Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 380

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380. I don’t like it

The boatman continued:

“It will only end if you kill me with your own hands.”

It was said that this wall would not end without killing Acea.


Encred asked back without realizing it.

“We gave clues from the beginning.”

At the boatman’s words, Encred closed his eyes for a moment and fell into thought.

‘What happened to Acea on the other side of the hallway?’

would have died maybe.

It’s just a guess, but it feels close to certainty.

So, does Asia’s death itself become a trigger and cause today to repeat itself?

Encred recalled the death of Acea, whom he saw in the first day.

“That’s right.”

The boatman answered as if reading my mind.

Encred instinctively felt that there was not a single lie in what the boatman said just now.

In the first place, the boatman had never lied to himself.

I said everything correctly. However, she just didn’t listen to it straight away.

“Kill it. Then it will pass.”

As I spoke, my vision became blurred.

The boatman’s voice was heard once more beyond the blurred vision.

“Enjoy this too.”

It was a statement full of anticipation.

Encred opened his eyes. It was a new day.

‘Should I kill him?’

The boatman said that it was a wall and that we had to overcome it.

It was dawn before dawn. Encred moved as usual. Go outside and move your body. It is a technique of isolation. And then I got lost in thought.

If you move your body, your head will work better.

‘Should I kill him?’

The same question lingered in my mind.

Encred couldn’t concentrate. Even though he recognized it himself, he couldn’t do anything about it.


Ask why. There doesn’t seem to be an answer. The time to worry became longer.

In the middle, Andrew came and said something, but he answered roughly and continued his monotonous movements.

That’s how I started today, with all my thoughts stuck.

“this guy!”

After meeting the magistrate, I repeat as if I were repeating what I had repeated countless times before today.

‘If you kill it, you will overcome it.’

The answer has been decided. It’s clear. Then it’s enough to get over it. Has there been one or two people who have died by my hands so far?

In the era of war, murder could not even be considered a crime.

Acea blocked my path.

She is a member of the Order and a quasi-knight. She will know that if she confronts someone, she could die. She must have been prepared for that much.

So just kill it.

“Kill it. Then it will pass.”

I heard hallucinations. The sound of the boatman’s words remained and echoed in my ears.

Faced with Acia, of course I didn’t get the same opportunity as before. There were too many distracting thoughts. You can’t press it with your skill.

“You’re out of breath. If you don’t want to fight, go back.”

When you reach the level of a semi-knight, you can use Will’s pieces. That is a part of willpower. A person with a complicated mind was bound to have a messy sword as well.

Acea pinched it.

“I don’t like that.”

He quickly responds to the person he pinched and draws his sword again. Hold on with finesse and swing reflexively. Just like that, one day passed by.

Today I couldn’t kill Asia, but Asia couldn’t kill Encred either.

A day that feels meaningless.

A sense of guilt that arises from wasting time in vain.

Things like that fill my heart.

Although it was only once, today was a day where I surrendered myself to familiarity rather than struggling and struggling.

It felt like someone was hitting his head behind him.

No, I actually beat him up.


“… … “I think I need to explain what this is.”

Encred asked in the same position he was in after being hit in the back of the head. With the neck bent.

“Just looking at it, I guess it was because a curse was planted in my head. “For such a curse, my palm is both medicine and divinity.”

Rem said, raising his palms to the sky. Sunlight shone on his palms.

“Bless the young divinity in the hands of this body.”

This is a crazy kid doing crazy things.

“… … “Why do I buy that?”

Saxony rarely says a word.

“If you want to be beaten, come at me.”


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Ragnar personally informed her that he intended to kill Rem.

“Shut up about things you don’t know anything about.”

Rem accepts. This is what I think when I see that.

Should I just kill this bastard? I might have felt a little more at ease if I had told him to kill Rem instead of Acia.

Of course, he’s not the kind of guy who’s willing to kill you.

If they actually tell me to kill Rem, I have no intention of following that… … .

