Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 385

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385. Esther and Rem

“Go away. “If you do that, I will give you everything.”

Esther looked at the person in front of her who appeared to be an illusion.

It was a path that left me wondering what kind of trick it was. If I attacked you, I was going to show you that you and I are at different levels.

The opponent’s response was unexpected. They didn’t fight.

Instead, a spell was cast on the magic circle drawn, and as a result of the spell, the image of a person far away was projected.

It was a welcome.

‘Isn’t it a great feat?’

I had that thought too. A spell that would bring an illusion here would not normally require resources.

It’s like jumping over a long distance space with a spell.

Making an illusion appear and reflecting reality are two different problems.

They say there are wizards who can do that, like Sugyeong, but it’s not common.

It wasn’t Esther’s area of ​​expertise and she had never seen it in person.

Contrary to her intentions, Esther stood calmly without even blinking.

The wind blew. I had just left the capital and reached the nearby forest.

The two wizards who created the illusion magic circle stood next to each other with their hands folded together politely.

In that situation, the other person appeared as a welcome.

Count Molsen, the person seen next to Encred.

“The most important thing for a wizard is a world where his or her will can communicate. What I will give is clear. “How is it?”

The opponent was overflowing with confidence. He said there was no reason not to accept such an offer.

It wasn’t asking him to help himself, it wasn’t asking him to betray himself, and it wasn’t asking him to do anything to Encred.

He wants one thing.

Just take a step back and observe.

There is no need to weigh both sides. The opponent in front of me handles magic at a fairly high level. The artifacts and research materials he said he would give were valuable. It has high value.

On the contrary, what he wants is not that important.

That man knows very well what is important to a wizard.

The two wizards standing next to him thought that Ester would naturally nod.

Count Molsen also calculated it.

Esther stayed with Encred to remove the curse, but Encred was no longer necessary.

Now, a new path has been opened using part of the curse.

Now it has happened.

Therefore, that proposal is indeed attractive. It will become a resource to further grow your world.

There was no reason not to choose.

It was unfortunate that Count Molsen also seemed to know that, but it didn’t matter.

Even if it was a prank, I have the power to ignore it.

While suffering from this curse, the experience remained intact in his world.

Esther calmly looked at the eyes looking at her without answering.

Because it is an illusion, it has no color.

I make eye contact with a colorless illusion. I laughed when I saw that.

As he smiled and laughed haha, the eyes of the two wizards standing next to him turned to him.

I felt a flinch. I was ready to do something if I was wrong.

As Esther lifted her arms and moved, the front of her coat opened, revealing her tight-fitting clothes.

Lust was visible in the eyes of the two wizards.

As she saw the illusion and the two wizards who listened to others and moved like limbs, Ester was once again reminded of who she was.

She is a witch who controls the fire of the black world.

A witch who fights and struggles to pioneer the world.

A witch born to pursue the search for truth through fire.

Therefore, do not do foolish things that are swayed by the will of others. Therefore, this was never for Encred.


The Count spoke first. Something similar to fire appeared in Esther’s eyes.

“It will burn the same way.”

Esther spoke, and for the first time since being cursed, she brought out fire within her world.

As we made our way out, the sun was just before setting.

“It’s a shame.”

The Count spoke just before the illusion disappeared. His tone was so simple that I didn’t know if he was truly regretful.

“Do you think he will be alive?”

And then he asks.

Who would call that person?

Esther laughed at her opponent.

“If he was going to die because of something like this, he would have died long ago.”

Was he a great man who would die without a single wizard?

‘At best?’

But is it right to say that this is the only thing you can do for yourself?

Esther thought for a moment, but her body moved on its own. There is a fire. Two wizards fight back by casting spells. It was useless. It was a meaningless rebellion.

They and I were of different hierarchies, had different things, and had different paths.

* * *

Rem thought as she ran. What did you hide?

Should I just face it quietly?


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That would be fun, but I thought it would be more fun to upset the other person.

He decided to do both.

I ran and took out the sling. A round carved stone was placed on a leather launcher, and the attached string was held above the head and turned.


The thing that was spinning lightly immediately made a whistling noise.

It was like running with a discus on top of your head.

The angry madman ran into the alley without even looking back.

Instead of chasing after him, Rem stepped on the eaves, which were a jagged protrusion in front of a nearby store, and jumped up.

The body rises upward. Just climb up to the roof and run. The disk above the head followed in a similar shape to the opponent’s spear. As soon as Rem caught sight of him on the roof, he shot a rock.

Even spinning in place and throwing was difficult, so I did it while running, but Rem was Rem.

The stone flew with a whimper, its trajectory not even visible, and hit the back of the opponent’s thigh.


