Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 38

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38. The flag flutters and the soldiers dance the sword dance (1)

“Do I really have to learn the sword?”

Ragnar had said. It was vitriol.

It was said that the body did not follow suit, and that was correct.

Encred was not born with talent. He lived by putting only honest effort into his dull body.

However, I still had time to meet countless instructors, learn swordsmanship, and think alone.

His thinking was flexible and his application skills were excellent.

It was difficult to learn it at first, but it was different once you learned it and put it into practice. In fact, talent is innate.

Flexibility and applicability are the talents Encred has.

‘You can use whatever suits your situation and needs.’

By the standards of the Kingdom of Naurilia, he is at best intermediate level or higher.

Even in the mercenary industry, it is mid-level.

No matter where you go, your skills are average, and that can be said to be Encred’s current position.

However, regardless of his skills, his combat ability in actual combat was excellent.

Because it was originally a life lived with humble talents.

Encred knew how to make full use of what he had.

The soldier’s spear blade flies.

My sensitive ears heard a booming sound.

It wasn’t as accurate as it seemed, but I got the direction. I also pictured the opponent’s movements in my head.

‘Foot turning sideways.’

Encred took a step. The heart of the beast gave me boldness. He puts pressure on his left heel, puts his right foot back, and turns his body.

In one move, the blade of the spear passed before my eyes.

Even though only a spear blade suddenly flew out of the fog, Encred was not embarrassed.

There was no need for that.

It was a spear that had already stabbed him dozens of times.

I avoided the first spear strike alone over two hundred times.

Instead of pulling out his sword, Encred grabbed the middle of the spear and pulled it.

The enemy soldier who was dragged in with a puff opens his mouth in surprise.


An enemy soldier’s head came out of the fog and Encrid grabbed his head and twisted it.


The soldier’s neck was broken. A person with a broken neck cannot survive.

The enemy soldier with a broken neck collapsed to the ground and Encred lifted the dead enemy soldier’s spear.

Before the fog spread in my mind, I recalled the enemy’s formation.

Everything was lumped together.

‘No matter where you throw it, someone will get hit.’

I hit the ground with my left foot and threw it out with all my might.

The spear flew through the air and landed somewhere with a thud.


A sound was heard.



Also the sounds of panic from enemy soldiers.

Encred, who had been throwing his spear and listening, leaned forward and ran forward.

Even if you had eyes to see through the fog, it would be difficult to see the people crushing at your feet.

Toad doo doo!

Quarrels and arrows flew overhead.



“f*ck, it’s an arrow!”

Screams and swearing erupted from our troops behind us. It may make your hair stand on end, but it’s okay. It was something I had already done several times.

Rather, the problem was that there was too little tension. Encred narrowed the distance and drew his longsword.

I estimated the distance by hearing, and it was accurate.


He pulled out the sword, held it in both hands, and swung the sword in a modified horizontal slash at the top.

Originally, the upper horizontal cut was a technique of blocking the opponent’s sword with a guard and cutting with the back blade.

Encred changed it at will.

The posture was similar.

Hold the sword above the top of your head so that it is parallel to the floor and change your grip.

It is an island grip with the thumb raised.

In that position, he drew a circle with his sword.

Because of the lowered posture, the upper horizontal cut became a lower horizontal cut.

Because it was an absurd posture, the sword could not be used properly.

But it was an unexpected blow.

The enemy failed to react.


puck! Plop!

I felt resistance from the blade I swung.


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“It’s the floor!”

Wow, you can see it so quickly. As I went through the fog and rose upward, I saw an enemy soldier.

At best, the viewing angle was only as far as the sword could reach, but this was somewhere.

You can see the enemy, you can see the weapon the enemy is holding, and you can see the sword you are holding.

The situation was different from before.

There were three guys with big cuts on their shins. The three guys limped around, bleeding. They were all armed with crossbows.

One of them clenched its molars and aimed a crossbow.

Encred took a passing step.

Step forward with your left foot diagonally, followed by your right foot.

In an instant, his position changed.

Quarel flew out with a whimper and pierced the spot where he was.

Encred didn’t stop at avoiding Quarel.

At the same time as dodging, I attempted to cut off the top of his head.

A heavy long sword fell from top to bottom.

