Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 379

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379. Ahhh, radish.

“Andrew, yes, try that.”

Nineteen days have passed since then. Encrid told Andrew to thrust his sword towards him.

Now I needed someone’s help.

Encred did just that.

I began training to block Andrew’s sword by meeting it with the tip of my sword.

“… … “This is ignorant training.”

After hearing Andrew’s exclamation for the thirty-sixth time, Encred encountered the tip of his own sword with the tip of his opponent’s sword for the first time.

It is not something that stands still, but moves at an appropriate speed.

Of course it wasn’t easy. It was difficult. Because it was so difficult, the pleasure of succeeding ran through my entire body.

Of course, enjoying pleasure or joy was short-lived.

To learn it properly, you will have to repeat the same thing countless times.

Still, I couldn’t deny that it was fun.


I heard a cheerful, unheard sound.

“But is this fun?”

Andrew asks. While I was concentrating the entire time I was touching the sword, energy radiated from my entire body.

It’s fun, enjoyable, exciting, and exciting.

As if to prove that a child can hold a toy and play all day long, it seems like he actually does.

It seemed as if he was stabbing with pure joy as his weapon.

That was Andrew’s sentiment.

“Yes, ahhh.”

Encred answered with emphasis.

‘Why is this?’

It was incomprehensible to Andrew, but it was natural to Encred, it was the same as always.

“You think this is fun?”

“Yes, radish.”



Land, land, land, land, land, land.

The tip of the sword meets the tip of the sword countless times.

After hearing Andrew’s exclamation forty more times, Encred nodded, drenched in sweat.

“Now that’s enough.

Then he called Rem and said.

“Rem, swing the axe.”

I changed my partner.

Rem snorted, laughed, and swung the ax without any hesitation.

Even the slightest error should not be allowed.

We cannot tolerate any gaps that could sneak in.

Otherwise, you won’t be able to completely deflect Rem’s axe. It had to be poured completely, not just halfway.

That was the beginning.

Next to meeting the tip of the sword was Rem’s ax throwing training. The goal was not to simply shed, but to make the tip of the sword meet the tip of the blade.

“Are you fearless or thoughtless? “Come here and kneel down right now!”

If I was immersed in training for a while, a peace officer would come without fail. He reacted similarly every time he saw Encred in training, and Encred responded without thinking.

“Oh, are you here?”

It’s nice to see you now. After training and training, it was now time for actual training.

After raising his hand and greeting him with the inner intimacy that had built up while repeating the day, the magistrate’s face got red and he snorted.

I thought you were making fun of me.

Of course, it was right to make fun of him.

“You bastard… … .”

Afterwards, he subdued the police officer who was trying to say something with a persuasive kick.

Have Dunbakel show the difference in power to the security forces.

After attaching Ragnar and Dunbakel to Squire Lawford, he sent Rem to rescue Marcus and greeted Saxony and the assassin.

“Poke… … .”

As he moved before he finished speaking, Saxony responded and jumped to the side.

Secretly and quietly.

Saxony used the magic artifact on his body to kill the sound and presence and disappeared.

Encred first attracted attention, and then Saxony again, confusing the minds of the group of assassins.

A group of assassins who felt a greater threat to Saxony began targeting only Saxony.

After watching it a few times, it seemed like he had planned to kill Saxony in the first place.


This is a question that suddenly arises. A few thoughts ran through my head.

I let everything that came to mind pass by.

I had a feeling of suspicion, but I can’t question it now.

I ride the pair of eyes, meet Acea, and repeat today again.

I was able to completely deflect Rem’s blow faster than expected.

It’s not like he ‘really’ wielded it.

It was only the ninety-sixth time.


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This was possible because the concept of foundation had now been properly established.

The training I had done so far in handling various weapons was also helpful.

The more experience you have, the more you learn about the sword you were originally using.

Of course, Rem snorted every time she saw this.

“That kind of thing is supposed to take care of itself, but you have such an amazing body.”

To borrow a phrase from him, as your level increases, there are things that become ingrained in you, but you don’t have anything like that.

Did you say that everything is like a stone tower that can only be climbed by building it one by one by hand?

It is a stone tower that must be built with sincerity and prayer so that it does not collapse.

It was a very fitting metaphor.

Whether it’s the basics or anything else, if you don’t learn it properly one by one, it won’t get used to it.

What is the most necessary thing for those who make up for their lack of talent with effort?

It’s time.

I received that time because of a curse.

“What’s more surprising than that is that humans seem to change overnight.”

