Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 382

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382. My heart was racing without stopping.

Now that I had a goal, I just had to work hard and keep working hard.

Encred did just that.

I already saw the road. Her hand even touched it. He just needs to take everything he has and take it to the next level. Walking according to milestones could be considered his talent and specialty.

What is needed is precision, detail, and delicacy.

‘I already learned it.’

Then, it was just something I had to learn over and over again. For Encred, there is nothing easier than that. What you need is time. Today’s repetition. He did it too. Encred faithfully spent today again and again.

“Will that work?”

The boatman asks. It urges us to learn despair, to learn frustration. They say that you have to let go of suffering and that it is natural.

That’s how you put questions in your head.

‘What if I’m wrong?’

What if this is the wrong way?

Does not matter. Even after crossing this wall, if you see another wall, just cross that too. So for now, I just walk along the path created by my will. The wall is a condition, but you set the conditions yourself.

I’m not going to kill him, but I’m going to beat him up.

If there is anything stopping me from there, I will overcome that.

I am determined, but I also have a simple attitude.

Because he felt it in the world of images, the boatman would have stuck out his tongue if he had one.

However, since he did not have a tongue to physically speak, he could only mumble.

“That crazy bastard again.”

The boatman realized that the conditions of the wall had changed.

What created it was the will of the person who became the subject of the curse.

It’s absurd, but it’s not impossible or non-existent. This is something I have experienced myself.

Usually, once they realize the conditions of the wall, they somehow take the easy route, so it’s just a rare case.

But what about Encred?

‘Difficult road.’

It also chooses a more harsh path.

It is already difficult to withstand and subdue the orange-haired female knight.

However, Encred set his goal to achieve this in a short period of time.

It’s because I realized with my intuition that I couldn’t get through today just by holding on.

“Even though I was crazy, I was extremely crazy.”

The boatman muttered to himself again. There was no answer. He just wanders alone on the river like always.

* * *

Encred didn’t think it was impossible to overcome the wall he was facing.

Because we have competed against each other countless times, we have become familiar with Acea’s habits.

Well, it would be easier if it were a life-or-death fight, but that’s the path I took because I didn’t want to do it.

It is said that if you chase two birds you will miss both, but it is better if you can catch both.

‘Do I really need to catch just one?’

There is a day that repeats itself. Then, the conditions themselves should be set to kill two birds with one stone.

‘Climbs the wall without killing Acea.’

Overpower it in a short period of time and move forward. Find your place. That will be in front of Krang.

Encred decided to use that as a standard.

What happens next?

I didn’t know anything about that.

If the guy who breaks my pulse is a wall blocking my path again, I will overcome it again.

It’s not like I’ve never encountered a wall in a row.

But I felt a strange premonition.

The man appeared conditionally. That alone didn’t seem like a wall blocking my path.

The fact that Acea confronted him first also added strength to that premonition. If she had been her own wall, she would have stood in front of herself.


It’s a new day. So today is the day I decided to move forward.

As soon as Encred woke up, he called out to Rem.

“… … “It hasn’t even opened yet.”

Rem answered without even opening her eyes.

“Come out, you barbarian. “I’ll shake the filth out of your head.”

The tone of voice was too calm to be called a provocation, but Rem responded to those words.

The savage opens his eyes. Gray eyes penetrating the blue light of dawn looked directly at Encred.

“That’s right. “Let’s erect a tombstone today.”

This was some kind of signal. Encred sends a signal to fight, risking half his life.

Rem accepted those words.

“What would be a good epitaph?”

This is what you say as you stand up and take your axe.

“A pioneer who explored by splitting the heads of barbarians.”

“Do you really want to die today?”

Rem was half serious.

“If you underestimate it, you will die.”

Encred warned. Rem does not know the accumulated results of today. Therefore, he will let down his guard.

The same goes for Acea.



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‘If you can’t stop it, Acea can’t stop it either.’

Immediately after going outside, taking a stance, and measuring the distance.

Andrew came out rubbing his eyes and was startled.


A sound resounded and seemed to drive away the morning fog.

The image of Encred kicking the ground and swinging his long sword with the will of the moment and Rem blocking it was frozen like a painting.

With their swords and axes facing each other, their breath rose above their heads, and combined with the coolness of the dawn, it looked like blue smoke.

The momentum of both was twice as threatening as usual.

“Sibeol, did you have a good dream?”

Rem asked while holding their weapons together.

“I dream about that every day.”

Dreaming of dying is not a good thing. But today was not wasted, so today was all worth it.

Rem also responded as he showed enthusiasm like never before.

“It’s good. Let’s die.”

Encred has already done that. He learned half-death. He also repeated his fight with Acea.

Encred walked steadily. He moved on. So, dozens more today had already been accumulated.

The sparring with Rem stopped at an appropriate point. Encred used everything he could.

“Sometimes, when I see it, it’s so amazing that it’s almost strange.”

Finally, Rem said that. There was surprise, if not shock, in his eyes.

These are the emotions behind the seemingly calm eyes.

It was no different for Ragna and Saxony.

Even Dunbakhel is so awakened.

The same goes for Esther just before leaving.

Encred ran his hands through his hair and shook off the sweat.

Preparation is over.

Repeating the same day over and over again, I could now do it with my eyes closed.

In fact, with his eyes closed, he struck down the bullshit instructor he faced again.

“What the f*ck! “Why are you fighting with your eyes closed?”

Just before falling, I ignored the shouting and made a hole in the neck, then raised the maid and told her to hide to one side, and continued on. She almost ran towards Acea.

“What is that behind you?”

After facing him like that, I asked.


“I’m asking who is behind you.”

Acea frowned at Encred’s question.

