Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 378

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378. Repetition

‘How did you achieve the delicate movements?’

In the memory, Sinar swung his sword. His toes are as light as a butterfly. The leaf sword he wields is also light to match.

Even though it is in the form of a leaf with a swollen middle, it gives a fluttering feel.

As I watched the blade move as if it was dancing, it seemed as if no power had been put into it at all.

But it’s different when you actually face it. It is a sword strike with proper power. It was a fact I knew well because I had competed with it.

How does it happen like that?

To do something in detail, you need to apply strength. However, such movements can only be achieved if the force is removed.

I understand how the action is implemented, but I wonder if the body that performs it can actually move that way.

‘Is this a road I don’t know about?’

no. I already know. There are things that have become ingrained in me through learning and practicing countless times.

“Is there one way to give strength? “The technique of isolation is meaningless if it is not precise.”

Audin said that there are several types of muscles.

While there are large muscles, there are also small muscles that control detailed movements.

Because it was trained and trained again, Sinar had precision.

Encred needed that too.

“If you sharpen your senses, you can feel it.”

There was also something that Saxony said countless times. Based on that, En Creed closed his eyes half-closed and began swinging his weapons in both hands.

After drawing an imaginary line in the air, he swung his sword precisely toward that line. It doesn’t happen all at once. It didn’t matter. Encred repeated.

It is similar to training to draw a circle on a tree and hit only that area accurately, but the level of precision and detail is different between striking a large circle and training called ‘meeting the tip of the sword’.

Based on Naurilia’s soldier rank system, this is the difference between the lowest-level soldier and the highest-level soldier or higher.

Moreover, the opponent’s sword kept moving.

‘Asia doesn’t stop.’

Little by little, she took her steps, turned and moved her body, changing the direction of her sword.

The answer came out. It requires precision at the level of plucking the feathers of a moving bird.

For that, training was needed so that the tip of the sword faces each other. Encred was completely immersed and swam in the sea of ​​concentration.

As I was doing that, I soon heard the sound of words.

“This is not for a barbarian to step forward! “Go and drink goat’s milk!”

The third training of the day was not much different from usual, but the meeting with the police officer, when the work actually began, was completely different from before.

When Encred turned his gaze, he saw Rem laughing and grabbing the sack.

“Goat oh?”

Ah, it’s too late to stop you already.

Encred thought and stopped in his tracks.

The South Gate guard desperately tried to stop the magistrate, but perhaps out of loyalty or just thoughtlessness, or perhaps full of confidence in his own abilities, one of the soldiers pulled out his sword and struck him down.

“this guy!”

He shouted and swung his sword, aiming for Rem’s head.

Rem moved just before the sword touched her hair.

He kicked the ground with a thud and jumped to the side.

The sword he struck split the air, and Rem immediately swung the ax around, changed direction, and swung.


A cheerful sound rang out. Instead of a slash like a beam of light, it was a blow with an ax head.

The abdomen that was hit by the ax head, on the other side of the ax blade, caved in for a moment and then came back out. I didn’t swing it with the intention of killing it, but it wasn’t even at the level of a gentle pat.


The soldier who was hit in the stomach flew through the air.

‘It’s going to hurt.’

I know this because I’ve been beaten a lot. That’s not the level of a cotton hammer. If Audin’s hammer is tolerable, if you hit it wrong, it will break your bones and split your internal organs.

The soldier flew to one side and rolled on the floor. Then he spilled vomit on the floor. Along with tears and snot. Blood was mixed among the vomit.

The soldier who rolled over started vomiting and rolled his eyes. He was hit in the stomach and he fainted.

Rem snorted and muttered.

“You’re weak.”

It was a small voice, but it was the words spoken by the author who silenced the audience with one blow. I muttered softly, but it was audible.

The magistrate was so surprised that his mouth opened wide. Then she closed her mouth, bit her molars and said:

“… … “It’s treason!”

If left alone, the mass genocide of Rem would begin. Ragna and Saxony behind us would fight if we fought together, and they weren’t the ones to stop us.

Encred moved as soon as the magistrate finished speaking. He set out to persuade again.

He kicks the ground with a thud. Bow down and move forward. I narrow the space and hit the nape of the neck of the person blocking my path with the blade of my hand.

My friend was looking at Rem with dumbfounded eyes, and when he heard the sound of treason, his hand holding the spear unknowingly tightened.

The veins on the back of my hands were impressive, but my body was stiff.

Of course, even if my body wasn’t frozen, I didn’t have the skills to respond.


The person hit on the back of the neck falls to the floor with a crunching sound. Even before his body touches the floor. En Creed turned his body once, added his centrifugal force, and hit the opponent’s helmet next to him with his palm.

A popping sound erupted as the palm and helmet met vertically.

“100 million!”

The knee of the soldier who was hit went limp and collapsed like the legs of an octopus.

