Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 384

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384. Lived

“It’s half a day. “My plan from the beginning was to only earn half a day.”

Krang said just before the fight. It was Matthew’s first time hearing it too.

As soon as Matthew heard those words, he looked outside. The sun has not yet set. It was before the sunset had even set.

‘Do I have to hold out until evening?’

I expected it wouldn’t be easy.



By slightly bending the wrist, the tip of the whip moves forward as if it were alive and dancing.

Without even looking at it, the opponent hit the leather area, not the tip of the whip, with his elbow.

Even if you just hit it, the force imparted to the whip disappears and it becomes disheveled and saggy. This was because the part where the force was transmitted was cut off exactly.

Matthew felt like he was losing his breath, but he gritted his molars and gave strength.

He swung his arm wide and fired the weight attached to the end of the whip forward as if he were throwing it forward.


It is a whip that splits the air.

Meanwhile, Encred swung his sword.

It was a lightning bolt that struck vertically from top to bottom.

Matthew could also feel the power contained within it.

‘If you block it, a gap will form.’

Even if you are a quasi-knight, there is nothing you can do about it.

The opponent hit and pushed back just above the ricasso of the sword Encred swung.

Rather than fighting strength against strength, the trick was to deflect the opponent’s strength to the side.

Encred’s body leans to one side for a moment. Because I gave my all, my balance was momentarily lost.

However, he was twisted and spun around in place, picking out sparks and stabbing them.

It is an anomalous move, and a technique honed while destroying Acea.

It was a stab called Will of the Moment.


The opponent dodged it by twisting his waist as if avoiding a rock thrown by a child.

The avoidance was so calm that it seemed natural.

Afterwards, Encred put the spark back into the scabbard, grabbed Silver with both hands, and swung, stabbed, cut, and changed his distance several times by moving his feet.

Matthew also swung the whip several times even though his pulse suddenly stopped.

The colleague holding the trident also hurled his spear at every opportunity.

No matter how injured she is, she must have formidable skills.

The opponent didn’t even dodge the trident properly.

Just like chasing away an annoying fly, you swat it away as it touches your body, and before it reaches you, you swat it away with your sword to change its trajectory.

His whip isn’t that much of a threat either.

Fortunately, Encred was holding on. That’s why Matthew despaired.

‘A partner like this until dinner?’

This is ridiculous.

It wouldn’t be surprising if Encred collapsed right away.

A sword grazed his cheek.

Drops of blood came out from the wound and flew into the air. Encred flew to the side and swung his sword horizontally, regardless of whether the sword grazed him or not.


Even though it is a slash that seems as if the air itself will split, the opponent just takes a step back without notice. Encred’s sword passed by where he was. Dodge without even making a sound when you step on the floor. As he looked at it, a feeling of despair filled his heart.

It’s a wall. It’s a different entity. Talents are different. Even their births were different.

Can’t stand it against something like that.


Despair and suffering fill my heart. His grip on her whip began to weaken.

I couldn’t stop my heart from breaking.

As I swung the whip, it felt like I was hitting a cliff. In this case, even if struck for a hundred years, the cliff cannot be brought down. Isn’t that such an obvious statement?

When will I be able to remove the cliff that blocks my eyes by striking it with a whip?

Meanwhile, the colleague holding the trident was fatally wounded.

This happened despite Encrud rushing and swinging and attacking so frighteningly that it made you wonder if he was still breathing.

The opponent threw a dagger backwards, and the dagger flew through the gap of breathing and passed through the nape of the colleague’s neck. Just throwing a dagger is such a scary feat that it gives you goosebumps.

Blood spurts and flows. My colleague wrapped his hands around my neck, and Krang, who was watching, came over and wrapped me tightly with a cloth.

I could vaguely hear what he was saying.

“Hold on.”

There is no time to look back. However, this is a thought that has been going through my mind since a while ago.

‘Does this have any meaning?’

It is meaningful if Krang is saved. If you stick with it, you will do it. But it can’t even be done.

We can’t stop here any longer and Krang dies. Should I have let him run away until the end?

No, didn’t Krang, his master, say so that he would become a dead person from the inside out?

That’s when black paint is painted over my heart.



A roar erupted along with the excitement. It was so loud that my ears were ringing. Both the cheers and the explosion that followed were loud enough to abuse my eardrums.

It was a combination of energy that contained a lot of momentum, and there was a collision that contained a lot of shock.

Matthew saw a man crossing swords with blood streaming from his side.


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The back of the black head comes into view. A big back is visible. Unlike himself, the author appears to have not lost his momentum at all.


He said.

“I was caught.”

The other person answered.