The enemy soldier holding the crossbow reflexively pulled out his short sword and tried to block by making a cross shape with his long sword.

Encred pressed it with force.

Okay! Clud!

Unable to overcome the force, the opposite blade of the shortsword pressed against the leather helmet and dug into the enemy soldier’s head.

It felt like I was smashing it rather than cutting it.


The guy with the broken head fell backwards, accompanied by blood bubbles. Blood flowed through the dented leather helmet, forming a red curtain in front of the enemy soldier’s face.

“Off, off.”

The enemy soldier, whose head was broken, was unable to continue speaking and fell on his butt, and his eyes became blurred.

Encred retrieved his sword, took a step back, and turned around. He moved one step to the side in an instant.

Then, an infantry javelin flew towards where he was.

The blade of the spear grazed my left side. The cloth armor was slightly torn. And that was it.

After dodging, strike the sword.

Swing slowly, not quickly.

The guy swinging the spear reflexively pulled the short spear and blocked the blade with the spear.


The sword and spear met.

As it was, the sword began to go down the spear pole.

Bind with a forward step, then slash along.


The sound of the window being broken was heard.


The sword’s final destination was the enemy soldier’s chest. In an instant, the blade went down the spear and cut into the enemy soldier’s chest.

The flesh burns and the bones break. When I pulled out the sword, blood poured out.

A stream of blood soaked Encred’s chest.

I stood up with my knees slightly bent and retrieved my sword.

I straightened my body and straightened my knees.

What I have learned so far is the basics. It was time to let go of bad habits and build new ones. If we look at it objectively, we had barely reached the previous level.

However, now that I have trained the basics of swordsmanship and swordsmanship, focusing on the Valen-style mercenary sword, even though what I have is different, it is very different.

It was like putting wings on the back of a male lion.

Encred’s flexible thinking allowed him to show results that went beyond his capabilities.

A blood-soaked sword moves among the remaining soldiers. Encred danced his sword dance without saying a word.

* * *

Six flag units.

The commander of the Azpen Principality thought.

‘Even if you realize it’s a spell, you won’t even know which of those six you need to defeat.’

It’s a victory. Now it was time to think about what kind of victory we would achieve.

“Cut off the retreat route.”

The Gray Dog unit, which had been left as an independent army, moved.

This is the rear of the Naurilian Kingdom army.

Now, those who are startled by the fog will encounter Gray Dog units if they try to run away. The commander gave the order and reflected on whether there were any errors in his strategy.

There wasn’t.

General Frock came and confirmed once again that this project could not fail.

If it weren’t for that, a general-level person would never have come to this battlefield.

The commander gave the order again.

“Kill them all.”

As a result of this battle, Azpen and Naurilia’s situations will change.

While his orders were being given, Encred was performing a sword dance in the 1st Banner Unit.

* * *

“Damn it!”

Naurilia’s battalion commander thought he was having a terrible dream.

‘The player was taken away.’

If the enemy had prepared something, we had also prepared something.

But if we lose all our troops here, we won’t be able to do anything, let alone prepare.

“Retreat! retreat!”

Cries to retreat rang out from all over the place.

The battalion commander was restless.


Quarel flew in from behind the ally who was retreating.

‘Damn crossbow units!’

The battalion commander felt dizzy.

It occurred to me that they had managed to hide that many crossbows.

where? The answer had already been found in the reconnaissance team’s report.

‘Long-legged grass!’

Now was not the time to leisurely think about this.

The battalion commander’s brain escaped from reality.

“Wake! Unite!”

Two competent company commanders attempted to control the unit, but the enemy’s skills were not average.

The unit that retreated was Gray Dog.

It was an independent company that the Azpen Air Force was proud of.

The battalion commander recognized that he had been attacked.

I desperately tried to come to my senses.

“It’s the fog of annihilation! “A shaman was used in the Azpen Air Force!”

You f*cking bastards.

“What should I do to clear the fog?”

Few of the adjutants responded.

“Bring someone you know!”

You can’t see ahead, and the enemy is pounding on your troops in front and behind.

If things continued like this, they could have been wiped out.

No, it will be annihilated.

Soon the lieutenant brought the answer.

“We must destroy the medium of witchcraft!”

medium? It’s a flagpole.

“Run for the flagpole!”

The battalion commander shouted.

“… … “I don’t know which way the flagpole is.”

