Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 381

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381. I’m so excited I’m going crazy

Encred looked at the tip of the sword Acia held out.

Same as before.

Acea’s body is erased and only the blade is visible, and only the tip of the sword remains, blocking the view. The sense of distance disappears. Acea is nowhere to be seen.

Soon the tip of the sword began to shake.

Was this from the beginning?


‘Because you were inspired by my words?’

It sounded like he was telling me to prove it.

Calmed breathing, a wall to overcome without killing, the boatman’s words, the tip of a shaky sword.

The shaking point is divided. There appeared to be several.

I imagined knocking them out one by one.

The confidence I put out was all different.

It became Rem, it became Ragnar, it became Saxony.

As I dealt with the point of my sword like that, I could clearly feel the characteristics of those I imitated. It was a learning process, so it was natural.

Rem’s method was to hang out and have fun.

The plan was to clear Saxony before the game was even set and then face them only on their own stage.

It was as if Ragna covered up the will shown by his opponent with his own will.

Encred followed suit one by one.

I repeated it over and over again over three hundred times today.

They all seem different but the same.

Why can Rem or Ragna do that?

‘It’s a feeling.’

This is possible because we have a detailed and precise sense.

It may be in the form of five senses like Saxony, or it may only be activated when holding a sword like Ragna, but the conclusion is the same.

Encred developed a sense of precision. That’s how it went around and came to the starting point.

“This bastard?”

Acea opens her mouth. The sound rang in my ears. The spots in Encred’s eyes disappeared and everything seemed to blur. It was natural.

Because Encred closed his eyes.

Darkness has come. Soon, I swung the sword, feeling everything through sound, touch, and sixth sense.

Strike diagonally, using the left foot as the axis and using the elasticity of the entire body to transmit the power to rotate the waist. It felt like the blade was falling out of thin air.

“Is that going to work!”

Acea shouted, drew her sword, and took a defensive stance. She makes a simple diagonal slash, but you can’t block it with the tip of her sword. Because there is no point in pointing the tip of your sword at those who are not watching.

For an instant, Encred’s blade accelerated as if it was stretching.


To attack, you need to hit the right target, but the change in speed made that difficult.

Encred made that change, but Acia instantly twisted her wrist and threw the sword away.

If they couldn’t stop it even to this extent, the name Semi-Knight and the Order of the Red Cloak would have been a waste.

Encred pulled the thrown sword back with force and struck it down.


Acea stepped back.

When Encred opened his eyes, Acia took up her stance again, aiming the tip of her sword.

“Do you not want to admit that you are broken?”

Encred asked as he lowered his sword.

“Try again.”

Acea said.

There was no need to close your eyes. Encred deliberately blurred the focus of his eyes. If you leave only a blurry image, your concentration will be disrupted. Aiming the tip of the sword was a circular sword that took advantage of the opponent’s concentration.

In other words, this was enough.

It was enough to replace the lack of vision with other senses.


Encred twisted his wrist in a downward posture and raised it upward. His sword soared like lightning. Acea couldn’t ignore it so she blocked it. Holding her sword horizontally, she blocked, and by running backwards, En Creed’s ignorant strength was unleashed.

The blade met the blade and then separated. Sparks flew between the two along with the sound of the ground.

It is a force that shocks the entire body even when it is released. Acea knew well that she could not defeat her opponent through force.

Encred’s half-blurred eyes came into focus.

“Once more?”

And asked.

“… … What are you?”

It was something Acea could not understand.

They say once can be dismissed as a coincidence, but twice?

In fact, I realized it the first time.

Encred broke the point of his sword.

But how is this possible?

During the sparring, it was difficult to even deal with them, let alone find a solution.

The level of perfection of the technology was insufficient, and there was a lack of experience dealing with this type of technology in the first place.

But this is something.

It seemed like he trained separately hundreds of times, aiming only at his own sword.

It feels like a well-timed attack. That touched Acia’s heart.

‘I feel distracted.’


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The moment she realized, Acea gathered her strength. She evened out her breathing.

If your mind is distracted, you lose momentum. So Acea ignored it. No, it broadened her mind into the realm of understanding.

“good. “Isn’t this the ridiculous talent Ruagarnet was talking about?”

“I was lucky.”

This is a common excuse. That sounded like a provocation. One corner of Acea’s mouth rose.

“Have you often heard that what you say is unlucky?”


“huh. “You’re unlucky.”

“Thank you for the compliment.”

Words cannot press Encred. Even among the knights, it was rare for someone to use his tongue this much.

Acea used her sword to speak instead of her tongue.

Because you don’t just have to point the tip of your sword at yourself.

‘Even if the skill is broken, the proficiency level does not increase immediately.’

That is the truth. However, even before the ten sums passed, Acea’s common sense was shaken and cracked.

Because Encred’s technology showed unprecedented perfection.

Swordsmanship, which had previously lacked precision, became more delicate.

For example, the gap in technique for spilling and immediately striking away has become smaller than before. In the past, I would bend my wrist excessively to give the opponent time to prepare, but not anymore.

Everything was appropriate, from the angle at which the wrist was bent to the amount of force used to push off. Precision was evident.


Should I say that it is a talent that makes one’s tongue tremble?

This level of talent is greater than that of those who are called seniors within the knights.

Acea saw the sword bending like a snake as it stabbed her, and had to use her feet to dodge it.

Response has become faster than before and the sense of timing has also improved.

It’s not just about breaking the tip of the sword.


Where did you end up swinging a sword to death for months on end with a good teacher?

Although it was a series of surprises, Acea regained her composure.