These are the words uttered by an enemy with a few strands of curly brown hair falling over his forehead.

Only then did Matthew properly see his enemy’s face.

“Let’s do more.”

And Encred says: What is so young about that voice?

Suddenly, the positions of the two changed. This happened because Encred was constantly knocking.

Thanks to that, Matthew saw Encred’s face, and when he saw it, his heart ached. Starting from his toes, the fur on his entire body stood on end.

Matthew knows.

That I could never last until evening.

It is also very difficult for Encred to defeat a new opponent.

As evidence, blood was flowing from Encred’s side, his cheek was scratched, and his left forearm protector was tattered as if it had been cut.

And yet.


Encred laughed. Even though he exchanged swords and lost his breath every time, he smiled like that.

The moment I saw that, the black paint of despair that had painted my heart faded.

The sun shone from somewhere, and white light cut through the black paint.

Matthew’s arms gained strength again.

He lifted the whip and swung it.

A few more battles went back and forth.

Meanwhile, Matthew dodged the flying dagger three times.

If luck hadn’t helped me all three times, I wouldn’t have been able to avoid it. Matthew admitted.

Even those three daggers were this powerful because they were interrupted by Encred.

If I was alone, it would have been impossible to stop it.

The fourth dagger that he could not avoid was stuck in his thigh.

‘Of course I thought you would aim for the neck right away.’

Blocks mobility while dealing with enemies whose skills are significantly lower than one’s own.

‘No, it’s probably also because of Encred.’

Because Encred was there, the dagger did not end up in the neck, but ended up in the leg.

Matthew stepped back. Now it was only going to be a hindrance.

Krang, who was behind me, put his arm under my armpit and supported me.

“You must not come any closer.”

“I know that much. “You’ll lose, right?”

“I’m going to hold on.”

“But why is he smiling?”

“… … I do not know.”

As he spoke, Krang’s eyes also sparkled. Matthew barely survived with something Encred showed him.

Still, it was still too early for the sun to set.

“When is the tide?”

Matthew asked. It is his duty to protect Krang. But before that, a wish for comfort or another form naturally arose.

‘We must not let the author die here.’

Encred must be saved. Matthew was prepared to throw himself on the line if necessary.

reason? I do not know. Just a feeling of elation fills my whole body.

I was filled with the thought that I was not the one to die here.

“If that guy had any sense, he would come a little sooner.”

Krang said and pulled out a chair and made Matthew sit down. Then I looked at the wound on his thigh.

Krang was also not an ordinary human. How can you take care of an injury in this situation?

Naturally, my gaze returned. It was directed at a colleague who had suffered a fatal wound to the nape of the neck.

“You won’t die.”

Krang said. If I just hold on to this time, it will happen.

They both turned and looked to one side.

There was a fight there that was difficult to intervene in.

One side cut off the pulse by throwing down its sword like a doll with no emotions.

The other side was like a galloping wild horse. He exploded, ran forward, and didn’t spare any effort.

* * *

My pulse is cut off. No matter what I do, the flow doesn’t continue.

It wasn’t just above Acea, it was definitely at REM level.

No, is it worse than that? I do not know. Now wasn’t the time to think about that.

He cut vertically, cut horizontally, stabbed, and curved, and mixed it with a Valenc mercenary sword.

It’s a fake breath. When I pretended to be out of breath and drew him in, the other person closed the distance without hesitation.

Aim for that and ignite a spark.

The will of the moment is the ultimate in skills trained through Acea.

The sting was like lightning. The stab reached the target in an instant.

I blended what I learned from the stab soldier in the first day with everything I’ve learned about speed so far.

Still, it gets stuck. That too was blocked by an action so simple that it seemed futile.

Ting. Tiding.

When I playfully lifted a shortsword and cut off the side, the sparks flowed down the sword’s face.

It was a type of sword that looked fantastically detailed.

Encred let go of the spark in the air and ran forward while holding the silver. I used his body as an arrow and ran.

He rushed forward as quickly as his opponent narrowed the space.

The space narrows. I put down my sword and entered the streets of Baktu.

But soon the opponent retreated. He jumped backwards and disappeared with a puff.

My pulse just stopped.

I ignored it.

Encred stretched his foot backwards and kicked up the middle of the falling sparkling blade with his heel.

With a thud, Silver caught the sword flying above his head in the air, then stretched out his hand and snatched it from the air before it fell.

The other person who was watching this suddenly approached and stabbed him with his sword.

He was a guy who specialized in picking through gaps. He cuts off the pulse and fights only when he wants to.

Nevertheless, I persevered.

Normally, you would get tired of this type of fighting. I will say it is absurd. They will vent their suffering.

Encred didn’t do that.

