected at the end radiated blue light. It is valerian steel.

Ragnar wondered what it would be like to take that thing and melt it.

“We do it together.”

Yon said. Some people frowned at those words, but they didn’t say anything.

At first glance, he seemed like a formidable guy.

“Time is on our side. Screw it slowly.”

Yon said. He did as he was told. One of the mercenaries swung his clattering chains over his head and stretched them out in front of him.

A pointed pendulum under centrifugal force flew towards Ragna’s head.


Before we knew it, Ragna lowered his sword at an angle and struck down the weight.

The heavy iron ball attached to the end of the chain weight seemed to be enough to crush and crush a human head.

“Screw you!”

Struggle, fight, blood, bloody fight.

Yon loved that shit. Therefore he ran to see it. He ran forward and slammed his glaive straight down.

Hook- fast and strong enough to make a sound.


The opponent hit it. Then, a Viscount warrior next to Yon thrust out a spear.

The bent spear made an uncontrollable movement accompanied by a humming sound.

Ragnar’s sword struck away the glaive and also struck the curved spear blade.


The spear was thrown aside.

Despite blocking three attacks, starting with the chain weight, the next one continued.

It’s a window again.

This time, instead of bending, it pushes forward with force. He was a different guy. He was a guy who was confident in his own strength.

Ragna struck it down with his fast and heavy sword.


A metallic sound rang out.

After finishing one attack and defense like that. Yon had a vague idea of ​​his opponent’s skills.

It was a monster.

And Ragnar.

I was told to protect it, so I protected it, but in reality, I had no motivation, so I just fought.

Why am I not motivated? I didn’t even worry about it.

It was everyday life.

If you decide to kill, you can kill them all. But you will have to do something like an adventure. You might get a minor injury or something like that.

Is it necessary? does not exist. The genius who lost his purpose was lazy even while fighting.

Maybe it was because I was too motivated these days.

Because I had been so active all this time, I actually had no motivation right now.


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