But it didn’t make the sound Rem expected.

Why does a drum make an exploding sound?

One of the spear poles was seen broken behind the opponent’s back.


That too is a high-level spell. Where did you pick up and learn something like that?

It must have all been obtained by killing one’s own people.

“You really are dead.”

Rem muttered to himself and made a promise.

Even if the other person can’t hear, it’s a big commitment to say something.

As he fired a few more rock bullets, all four spears following behind his opponent exploded and shattered.

Broken pieces of wood flew into the air.

The angry madman ran without stopping, turning around the alley and entering a large space. It was a place that the back alley crowd called the square.

It wasn’t that wide. It is about half the size of the capital’s central square.

In the center of the capital, Nauril, there is a square with a fountain, but it was an empty space on the opposite side of the atmosphere.

Of course, it was the right size for about 20 men to fight together.


This bullet hit the floor. Stone dust rose up and broken pieces of stone flew in all directions.

The angry madman who lost his spear rolled on the floor and was able to avoid it.

Nevertheless, he ended up getting hit on the back of his thigh by a rock or bullet that was thrown later.

If it weren’t for the special layered leather protectors, there would have been holes in the legs or burst flesh, but that didn’t happen.

Instead, he just groaned and groaned and stood up limping for a moment.

Rem threw away the sling with the broken leather strap and looked at the people gathered together.

Looking down from the roof, the opponent naturally looked up and Rem looked down.

“Hey, it’s like a neighborhood association, right?”

Rem said with admiration.

I looked at them one by one and found that they were all from the West.

I didn’t recognize any faces, but I could tell just by looking at the atmosphere. They were all being chased.

The angry madman held his thighs with his hands for a while and then stood up.

It seemed like it was quite painful.

“You bastard, you won’t get out alive.”

The very existence of Rem was a threat to the angry madman. This is because he is the guy who will keep threatening to kill you if you leave him alone.

So I got involved and intervened in this matter.

His purpose was only one.

Killing Rem.

For that purpose, we gathered those who had been chased from the West. Among them, there were people he took as his disciples, and there were also mercenary-like guys who came solely to receive compensation.

What they had in common was that all twenty of them were candidates for the warriors of the West.

“Was that it?”

“Have we all gathered together to catch one guy?”

“I think I’ve seen this guy somewhere before?”

“This is the immortal Rem. “It’s famous in the Border Guard area.”

“famous? It was funny and embarrassing. It’s obvious if he’s a guy who hides in the outskirts and hangs out. immortality? “You’re talking about Velopter scales falling off.”

Velopter refers to a western vehicle and was a type of reptile. The scales covering their bodies almost never fall off, so the sound of scales falling off was like saying something absurd.

The gathered people said one thing at a time. Although the voices were mixed, it was not difficult to hear.

Among them, there were many who kept their mouths shut and their eyes shining.

All of those guys were ‘ready’.

Ready to shoot the blowgun on my belt.

“Anyway, those who were kicked out only have loud voices.”

Rem muttered, bent her legs, and squatted down. He squatted down on the roof and looked around at the gathered people.

Only trash-like things gathered together.

Rem, who was watching, immediately took out a sling from his pocket, filled it with plenty of bullets, then reached into his pocket, took out another sling, and put it between his crotch. I used my legs instead of my missing hands and filled in another bullet.

In sync with Rem’s movements, the pouches tied to both waists made a rattling sound as if rounded stone bullets were meeting each other.

These are two slings held in both hands. I turned around as soon as I got up.


Two round disks appeared in Rem’s hands, which were facing away from the sunlight.

It is a disk that spreads diagonally left and right like wings.

As Rem jumped off the roof, two discs appeared to keep him in the air like wings.

Of course, that didn’t happen. It was just an illusion.

As Rem let go of both hands, the bullet began its work with a fluttering sound at a speed that was difficult for the eye to follow.


Half of the group of fugitives from the West took up shields.

There were shields made of thick leather, and there were also small shields attached to the wrist.

Those with small shields believe in their own talent. Because he had an excellent knack for dispersing the impact point, he held up a shield that was barely big enough to cover his face.

The two heads of the two men holding light shields exploded like pumpkins.

pop! pop!

The sound is cheerful. Blood and brain fluid mixed together and scattered in the air.

A paint called blood flowed on the canvas floor, which had become dark gray with dirt.

The bullet was much faster than expected, and was twice as powerful as the bullet that hit the angry madman who had summoned them a moment ago.

The two western fugitives were unable to resist and ran away.


Two people fell backwards.

Rem, who fell to the floor, spun the sling again.