“What is Will?”

It is heart, belief, and will.

How can someone who is broken in his heart win in real life?

Control your distractions based on the teacher’s words. Acea did just that.

This was something that worked even in Encred’s current situation.

Because he made up his mind by saying that he did not want to kill Acea.

Asia did it in real time.

As expected, the driver’s mindset was different.


With enthusiasm, I shake off all the distracting thoughts. Thrust the sword in your right hand with the force of rotating your right foot.

It is Will’s third skill following Coercion and Phantom Sword.

High-speed thrust.

It is a similar technique to Encred’s Instant Will.

It was one of the basic skills of the Knights.

Because speed is always true.


Encred took the stab with the side of his gladius.

This was also done using the will of the moment.

‘This too.’

In the past, when we sparred, even if we used Will, we used it in a snap, one by one.

The dividing point was clear. When writing Instant Will, I needed to prepare in advance. That’s what happened.

But not now.

“Do you want to stop that?”

“If you think it’s a coincidence, try harder.”

Before we know it, both of us are smiling. Encrid said and swung her sword down, and Aesia pretended to block with her level, but then she dodged it with a swish.

As the sword loses its way and strikes, it is another high-speed thrust.

Encred twisted his body. The tip of his sword barely grazed his cheek.

The outer skin was torn and blood splattered out.

They clash and swing their swords and compete. En Creed surpassed Aesia’s aim with the tip of her sword, but failed to completely subdue her.

To be precise, it was at the level of a draw.

If they had decided to kill each other, either of them could have died, but neither of them had the intention to do so.

So I ended up exhausted and hurt.

Encred was stabbed in the upper left arm and could not raise his arm, and Acea received a large cut on her calf, which reduced her mobility.

Asia asked when he stopped his sword for a moment after taking a few steps away.

“What are you, really?”

I ask and open my mouth again. She did not hide her absurd feeling.

“No, shit, why are you laughing?”

Through Acia’s vision, she saw Encred with a smile on his face.

Because it was just absurd.

There is a degree of enjoyment in the fight itself. The fact that you can smile even in this situation means that something is broken in your head.

The sun is already setting. The sunlight shining outside the window disappeared and the sunset began to approach.

Acea frowned. Even then, Encred was still smiling.

‘Did you go crazy during the fight?’

I really didn’t know that could be the case.

Seeing Acia like that, Encred opened his mouth.

“I’m so excited I feel like I’m going to die.”


What do you mean?

Encred’s eyes seemed to contain the missing sunlight. There was a light in his eyes created by passion and enthusiasm.

Just like that, he opened his mouth.

“I’m going crazy because I’m so happy that there’s a way to go higher.”

I’m serious. It is pure joy without any impurities.

Encred has a sense of detail that goes beyond the sense of avoidance and attack.

Even though the techniques he had learned improved step by step, he was unable to completely subdue Acea.

That was why.

There was a way to go further, to train further, to climb further, because I could see it and my fingertips could reach it.

I was so happy about that.

“You crazy bastard.”

Acea also sincerely defined the identity of the other person.

It was a phrase I often heard.

* * *

“That’s not a wall.”

A boatman appears in a dream. It seemed like I was more free these days than before.

I couldn’t even answer. Because it’s a dream. Because it’s almost like an afterimage that passes by for a moment.

However, it is an afterimage that remains vivid in my memory.

I felt like I had to follow the boatman’s words no matter what.

“Kill her.”

It seems like someone gives an order and you have to follow it.

Encred refreshingly ignored everything.

“It’s a very good morning.”

Even before the sun rose, Encred went outside, muttering to himself.

Rem, who had woken up from sleep, opened his eyes and tilted his head to look at the back.

“Why are you going crazy this morning?”

The uneasy air has been spreading since last night, so what good is there?

Rem’s words had that meaning, but Encred didn’t care.

Furthermore, train your body using isolation techniques. The thoughts were organized one by one and came to a conclusion.

These are my thoughts on things about walls.

The wall is a condition.

If the condition is to kill the stabbing pervert.

There were times when simply surviving was a condition.

There were times when receiving the knight’s sword was itself a condition.

Was there one path in all these days?

It wasn’t.

So it was the same this time too.

No matter what the boatman said, Encred did as he was told.

So, do whatever you want.

After a while, Esther changed into human form and said, Encred saw that and said.

“Melon when it comes.”

Melon is a rare fruit that comes from the south. It was difficult to find on this continent.

“The condition is getting worse every day.”

Esther spoke and moved indifferently. I come to the conclusion that it is impossible to understand that person.

“Why are you so excited? “Do you think it’s going to fly away?”

We haven’t seen each other for a day or two. Rem could see that his captain was more excited than ever before.

Saxony also noticed this and looked at it with strange eyes. Dunbakel’s eyes kept losing focus as he was thinking about something, and Ragna was not a person who was naturally interested in such things.

It seemed exciting. It’s natural.

There was a heavy weight hanging from my heart, but it disappeared.

If you put on a sandbag and then take it off, doesn’t that make your body feel lighter?

I could see a path to get there, and walking that path was very enjoyable.

“Ah, my heart starts pounding when I think about knocking someone down.”

Encred said.

Of course, Rem couldn’t understand what he was saying, but he didn’t argue.

A magistrate soon appeared, and I only asked as I watched him hit his head and knock him unconscious.

“You mean to beat this guy up?”

Did you know that the magistrate was coming?

This is the meaning contained in Rem’s question.

Encred laughed.


Because the person he was going to beat up was a female knight with orange hair.


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