“What do you know?”

“I’m asking because I don’t know.”

“… … But why are you so proud?”

“It’s a habit.”

“Are you crazy?”

“I often hear things like that.”

“Anyway, I can’t let you go. “It’s a dog’s death.”

“Probably not.”

“Prove it.”

It’s a similar conversation.

Acea raised her sword and aimed it, so she closed her eyes and struck it down.


“… … What.”

“You don’t have to do it again, but I’m sure you have your doubts, right? Try again.”

Acea frowned and did as she was told.

Aim your sword. earth!

I hit it again this time. En Creed swung his sword as if his eyes were open even though they were closed.

After this, let’s focus and ignore pointing the tip of the sword.

“What have you done?”

Acea asks in surprise.

“Just go for it.”

I did it because there was no need to say anything. What are Asia’s advantages?

What are her characteristics?

At first glance, it doesn’t look that good. He hides himself that well. He seemed like a man whose specialty was the sword.

Starting off by pointing the tip of the sword, he specialized in swinging swords and fast swords, and his footwork was very fast, and he sometimes used coercive force in detail to hinder his movements.

‘Then what is your weakness?’

Lack of strength and strength.

Therefore, the way to deal with them is simple.

Strike with the straight sword and strike with the heavy sword.

earth! earth!

Instead of silver, he held up the gladius with one hand and cut it short. Acea blocked it several times.

Encred calmly pushed her away.

It was a fight that stretched her weaknesses through repetition of the day.


In the middle, Acea made a sound that I couldn’t tell if it was from excitement or something else and played with her feet.

Change the position of both feet and jump sideways at once. After kicking the ground with a thump, he steps on the wall, runs, and draws his sword.

It is a feat made possible by quick feet and a light body.

It was also the result of Encred pushing him repeatedly. She lunged, kicking her wall and running parallel to the ground.

I see it all the time, but the means of responding to variables are excellent.

It may have been an additional effect of having gained various experiences while handling the sword.

Thanks to this, it sufficiently responds to any variable. To put it simply, the range for predicting the opponent’s movements during a fight is very wide.

Even now, being blocked by a straight sword and being pressed down by a heavy sword, it is still within the expected range.

By kicking the wall like that, you run with the ground next to you. Changes the space of the sword three-dimensionally.

It escapes the realm of the true sword and, for a moment, occupies a space that is free from the pressure of the heavy sword.

That was running up walls with a nimble body and amazing sense of balance.

‘Then what if it’s outside the expected range?’

Encred knew what Acia’s expected range was while fighting and dealing with her several times.

This can be known by repeating today.


‘It goes beyond.’

It was an amazing feat, no matter what she saw, but it was intentional.

Encred brought the gladius he was holding to the path of her sword and then let go.


The gladius fell to the floor, climbed the wall, and rushed under Eisia’s body, which was tilted to the side. I kicked the ground low and fast.


The carpet under my feet was torn apart. As Acea, she did not have time to draw her sword and stab herself, so she took out the dagger she had hidden in her arms.

He took out a hand-length dagger in his left hand and stabbed it.

It was a speed comparable to Will’s in an instant, but it was a method he already knew.

Encred decided to bet on this.

If successful, it is overpowered immediately, and if unsuccessful, it is repeated again.

I was already doing the same thing for the seventh time.

The focus on one point made the trajectory of Acea’s sword appear slow.

Encred crossed his hands and stretched them out, feeling as if he was wading through mud.

Ballaf style martial arts weapon taken away.

Press Asia’s wrist between the crossed wrists. Inevitably, the dagger’s trajectory becomes distorted. Encred deliberately pointed the tip of his sword towards his stomach.

It penetrates the leather on the outside, but is blocked by the bandage armor on the inside.

In the meantime, twist your hands with your wrists down to the side.



A moan escaped from Acia’s mouth as her wrist was twisted.

He held his wrist with his left hand, spread his right hand wide between his thumb and index finger, and stretched forward to hit his uvula.

When Acia’s dagger pierced his abdomen, Encred’s right hand was already on its way out.


A hitting sound rings out.


Acea moaned a second time.

If the first moan was of surprise, the second was of shock.

Encred put one foot out, hooked it on the heel of Acia’s foot, took her hair in his hand, and imprinted the head on the shield decoration.


Blood spurts from the nose and face. It was bold and radical.

This wasn’t the end.

He threw her body to the floor, put his weight on it, and hit her torso with his elbow.



A few ribs were knocked out. Even the internal organs must have been a bit damaged.


Only then did Encred exhale and roll to the side.

Acea had already fainted with her eyes rolled back. Her face was messed up.

Still, if it were divine power, it would be fully recovered.

There was no time to watch.

Encred took a moment to catch his breath. She probably would have gotten out of hand right away if she had let her guard down a little.

This was not excessive, but appropriate.

After making Acea like a broken vase.

The sun had not yet set. Encred picked up the fallen sword and walked forward. He headed straight inside. Soon I ran to find the place where the commotion was coming from.

While I was beating, my heart was also beating.

Although the heart of the beast gave me boldness and calmness, my heart continued to beat wildly, perhaps because of anticipation for something to come next.

This is a place where you follow the sound.

In front of the half-broken door, I saw several people trying to get in.

One of them turned to face Encred.

“Where am I?”

A guy with sharp eyes blocks his path. What is the level? I do not know.

However, the pattern on the armor looked familiar.

The symbols of the kingdom are the sword and the sun tree.

In other words, it was the symbol of the Knights of the Red Cloak.

But that didn’t stop me from running. He adjusted his sword instead.


The opponent extended his sword forward. Encred also swung his sword at the blade that was flying straight at him.


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