My brain was shaken, so it would be difficult to come to my senses for a while.

They were exactly two soldiers who were blocking the movement between him and the magistrate.

After defeating the two, Encrid grabbed the ankle of the magistrate who was on the horse. The surprised magistrate looked at Encred.

As their eyes met, Encred smiled brightly and pulled his ankle.


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The foot opposite the constable got caught in the stirrup and broke. He was essentially demonstrating what Barkel had done earlier.

Encred struck the magistrate’s head, which was half-draped in his stirrups, with his elbow, knocking him unconscious.

Sigh. Wow.

There was a sound of the neck bones being dislocated, but he was not dead.

All of this happened in just a breath or two.


Only then did the horse raise its front paws in surprise, and Encred had already done everything he could, so he took two steps back and avoided the horse’s paws.

The squire, who was watching from a step behind the magistrate, held his sword half-drawn and opened his eyes wide.

The chief constable who was right next to the squire stopped with his hand on his sword.

“Why don’t you just kill me?”

Beside me, Rem muttered again. Encrid frowned for a moment as he looked at the magistrate, who was unconsciously hanging on his horse.

“What was the sheriff’s name?”

I didn’t pay enough attention and forgot the name.

“Pullman Vertes.”

The police chief, who was watching, said.

“If you don’t want to do any more, you’d better go.”

Encred spoke, and the Squire opened his mouth to say something, but then closed it.

What do you say in this situation?

Everyone was silent. The soldiers had nothing more to say. The chief constable thought that if he stepped forward, he wouldn’t have to break his own leg.

There was even greater silence than when Rem had blown up the soldier.

“It seems worse than me, but I will pass on the title of noble hunter.”

“You take it for yourself.”

Rem throws a rude comment and Encred responds.

Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!

Anyone who heard it could hear a shout along with the sound of a horse’s hooves running at full speed.

“help me!”

These were words shouted with sincerity from deep within. Of course, it was a familiar voice and it was expected. It was something that was repeated twice.

It was Marcus. Without hesitation, Encrid made his way through the soldiers blocking one side as if in a siege and climbed up his wall.

The soldiers couldn’t even dare to stop it. On the contrary, I avoided it. Rem followed and climbed up the wall together, and Dunbakkel also jumped up next to her.


As Encred spoke, he looked behind Marcus, who was in the midst of being chased. I saw a chaser wearing an unusual outfit.

“He’s a furious madman. I missed him before, but he’s having fun here. “I guess I’ll come back after a little bit of that.”


Encred answered right away, and Rem ran out without even looking back.

It jumped up on the wall with a thud and showed off its unusual hovering ability.

I jumped to the side as if I was flying and stepped on the roof of another building.

Then he suddenly jumped up, took out a throwing ax, and shouted.

“You bastard, try jumping again!”

There was no option to secretly wait and catch him. The other person immediately turned around. Rem also welcomed it.

It’s too easy to catch someone messing around. I wanted to chase down and kill everything that was running away. It was like a hunting instinct.

“You crazy.”

Rem, who heard the angry madman calling him crazy, closed his mouth and ran. Soon his body jumped over the roof and wall and hit the ground. It was shot at frighteningly fast, and the man named Burning Madman also ran away just as quickly.

It was soon before the two disappeared from sight.

Encred turned his body back on the wall and raised one hand and said.

“I’m going to the palace. In the meantime, who will go and stop Viscount Mernes from entering?”

I proceeded by condensing what a friend named Squire Lawford had previously said.

What happens in the grand scheme of things is bound to happen?

Lawford’s change of heart was similar.

What does the man sitting on the wall mean by what he says?

What are you here for?

“Ragna, Dunvakel.”

Encred saw Squire Lawford’s eyes change and called the two.

“All right.”

“Sniff, okay.”

The two answered, and while Marcus was talking about something unthinkable happening in the palace, they were met by a group of assassins who appeared.

“Poke… … .”

As if honey had been spread on the wall, I stood there again, and the white-haired Monocle Assassin standing in the center was about to open his mouth to say something.

As soon as Encred saw him, he rushed at him.

There was no point in talking about what to do.

They were ahead in timing and the difference in skill was clear. He rushes forward, jumps onto the wall, and slashes his sword from top to bottom.

For a moment, a brief thought passed through my mind as I struck down my sword.

‘Is my sword more precise than before?’

You never know.

I can’t feel any changes in my body yet.

In the assassin’s eyes, something suddenly flew by, and something was falling.

The assassin didn’t even dare to dodge and sacrificed his head to the blade.

Sigh, wow!

The blade fell with a thud and split the assassin’s head vertically. His severed head exploded to the side, and his brain matter and blood flowed down where the sword had passed.

After killing one guy, Encred ran back.

Fu bu bu buk.

Three daggers and five darts flew to where he was and struck him.

Encred avoided it as if he had expected it and then opened his mouth.