Whoosh, whoosh!


The angry madman shouted.

‘Damn it.’

Rem drew the fight from the beginning to the end. He starts with a sling and ends with an axe.

Here, the angry madman will definitely die.

It was such a natural thing. Time has passed since I encountered the angry madman. Meanwhile, Rem lost to a crazy bastard named Ragna.

Encred also didn’t know how much that stimulated his heart.

That stimulation changed Rem into a busy person. He wielded and tempered his axe. He even secretly learned from the corner of his eye some of Encrid’s isolation techniques that could be applied to him and incorporated them into the training process.

It was not the time to cover up cold stew with hot stew.

Rather than wondering whether what was in my mouth was made by a ghoul or a person, I was busy filling my stomach right away.

‘Ragna the bastard.’

Even now, when I think of Ragna, I feel full of strength.

The power filled with anger was unleashed on the enemy.

I threw two more rock bullets at the charging guys, and the guys holding the large shields closed the distance.

Boom boom!

The shield, made of dozens of layers of leather and processed tough rubber wood on the inside, was able to withstand the power of bullets.

The bullet did not penetrate the shield and stuck in it.

“You crazy bastard.”

One of the guys holding the shield said while turning pale.

The stones were much more threatening than he had imagined, so was it okay for him to lose his momentum here?

Can not be done.

If your mind is broken, you cannot use magic or martial arts properly.

This was true regardless of whether the opponent was determined to fight or not.

As Rem looked at the guys who had narrowed the distance, he let go of the two unbroken slings and lowered his hands to his waist.

I held the sack in my hand.

One of the guys who saw an ax with a long handle jumped forward at once.

This is a speed that is difficult to ignore. In the blink of an eye, we arrived right in front of our nose.

It is a development of witchcraft.

As if he had expected it, Rem pulled out the ax from his belt and pushed it forward.

It wasn’t as fast as using Burn Development, but it was very accurate timing.

It looked as if the other person was rushing towards him and greeting him.

The one who came in accelerating became the victim of the first ax blade.


The upright ax blade split the guy’s head in two.

Of course, a guy with two heads can’t live.

However, without knowing that he was dead, his body was turned towards Rem.

The hand grasped my thigh. Originally, he was a guy whose specialty was sticking and breaking things.

He died holding Rem’s thigh.

Rem hung him and started swinging the axe.

Boom, boom, boom, boom!

All of them were worse than Encred.

The only threat was one angry madman.

He threw a spear imitating a lowered weapon and attacked while holding the spear himself.

Although it is threatening.

‘Much lower than Ragna the bastard.’

It’s funny to see that kid dancing while cutting. The atmosphere took a turn when Rem’s ax instantly split the heads of the five and cut off the limbs of the sixth and seventh.

These were guys who weren’t even prepared to risk their lives in the first place. So you became a fugitive.

“You’re a monster!”

One guy shouts. A sea that even the angry madman had just recognized.

The moment he thought of running away, he threw all the spears he had prepared in reserve and grabbed the forearm of the guy he called his disciple.

It is with a spell that the bear’s power surges.

“Master niiiiim!”

The cry of the thrown disciple was heartbreaking.

Rem swung his ax at the flying human bullets.

Juan! Sigh!

As his heart beat with mighty strength, the strength in his arms was like that of a giant.

Hold your breath, apply strength, and swing the ax diagonally.

A hatch is drawn precisely towards the incoming human bullet. I could clearly feel the feel of the ax blade cutting into my flesh, muscles, and bones.

The weight of my body felt like pressure through my arms, but after holding on and overcoming it, a sense of liberation came at some point.

The ax blade passed through the human body.

With a thud, the split human became two and fell, grazing Rem’s shoulders.

Meanwhile, the blood that poured out soaked Rem’s whole body.

Rem’s gray eyes, stained red, shone. His eyes saw the back of the fleeing bastard.

If someone were to meet a furious madman and ask him what he trained the most for, he would answer confidently.

It’s called Darisim.

This was the reason I stole and learned the technique of isolation.

“If you miss this time, my mother will be a ghoul.”

Rem mumbled, a habit he had acquired thanks to Encred, and kicked the ground.

The angry madman quickly jumped out and Rem started chasing him without hesitation.

It wasn’t that there were no survivors, but they only blinked.

I only survived because I was lucky.

Their eyes turned to Rem and the Bulno madman.

It was a chase like before, but one side had set a trap and the other side had been caught knowingly.

This time it was different from before.

There were no traps, and the pursuers had the right plan.

You will be caught and killed in less than half a day at most. They saw the future of the angry madman and began to move.

If he remained, it would only be a dog’s death.


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