The adjutant let out despairing words.

The enemy army that was first seen changed places like a cogwheel. It went round and round. Therefore, the location of the enemy army could not be determined.

The battalion commander could not erase the two words “annihilation” from his mind.

While the battalion commander was groaning, the fairy company commander in charge of the 4th company realized that the enemy would not let him retreat like this.

Her prediction was correct. And that wasn’t a good thing.

‘If there isn’t a twist, we’ll all die.’

She thought the battlefield needed a new wind, but in the end, no wind came.

The battle was a crushing defeat.

The fairy company commander barely survived the danger of death.

The fog cleared behind her as she fled. It was annihilation. There were probably less than fifty surviving allies.

* * *


Encred fought well. He fought incredibly well, and it was also satisfying.

Our army was close to annihilation, but he alone put down nearly twenty soldiers.

Blood flows from the hand holding the sword.

It’s because I got cut on my forearm in a fight a little while ago.

‘I don’t have any strength.’

So far, I have only invested time in basic training.

Ragna told me not to sparring carelessly until it was completed, that is, until I got rid of the bad habits that had stuck in my body.

Then he continued immediately.

“That’s not something you should say on the battlefield.”

Even if he said it, he probably thought it didn’t make sense.

Don’t fight to eradicate bad habits in the middle of the battlefield.

So you’re telling me to die peacefully?

But Encred could do it.

By quietly giving up his life and dying, he ruled out actual combat.

And only today was the first time I showed off my skills in real life.


Until now, they had fought using any means possible, whether it was a Valenic mercenary sword or anything else. He lived like that. It’s still the same now.

The only thing that has changed is that swordsmanship has become the center of it all.

‘I want to learn more.’

The desire to learn soars even more. I didn’t want to end with just the basics.

The enemy did not approach easily, leaving Encred alone to kill two squads of troops.

For some reason, Encred’s field of vision opened up more as he held on from the inside.

The fog created by the spell no longer had any effect. In front of him, he saw the enemy army standing in a semicircle.

They all had crossbows in their hands.

“Let’s compete one-on-one like men.”

I said I wanted to test the skills I gained through the basics one more time.

“You crazy bastard.”

A man who appeared to be the enemy squad leader spoke.

Toad doo doo!

The crossbow plucks the strings. Quarel was stuck all over my body.

The quarrel stuck in the eye caused terrible pain.


But I’m also happy.

While dying, Encred thought about what to do in this repeated day.

Ragna continued to emphasize the basics.

“If you train and train again and continue to fight for your life, well, one day it will stick to you.”

It was a very irresponsible remark, but it had meaning.

Encred needed more practical experience.

The two letters ‘death’ settle down on my whole body.

Before his last breath, an enemy soldier looked down at Encred and said,

“You damn bastard.”

Even then, Encred was holding his sword tightly. The blood he shed pooled on the floor.

“No matter what happens, even if you die, don’t let go of the sword. That’s number one.”

Countless instructors said it, Ragna said it, and Rem also said the same thing.

Encred did just that.


An enemy soldier who had lost countless comrades spat in Encred’s face.

That was the end.

* * *

The morning dawns.

A new day has begun again.

Encred pondered what he had gained from yesterday’s fight.

‘More practice is needed.’

So this is the conclusion.

He caught Ragnar again and learned.

“I have some basic skills, but I feel like I’ve been training on my own all my life. But where did you learn it? “The basics of swordsmanship?”

That’s right. The sea she felt too. What was needed now was actual action.

“Here and there.”

“… … Here and there? Write, yes, let’s say so. I think it would be good to let people practice what they have become accustomed to through sparring at any time. And I don’t know who the teacher is, but he taught me well.”

That teacher is you.

Ragna painted his face with gold without realizing it.

Encred replied and tried to spar.

That too was so enjoyable.

In repeated battles, Encred single-handedly killed thirty soldiers.

It wasn’t just about skill. Because quarrels and arrows were flying.

This was achieved by avoiding it all at once. I had to use my head well. That way, I could increase my practice a little more.

I repeated today several times. And then he swung his sword again.

Before I knew it, the things that were called basics were sticking to my body nicely and perfectly.

“I don’t have to touch anything on the basics.”

In the end, Encred’s skills improved significantly to the point where Ragnar said this.


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