In Rem’s eyes, this is his first time seeing a person like this. I clearly don’t have any talent, but now I’m at my limit, I’ve reached the edge of a cliff, and I’m walking on air. As I watch him walk like that, a path appears under his feet.

Encred is the one who received his own axe. We have progressed and developed further than before. The growth rate of his skills was extraordinary.

No genius changes overnight. There are signs and hints that can be seen.

‘No, have you already seen signs of that happening?’

Rem scratched his head and thought. There was already time to prepare the body, skills, and training.

So, does Encred have the talent to build up and explode in one day?

‘That doesn’t make sense.’

I often see things that make no sense, so even though I try to ignore them, it still surprises me every time. That’s not something to argue about.


This is after Rem’s ax was roughly received. Encrid wrote Saxony.

Among them, Saxony is the only one that shows a similar level of precision as Sinar’s sword.

It wasn’t that Rem and Ragna lacked those elements.

They both also use detailed and precise swords. As your level increases, you will know how to do anything.

But everyone has strengths.

Saxony’s level of detail was similar to that of the Fairy. That was one of his strengths.

“Shake it.”

I repeated the practice of swinging the tip of the sword and striking it.

Sometimes, after facing and fighting with Acea.

“Unless you left your lover behind, should we go later?”

I tried to stop her, but Acea didn’t listen.

“I have something to check.”

Every time I said that, I just turned around.

Then it’s a dark battle.

Today is repeating itself again.

“Sibeol, what did you do?”

Seeing Rem surprised at the new day.

I called Saxony, whose eyes lit up when he saw this, and repeated the training.

Today is a day that repeats itself every time, and there are many things that overlap, so I used that as an anchor and counted the numbers.

The boatman who appeared occasionally laughed. Should I call it a sound of laughter full of anticipation?

That’s what it sounded and looked like to Encred.

Cook, cook.

Laughter flowed on the black river. The light from the lamp swayed along with the laughter.

It didn’t bother me if someone laughed at me.

In fact, it didn’t matter whether it was a boatman or anyone else.

From a young age, amidst countless ridicule, I swung my sword, ran, rolled around, fought, and got up again.

The ridicule is rather familiar.

In the first place, that kind of mental attack had no meaning to Encred.

So I wake up and repeat today again. Train and train.

It’s about time the tip of Saxony’s sword comes face to face.

So, this is when Asia’s aim with the tip of her sword was vaguely blocked by covering the blade.

“… … how?”

Acea was several times surprised.

“Because I did it.”

It is a moment that cannot be replaced by words of luck.

The thrill of pleasure rushing through my entire body made me smile.

Acea, who saw this, pulled back her sword and said.

“The face is also a weapon.”

Acea takes a step back and aims her sword again.

“Try again.”

So I did. I covered the tip of my sword.

“You want to do it like Rem? “Clumsy.”

She suddenly spoke and started waving the tip of her sword.

This is something else.

It’s an art I haven’t seen before in sparring. The tip of her sword trembled. Soon, several dots appeared before her eyes.

To block them like Rem, you have to hit them one by one.

If you repeat and train, you will get used to it.

But that is not the path you will take. It’s just as I initially thought.

‘I also have to build the process.’

By copying Rem’s method, you have gained everything.

“Did you think it was easy because all of those damn people broke my technique?”

Acea said.

It was not a tone that conveyed resentment.

Encred’s skill in pointing his sword and blocking it is surprising, but he just followed what Rem showed him. I expected this kind of talent to be hidden.

Otherwise, how would I have been able to sharpen my swordsmanship and martial arts skills like I am now?

In any case, she was also a member of the Order of Knights, ranked above that of a semi-knight.

I have faced this challenge many times. It was a familiar thing.

“If you thought you were blocked because of this, change your mind.”

As she spoke, she lowered the tip of her sword. The dot disappears. All the things that were shaking in various ways.

Instead, I started to create a rhythm by running in place and kicking the ground with my feet. Orange hair swayed to the rhythm. Naturally, she didn’t just aim her sword at the tip of her weapon.

“Let’s do more.”

That’s what she said.

“Say the obvious.”

Encred nodded.

After a short conversation, the gifts of Silver, Spark, and Dwarf danced through the air.

Acea’s rapier on the other side also reflected blue light, stabbing, cutting, hitting, and sometimes bending.

It is still difficult to block or subdue it without causing any injuries.

But now I could compete all day long. However, the time limit was clear.

Somehow this day, it ended not at midnight but when the sun went down.