‘This is my first time seeing it.’

new. It’s different. All of it is joy and fun for him.

“I have to kill you and Acia.”

The man said he would have mashed potatoes and roast duck for dinner tonight.

It’s a plain tone. It is a list of facts. If the author kills himself, today will be repeated, but only if Acea dies.

Nevertheless, will today repeat itself?

“I have no intention of losing more money.”

no. Because Krang’s words were also filled with will.

As I repeat today, will my worries be a reason to blow this present in vain?

‘I don’t know.’

I don’t want to know anything. Now all I have to do is swing my sword.

That was enough of a moment.


It is with a spirit that is a mixture of joy and ecstasy.

It is a moment when one’s mind is filled with only the sword and oneself, the opponent and the sword, attack and defense, swordsmanship and martial arts, and joy wells up and overflows within.

Encred felt the condensed experiences from today’s repetitions coming together as one.

My body moved before I could think.

It was as if God was holding his own limbs and moving them.

In addition, the opponent’s movements were visible in advance.

The opponent will assume a stabbing stance by raising the sword above the right side of the head. As of now, he was just holding the grip of the sword with both hands and lifting it.

Seeing that, Encred’s left foot takes a half step forward. He pushed forward and took up space.

Encred twisted his body around his waist and threw down his sword.

It is a sword aimed at the forearm rather than the head.

It doesn’t seem any different from before, but for the first time, I lost my timing.

It was a quick sword strike by half a beat.

Compared to just a moment ago, it was okay to say that it was an ordinary speed and an ordinary trajectory. Nevertheless, the sword reached.


The opponent’s forearm protector was torn apart. Blood splattered. The opponent momentarily put out his left arm and blocked it. Then he stepped back.

“… … hmm.”

The other person was surprised, but didn’t make a fuss. You got a cut on your arm, I see. This is the reaction.

Then the fight continued again.

Encred didn’t even have time to feel uplifted. The opponent was the height of dullness. It was unseasoned chicken breast.

He used dry, dry emotionlessness as his weapon.

There is no joy or desire to win.

So what should I do?

Just swing the sword. Encred did just that.

If you can do it once, you can do it twice.

But it didn’t happen right away.

A half-beat fast sword strike was successful only once.

In a fight, tempo is ultimately relative.

Interrupting between the other person’s beats was possible because his body moved first for a moment.

Is that not possible? That doesn’t matter either.

Encred pretended to run forward but stepped on the wall instead of the ground.

I imitated Acea’s light movements.

The opponent swung his sword as if he had been waiting. It is a sword that rushes diagonally as if disappearing in a flash.

It was a sword that was just half as fast as before.

I expected it, but at a time when it was difficult to block, the blade pierced my head.

Encred hurriedly pulled back his outstretched sword and blocked it. If you can’t avoid this, you’ll get hit.


I blocked it, but now my right wrist is completely twisted.

I tried to twist it out, but that too failed. His body flew backwards from the power of his sword.

Encred, who fell from his back with a thud, rolled backwards and got up.


And he vomited blood from his mouth. This is because his internal organs were damaged while blocking a blow a while ago.

It was a slash filled with will.

Encred didn’t know it, but it was a technique that delivered shock to the body of the person blocking it with Will.

My legs were shaking and my vision became blurry for a moment.

The body that has gone beyond its limits does not listen.

Encred blinked a few times.

And someone blocked his path.

“If you want to kill me, it starts with me. Instead, it saves the back. “I think my life is worth that much.”

It was Krang.

Encred tried to get up and realized that his ribs were broken.

“My lord!”

Matthew exclaims. Encred finally stood up and spoke.

“Whose will it be?”

The opponent must have come here to kill Krang.

“Do you have to finish it with me?”

Encred prepared to die again. I was also prepared to repeat today.

Is this also a wall?

If so, it’s enough to get over it.

But it wasn’t a wall. At least something has been twisted and changed. It was clear that today was not the same.

The opponent inadvertently raised his sword. Whether it was Kraang, Encrid, or Matthew who got in between them, they were going to repeat the cutting motion over and over again.

At that exact moment, an eerie sixth sense was activated.

It was in the back.

Something flew out.


A loud bang was heard. There was a chunk that went beyond the broken window and broke through the window frame itself.

He immediately narrowed the space and jumped out in front of Encred.

Then, he hit something at the driver who immediately cut off his pulse.

In Encred’s blurred vision, he could see a person holding something in his hand.

It is a longer and thicker blade than a typical sword.

As the sunset began to set, orange light came in through the window, and the back of the author who broke it with his body also came into view.

Encred knew who the person who came in was and spoke.

“I lived.”


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