A thunderbolt struck my head. The impact of his blow went through his skull and into his brain.

“A curse?”

So this is what came out.

“Don’t think about useless things.”

Rem said, pretending to poke his head with his index finger.

“Can you make it complicated?”


An exclamation came out.

Why did I feel guilty for spending the day in vain?

Why didn’t I have the best day today?

It was as if his arms and legs were tied with chains.

The chain began with the words of a boatman.

“If you kill me, you will overcome it.”

Because I didn’t like that proposition.

My heart didn’t move.

I knew I had to kill him, but I didn’t want to. I didn’t want to do that. So my mind doesn’t work.

This wall was not built by killing Acea. I decided to do so.

Encred opened his mouth with sincerity and sincerity.


It was just two letters.

It was just a statement that cut both the front and the back.

But there was sincerity in it.

If words can contain power, it is only when they come out of the mouth of someone who shows it through action.

Every day, today, and everything that Encred has experienced so far gives strength to his words.

So there is resonance.

It rang. Words spoken with one heart go beyond one’s own heart and into the hearts of everyone around him.

Rem scratched his head with his finger and said.

“Then you can continue.”

If they say they hate it that much, how can I stop them?

There is no perfect person in the world. There must have been moments when my captain needed to think like that.

“okay. hate.”

Encred said with a smile.

“I said I understand.”


Smile brightly, make eye contact, and speak.

“Oh sir. “I knew.”


“No, I said you knew?”


“I understand, I was wrong. “Galgishu.”

Rem sticks out the back of his head. Encred looked at it and said.



Then I laughed.

That’s not what I said to him. It was none of his business.

Whether today is repeated or not, what does Rem’s misunderstanding matter?

He’s someone I’ll soon forget.

Today repeats itself again. I held on and held on the same way. This time, there was a chance to kill Acea, but he let it happen.

The boatman appeared in my dream again. He said.

“You must have said it to me.”


Encred nodded.

“Then you will be trapped in today. Do you think that’s better? “Are you going to give up your dream to save one person just because you were meant to be?”

The boatman told his dream.

His words were sharp blades. The blow was aimed at his heart.

However, Encred’s heart was wrapped in Frog’s breastplate, so his blade was blocked.

“All you have to do is completely suppress it and then go.”


Encred’s dream is to become a knight.

That too is chivalry with an old-fashioned idea.

What he learned about knights was poetry and song.

That was the standard. It’s a line. It’s a belief. It is an oath to protect the weak and colleagues.

Didn’t you tell the marquis too?

“I came to reduce the number of monsters and reduce the number of monsters. I have come to protect those who know how to care for themselves. I have come to punish those who persecute others by force. “I came because I wanted to protect the weak and protect the dreams of those who have dreams.”

Acea has a situation. That was something she vaguely felt throughout this day, which she repeated countless times.

“I’m not going to kill you, I’m going to subdue you.”

“Do you think that will work?”

What else can’t be done?

Encred spoke with his eyes and the boatman said nothing more.

I close my eyes again and open them. Even though it was the same today, there was a change in mindset. It would be more accurate to say that I had a goal.

Rather than killing Acea, he subdues her. He decided to do so. He decided so.

I don’t like killing.

You crazy bastard.

I heard the boatman’s auditory hallucination again, but this time I ignored it.

That’s how we face the day again, starting with the magistrate and ending with Acea.

Two hundred and forty more days passed like that.

* * *


Acea reacted to the words just spoken.

“I’m asking why you’re doing that, why are you blocking my way?”

The sea felt from the beginning. Is Acea here because she wants to?

‘Half and half.’

If they really turn into enemies, all you have to do is knock them down and watch them die. But it doesn’t. Block your path again. He says there is no need to kill, but he risks his life on it.

Before he died, he also talked about his younger brother. I remember that.

More than anything, there is something I feel while sharing the sword.

Things I saw, heard, and judged over and over again today.

Encred mixed everything up in his head. The task of untangling and organizing things neatly continued in silence.