“I’ll tell you in advance, I got stabbed. So, the request was fulfilled. I had to ouch and it hurt, huh? That’s what you told me to do, right? “There’s a scar here too.”

This is said while raising the left arm. Since he was wearing a good forearm protector, of course there were no scars or anything like that.

“That crazy bastard.”

Another assassin muttered.

“There is no novelty in swearing.”

Encred accepted it without much notice. He had an innate ability to upset others without having to learn it.


The other person was busy getting angry.

In reality, assassins are people whose specialty is secret stabbing.

If you’re wrong, you cut, stab, and kill. How many times can you make someone angry with your words?

Conversely, there are probably very few cases of such provocation.

So this attempt is working well.

It was natural that he stole the attention of all assassins, regardless of their skills.

It was a feat achieved with just one cut and a few words.

Before we knew it, Saxony had disappeared. He would do what he had to do without me having to tell him.

The white-haired monocle assassin standing in the middle shouted, chattering his molars.

“Information leaked! Respond to everything!”

Encred’s reaction was too quick. He thought he was too fast to have done it if he hadn’t known it in advance.

Even more so, what did he say after that?

Stabbed? Where? After thinking about it for a moment, I realized what it meant.

I was talking about a request.

I told him to kill me, but he insisted that he was stabbed. But why do we look for novelty in swearing?

It was all bullshit.

The intention was to fight in the first place.

He is also one of the leaders of the assassination coalition. When he fought, he knew how to fight.

Of course, all of this happened because Encred repeated today, but he couldn’t know.

A movement of a known type occurs. Encred once again realized that the group of assassins had been training for many years.

Don’t you start a fight in a similar way no matter what the situation is?

Those who throw will throw, those who will fall will fall, and those who will use poison will use poison.

Meanwhile, Saxony’s movements were slightly different each time during the three times.

At first he ran wild with a long sword, but this time he was running on the wall, holding stilettos in both hands.

Blood was splattering from the sharp blade.

Four assassins have already been stabbed to death by his sword.

Encred found that incredibly surprising.

The other person’s reaction is the same, but why is Saxony different every time?

‘To match my movements?’

It was just a feeling, but I had a feeling it would be right.

“Hit from there!”

This time, it wasn’t the white hair, but the sound came from the other side. These were words directed at Saxony.

This reaction came about because Saxony was that threatening.

Seeing that, Encred slipped away and called out to his partner.

“Give me a ride.”

As I said that and ran out of the mansion, Uneven Eyes clung to my side. Marcus was at the entrance of the mansion, riding his horse.

This is because he stopped me from getting off the horse with a hand gesture. Then he rode his horse and rode beside him.

It’s the third today.

Encred decided that this was better than keeping him hidden to one side.

Most people make similar decisions to the first day, but not everything can be perfect.

From the beginning, I always make the best decision to live today by putting my all into it, even if it repeats itself.

‘Everything can’t be perfect.’

know. So it was enough to just admit it.

“Where to hide?”

“I take care of my body on its own. The lord was tied up in the palace. “It seems like the knights have stepped forward.”

“Uh, I know.”

“… … what?”

Doo doo doo doo.

I didn’t hear anything more from Marcus after that. The sound of his horse’s hooves drowned out his words as he began to speed up.

Marcus quickly fell to the side.

It literally seemed like he was planning on hiding.

During a short break, they tore my shirt and tied my injured arm tightly.

The injury was not serious enough to require immediate attention.

Encred ran along the outer road leading to the palace and crossed the obstacles.


He looks at the surprised face of the soldier and runs forward. Her body flew to the side in sync with the stopping motion. As I jumped down next to Whirik, even my pair of eyes looked surprised.

It seemed like he was asking if he could do such a trick.


Encred answered roughly and entered the palace at a brisk pace.

In the middle, evil spirits came out to meet us.

“you… … .”


I’m scared to end the conversation. Encrud lunged at Will in an instant and hit his head with Silver.

The flying head hit the white wall elegantly erected next to the palace garden.

With the sound of a crack, blood stains appeared on the wall.

Before the surprised group of expert instructors could react, Encred jumped in among them.

Still like a wolf, he stabbed and cut to death a group of sheep that were behaving like dogs.

After speaking to the maid, I went inside at a brisk pace and faced the wall of orange hair.

“Okay, that’s it, let’s get started right away.”

Encred said as he ran. Then, before Acea could say anything, he aimed his sword.

Aim the tip of your sword.

Encred swung his sword towards its tip.

The beginning and end of the fight were not much different from before. Because it is not yet at a level that can surpass Asia.

The only thing different is that the guy I saw on the first day never appeared again.

Instead, Acea immediately turned around after defeating Encred.

“I have something to check.”

If I went back like that, there was no coming back and it was a dark battle.

After that, it was repeat, repeat again.

Encred continued to do the same thing.


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