Then today will just repeat itself.

I know this because I have already experienced it. Therefore, I always had to do my best within the given time.

“Hehehe, why did your skills suddenly improve?”

After hearing Acia’s words, Encred smiled and answered.


“You crazy guy.”

Acea also laughed as she watched him just say what he wanted to say.

He also felt joy in swinging his sword in a way that did not suit the situation and fighting for his life.

“See you again.”

The sun sets. Well then, today’s repeat.

I’m stuck. That is why today is a day that cannot be overlooked.

Encred opened his eyes again and this time decided to imitate Saxony’s method.

“Now next.”

It was like a habit to mutter to myself and strengthen my will.

“What’s next?”

As I warm up using the isolation technique, Andrew asks from next to me.

“There is such a thing.”

After giving a rough answer, Encred began to imitate Saxony’s methods.

The way to defeat his aim with the tip of his sword is to strike before it starts.

What is needed for that?

“It’s a prediction. “You have to feel the other person’s reaction right before it starts.”


“You just have to feel the trembling of the eyelashes or the condensation of the muscles hidden under clothes.”

Easier said than done. really.

“Why do you see it that way?”


“Your eyes just looked a bit like a barbarian?”

“What are you saying? “You wild cat, that displeases me.”

Rem intervenes.

“The eyes were a mixture of rotten fish and eggs, which was not very pleasant.”

Saxony ignored him and spoke to Encred before facing the throwing axe.

I put my long sword on the throwing ax that whizzed by and twisted it. Appropriate force and timing caused the ax, which appeared to be in the shape of a disk, to bounce vertically, emitting a loud noise.


It is a rapid exchange of attack and defense followed by sound.

Techniques were mixed with blocking movements. It is a sword with precision.

Saxony said after stopping.

“A little while ago, the savage snorted faster than usual.”

Did you mean to show an example?

You predicted it by looking at your snort? It was probably a prediction based on a sixth sense based on countless experiences.

Encred watched the two’s argument and sparring indifferently.

Saxony was always one step faster.

It’s just as he said. Beyond the sense of evasion, I had to adjust all my intuition and sixth sense to match the opponent’s skill.

Should I call it a sense of prediction?

So, I started a new training and started learning and learning new things.

“It’s really so much fun.”

I’m talking to myself again. The boatman who saw that really wanted to stick out his tongue.

There is no such thing as boredom, suffering, or despair for that crazy guy.

It was like having fun swinging a sword alone while locked in a closed space.

Thanks to today’s repetition, there is no one to share memories with, but that’s okay. I don’t care.

In reality, Encred was okay with it because he shared everything with him.

The process of swinging the sword, the path taken, the skills accumulated, everything that changed was his measure. It was a pleasure.

It was okay because I was sharing today with the sword.

Even the techniques of Saxony were imitated.

After even touching Ragna’s things. This was when the fight continued with the promise to fight back with something other than pointing the tip of the sword.

Encred’s sword grazed Eisia’s neck.

To be precise, he blocked it with silver, pulled out his gladius, and made an unpredictable horizontal cut.

Part of the skin is torn with a snapping sound, and drops of blood gush out. The whole scene seemed slow.

I had the energy. You just have to push it like this. know. However, my head knew, but my heart did not tell me.

‘I reached it.’

But I couldn’t kill it. If he had pushed it in succession, he would have been hit somewhere, but it was a moment that could have killed him.

If you’re lucky, you’ll get a hole in the shoulder; if you’re unlucky, it’ll be a fatal wound.

As a result, it was clear that it was a chance to kill, but Encred stopped.

The same opportunity never came again.


Their swords touch each other and change positions. Acea stood in the original spot where Encred was, and Encred stood in her place.

Blood flowed along the hanging arm.

“If an opportunity comes, you have to seize it.”

Acea said.

This is a story we both know. Encred did not answer.

Acea took away her sword.

“Let’s stop here. I’ll send it to you after I check just one thing. “The reason you came here probably doesn’t make any sense.”

Encred didn’t answer again.

Acea passed by Encred’s side defenselessly. She also had her sword drawn.

After she left. Time passed as I sat there silently. After a while, the day was over.

It felt like the dozens of days that had already ended in the same way.

When I opened my eyes through the darkness, I saw a purple lamp.

It’s a boatman.

The boatman on the ferry opened his mouth.

“That’s the wall.”

He was unusually kind. It was worth it.

“Didn’t I say it would be fun?”

The boatman spoke one after another.

Of course, it wasn’t fun at all for Encred.


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