As Kreis always said, Encred had an innate sense of intuition and intuition.

“Has your brother been taken hostage?”

Acea’s hand twitched. I know this because I have competed with it before. He was not a great man who could be swayed by a few words or provocations.

Still, the reaction is extraordinary. Her existence as a younger sibling must mean a lot to her.

As soon as the words were finished, something resembling life flowed from Acia’s body. It is a much more dense energy than what has been seen before. The intimidation was automatically triggered and pressure was applied.

It was natural that the Will of Rejection within Encred’s body would be activated.

Shaking off the intimidation, I puffed out my chest and looked.

Then, Acea’s momentum broke down.

No, the momentum was the same, but the intense life had faded.

The spirit of wanting to kill was replaced by the spirit of fighting.

“Yeah, there’s no way you would have gotten involved with those bastards. “How did you know?”


“… … Anyway, my head is working fine.”

Acea remembered talking about her younger brother while staying at Andrew’s mansion.

It’s probably a guess based on that.

Of course, because I repeated today, I learned it relatively easily. It was impossible for Acea to know.

“That’s half of it.”

Acea continues to speak. Encred also thought she wasn’t here just because of a hostage.

She might have had other options.

But what is the reason for blocking the way forward like this?

“What about the other half?”

Acea muttered her mouth a few times, then exhaled and spoke.

It was a more lively reaction than any other day.

“If you don’t want to die, go back, that’s all I have to say.”

It was a tone that suppressed liveliness and spoke stiffly.

“why? If I go, will I just die?”

This is just a guess, but I got it right again.

“Have you mastered mind reading? “Then it’s difficult.”

“That’s not it.”

All I know is that I repeat this day over and over again. Behind Acea, there is a person who breaks the vein.

What are your skills? It will be at the level of Rem and Ragna. Otherwise, no matter how tired you are, you won’t be able to catch Acea that easily. Maybe that’s why Acea keeps dying.

The first thing you need to do is to get there.

Encred adjusted his sword and held it. When Acea saw that, the shaking in her eyes stopped. She said.

“Just go back. “It’s half a favor.”

Is it half again?

Encred looked into his eyes and asked, thinking.


“It’s a threat.”

Encred nodded.

“I respect your judgment. Associate knight, Acea.”

I’m serious. As always, these were sincere words.

Because I respect the other person’s judgment, I really respect it more than anything.

Encred decided to go beyond that.

“Even if I let you go, you’ll die.”

As the momentum changed, Acea repeated, but Encred did not listen.

Instead, I took a breath and adjusted my sword belt. She changed her position and captured everything she saw in her memory.

I repeated this day alone over three hundred times. Most of the time, I remembered the location just by glancing at it.

Everything, including the decorations hanging next to the sword, the window, and the location of the vase.

“You can’t stop it.”

Encred said with a poised stance.

Even if it is not today, it will be overcome in another day, so in the end, it cannot be stopped.

In Acia’s memory, the only person she could remember was Encred, who couldn’t even get past the point of her sword.

“Prove it.”

It’s a face that smiles without even realizing it. Isn’t that kind of confidence, an attitude of never backing down, nice to see?

Becoming a quasi-knight of the Knights Templar was like saying that one lived with such fierceness.

Above all, this man named Encred shows enthusiasm that stimulates everyone around him.

Of course, that also affected Eishiage.

I sincerely hope that this man does not die here, so I am not sending him away. And he doesn’t kill.

Hold the sword forward and aim.

Aim the tip of your sword.

If you can’t get over this, you can’t even start the fight in the first place. Acea looked forward to it without even realizing it.

I felt like I might surpass my skills.

‘Are you saying that you have a feeling that something might happen?’

Is the momentum shown by the opponent so full of confidence?

This is something he consistently showed while sparring, so why now?

I do not know.

It’s just a feeling. Feelings as a quasi-knight.

She pulled Will up, focusing more than ever.

He gave up even the threat of not backing down and focused his will solely on aiming the tip of his sword.


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